MTL - Spirit Hotel-Chapter 71 Cooperation (on)

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Shi Feixia was stunned by his lofty arrogance and slowly said, "Shouldn't it be so bad?"

There was no response for a long time.

He turned to look.

Smarr was stupid, staring straight up at his head, and froze motionlessly.

Loctini, who was always following them, was the first to notice that something was wrong. Then Antonio stopped and looked down at the tall man.

Judging by this situation, it is very likely. Shi Feixia sighed: Sure enough, people are unlucky, and their mouths are stuffed with teeth.

Smal whispered inaudibly: "Here it is."

His voice was very soft, but Shi Feixia still heard the trembling in his words.

"Does he have any weaknesses?" It seems that he can't be good anymore, and Huyou may not have passed by. Shi Feixia began to consider the chance of winning.

Loktini came back upside down and said calmly: "It was Smal more than a thousand years ago." Loktini's answer made Smarr more stiff. "I was pretending to hold him in order to save him. "


Actually use other people's feelings to escape that person.

Shi Feixia added another stroke to his memoir.

Smark suddenly woke up and rushed forward without looking back. "Run!"

Shi Feixia looked at the little black spot near the world and sighed, sighing: "No anger, no anger."

Loctini looked at him sternly. "If you want me to take you for a ride, it's too late."

Hell's black star stone flickered, Isfael said: "Now it's rushing to death."

Shi Feixia hurriedly looked up at the mountain, and the shadow really disappeared.

Roctinini frowned, and ran after lightning, chasing Smar.

Shi Feixia touched his chin and said, "Actually, Loctini and Smar's relationship is not bad." Despite the seemingly intolerable appearance, each time Smar had an accident, Loctini would rescue him.

Isfer reminded: "That person can find you, so can others."

Shi Feixia's heart tightened, chasing behind Antonio, and shouting, "Oh my mouth, hey, my mouth!"

The 300-meter sprint was followed by the marathon.

Shi Feixia's effort to feed his milk forced him to stare at Laidon's twisted little **** and not let himself be lost.

Finally, Layton stopped slowly.

But the scene in front of him made Shi Feixia very nervous.

The white-haired man in black robes stood behind Smal, confronting Loctini and others. Although his hair was white, his face was young and handsome, not under Loctini.

However, Shi Feixia has long been used to seeing beauties, and will not be as fussed as he was at first, but just slowed down and leaned quietly.

Smarr's face was pale, his eyes flickered, and he finally landed on Shi Feixia. Obviously, Shi Feixia's flickering strategy had successfully flickered to him before.

The white-haired man in a black robe smiled: "Don't introduce your friend? Ryan."


The eyes of Shi Feixia and others focused on the ‘Lyan’ in front of them.

Smar squeaked and said, "He's Jesse."

Shi Feixia confirmed that there was no Jesse on his side, so he was referring to the wizard behind him.

"Antonio, Shi Feixia, Rayton, Asha ..." He paused, and quickly exchanged glances with Loctini. Although the people behind him waited patiently for him, he could feel the anger that his body could not suppress. "Loktini."

Jesse said slowly: "The former patriarch of the werewolf tribe, the representative of human beings, the elders of the dwarven tribe, the warriors of the giant tribe, and the prince of the elves. It is an honor to meet so many big people at once." He said, "honour", but his face There was no expression of 'honour' at the last point.

Shi Feixia humbled himself, always feeling that his name and their side lined up had the illusion of a kind of fish-eye mixed beads.

"You seem to have introduced one less. Ryan." Jesse bit the word 'Ryan' very heavily.


Also incognito. Shi Feixia shook his head at Smar's misdeeds. But the dignified witch patriarch was so easily deceived, this IQ is also very sad.

Small slowly opened his mouth. "Small."

Jesse raised an eyebrow. "Oh? It's the same name as the three princes in the elven world. What a coincidence."

Finally, Loctini couldn't help but say, "What do you want? Just say it."

Jesse still smiled softly. "Nothing, I just want to ask you if you've ever met my Lion."


I called Smallline for a while, and then asked Small to introduce himself, and asked if I had seen Ryan after the introduction ...

Shi Feixia was stupefied by his changing attitude. It seems that Smar has not only lost the IQ of the clan leader, but also cleared the EQ.

Small was so nervous that his forehead was cold and sweaty, and he looked at everyone almost begging.

In fact, he didn't need to beg, Shi Feixia also knew that if Smar was taken away by Jesse, I'm afraid there would be no good end. As a colleague, he smiled and said, "The name Ryan is very popular, and it is not easy to find. But fortunately, we have people from all walks of life, so it is difficult to return, but if you waste a dozen or twenty years, you should still find Yes, right? Ah? "His eyes narrowed at the others.

Rayton looked at the ground silently.

Asa didn't understand, "Ryan? What's his origin?"

Loctini was still staring at Jesse.

Rather, Antonio was impatient. "What's wrong with a big man, mother-in-law and mother? Is there anything I can say directly?"

Jesse turned a blind eye to his anger and said, "Are you in a hurry?"

"Hurry!" Shi Feixia gave him a certain look. "It's even more anxious than ten days!"

"Oh? When Ryan disappeared, did I turn over the entire Yuanju anxiously?" Jesse's smile became more and more gloomy. "I worry that Ryan will be destroyed and disappeared all day and night. Is it a month of urgency? Is it because I am afraid that other races will hide Ryan and become an enemy with the entire Yuanshu world? "


Smarr stood as if he was stunned, as if his soul had been rushed out.

Shi Feixia was also indifferent, and only half a day raised his thumb and said, "You are anxious, you are the most anxious, and whoever wants to be more anxious with you in the future, I am anxious with him first."

Jesse looked at Loctini, "I only realized after a long time, why I asked Ryan and the Elf thief named Locke several times, but I always got nothing. It turned out to be because ... there really isn't."

Shi Feixia had fallen in love emotionally, so he almost sent Smar to his table.

Smal looked down at the ground, but said nothing.

Antonio looked at Smar, then at Jesse, and said in a slow tone, "Besides, find time to resolve, we have other things now."

"Rescue Hughes?" Jesse said.

The faces of Antonio and others changed. Even Shi Feixia moved away and looked at him alertly. Although Smarr was wrong, it didn't make sense to drag King and Hughes.

Jesse didn't seem to notice their hostility, and said lightly, "You want to enter Crystal City?"

Loktini provoked: "Do you want to say, walk on your body?"


Brother, you have to sneak up on something like stepping on a corpse. What are you going to do in case you are scared away? It doesn't matter to scare away. What if someone frightens his heart and runs away to ventilate and report?

Shi Feixia was quite displeased with his lack of brain.

Jesse: "If you step on my body, no one will help you enter the city."

Antonio and Shi Feixia were stunned first, then their eyes brightened, but they were a little confused.

Loctini said: "If you want to use this to sell well, you don't have to. Even if we want to enter the city, we don't have to rely on you."

"If you want to use the one that has been used for more than a thousand years, I advise you to think twice." Jesse said without hesitation. "The current Crystal City is not the original Crystal City."

Shi Feixia shouted: "Is reform and opening up?"

Everyone: "..."

Antonio said: "Why do you want to help us?"

"Only in this way can I retrieve my 'Ryan'." Jesse slowly lowered her head, leaned against Smar's earlobe, and asked gently, "Right?"

Smal had the heart to die.

Loktini flipped his palm and threw a fireball at Jesse.

Jesse ducked sideways and squinted at him.

The battle flared.

Shi Feixia winked at Smar.

Smarr was stupid, completely without the usual vigor.

With helplessness, Shi Feixia had no choice but to break the deadlock by himself. "I don't know if there is any way for the Chief Jesse to get us in?"

Jesse was a little surprised. "Do you know who I am?"

Shi Feixia's eyes turned and he was busy: "Actually, you and Smarr, he told me before, this is a real misunderstanding!"

Jesse looked at the back of Smar and smiled at Shi Feixia: "I've always heard that Noah's Ark came with a cunning human representative, and I'd love to see it."


You said so, how could you let him edit it down?

Shi Feixia said with a smile: "However, it is better for the parties to explain the misunderstanding. It is inconvenient for others to intervene. Well, it is inconvenient to intervene."

The black star on his chest lightened, and Isfael said, "As long as you hand Smar to you afterwards, you promise to rescue King and Hughes?"

As soon as he said this, everyone stayed still.

Smaller was crying anxiously.

Jesse accidentally glanced at the brooch on Eyestone's chest. "Of course."

"Okay, the deal." Isfael answered lightly.

Shi Feixia looked at Smar with sympathy, he had a look of fainting.

Loktini whispered: "The prince of the elven world can't make it to the angel to buy and sell?"

Isfael said indifferently, "Things always have to be resolved."

A word from him woke up Shi Feixia.

Indeed, things must always be resolved. King and Hughes are going to be saved, and Jesse and Smar's knot is going to be undone. If Blizzard and Jesse are facing each other, it is likely that both things will be lost. Their whereabouts were revealed, and King and Hughes were even more dangerous. The resentment between Jesse and Smal will only deepen. Only by joining Jesse in a line, and then slowly melting him, can there be room for change.

Thinking of this, he immediately thought about it, and said, "It's a good thing to make a wrong apology."

Jesse raised her eyebrows slightly. "Apologize for the injustice?"

"Uh, of course, you should accept a small punishment." Shi Feixia boldly approached Smarr for two steps and whispered, "At the beginning, no matter if you were unintentional or you had other hardships, the result hurt him .Now, it is also very important to give an explanation. You also don't want to keep the relationship between the two people so stalemate? After all, you have been ... better, haven't you? "

When it comes to the words 'better than', Shi Feixia despises his barren words severely. But the effect was surprisingly good.

At least Smarr's face was no longer blind but fear.

Shi Feixia leaned closer, so he could clearly see the deep nostalgia in his eyes.

Jesse's attitude was not as aggressive as before. He was silent, and slowly said, "After a few days, the leaders of the ethnic groups will hold a joint conference of various ethnic groups, and I will also be invited. According to the rules, ten followers can be taken."

Loctini frowned, and wanted to speak, but squinted stiffly when he saw Smal's expression.

Antonio said: "Is this conference related to Hughes and King?"

Jesse turned and walked, "Go and know."

Shi Feixia reached out to support the instantly slack Smarr, and breathed a sigh of relief. In other words, Jesse's hair turned white, but it was very shiny, completely subverting his previous idea that hair was fluffy as soon as it was white.

Read The Duke's Passion