MTL - Spirit Hotel-Chapter 119 Coconut silk entanglement (6)

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Smar did return.

At least when Kim picked him up at the front desk of Noah's Ark, he was sure his body had arrived. but……

"Why does he seem to be evil?"

Hughes said: "Maybe a long journey, tired."

What else did King want to say, he was stopped by his eyes.

When Smarr went upstairs like a wandering spirit, Hughes whispered, "The elven king said that Smarr's body was normal. The problem was psychological."

Jin frowned, "Why did he tell you, not tell me?"

Huspy looked at him without a smile, and said nothing.

King suddenly remembered his three-day relationship with Diya, and immediately accompanied the laughter: "I mean, just ask me for a story like this, it shouldn't bother you."

Hughes smiled. "Is that so?"

"Of course, of course." Kim saw that he didn't respond, and shut up immediately. But I was puzzled and nervous. Omedendo wouldn't have found out about him and Diya back then? Say the truth after drinking and spill money on the bed. Who knows if Dia will drink and go to bed again, and then she'll get everything.

The more he thought about it, the more uneasy he said to himself, "I wish Shi Feixia would come back soon."

"Yeah." Hughes rarely accompanied him.

"Ah? You thought about it too?" Jin stared.

Hughes nodded and said, "Maybe Flying Man can solve Smar."

Jin was relieved.

"What do you think?" Hughes's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Oh, this is the same, this is the same." Jin Yan held his waist, "I have been exercising less and less recently, why don't you come and practice with me?"

"Okay." Hughes promised lightly.

Jin's eyes shined.

After three minutes--

King sat down mopping the floor and said, "Can I choose another sport?"

"Yes. You can clean the window, fold the quilt, and wash the toilet. It's your choice." Hughes answered kindly, holding a rag in his hand.

"..." Jin bowed his head and continued to moan honestly.


After a long list of changes, everything in Noah's Ark finally started to develop in a good direction.

The first is Isfael's return.

Looking at his pair of pure black wings, Jin said with emotion: "Still black looks pleasing to the eye. No wonder Shi Feixia bought a bottle of feather dye."

The consequence of this emotion is that he was pulled by the Isfael at the front desk for three days and three nights.

During their battle, in addition to Antonio's delivery of food, Smar as a medical staff accompanied him throughout. At first Hughes would still watch the game. Later, they saw that they were playing ‘safe’, and they never cared again.

After being repaired at the 58th time, King finally surrendered with both hands, "I was wrong, I was wrong. I will never mention the three words Shi Feixia again."


He was then repaired fifty-ninth time.


Since then, Shi Feixia has been a taboo for more than half a year, until the door is open and the sun is shining in, while a human comes in panting with a large bag and complains, "At this time, helping is better than smiling More important? "


The happy sunshine finally decided to stay in Noah's Ark and never leave.

It is a pity that although the sun is warm, it can never reach every corner of Noah's Ark.

Take Smar.

Although Shi Feixia ’s phrase "You fell in love with him" gave him an unprecedented touch and gradually awakened him from the confusion, his feet were still deep in the mud and he could not extricate himself.

There were no ropes or branches around him, and he had no idea how to get out of here.

Maybe he needs a pair of helping hands.

Thinking of it this way, his foot went unconsciously to more than thirty floors.

The blue water of the swimming pool was reflected on the ceiling.

Shi Feixia and Isfael are leaning together with their naked torsos.

Isfell was lowering his head, unable to see clearly.

Shi Feixia raised his head and moaned high and low, "Ah, tap ... well, here it is, ah, wait, slow down ... ah, it's so comfortable ..."


Smarr turned silently downstairs.


"Are you all right?" Isfeel let go.

Shi Feixia twisted his ankle, and said happily, "Sure enough, I don't cramp anymore. We re-compared, and you let me half a circle! I don't believe I can't swim with you like this, but let me say first. Do not use wings as flying fish."

Isfael said: "I can make you three quarters of a lap."

"... How can I be so sorry?" Shi Feixia said warily and swam towards the position of three quarters of a lap.


Smarr went downstairs and saw Kim holding a bunch of red roses to Hughes.

Victor walked on the other side, with his wrists next to his mouth, and laughed softly, "Dear, I miss you too."


Smarr continued downstairs.


Jin Dao: "You smell it, is it bad?"

Hughes sniffed and frowned. "Like the smell of osmanthus."

King complained, "I hate the smell of osmanthus."

"Is it because the red rose stayed in the flower room too long and evolved?"

Jin Yulu said, "Is there any way to make it degenerate back?"

Hughes thought for a moment: "Let it absorb less nutrients?"

"That was automatically assigned by the flower room."

"It's better to smell the osmanthus, maybe it's smelling roses now."



Smaller walked into the restaurant.

Layton and Amansha were arguing softly.

In Noah's Ark, Rayton is a vulnerable group. Even Shi Feixia, a human, often shines in front of him. Of course, since Shi Feixia and Isfael were together, he is not only arrogant, but close to arrogance.

Smaller took a few more steps.

Layton suddenly slammed the table and jumped, two eyebrows almost overlapped, the anger on his face was more obvious.

Amantha was stunned.

Small stopped, thinking about whether to go to the hero to save the beauty.

Suddenly, Amantha stood up and rushed forward.

Layton instinctively ducked aside, but he still did not move faster than Amantha.

Seeing that Amantha reached out her hand, wrapped around his body, stomped her toes, and put her lips up.

The two little heads were sucked together like iron stones.


Smarr turned around and went into the kitchen.


Antonio's tall back was standing in front of the stove. He was silent, steady, and unspeakable, looking so secure and reliable.

The person he likes should look like this!

Small fools himself into persuading himself.

"Fool." Antonio cursed suddenly.

Smarr stunned, and just wanted to ask him where he was stupid, he listened to Antonio: "I warn you, if you step away, I will not let you get out of bed!"


Smar realized that he was not talking to himself, but was talking to others.

"You wait! I will be back in a few days. You are not allowed to leave! I definitely are not allowed to leave!"

"..." Simal listened in horror. Why do these words sound familiar? It seems that Jesse said the same when he cried and was about to leave after his first encounter with Jesse.

His heart slowly cooled down.

Antonio's back went away in his eyes.

His feet slowly backed out, leaving the room all the way.

Layton and Amantha have ended the moment of attraction and are sitting silently by the window, you see me I see you.

Smal could almost see the little pink bubbles floating above their heads.


There is almost nowhere to stay!

Smarr turned around and walked outside.


The roar of Antonio in the kitchen: "Cavell, I warn you again! If you dare to escape, I will definitely want you to death! You'd better look forward not to let me find it all my life, otherwise I will beat your leg You have to shatter! Unless you hand over the money owed to Mita. I hate this kind of borrowing and not paying back! Damn, I actually give you a guarantee like this! "


Smal with his legs down, sitting at the front desk with his knees folded.

Looking at the endless darkness, his heart was so lonely that he wanted to cry.

He hates swimming pools, red roses, kisses, kitchens, Noah's Ark ... he hates Jesse!

Smarr finally collapsed.

Because he found that he hated Jesse because Jesse let go.

When he left Yuanshu, he was afraid, he was afraid, he hated, but all of this was based on a certainty. That is, Jesse will always come to him. Whether it's love or hate, he believes Jesse won't just let it go.

So he ran away in peace, then watched Jesse go crazy for him.

While seeing Jesse looking for fear and sadness, he had to admit that he was at ease in the darkest corner of his heart. Because Jesse still cares about him and has not abandoned him.

But now ... his waywardness was finally punished.

Jesse decided to say goodbye.

Leave Lane, leave him, leave their past.

Maybe soon, he meets a new Lane, a Lane that won't make him sad ... and then resumes a relationship. That person will also accept Jesse's tenderness and domineering, Jesse's sweet words, Jesse's arms kiss ...

Everything that originally belonged to him!

He buried his head in his arms and wept with joy until his voice was hoarse.


The restaurant's floor-to-ceiling windows.

Hughes could not bear to look. "I want to help him."

Jin looked at Shi Feixia.

Shi Feixia raised his eyebrows, and the villain with a very expressive expression was determined. Isfel stood behind him.

Jin smiled. "This kind of thing that requires wisdom requires only one person."

Shi Feixia said: "Noah's Ark has only one person in total."

Jin Tao: "That's what I mean."

Shi Feixia asked Isfer: "What do you think?"

Isfael said: "I will go to the report and get approval to go to Yuanshu to bring Jesse."


So if God agrees with Isfell to go to Yuanshu, then Jesse will soon become Mrs. Zhai?

Shi Feixia pursed his lips and said, "I think it's better to be straightforward."

"What is it?" King and Hughes asked in unison.

Shi Feixia smiled and said, "Grab a marriage."


Smar did not know how long he had been crying, only that when Shi Feixia came to him, his eyes were so swollen that he could only open a small slit.

"Smal." Shi Feixia looked at him with a serious face. "What I am going to say now is ... very surprising and shocking, but you must calm down!"

Smal's head was still in tears.

"It's about Jesse."

Smal's eyes were a little bigger.

Shi Feixia sighed: "I just received the news. Yesi is getting married."

Smar didn't have time to pay attention to what was a newspaper, and his head was completely stunned by the words 'Yesi is getting married'.

"You need to calm down." Shi Feixia grabbed his arm. "Don't faint! There aren't many candidates for artificial respiration here recently, so you must stick to it."

Smal's lips shook. "Who is it?"


"Who is the bride?"

"... I heard it was from a foreign country. Uh, marriage."

"Political marriage?"


No wonder he wanted to let him go, no wonder he said goodbye, because it was because ...

Smar's body was as cold as an ice cellar.


It's not too exciting, right? There is only one nurse here, it is himself. If he is in shock ... there are no substitute dolls or anything here ...

"You have to persist, you must persist. Suffering is temporary, it is always the darkest before dawn, and Guo Fucheng is also rich in oil ..." Shi Feixia no longer knew what he was saying.

"If you don't want to lose, just fight for it." Isfer sounded softly behind him.

Shi Feixia was relieved. He almost wanted to say that Zhang Xueyou had a lot of friends studying.

"Don't want to lose, just fight for it?" Small whispered again, the shutters of both eyes reopened, and the water flowed like a note. "But I'm ... disqualified ..."

"Who says it's not qualified!" Shi Feixia said anxiously: "If he dares to be crooked, you threaten him! If he is not afraid, you threaten his family! If his family is not afraid, you threaten his family!"

Smal was like a drowning man grabbing a life-saving straw, "Can you?"

"Of course you can. Don't forget, besides the huge military power of the Elves, there is also a huge network of our Nine Realms!" Shi Feixia patted his chest.

Although ... he has no say in the human world.

Kim drove the **** to the horse in front of him, "Ready."

Shi Feixia and Hughes directly put people into the car.

When Smar sat down, Victor found himself lifted up.

However, he was carried up by King, Hughes, Shi Feixia and Rayton.

"Me too?" Victor asked, wondering.

Shi Feixia answered deeply: "Cinderella needs a driver."


The speed of **** horses is superb.

When he set foot on the Yuan Shu world, he continued to be transformed into a fire and fire, whistling directly in the sky.

So when they came to the Wu people, everyone looked up.

After adjusting all his thoughts and will, Smarr finally became sober and firm.

He stepped down from the carriage, ignoring everyone's gaze and heading towards Jesse's house.

"He's in the medicine garden." Elder Gul reminded kindly behind him.

Immediately, Smarr's steps turned towards the medicine garden.

Victor wanted to follow, but was stopped by Elder Gul. "Park the carriage where it should be."


Jesse's hand gently stroked the orange petals of the flower, and a sweet smile appeared on his face.

This scene fell into the eyes of Smar who arrived, and immediately turned into a prospective bridegroom being intoxicated for the wedding.

"I'm not sure!" He exclaimed.

Jesse turned his head suddenly, his eyes widened, and he stared at him sternly.

Smar rushed in front of him, summoning courage, thinking about Shi Feixia's pre-departure teaching, and loudly saying, "I am the three princes of the elven world. I have decided to marry you now, you must not refuse! If you dare to refuse, I will kill your family! "

"My whole family is just me." Jesse resumed calmly, and stood up and looked at him expressionlessly.

"Then destroy your entire family! I ..." Smal looked out of the air. "Behind me is not only the huge military power of the elves, but also the representatives of the nine realms. So you can't refuse me."

"So I must marry you?"

"Huh!" Smal nodded firmly.

Jesse touched his nose with his hand. "Can't refuse?"

Small flinched, nodding his teeth, "No!"

"okay then."


Smaller looked up and looked at him incredibly.

Jesse pecked him a little, hugged him, and smiled: "I wanted to plant a tangerine orchid myself and propose to you. But since you are so proactive and so ... it's hard to refuse, I have to take my life."

"Tangerine Orchid?" Smal remembered, wasn't it the spirit of the elven world to drink on wedding night?

"Tangerine is made from a tangerine orchid. In the Witch tribe, it is the flower of courtship." Jesse let go of him and teased, "Don't you know?

"So ..." Smal looked down at the flower. "Your flower is going to be given to me?"

"What do you say?"

"So you didn't want to marry a foreigner?"

Jesse: "Only you, a stranger."


So, Shi Feixia is lying to him from beginning to end? !!

"Smal." Jesse's voice was suddenly low.


"Do not leave me again."

"Well." He didn't want to suffer any more. Smal touched his swollen eyes that could barely open.

"Otherwise I won't let you get out of bed."



Shi Feixia sneezed.

He rubbed his nose and looked out the window. This was the most honest time he flickered.

Outsiders, marriage ... Doesn't Smal all fit?

Ugh. He is becoming more and more loyal and honest.


The author has something to say:

Jesse and Smarll get it.

Next is the group tour of Noah's Ark students.

Read The Duke's Passion