MTL - Song in the Peach Blossoms-Chapter 70

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The elders of Wen Daxia’s family died, and they had to leave for a while and let go of the vacation. When Xie Huaiyu saw that he was bored, he took him to the hospital to do the work, pay his salary, and pay him five daily snacks to buy snacks.

Since I was a child, I have been educating my children to create wealth. Xie Huaiqi does not expect to be a great man. If she can become a useful person in society, she will be successful.

This time, Wu XIII, who has disappeared for a while, is back.

When he came back, Xie Huaiyu was lazy and slept on the table.

Wu XIII smiled: "The sun is slanting, and the spring is not awake?"

Xie Huaiyu throws his eyes and touches a book and throws it. "You will die if you say a word or two less?"

Wu XIII looked at her. "You are thin, yeah, it is getting ugly!"

Xie Huaiqi screamed at him with incompetence: "There is no good word in one mouth!"

Wu XIII is not happy. "With the emperor, you can talk about the customs of life and humanity in a splendid manner. I am only noisy with me!"

Xie Huai was very happy. "You take this breath and live a little daughter-in-law!"

Wu XIII wows: "Look! Also insult me!"

Xie Huaizhen did not care about his nerves, she leaned over and looked at it. "The acne on the face has disappeared. You should pay attention to your diet, drink less, and eat more meat."

Wu Wangye is not happy. "Why are you looking at acne? Don't you think I am more handsome now?"

Xie Huaiqi smiled and said: "Shuai, the second handsome national certification."

Wu Wangye was satisfied and took the homework.

Xie Huai smiled and smiled and moved the stool to sit at the door and look at them. She is not only poorly energized, but her body is sore and weak. It is easy to get dizzy when standing for a long time.

Wu XIII and the two had been in trouble for a while, and they were all hungry and went out to find food. Xie Huaiqi did not have the strength to follow, asking them to bring a scallions to return the cake.

It was not long before they left, and the door was uploaded to knock on the door. Xie Huaiqi got up and went to the door.

A middle-aged woman stood at the door. She saw Xie Huaizhen. She was very surprised and asked, "Is the family living here a surname?"

Xie Huaiqi said warmly and kindly: "No, no surname, you may be wrong."

The middle-aged woman did not give up, "But it is here! Girl, when did you live in?"

"I moved in at the beginning of the year." Xie Huaiyu said, "The former family is not the surname of the king. You must have gone wrong."

"Yes! That's right!" The middle-aged woman insisted on reaching out and grabbing Xie Huai's arm with excitement. "Girl, what can I do?"

Xie Huai is laughing at all, she is not the aunt of the neighborhood committee, how she knows.

Just between this laugh, the eyes flashed through a snow-white glare, and the cold hair of Xie Huai’s body stood upside down and instinctively receded.

But the other party clasped her hand so that she did not retreat.

When the white light was about to enter her chest, the hidden guard also flew the assassin.

Xie Huaiqi fell backwards. Although she felt that her chest was tied, she did not feel pain. But the strength of the whole body, but all shed out from the wound.

A hidden guard caught her and called her in panic.

She opened her mouth weakly, her eyes darkened and she finally returned to the darkness.

When I woke up, people were in their own room, and there was a tall figure standing against the window.

Xie Huai's heart jerked and sighed, and he couldn't help but take a breath.

The man turned around.

Xie Huaiqi gently exhaled that breath.

Yu Wenyi went to the bedside stool and sat down to see her.


Xie Huaiqi laughed weakly. Obviously it did not hide the disappointing gaze.

Yu Wenyi said: "There is only me here."

is not that right? There were no train planes in the year, and the man was intent, and there was no way to rush over the night.

Xie Huaiqi tried to move and the chest was slightly stinging.

Yu Wenyi reached out and held her. "The wound is not big, there is no stab, but you are in poor health and need to raise it."

Xie Huaiqi smiled bitterly. "I am unfavorable in my life. I will never stop working, getting sick and hurting."

"Let's talk a little less." Yu Wenyi said, "Taiji said that you are poisonous in your body?"

Xie Huai snorted, "Old age."

"The problem is that it is poisonous."

"The poison is not sent, what does it mean in it?"

Yu Wenyi had no way to take her. He said, "I will find a way."

Xie Huaiqi turned his head and looked at him. "Your Majesty, this medicine is not good. I am a doctor. I think that my medicine is superior, but I am not the same."

Yu Wenyi said: "That is because you are a person."


Yu Wenyi smiled softly. "You can rest and rest."

Xie Huai can't help but ask: "Your Majesty, are you so considerate to every good employee?"

Yu Wenyi frowned slightly and said, "You are not a good employee."

Xie Huai raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Yu Wenyi got up and stunned his sleeves and said, "You are the Queen of Dongqi."

He turned and walked gracefully and calmly.

Xie Huaiqi lay in bed, half a sigh, only a long sigh of relief, close his eyes.

She is a woman of unknown origin, and she always follows a few secret guards. It is not difficult to find out her background.

Just why, think of him, a little disappointed?

Tired and struck again, Xie Huaiyu quickly fell asleep.

When I woke up, I changed places.

Large and gorgeous rooms, heavy old wooden furniture, silk curtains with a view, huge bronze incense with white smoke.

Xie Huai's a little embarrassed, I feel that my mind is empty, it seems that something is missing, but I can't think of it.

There was a burst of hula, a few strange palace eunuchs came to the bed, and a big palace woman greeted with respect and respect: "Was the girl woke up? Where can I feel uncomfortable? Do you want some water?"

Xie Huaiyu wants to sit up, but his body sinks like lead, and his chest is still faint.

"Where is this? What happened?"

The palace replied: "This is the Changle Palace in the suburbs of Beijing. It is the command of you to raise a disease here, and we will take care of you. The name of the scorpion is called green sleeves. If the girl has something to tell."

"Sick? What happened to me?" Xie Huai did not understand.

The green sleeve was a little surprised and said: "The girl is ill, I don't know? You have been hurt!"

Xie Huaiqi tried to think back, "It seems... really... how did I get hurt?"

The green sleeves flashed and suddenly smiled: "The girl was injured when she accidentally fell. It will be fine for a while. If the girl has already woken up, let the nephews wash the medication."

Xie Huai's groggy let them play with them, suddenly remembered and asked, "What?"

Green sleeves: "The little son is in Wuwangfu, he is taken care of properly, and the girl does not have to worry."

Xie Huaiyu held his head. "It’s weird, how long have I slept?"

The green sleeve smiled and said: "It doesn't take long."

Xie Huaizhen felt that someone in his head was holding a hammer and kept pounding, his ears creaking, everything around him was smashed, and he couldn’t fall into reality.

Fireworks in March?

It’s really apt!

The disease died within a year, but she only had more than a month of episodes. How was it so serious?

When she slept, the green sleeves with the palace people whispered back.

Under a willow tree in the outside yard, stood a tall man, and the green sleeves quickly went to salute.

"How is she?" Yu Wenyi turned around.

The green sleeve replied respectfully: "Xie girl is sleepy, and she slept for seven hours. She took a meal and slept. And, I think she started to forget things, and I don't remember how to get hurt."

Yu Wenyi's brow is deep and the handsome face is covered with a haze.

He has sent people to look for the missing medicine. The news of the return is very bad. The herbal medicine is almost extinct. Whether it is a heavy reward, or looking into the mountains personally, there is no gain.

At this time, Wu Thirteen rushed in and rushed to rush to Yuwen.

Yu Wenyi drank him. "What are you doing? She has already slept!"

Wu XIII jumped up in a hurry. "What happened to her? What poison is that? Who is it? I will take the guy away!"

"Enough!" Yu Wenyi's voice is not big, but he is domineering.

Wu Thirteen closed his mouth, but it took three seconds, and he couldn't help but pick it up. "There is nothing to cover up! You know who she is, and I know where she is. I am so big now. How to deal with things."

Yu Wenyi said: "Taiwan said, this poison has been in her for at least three years."

Wu Thirteen lived, "three years?"

Yu Wenyi nodded.


More than three years ago, Qi Di was enthroned.

Today, the Queen Xie is lying in the house with poison. She said that she traveled around the country for more than three years. In the end, she was leaving the country, and the officials were getting bigger and bigger.

What happened more than three years ago?

Wu XIII said: "I am here, I have to talk to her."

Yu Wenyi is undecided.

Wu Thirteen asked: "Will you go to the National Book or the Secret Letter?"

Yu Wenyi raised an eyebrow.

"Will you kneel down? Tell Qi Di that his insider is sick and sick here." Speaking of this, Wu XIII made a ugly smile than crying. "If Xiao Xie is awake, horror must be ridiculous. Haha laughed."

Yu Wenyi can't appreciate this black humor. He pressed his lips tightly, and coldly glared at Wu Wang, and he turned away and left without saying a word.

Wu XIII really kept his promise and kept a night, waiting for Xie Huaiqi to wake up again.

"Thirteen?" Xie Huaiyu saw him very comforted. "It's good, I still remember you."

"What do you remember?" Wu Thirteen did not understand.

"I am not very good, thirteen, I began to forget things." Xie Huaiyu pointed to the brain. "If I forget something important, you should remember to remind me."

Wu thirteen face is a piece of iron blue.

Xie Huaiqi smiled. "It’s just forgetfulness."

Wu Thirteen counted her, "There is something wrong with my brain."

"Exactly." Xie Huaizhen admitted with a mouthful.

Wu XIII took her no way, "How come you have this..."


Wu XIII is too late to take back the sentence.

Xie Huaiqi smiled very naturally and easily. "Thirteen, when did you know?"

Wu Thirteen had to say: "I didn't know how long it took me to discover the hidden guards around you, but I always thought that you were a family member of Jianghu, and it was not unusual to take a guard."

Xie Huaiqi laughed out and pulled a pain in his chest. "The imagination is really rich."

"Isn't it enough?" Wu Sanbai gave her a look.

When he later found out Xie Huai's true identity, he sat for a full moment, and a group of crows in his head yelled.

He is not a rare dignitary, he is the first bully to leave the country. Queen Qi, although strange and far away, can be a queen. When Yu Wenyi and the Queen were in the past, he still knew exactly what a queen should have. But look at Xie Huaiqi, cocked the legs of the Erlang legs, the melon seeds lost a place, and he did not move and grab things, greatly embarrassed, bold and generous, how can not be equal to the Queen's word.

"Hey!" Xie Huaiqi waited for him to wait impatiently. "The Queen didn't have much trouble, you haven't seen it."

Wu XIII argues: "The Queen I have seen can be more, which one is like you?"

"Yes." Xie Huaiqi smiled very much, and the spirit of the people was a lot better. "The queen of your lobby brother is much more."

There was no outsider in the house. Wu XIII also nodded in a very bad position. He lowered his voice and said, "I tell you, that is, the emperor has patience and tolerance. If you change to me, I will have run away."

"So exaggerated? Come and listen!"

"No problem!" Wu thirteen began to put on the dragon's door, "The first two, the first emperor to give him a slap, it is simply two fighting fish."

Xie Huai smiled.

"Don't laugh! That's the way it is! And it's all over the capital. I know that three days, a small trip, five days and a big bang, no difference with the city shrew, the face is thrown away. The emperor rarely went home at that time, basically I don’t want to manage this thing. The emperor used to wait for the emperor to be bad. The woman she found for her eldest daughter was a general who was on the side of the army, but she put the two shrews on the emperor and borrowed his place to solve the two. family."

"How come there is such a mother?" Xie Huaiqi shook his head.

Wu Thirteen agrees that "the emperor wanted to set up his eldest daughter to be the queen, and the emperor's prince was supported by the minister and the husband. But there are some things, the more you think about him, the less he will let you go." The princess is hateful, arrogant, savage and sinister, and is all favored by her mother. Hummer does not like her, she is spoiled with a daughter of a scholarly family, and she is raised outside. As a result, the princess is not at home, the woman The hands were smashed into mud and then smothered with a whip."

Xie Huai’s big eyes, "God!"

"The wonderful is still behind!" Wu thirteen voice is lower. "Hua Ma came back to know, no noisy or noisy, as always. The long princess is very proud, but it didn't take long to start getting sick and the spirit was out of order. It is said that she has seen the ghost. The more sick she is, the more she is erythema, the ulceration, and she has been dragging for two years, and she died only the year before."

Xie Huaizhen immediately thought, "Poison?"

Wu nodded 13 times. "It’s said that it is a bad upper body. Anyway, it has changed the dynasty. Who is going to check this? Hey, run off the problem. Later, both of them lost their injuries, and there are also many doubts. For example, Emperor Huang knew that Xu Wei was pregnant. The emperor was sent out to do things, such as the Prince’s death to death, and he insisted that he did not poison the child."

Xie Huai's body is cold, "How come there is such a worried mother?"

Wu XIII said, "This is just the beginning! At that time, the princess was married, and the audience was full of infinite scenery. The emperor pointed out to the emperor a daughter of a common civil servant. At that time, many ministers saw the wind and rudder, and cast the princess. Under the door, the emperor was so suffocated at the time that he was not involved in politics. He played chess with Wang Hao all day long. I really liked this Dong Wang’s, but unfortunately, people died, and they passed away in a year."

"It's pitiful." Xie Huaiyu said, "What then?"

"At that time, the political situation was unstable. The emperor had repeatedly planned to abolish the prince. The emperor was simply living on the wind."

"At that time, the third one, ah no, the fourth wife?"

Wu thirst nodded. "You know the horse king's troubles. The emperor smashed her and was rushed around by the emperor. He also went to other countries. Ma Wangxi had the back. There was a rumor that the children were there. Not the emperor, the emperor also did not want to see the child very much. Later, when the child was half-year old, the five senses seemed to be enough for the emperor to be a child.

Xie Huaiqi sighed from the heart: "It's not easy."

"Well, this time the princess made the incident and began to get sick. The emperor also suspected that it was the hands and feet of the Hummer, but the princess of the Hummer was taken care of, and asked for medicine everywhere. In this way, I was planning to abolish the Prince. The plan was also picked up and finally lost."

Xie Huaiqi asked: "What about the last?"

"I don't know much about the Queen's business. The emperor only said that it was an accident. However, shortly after the death of the Queen, the Princess of Yanqing, the emperor's brother-in-law, committed something and the family was taken out of Beijing."

After that, Wu XIII shrugged and disregarded the look of the Princess Yanqing. "This Yanqing thing is like making a sinister move. People are violent. When I was a child, I went to the palace to accompany her a lot of whip. She likes to take needles. People, hurt and can't see injuries."

Xie Huai's heart is awkward, and this Princess Yanqing may have seen Huizhuge.

"No wonder the emperor is now this character." She sighed.

Wu XIII also nodded. "The emperor is not easy." He turned his voice. "Hey, it’s all in the past, and it’s time to pass the time. In short, you have a good rest, don’t worry about poison!”

Xie Huaiyu said frankly: "I didn't feel relieved."

Wu Thirteen Black Line, "Also, I have never seen you who are full of viciousness and are still jumping around."

Xie Huai, "I heard that you are taking care?"

Wu XIII was just passing through and said: "He is the orphan of Yun General. I am taking care of him."

"What happened to his family?"

"His father, the general of the town, Yun Songling, was betrayed by the old friends on the battlefield eight years ago, and even defeated, and died. The lady knows the inside story and hides with it. The emperor and us have been searching for years and have not found it. I didn’t expect to be saved by you."

Xie Huaiyu said half-heartedly: "I really don't know how many people have been saved in my life, but I have no good news, dragging this broken body, I don't know when to go."

A pair of warm hands hold her cold hand, Wu XIII firmly swears: "You will be fine! I swear! You will be fine!"

Xie Huaiwei smiled softly. "I know, thirteen, thank you."

She also held back his hand tightly.

Wu XIII sat for a long time, knowing that Xie Huaizhen saw that he was tired, and he urged him to leave.

It’s too late. Xie Huaiqi sighed while eating the food that she did not know, and she was really ignorant of the present day.

After eating the meal, I used a lot of medicines that didn't really work, and poured water on my stomach.

People began to feel sleepy, although they did not want to sleep, but the eyelids of the upper and lower fights did not allow her to be the master.

Xie Huaiqi hated and sighed: "Hidden fireworks in March!" Then he made a big yawn on the cheeky face of the green sleeves and lay back on the bed.

She doesn't want to be a sick woman, and in fact the patient is rarely beautiful. And it’s good to sleep. She can’t get a rest when she falls asleep. In her dreams, she can always feel that the brain is still active in excitement. The dreams are different and the nerves are highly nervous. Sleeping is better than not sleeping. tired. In addition, she also felt sore, headache, dizziness, staring at Venus, auditory hallucinations, forgetfulness.

In the end, this is very bad. She can't think of what she is eating for dinner now. In the long run, she is afraid to forget her name.

A little bit of sinking into the dream, those grotesque things are like the fish find the bait, and wrap around her. The messy past is interspersed in my mind, or the sharp or low voices come and go, stimulating the eardrum and tapping the heart. Breathing became chaotic, oxygen was not enough, she gasped, but the air still couldn't get into her mouth.

She struggled to woke up from her dreams, but her body was tied, and her consciousness was recovering. She felt like she was lying in a soft quilt, but her hands and feet could not move half a point.

She tried her best to breathe, but the thin air couldn't sustain her life. She was painfully, but she couldn't even shout.

When the feeling of suffocation was to be extinguished, the quilt on the body was slammed open, and a force pulled her up. Several acupuncture points were spotted on it, and then both palms were shot in the back, and the smashed the smash. The air poured into her trachea. She coughed and gasped and finally began to breathe.

The man sat by the bed, stopped for a moment, suddenly reached out and hugged her in her arms -

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