MTL - Spirit Hotel-Chapter 67 Disputes (on)

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Before Loctini had time to conspire with Smar, Leighton was pulled away from the emergency meeting.

The meeting was convened and chaired by Isfell, and had only one theme-whether to rescue Kim and Hughes.

After listening to Leighton's nonsense for thirty-six sentences, Shi Feixia finally understood that he was in danger in other circles like King and Hughes. This was the first time for Noah's Ark.

Smar said: "Although King and Hughes are both members of Noah's Ark, they are the representatives of the blood and Yuanshu world. Even if they are rescued, they should first turn to the blood and Yuanshu world?

Antonio said: "Blood boss Cain is sleeping, and most people can't find him at all. Except for Cain, the gold is the most powerful, and other vampires go for nothing."

Small coquettishly: "You can pull more vampires."

Antonio didn't appreciate it at all, squinting at him, "Do you want to cause a scuffle between the realms?"

Simalge put a cold **** on his face, his mood index dropped to negative one hundred, and he stopped talking.

Shi Feixia thinks that their discussion method is impossible to discuss any concrete conclusions. Both the protagonist and the adversary are just focusing on refuting each other. No one cares what the source of the problem is. He thought for a while and said, "What kind of situation is Yuanshu now?" How can I come back to my maid to attend a wedding? Or was he really caught in the mouth of his crow, what relationship would Lanka have with Niujiu? That gold is really nine dead.

Isfael shook his head and said, "I don't know. Gold's communication gem is broken."

Shi Feixia looked down and wore a brooch on his chest. If even the gems are broken, then most of the **** can't be kept. The picture of the instant cash floating in his mind and being apprehended by someone is really ... thrilling!

Antonio finally went down his path, "What about Hughes?"

Isfael said: "Unable to contact."

Smar looked at Antonio's face and flattered, "Would you like to contact His Royal Highness Lanka first? Or the master of Yuanshu?"

Isfael said: "None can be contacted."

"It sounds like a conspiracy." Shi Feixia touched his chin. The disappearance of key characters at critical moments is a necessary condition for suspense dramas. Then the bad guys will prepare for one trap after another, waiting for the protagonist to jump in stupidly while they are investigating. As an audience, he generally disapproves of rescue. After all, knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, he prefers the tiger mountains that are not called heroes and that are heroes. But ... the picture of Jin being swollen and reopened came to mind.


Now that you have been sated, it doesn't matter if you can't save it?

Shi Feixia thought unscrupulously.

Asa suddenly shot at the table and said, "We killed Yuan Shujie and rescued them!"


The audience was cold.

Shi Feixia watched Leiton depressed and wiped the saliva sprayed on his face with his sleeve. He couldn't help secretly rejoicing that he came early and didn't choose the position opposite Asha.

Smar said, "The matter between Hughes and Lanka is in Yuanshu's internal affairs. Would it be bad for us to step in?" As a hotel sales manager, his first consideration is Noah's Ark relationship.

Antonio glanced at him.

Smar added hurriedly: "Of course, if they are really in danger, we can't stand idly by."

The inability to sit idly by means that you must stand by and hold popcorn. Shi Feixia casually helped him to add the second sentence.

Isfeel groaned: "Vote."

"Ah?" Shi Feixia gave a stunned expression. He thought that there would be no result today. I did not expect that such a direct method would come up at the end of the meeting.

Isfael said: "Raise your left hand in favor, raise your right in disapproval."


This method is quite advanced. It avoids many hesitant people having to become the second crowd because they missed the chance to vote for the first time.

Neither Antonio nor Asha raised his left hand without hesitation.

Smaller frowned, and his eyes made contact with Rayton. Although it was only a few seconds, it was clearly enough for them to reach some kind of tacit understanding.

Sure enough, the two raised their right hands at the same time.

Only Shi Feixia was still there holding a chest to watch the show.

He saw everyone's eyes glanced at him, and he couldn't help laughing, looking at Isfael, "Don't you vote?"

Isfael said: "I can't leave Noah's Ark, even if you rescue, you can only go."

So in order to avoid the crime of standing back and speaking without backache, did he abstain?

Shi Feixia whispered: "But you said you could go to hell?"

"The **** is exceptional."

Shi Feixia groaned and suddenly said, "Does that mean that if the vote is a rescue, I will also participate in the rescue?"

Everyone looked at him with nonsense.


Shi Feixia swallowed his mouth: "I want to ask, just curiously, have any humans participated in similar projects before? What happened? Uh, did you survive?"

Rayton said: "I have never encountered anything like this since I came to Noah's Ark."

Shi Feixia looked at Isfael.

Isfer nodded.


So he will be the first human being to fight alongside other races?

So whether he is alive or dead will start a new era for human beings?

So his vote not only determines the fate of King and Hughes, but also determines his own fate?

Isfael said: "Vote."

Shi Feixia held his hands tightly.

The eyes of Smar, Antonio, Asa and Layton were staring at him tightly.

Shi Feixia took a breath and brushed up his hand.

Rayton and Smal were dumbfounded.

Antonio was dumbfounded.

Fortunately, Asha was the one who helped.

He stood up, hugged Shi Feixia violently, and a loud sound rang in his ear, "You are so good ..."


Shi Feixia rolled his eyes and thought. Yeah, that ’s great. You do n’t have to fight to death and sacrifice the horse. You can just die before you die.

Isfael glanced at Asa, who was still immersed in joy, "sit down."

Although she only glanced at it, Asa immediately let go of her hand honestly, and returned to her seat to sit comfortably.

"Now that it is decided, then the rescue plan is next."

It's a matter of life. Shi Feixia sits upright and listens carefully.

Isfell went on: "There is no channel to know the specific situation of the Yuan Shu world, so see what happens."


Shi Feixia regretted his bowels.

After the meeting, one after another came out of the conference room.

Antonio, who has always been at the top, slowed down.

Shi Feixia walked low in the end.

Antonio stepped back to him, inadvertently saying: "This hasn't happened before because the former Isfell didn't care about it."

Shi Feixia stunned, "Ha?"

Antonio said: "The previous representative of the Titans disappeared suddenly on the werewolf site. Although I asked the patriarch to check for a long time, there was no news. Legend said that the Titan sent a distress signal to Noah's Ark.


"Well. Because Isfer never mentioned it."

Shi Feixia said, "What does this mean?"

Antonio glanced at him, not gasping: "Since you don't know what this means, why is the corner of the mouth so high?"

"... I don't know, Pippi pulled up."

Back in Isfel's room, Shi Feixia was still haunting Antonio's words.

Is the reason why Isfell cares about this gossip because of his friendship with King? Or is he not as cold as before? After all, his arms and palms were so warm.

There was a warm current in his heart, and he looked up to see Isfael looking at him on the sofa, "Come here."

Shi Feixia buried his smile carefully in his heart. Unfortunately, his brisk footwork still leaked his mind, "What's the matter?"

Isfael said: "Class."


Shi Feixia's raised mouth twitched: "Is it history? For the sake of tomorrow's expedition, can you interrupt it once?"

Isfare took out a gem and placed it on the table, watching Shi Feixia's eyes warm. Whenever he can use the gem as chewing gum like him, just smoke it if you want.

Isfeel's hand gently waved on the gem, and the gem suddenly gave off a silver-blue light, and in the center of the light, a map was clearly visible.

Shi Feixia leaned forward curiously, "What is this?"

"The distribution map of various ethnic groups in Yuanshu world."

Shi Feixia suddenly refreshed.

"In the Yuanshu world, there are mixed races. According to their habits, they are divided into four categories: mountains, plains, rivers, and swamps. Transparent people are the representatives of the plains. Because they have energy that can resist mutation, they can become yuan. Shujie Lord. They live in Crystal City, east of Yuanshujie. "

"Is Crystal City made of crystal?"

"There is a huge energy crystal on the top of the castle, which can support the protective enchantment and avoid attacks."

Shi Feixia murmured, "Isn't that the stargate Atlantis?"

Isfell continued: "As usual, entering the Crystal City from the east will not encounter other races, but for safety, you must remember that the river races are afraid of fire and the swamp races are afraid of fire and aroma."

What's so scary about the aroma? Shi Feixia said, "What about the mountains and the plains?"

"What do you fear, they fear."

Shi Feixia said, "What are they like? Are they scary?"



Even Isfer said it was okay, so it looks like ... Shi Feixia is extremely worried.

Isfer added: "Because I haven't seen it."

Shi Feixia pointed at the map and said, "How do you know these?"

"common sense."


No wonder he turned him on.

"Actually," Shi Feixia said to his fingers, "I'm fragile, and I don't have any special functions to fly around. In case of something, I can't run fast on both legs. Er, have you thought about it," He looked up and stared at him affectionately, "Just leave me behind?"

"Think about it," Isfael answered quickly.

Shi Feixia's eyes brightened.

Isfell continued: "But I think this rescue may require you."

"Perhaps this fact is too low." Shi Feixia squatted down, his jaw clasped on the coffee table, his face distressed. Although he also had the urge to venture to other circles in his heart, that urge definitely happened before Noah's Ark was attacked. After seeing that kind of real killing, he really had no idea about being an adventure king. The so-called without diamonds, do not take porcelain. He is Shi Feixia, not the original Zhenxia. The thrilling scene is still screaming and screaming in the cinema.

Isfeel was silent for a while and said, "Your black star stone is inlaid in your brooch."

Shi Feixia raised his jaw, blinked, and looked down at the brooch.

"Its energy is one billion times that of ruby."

One billion? How many zeros is that?

Shi Feixia lowered his head and started indexing.

"Although I can't leave Noah's Ark, the black star stone can condense my energy body. It should be enough to protect you back and forth."

"Nine zeros." Shi Feixia heard his voice and said, "Should?"

Isfield's eyes were dark, and he slowly said, "Absolutely."

This is equivalent to having a super bodyguard around.

Shi Feixia's worries and depression suddenly swept away, and he jumped up excitedly, "I don't know what the weather is like in Yuanshu World? If it's cold, you need to bring more clothes. But when Hughes and Jin leave, it seems that both luggage Quite a few ... Ah! Wait to go back and ask if Layton has a camera or something, if only a few pictures can be taken back to the human world. Isfer, do you have any photogenic clothes to borrow from me? ? Ah, and a sun hat. Maybe the sun is strong there, and my skin is easy to tan. Sunscreen, oh, if there is sunscreen here.

Isfael: "..."

Because of excessive excitement, Shi Feixia turned around and stayed up all night. After rolling to the edge of the bed, I stretched out a leg on the ground, and then turned around, lay at the end of the bed, and hummed with a voice that I thought was only audible to me.

In the end, Isfer couldn't bear it. He pulled him directly into his arms and held it, which made him stop.

It disappeared, but the excitement of Shi Feixia still passed, and his eyes remained open until the next day.

At six o'clock, he immediately scrambled up from his arms, turned on the light, stood on the bed, and proclaimed, "It's time to go!"

Isfeel opened his eyes and slowly said, "Did I tell you that I also got upset?"


The rescue team gathered in the foreground.

Rayton looked curiously at Shi Feixia, "Why do you keep touching your butt?"

Shi Feixia looked resentfully at Isfael, who was standing silent beside him, "because it was insulted today." Woo, he really let go! Just tossed it, **** as if run over by a tank.


Layton opened his mouth in surprise, looked at him, and then at Isfael, taking two steps silently.

Smar hasn't given up on Isfer to change his decision. "What if Noah's Ark is gone? Why don't you stay with me?"

Isfael said: "Noah's Ark will be closed while you are away."

"What's the reason? Is the proprietor pleased?" Shi Feixia was unhappy.

Rayton's mouth opened wider and his eyes were inexplicable.

Isfael said: "The sales manager has annual leave and no one picks up the reservation."

Small said depressedly, "But I don't want to take annual leave!"

"Don't you want to take an annual vacation or don't want to go to Yuanshu?" Loktini slowly walked out.

Smarr turned his eyes and said, "Brother, why don't I go back to the elf world with you?"

Loctini said, "When did I say I was going back to the elven world?"

Smarr hesitated. "Are you going to stay with Isfell ... to live in a two-person world?"


Full line black.

Loctini sneered: "I'll go to Yuanshu with you!"

Smarr said, "This is really a great decision."

Shi Feixia nervously pulled Isfael's sleeve, winking desperately.

Loctini looked at Isfael and said, "In Yuanshu's complex situation now, one more helper would be one more chance to win?"

Shi Feixia thought enthusiastically: it was the helper who was the murderer, and now he was not sure!

Isfell lowered his eyelids, seemingly thinking about the pros and cons.

Simmar didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly changed his attitude and said, "Yeah, yeah, there are three strange monsters in Yuanshu, and there is a second king brother, and we hope to be more successful. After all, our purpose is to rescue Kim and Hughes. , The others are set aside first? "

Rare Antonio agreed: "It would be nice to have one more helper."


If I had known it, I would not vote for it! Shi Feixia was annoyed. The only thing he could count on at this moment was Isfer's veto!

"it is good."


Expectations are completely gone.

Shi Feixia sighed.

Roktini's mouth turned into a proud smile.

Asa led out the **** fierce horse that has been kept here since sending Smar and Shi Feixia to Noah's Ark.

Before the Shi Feixia boarded the car, Isfeel said lightly, "Remember the method of calling?"

Shi Feixia suddenly raised his head, seeing Isfael's deep invisible care in his eyes, his heart suddenly warmed, and he nodded hard.

Loctini said coldly, "You might as well consume gold and Hughes and die before you collect the body?"

"Well, childish words, the wind blows away." Shi Feixia spurned and got into the carriage.

The hordes of **** and other people sat down and rushed deeper into the underworld without the need for someone else to command.

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