MTL - Spirit Hotel-Chapter 109 Happy life (9)

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"Yeah, what's wrong?" Shi Feixia was baffled by his complicated eyes.

Besib turned to look at the elevator's control panel.

Isfer helped answer: "You have been the first since Noah's Ark was established."

So he created a miracle? Shi Feixia is a bit fluttering.

The elevator door opened in silence.

Bessib said: "You don't look special."

... It's jealousy, it's jealousy. How can it not be the only one for so many years?

Shi Feixia's good mood is completely unaffected. La la la ...

"It can be seen how low the threshold for Noah's Ark to recruit people." Besib adjusted his cuffs and slowly walked out of the elevator.

"..." Shi Feixia looked at Isfeel aggrievedly. "Can I really only defame him?"

Isfael stepped out of the elevator, facing Besib's back, and said lightly, "Is the old habit changed?"

Beelzebub's body suddenly trembled, his hair suddenly rose up like a hedgehog, and his fists clenched fiercely. A pair of pure black wings suddenly opened from the back, and the feathers were full of rage.

But throughout the process, he always turned his back to here.

Shi Feixia stunned into Isfer's arms, "What is he doing?"

Isfael said: "Tantrum."

"..." This temper tantrum is awkward, or is it self-cultivation?

After a while, the black wings slowly gathered and the hair softened.

Beelzebu loosened his fist, straightened his collar, and continued on his steady steps, as if nothing had happened just now.

Shi Feixia grabbed Isfael and waited for him to go far before he whispered, "What is his old habit?"

"He has a nickname, King of the Flies."

King of flies? In other words, the habit of flies is his habit? So the habit of a fly is ... "Suck blood? Or another?"


Is that something that stinks? Shi Feixia automatically imagined Bessip lying on a pile of stinking garbage like a fly. "... No wonder he will fall." Heaven's place should not be able to meet his needs. He continued to imagine Beelzeb's dejected movement in the white room.

Besib stopped at the pineapple door, pushed it open, and a huge cheer came from inside.

Shi Feixia believes that it must not be a tape recorder but a stereo.

Besib said sideways: "Come in."

Shi Feixia whispered to Isfael: "Did you think that his hairline seems to be behind him?"

After he said it, Beelzebu's gaze seemed to flash.

Isfel held him inward.

This time it wasn't a tape recorder or a stereo, but there were indeed thousands of spectators sitting in the auditorium, cheering on the gobble on the stage.

Bessib said: "The big stomach king of the Tauren people is challenging the third place master of food."

That tauren is five or six times wider than what Shi Feixia just saw, and the length is about the same. His opponent must have been a toothpick, and the wind was about to fall, but the speed of eating was definitely not slow.

"What race is he?" Where did so much meat go?

Bessib replied: "The abyss demon."

The abyss demons seemed to hear their conversation, their ears trembled, and they looked up at the gap between eating.

Shi Feixia's body shook. Is this tooth? This is simply jagged.

Isfeel frowned: "Aren't the abyss demons living on the ninth floor under the Blood Falls?"

Bezeb said: "Master Lucifer has been in a bad mood lately, so they fled."


Shi Feixia scratched his head. When Abbaton appeared in the Yuanshu Realm, I heard that Lord Lucifer's mood didn't seem to be good. In fact, he never heard Lucifer's mood.

"By the way, how is Hollier?" It seemed that Lord Abaddon had arrested Lucifer because of his bad mood. If Lord Lucifer is in a bad mood, even the abyss demons are forced to move, then his end ... his mind flashes across the scenes of the Qing's top ten tortures.

Besseb thought for a while and said implicitly, "Live on the ninth floor."


Finally it was an acquaintance, Shi Feixia sincerely prayed for him.

Isfael said: "Can I place a bet?"

Bezebu said: "If you bet on the abyss demons, the odds are not high."

Isfael said: "Can I win one hundred and one gold coins if I press ten thousand?"

Beelzebu said: "Just a thousand, and there is a gold coin that I will give you for free."

Although Shi Feixia has not been to Macau and Las Vegas, he is quite concerned about football and still knows these things. He said, "Don't you lose a lot of this? Normal people won't bet on the abyss demons, right?" The tauren's stomach is very large, but compared with the bottomless pits of the abyss demons, it is too far behind.

Bessib said: "Any casino has a way to make money."


If football is a black whistle and a fake ball, then here is ...

Shi Feixia realized something.

At this time, the stage had already won.

The tauren finally couldn't help, and sprayed the meat out of the bull's mouth. "Gee ..."

His vomiting soon drowned in cheers.

The abyss demon slowly stood up, licked his bright red tongue on his teeth, and the minced meat was embedded in his teeth, which was unspeakable, but this was Shi Feixia's opinion. In the hearts of the audience, he is an endless money-making machine.

"You say he is third? Who is the first two?" It is hard to imagine that there are people who are more bottomless than bottomless.

Isfael said: "The first place is next to you."

Bessip finally touched his lips and gave a smile.

Correct. He is the ancestor, the boss, and the source of sin. Shi Feixia nodded. "What about the second place?"

Bessie's smile froze, "Boji."

Shi Feixia: "..." nepotism is really everywhere. He didn't believe in killing him, Poggie's small body could eat the abyss demons.

Bessib said: "Because the people who won him did not end well."


Therefore, Boji is not the second ancestor, he is the prince. Shi Feixia finally understood how high his previous risk factors for Poggi's various behaviors.

Bessib said: "Want to try it? If it is Isfael, you can go directly to the challenge."

Shi Feixia couldn't imagine the image of Isfael, who had always been elegant, overeating there.

Isfael said: "Budget's method is too time-consuming."

Shi Feixia: "..." For some people, the rules of the game are used for contempt.

Bessib said: "Then taste the food on the third floor. It has all the food in the Nine Realms."

Isfael said: "Including smelly eggs?"


Beelzebu suddenly rushed into the hallway, wings spread again, his hair was like a hedgehog, his arms and neck were bared.

Isfer pulled Shi Feixia past him, "Go and look at the fourth floor."


If the second floor is called luxury, then the fourth floor is simply extravagant. Neon lights are made of crystal, and colorful light comes out of gems. High-rise buildings are flashing gold and silver. If it is black, it must be black crystal.

Shi Feixia looked at the diamond jewellery on the street and felt that his eyes were going to be spent. "Are you sure that what we get from Mamen is very valuable?" Why compare with here, it is a drop in the ocean.

"These are handmade, they look good, but they don't contain energy and they're worthless."

That's right, otherwise there is a missing piece in the east and a missing piece in the west. Speaking of energy, Shi Feixia couldn't help but think of the black star stone and sighed: "Mamen is too stingy, so many gifts don't even have black star stone."

Isfield held his hand tightly and stopped.

"What's wrong?" Shi Feixia turned his head inexplicably.

The thought of his chest being penetrated once made him breathless. "There will be no more Black Starstone."

"Ah?" Is Black Star Stone scarce enough to disappear? This is really a pity. Carrying the feeling of calling an angel with you is really pulling the wind.

"I'll be with you wherever you go." Isfield's eyes fixed on him, and promised blankly.

"..." It was unexpected that Isfael would say such a thing. Shi Feixia was so sweet that he couldn't help laughing. "Ah, wait, where are you going?" What is it going to do so fast, so give him some time to get drunk.

On both sides of the street are floor-to-ceiling windows that are five or six meters high, clothes, jewelry, carriages, boxes ... all kinds of things. The only thing that is the same is that they are inlaid with brilliant gemstones that make people's eyes inaccessible.

Shi Feixia was dazzled. "It goes without saying that many stores here must be opened by Mamen." It is definitely the richest man's handwriting. Wine color wealth ... Even if he goes to the east, Mamen's sin is great.

Isfeel nodded. "Well."

"By the way, you said that bracelet is not the most valuable, so what is the most valuable?"

"The trunk of the tree of wisdom."


"Adam and Eve have wisdom by eating the fruit of the wisdom tree. For this reason, the wisdom tree was burned by God with fire, leaving only a charred trunk."

Shi Feixia said dumbly: "So, the trunk of an apple tree is worth more than so many gems?" How distorted this value is. He decided to go down to the human world and bring a large cart of apple trees back.

Isfael said: "Will you become smarter by eating apples?"

"No." He paused. "Neither can I take melatonin."

"So although the fruit of the wisdom tree is much like an apple, it is not an apple." Isfael said, "because it will develop intelligence. When the fallen angel first arrived in hell, the IQ of many races in **** may not be developed, including tauren, sheep The demon is difficult to drive. So Mamen shredded the charred trunk of wisdom and put it in water to make a broth for them to drink. "

Shi Feixia said: "So they became smarter?"

"Like it is now."


Shi Feixia was extremely annoyed and said, "Ah, I knew that would be the one." Wow, it turned out that he was only one step away from Einstein Stone.

"It can only be used to develop unintelligent races."

"... what value is that?" Who else has the money but the undeveloped intelligence? Isn't that just cheating?

"Someone will buy."

Shi Feixia was puzzled, "Why?"


"... makes sense." It's like a human encountering a dinosaur egg.

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