MTL - Song in the Peach Blossoms-Chapter 67

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It is certainly impossible for Yu Wenyi to care about this little thing with a woman. Xie Huaiqi worried that he was afraid of a few days, and saw that the leader did not respond, and gradually let go of his heart. Only since then, the mouth has been rigorously a lot, which made Wu Thir's ear roots earn a few days of peace. However, Xiao Wu is also a commander. When Xie Huai 珉 嗦 嗦 嫌 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Although going north, the weather is getting hotter every day. Xie Huaiqi has been in the fire for three months since she was in the body – yes, although she sometimes forgets this thing – her body temperature has been low, and she is a little bit sad in the winter, but in the summer, she is more resistant than others. Therefore, when Wu Thirteen and others were sweating and drinking tea, she was picking peanuts in a refreshing way.

Another exception is the wise and handsome Yuwen.

His Majesty, sitting in the throne, sits in a rude restaurant and drank the tea from the guards. A cup of coarse tea can be drunk by him into the house before the rain.

Suddenly think of Xiao Yu.

After many years of military career, he has developed a habit of arbitrarily arrogant, and Qiongyeyu liquid is no different from boiled water.

Xie Huaiyu thought about laughing. She thought of the two people fleeing from Kyoto to Xiyao City. The happy years were not like fleeing. Climbing, hunting, roasting, camping. She was cold at night, and he quietly came over and hugged him. The two of them are playing around all day, haha, a bit like she is now with thirteen.

Wu XIII was full of water, and the chopsticks were to be picked up. Suddenly, I felt a strange sight cast. He looked up and saw Ms. Xie Huai's eyes staring at him with tender eyes. His mind was shocked, his body trembled, and the chicken legs caught in his hands rolled back.

Xie Huaiyu put away the wonderful and strange eyes, and quickly chopped the chicken legs into his bowl.

Yu Wenyi bowed his head and his mouth was slightly curved. It seemed to be laughing.

Going north for two more days, probably near the capital, there are more acquaintances, Yu Wenyi rarely goes out to go, and the progress of everyone is faster.

Xie Huaizhen remembered that the younger brother in the family had long been eager to return to his heart, but he could not show his face to the leader. He had to painfully enjoy the public travel of the accompanying head who could not ask for help.

It rained in the middle of the night after that night. The banana leaves in the inn yard were rustled.

Xie Huaiyu saved the disease before he was treated, and his physical and mental load was too great, and his body suffered a lot. Although it is easy to hurry now, but I still feel tired, I have no spirit all day, and sometimes I sleep in the carriage for half a day. Wu XIII often laughed and she made a lazy bone.

I slept much during the day and couldn't sleep when I woke up in the middle of the night, so she put on her clothes and planned to go to the night to listen to the wind and rain, to lyrics and poems.

Did not think, actually met Yu Wenyi.

Yu Wenyi sat alone on the side of the bar, quietly looking at the dark night outside, Junya looks rendered soft and dimly lit by the candlelight, but it was too pale.

A jug on the table, a wine glass.

No wonder, the rainy night is a bit deserted.

Xie Huaiqi was in a dilemma. Looking back at the same situation he encountered last time, he still walked over with his scalp.

"Adult, late at night, why not rest?"

Yu Wenyi turned to look at her. "You don't have a rest?"

Xie Huaiqi shrugged. "There was too much sleep on the carriage during the day and I couldn't sleep at night."

Yu Wenyi smiled a bit and pointed to the opposite position. "Let's sit down and talk to me."

Xie Huaiqi took the lead.

On such a day, she and she have never been close to Yu Wenyi, but with her familiar personality, she is now less constrained than before. She took a deep breath of cold air late at night and raised her spirits to be cautious enough to accompany the heads of the night to chat.

It seems that Yu Wen’s sire seems to like this program very much...

When Xie Huaiqi was thinking about it, Yu Wenyi said: "Is it with me, is it very stuffy?"

Xie Huaiqi hit a spirit and immediately responded: "No! Not at all! How come?"

Yu Wenyi is obviously just asking, not trusting her answer. He smiled and said: "I am a very stuffy person. From a small family, I feel that my words are less gloomy. She likes my big sister. The big sister is slick and sturdy, and she is very competitive. It is like her."

Xie Huai’s ghost made a sudden sentence: “The daughter is the intimate little cotton jacket of the mother.”

Yu Wenyi laughed. It’s not a restrained smile in the past, but an easy-going smile, so that he has swept away many of his cold breath.

"You don't have to be so nervous. We just talked casually." Yu Wenyi said, and he was going to pour the wine. Xie Huaiqi rushed to the front to do the work.

"Adults love, let the next officer moved. But the lower official does not think that adults are very stuffy. One person said what he should say, not to say that he should not say, this is enough. The world knows that there are few people who can admit this advancement and retreat. If you are an adult, you can’t say anything extra.”

Yu Wenyi should be very satisfied with this ass, because Xie Huaizhen feels that he has relaxed some more.

He said: "I would rather envy you, want to say something, want to do something, and be very chic."

Xie Huai smiled and said: "The adults don't think that I don't have the heart. It's a good thing. I am confused when I am young. I never know what to say, what not to do, and a lot of trouble."

Yu Wenyi laughed and said: "This is nothing. What you say is naturally what you think should be said."

Xie Huaizhen is embarrassed, "The family always asks me to experience and experience. My brain is stupid, I can't understand it. In fact, I haven't hit the South Wall, I haven't eaten a loss, and many people can't understand it."

Yu Wenyi asked: "So, do you have any experience now?"

Perhaps it is this rainy night, maybe it is this warm candlelight, Xie Huai's look is awkward, and the answer is the words of the heart.

"Of course I have realized it. I am afraid that the most unsatisfactory things in the world can be realized."

Yu Wenyi did not speak for a while.

When Xie Huaiyu heard this, she knew that she could only hear so much.

This is already the limit of the emperor's confession.

Fear and compassion are intertwined. Xie Huaiqi is not an ordinary little doctor. She is a real person who has dealt with the dignitaries. The world listens to the soft voice of the king. Who has a good end?

Yu Wenyi chuckled, "I scared you."

Xie Huaiyu hesitated between jealousy and innocence, and Yu Wenyi said: "It is envious of you and thirteen."

Xie Dafu bitterly, and simply said frankly: "The adults don't tease me any more."

Yu Wenyi watched her bitterly wrinkle her delicate face, and her smile grew deeper and deeper.

Xie Huai's heart skipped a beat and hurriedly bowed his head.

The night was thicker, the rain was getting smaller, and the fine rustling sound slowly disappeared into the night. The wind blew the candlelight, and the opposite face was uneasy and shy, and the same cleverness in the memory, the shadow of the boldness could not be repeated.

The wine was all drunk, but the heat did not dispel the soreness of the legs. That has been accompanied by his many years of illness, but it has become more and more fierce.

I thought the weather was warm and should not be so easy to relapse. Yu Wenyi frowned.

Xie Huaiyan was keenly aware of his fault. "Isn't the adult uncomfortable? Is your face getting worse?"

Yu Wenyi waved his hand and did not speak.

Xie Huaiqi stood up. "Adult, you still go back to rest. I think you are tired." She looked around and looked for the guard.

However, the guard was disbanded by him.

The pain soon became a pain, and Yu Wenyi clenched his teeth and held the table up, sweating his forehead.

"Adult? Adult?" Xie Huai's voice was very flustered.

She reached over and helped. Yu Wenyi subconsciously pushed her away.

"Nothing," he whispered. "I will go back."

Xie Huaiyu said something, but Yu Wenyi did not listen to those words into his ears. All his will is used to control the legs that are severely painful and inaudible.

He walked step by step, and every step was like stepping on the tip of the knife.

This is destined to accompany his life's illness.

He clenched his fist and felt the sweat slipping down his cheeks, his body tightening like a full bow.

Xie Huaiqi has been talking in the ear, he can't hear it at all. The pain has taken up all his mind. The only thing I felt was that she clung to her hand and gave herself a little support.

The cramps in the legs made Yu Wenyi unable to go any further. He couldn’t help but fall to the ground, and even seemed to pull Xie Huai’s down. The cold and severe pain has spread to his whole body, and the whole portrait is immersed in the ice. Every inch of skin, every bone, every muscle, is stripped of the body bit by bit.

In pain and cold, he couldn't help but grasp the hand that had been holding him. A soft and warm hand. As if it was the source of all his temperatures.

The nose smelled the bitterness of the soup, and the body was warm, lying in the bedding, and the soft quilt was covered.

Someone in the house. He is a martial artist and he hears it very clearly.

She is reading a book, from time to time to see the fire in the stove, or add something to the jar.

Wu XIII gently pushed the door in.

"how about it?"

"I still fall asleep." Xie Huaiqi replied softly, "Is the water burned?"

"But my majesty is still not awake."

"Not in the way. I am coming."

The attendant brought a basin of water. Xie Huaiqi pours the potion gently and gently, then walks over and opens the quilt.

Yu Wenyi felt that his body was cold, and then the clothes were untied. He felt a little embarrassed, but his body was heavy like lead, and he couldn't speak.

The slightly hot paisley covered the legs and the skin was stinging. The legs, which were almost numb, gradually recovered. When the soft and cool hands touched the skin, Yu Wenyi could not help but be turbulent for a moment.

The warm feeling is very comfortable. Although Yu Wenyi has been insisting, he still gradually slept.

When I woke up again, the man was already in the carriage.

The wide and comfortable carriage is running smoothly.

Trying to move, the hands and feet have recovered consciousness, although the strength is still very weak, but this has recovered much faster than his usual attack.

"Where have we been?"

The person reading the book immediately dropped his hand and leaned over. "Your Majesty, we can reach the capital in two days. Wu Wangye has informed General Ye, who led the ban to come to meet his majesty. We can be together this afternoon. He meets."

Yu Wenyi opened his eyes and saw the bloodshot eyes in the woman's eyes.

"Xie Huai?"

"It is the lower official." Xie Huaiwei smiled gratifiedly, and the corners of his mouth appeared shallow dimples.

She squeezed the corner. "How do you feel under your armpit? Is it cold? Does the leg still hurt?"

Yu Wenyi whispered: "Good! It's okay."

Xie Huaiqi pulled out his hand and took the pulse for him.

The coldness of her fingertips allowed Yu Wenyi to tremble. I noticed it, and immediately smiled apologetically, and put my hand to my mouth and gently sighed.

"Sorry, my hand has been cooler." Xie Huaiqi continued to cut the pulse. "There is really a lot of squatting. The cold and wet accumulation in your body has been too long. I can only temporarily suppress it in a hurry. Only when I wait for the palace, I Pull it out for you again."

She took back her hand and gently put Yu Wenyi's hand back into the quilt.

Yu Wenyi closed his lips.

Xie Huaizhen couldn't guess his thoughts, and he came to the medicine to serve him to drink. After he finished, he stuffed a candied date into his mouth.

Yu Wenyi stunned and couldn't believe what was in his mouth. He has not eaten this stuff for more than 20 years, right? And it is clear that this candied date is Miss Xie's journey, and there is a large plate on the small table.

Miss Xie did not feel that there was anything wrong with it. After she completed her assignment as a doctor and subordinate, she returned to her original position very happily, holding the legend.

The novel continues to look.

Yu Wenyi looked at her expression and looked at the book with ease. She was stealing music from time to time, like a child.

He also followed him.

"Thank you."

Xie Huaiqi looked up and looked at him incredulously.

What did the old man say?

Yu Wenyi repeats: "Thank you!"

Xie Huai's heartbeat is accelerating - of course, it is scared. She is courageous and asks: "Your Majesty, can you ask, how do you get this disease? I figured it out, or the right medicine."

Yu Wenyi was silent, closed his eyes and silenced, letting Xie Dafu make a silent silence.

Xie Huaiqi died in silence, and once again regretted that he had more questions and more questions, which made the leader unhappy. However, Yu Wenyi seems to be asleep. Maybe he doesn't answer because he has asked the wrong question.

Just when Xie Huaiqi almost regretted vomiting blood, he suddenly heard a voice.

She looked up indefinitely and looked over.

Yu Wenyi, who was lying calmly, repeated it again, his voice was low and magnetic. "It was a lot of years ago."

Xie Huaizhen thought that this is not nonsense, or how to call it a sickness?

Yu Wenyi continued: "At the age of ten, there was an accident in the palace. In winter, I broke my leg and buried half a night in the snow... Later, the treatment was unlawful, and this was the fall of the disease. These years have been well-conditioned. It’s been a lot better, I didn’t expect to recur in such a warm day.”

His tone is dull, it seems to be very easy, so a big change, it seems that it is really just an accident.

Xie Huaiyu thought about it, but he closed his mouth tightly and kept silent.

Yu Wenyi opened his head and thought it was easier. He continued: "When the elders and ministers of the clan played the role of the prince, the elder sister made her mother stand for her inconvenience, but the minister and the clan elders supported me. My mother had been extremely distrustful to me. My father had already moved out of the house and lived outside of my own life. I didn’t care about our brothers and sisters. Under my pillow, I hid the dagger that my mother gave me, even if I was I fell asleep next to my wife." He smiled sharply. "There are very few people who know this."

Xie Huai’s back winds burst into a cold sweat.

How old was he at that time? Counting, but 18 or 9 years old, the university is fresh. In modern times, playing the game every day, he slept on the tip of the knife.

Yu Wenyi turned to look at her pale face, his eyes sank, but then he laughed. "Is scared you?"

Xie Huaizhen is very embarrassed. "Your Majesty... It’s not pleasant in the past, but after all, it’s already gone. Eyes are in front of the head, that is, people want to look forward."

"It’s really interesting to say this." Yu Wenyi’s face is much gentler.

He still has no words to say. For example, this is the first time he has talked to people about his past and describes his feelings.

Even his wife, who shared his bed with him, didn't know what he was thinking.

Yu Wenyi changed the topic and said, "I have no problem in this leg. I know that this disease is inseparable."

Xie Huaiqi smiled and said: "Don't be discouraged, this disease depends on nursed back to health. There are so many people in the palace. It is not a problem to take care of you."

Yu Wenyi listened, but he smiled. "Yeah, fortunately, it is the emperor."

The car went down, and the horseshoe roared outside. It was General Ye’s command to lead the ban. Xie Huaiqi and others finally breathed a sigh of relief. The emperor used the medicine and fell asleep. The tears and speeches prepared by Ye Jiang and Chang Gonggong and others were useless. They had to transport the Buddha to the palace and say it.

The emperor returned to the palace smoothly - although he was walking out and carrying it back - Xie Dafu could take a break.

I was waiting for her at home.

I haven't seen it for two months. This kid has grown taller and has shorter sleeves and shorts.

Xie Huai, who was very happy to see him, took him to the restaurant to have a good meal, and went to the ready-to-wear store to order him a few sets of clothes.

Going home, the genius is black, but the person is too tired to go to bed and go to bed.

When I woke up, the sky was dark and the body was weak like a truck. Sleeping, how is it worse than snoring?

Xie Huaiqi took a little effort to get up, and while she was wearing her clothes, she felt strange. For the past two months, she has always felt very tired and her energy is obviously not enough.

Xie Huaiqi played a long yawn.

The emperor made an old cold leg, and she even wanted to take a year off to rest for a few days. Who said that the days of civil servants are mixed? Senior civil servants, such as her, the family doctor of the head, are on call 24 hours a day, and the work is not easy!

She opened the door and went out.

Where is it wrong?

It was very dark, and there was a scent of food in the air. It was heard outside that the mother called the child to go home to eat.

The most important thing is that the sun is on the west side.

Not in the room, it was because he went out early in the morning to go to Wen’s master to study martial arts. And now, at this time, he is coming back soon?

She, actually, slept for a day and night! ——

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