MTL - Song in the Peach Blossoms-Chapter 57

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Three years later, he left the country and built four years.

In the early spring of March, it is the melting of snow and ice, the recovery of all things, the return of the migratory birds to the south, and the great season of the hole. There is a saying that the year is in the spring, the new policy of the country, and often from the beginning of the spring to release the implementation.

A lot of things happened when I left the country the previous year. For example, the daughter of Long Shoujun Wang’s Ma’s face finally married. For example, Princess Pingle’s princess did not have a horse. For example, Liu Taizai’s greed for the treasury was revealed and the emperor was arrested. In short, the past year has been very lively.

The newly appointed Li Taizai is the seventh in the 21st year of Yuanping. Now he is less than forty. He looks like a good old gentleman. He is doing a good job, but he is very strong and has a hard time saying that he is not only able to clean up Liu Taizai. The mess that came down, and smoothly appease the wealthy families who were frightened by the incident of Liu Taizai.

The last fire of the appointment of Li Taizai’s new official was to give the emperor a suggestion. Considering that since leaving the country, the Emperor has always paid attention to the development of the people's education, and has cultivated many outstanding talents for the country for decades. However, there are fewer people and fewer positions, so that countless good and ambitious people are idle. It is recommended that you add professional positions to meet the professional needs of intellectuals.

Yingming Shenwu’s separation from the emperor’s family readily agreed that the first edict issued after the end of the year was to add grassroots positions in various ministries and to conduct examinations nationwide, select talents, and compete for posts.

For a time, it was sensational from the country. The middle-level officials of the ministries also did not care about their wives and children, and they returned to the office to prepare for the civil service exam. After the young people who graduated from the school or the master's home got the news, they all prepared for their skills, took the fame, and took the first step of a brilliant career. They wanted to live a small capital with a car and a car as soon as possible.

More than 500 years from the national state, there are five queens, and the queen of the Queen of the Regency is also a country with a relatively high feminist power. Women’s work is also normal, but the scope of occupation is narrow, and more work is done in the fields of educational documents, medicine, agriculture, and mulberry, and the positions are not high. The predecessor was separated from Huangfang Mingyu Wenlan, who was an iron-clad female emperor. In the thirty-four years of his reign, he was wiped out by the army and wiped out the tribes, and completely ended the local small split in the past 100 years. Then vigorously strengthen the centralization of power, persuade the peasants, repair the water, clean the Qing dynasty, Yan Junji, the country's governance is well organized and rapid development. It is also her that will expand the employment scope of women leaving the country to all aspects, and change the situation of heavy martial arts in the country for a long time, and vigorously support the development of culture and education.

It’s just that all the hard work is not enough to protect the evening. After Ms. Yu Wen entered the menopause, her temperament changed greatly and she became fascinated by the dog. She has completely realized the wonderful ideals of our readers for life - not only to search for Junmeiqing, but also to enter the palace, but also to spend a lot of money to build grand palaces and luxury pavilions. His husband is a great talented person, writer, painter, and educator who has never seen a hundred years from the country. The readers couldn't stand the excitement and simply made a Taoist priest from the palace. Her Majesty smashed the jar and broke it. She loved the prince Liu Liu, and spent the whole day drunk with gold. She did not ask the political affairs, which led to the rise of a group of upstarts. The good Jiangshan was suddenly smoldered.

The Queen gave birth to two women and one son. The Prince is now the game from Huang Yu. Thanks to the fact that the Prince led a group of ministers to work hard against the fainted mother, the forces of several major families did not over-expand, and the country did not shake at all.

After the chaos, there was Dazhi, and since then the world has returned. The first major event that the new emperor enthroned was to call the high prime minister, and said to the old prime minister who was wrinkled with a beard and white, and said that the emperor was in the early stage, the public was prime minister, and now he is still a big treasure. In its place. The public is the prime minister. It is reasonable to know the official dynasty, and the official of the court is 70 years old. There are eighty in the public year, why not go?

Gao Daye’s heart is bright, and his mouth is still tough to argue: Although the minister is older, but the calcium is added every day, the body bone is still very tough, not to mention the beginning of Yu Yu’s early days, the people’s incitement is undecided, how can the court leave with care and disregard?

Yu Wenyi sneered a sneer, rudely: For five years, the emperor has been reassured as an emperor. Why is the public not worried? You will take a break from tomorrow! I promise you to go home and have a grandson to support your grandchildren!

Gao Daye knew that his time had finally passed, but he had no choice but to leave the capital and return to his hometown. On the second day, the emperor raised the middle school's Donghe County Wang Caojiashu to make a leisurely prime minister, but the business was spread over the rookie head he promoted. The ownership of the nobles naturally received the information sent by the new emperor.

And change, that is only the beginning.

Wenchang County, Datun Village, dozens of small villages, relying on a stream of small rivers. The field is well, and the dogs and dogs are heard. A hundred-year-old banyan tree in the village, with dense foliage and strong towering, the villagers regard it as a **** tree. All important activities in the village are held under the tree.

Now it is the busy season, the people in the village have gone to work in the fields, only a few young dolls in the paddock are playing with the dog.

There are several people around the banyan tree.

Sprinkle the medicine, wrap the gauze, tie it, wipe the blood next to it, and then pull down the pants.

The young girl started to work, and the movement was soft. The wound was wrapped up in three, five, and two, and then the patted hands straight up.

"Hey, I’m right, don’t you hurt?”

The little boy who broke his leg widened his eyes and was so surprised that he said, "No pain! No pain! Really doesn't hurt!"

The children shouted and hung up.

"Xiao Xie sister! Xiao Xie sister is very good!"

The girl is about ten or so, with a beautiful appearance, white skin, pointed chin, and a shallow dimple in the corner of her mouth. It is very affectionate.

She smugly licked a few small heads that came in. "Okay, go play. Be careful!"

The children shouted again, and only a black kid like a charcoal stood still.

"? Why don't you go play?"

The black kid is carrying his hand, and the round face is mature like a grown-up. "Xiao Xie, do you accept me as an apprentice?"

Xiao Xie took the left gauze into the portable toolbox and said carelessly: "I have answered you many times on this question. No!"

"Why?" Black boy asked.

"I have also responded many times. I am going everywhere. If you accept you as a disciple, you will take you away from your parents. And you are still so small..."

"But in the drama, the high-ranking apprentices must take the apprentices to the mountains to practice."

Xiao Xie rolled his eyes, this play

The novel has been the most harmful since ancient times, and how many boys and girls are indulging.

"The play is, after all, just a play. You have never left your parents, you don't know how hard it is to have no one care about."

"But Xiao Xie sister, you are good, you will not take care of me?"

Xiao Xie smiled evilly and pinched a small fat face. "You are very cute, but my sister is not your mother. Why should I be so good to you?"

I felt the face that was pinched and tried hard. He admires this beautiful and capable big sister, and wants to learn her hand. In this way, when the mother is uncomfortable, she will not have to change the money in the seller to ask the doctor, and he can see the doctor.

However, he had to leave the mother for a long time, and he was reluctant. He died early, and he was left with his mother.

Xiao Xie sighed and patted his still young shoulders. "Small age, don't learn to sigh." I will stay for a while, teach you more before you leave, and give your mother a good recipe."

This is the show, smiled and pulled Xiao Xie's hand straight, "Little Xie sister! I know you are the best! You are the best!"

Xiao Xie smiled and looked at him. The child is still young, and the tiger's eyebrows are already very clear. In the future, he must be a handsome student, how many girls must be broken. The mighty posture in the eyebrows, where is the momentum of an ordinary rural boy?

Going to the village to see the eye injury of the widow Aunt Wang, it is not early, rumors declined Wang Aunt to stay for their own dinner, Xiao Xie carrying the medicine box slowly went home.

It was a sunset in the evening, the whole sky was rendered brilliant by the clouds, far from the golden, red to purple, and finally returned to the blue. The field was filled with water before it was inserted into the field of the seedlings, as reflected in the mirror of the sky.

Xiao Xie stood on the field and looked at it for a long while, then he walked back and touched the sizzling belly.

Returning to the temporary house, there is already a dish on the stove, which must have been sent by his mother. Xiao Xie smiled and heated the dish, cut a little bacon, and solved the dinner.

The night in the village was quiet, and only the insects in the grass were heard outside the house.

Xiao Xie dials the oil lamp, opens the pen box, removes the feather pen, dips the ink, and starts to move the pen.

"Auntie, see the letter as a meeting:

I am fine, what about you?

I left Xitai a month ago, and the drug dealer’s caravan turned over Ziyun Mountain and came to the country. So this month's letter is ten days late, which makes you worried.

Ziyun Mountain is the largest mountain range in the southwest. The altitude is estimated to be more than 3,000 meters. There are countless peaks on the mountain, and it will not change all the year round. The foot of the mountain is warm and the mountainside is cold and the climate is very different. Moreover, the mountains are densely planted with a variety of exotic flowers and rare animals. My stay was short, but I also found a lot of rare herbs. There is a kind of herb that is only on the edge of the cliff. It is very difficult to pick when picking, but don't worry, the local guide who led us through the mountain has a small monkey, trained, and finally the little guy helped me pick the herb.

There are dozens of small and small village tribes scattered in the mountains of Ziyun. The heads are stocked with slaves and beasts, each occupying the mountain as the king. Qin has left the officials of both places and never asked to intervene in their affairs. As a result, Ziyun Mountain became a no-branch zone, and many lawless elements from both countries fled into the mountains to seek refuge. They do not produce, relying on robbery of the former caravan to gain wealth. The only thing I followed this time was the drug dealers who went to and from various cottages to buy rare herbs. I followed them to eight cottages and opened my eyes.

Although the Ziyun Mountain area is dangerous, the scenery is magnificent. Scorpio, waterfall, deep pool, shallow creek, let me linger on, I hope that you are also around, to accompany me to see the sunset of Lone Xiafeng, how beautiful! Oh, don't say it, or you have to complain again.

Written here, the woman's handsome face showed a warm smile.

"There may be something you should know. I didn't expect Ziyunshan to be rich in iron ore. I saw Qin's laborers mining ore in the mountains, smelting them into iron and transporting them to the country. They are very strict and they bought the locals. The head person, the big man felled the forest. I think this is very embarrassing. Qin Wang has been sick for a long time, the Prince has been in charge of the country for half a year, on the surface it seems that everything is normal, but private small movements do not stop. From the local non-grade officials to replace, a large number The merger of the fields has formed a new strong, and the number of military service has increased this year. I think Qin will have a big turmoil.

The place where I am temporarily settled is a small village away from the country. There is a century-old banyan tree, which is tall and dense. When I first saw it, I remembered the big banyan tree in the mouth of my grandmother's house when I was a child. I felt very cordial and lived here.

The people in the village are very simple and friendly, and I take care of me. The country is the same as ours, the northern wheat, the southern rice, and now is the time of transplanting. The villagers are hardworking, but I am a little idle. I found that local women have some very unique ways to breed silkworms, which can increase the reproduction rate of silkworms and produce better silk. I am studying now, hoping to sum up and improve the quality of our large silkworm breeding.

When they left the country, they were also pursuing reforms and recruiting magi. I happened to catch up with the most lively time. I heard that today’s readers are rushing to the county. Since the beginning of the country, the literati have been suppressed for more than a hundred years, and now they are finally able to stand up and show their talents. I think this time the leader of the country will certainly recruit many talents.

Auntie, you have been in power for more than three years. Although Daqi is strong in armaments and brave in bravery, I know that the rule of the army is not your ultimate goal. However, the situation in the country is now rigid. Although a certain force has been suppressed in the past few years, its roots in the military are still strong. When you stepped into the throne, you opened a new system of imperial examinations in Dongqi. It’s a good time to be fruitful in these three years. In addition, when it comes to education and medical care, I have a few new ideas, that is..."

Another page was written with a lot of paper. The oil lamp blew a spark and the light was a little darker.

Xiao Xie licked the sour wrist, and continued to write:

“I am here to learn from the villagers to make a delicious sweet and sour soup. It is a local speciality. I write the recipe, you may call the royal chef to do it. The son said that you have been doing things for the spring all the time. Busy to be late. Work and rest should be combined, the body is the cost. If you say more, you are too guilty. Right, there is a flower in the south of Qin State that is not in the east, they call it dragon flower, I call it poppy. After the fruit is refined, it can make the person addicted, make the body weaker and finally die. But the flower is bright and fire-like, very bright and eye-catching. It can be used to relieve pain if used properly, but excessive death can lead to local death. I know that this flower is poisonous and I don't know if it is medicinal.

The weather is getting warmer and it is easy to hurt the wind. You have been sitting in the hall for a few years, and you have to exercise carefully. You have to be careful not to get sick. When I came to a new place, everything was fresh and I didn’t know how to write a lot. It’s late, I’m going to sleep. May you dream of you. ”

Xiao Xie wrote the drop, but did not consciously smile, then stopped the pen, carefully folded the letter into the envelope.

She simply brushed it, blew out the oil lamp and rested.

At night, the clouds did not know when it was blown away by the wind, revealing a bright moonlight, shining through the window and shining on the sleeping face of the house.

The next day was a fine weather. Dr. Xiao Xie did not sleep late, but got up early.

Without gas, cooking with fire is very troublesome. She heated yesterday's cold **** on the stove that was not finished, and ate it with coarse tea. The dog was yawning and yawning slowly from the outside, and the owner shook his tail carelessly. Although Xiao Xie raised it, but it is the neighbor of the neighbor who feeds it, so it cannot be said that it does not respect the owner.

Xiao Xie squatted and said: "I didn't see you when I came back last night. Where did I go? Whose dog sister is there? The dogs of other people are coming to the door at night, oh you!" ”

The old black squinted at the bones and turned his head toward her. Can't blame it, this is the high-risk and flammable place where the broken table is still full of hay. The only thing that can attract thieves is Miss Xie, who has a good meal. However, since she took a powder of medicine and let her east street rogue head full of pustules, there is no man in the Wenchang County who is afraid of coveting her white hands.

Xiao Xie finished eating the steamed bun, packed up the house, changed a neat dress, and then took the letter and went out.

After only a moment, a well-dressed passer-by quietly walked out of the woods and walked to the front of Xiao Xie.

Thank you very much for returning the letter and handed the letter to him.

"sorry to bother you."

The man did not speak, owed him a debt, turned back to the woods, and soon disappeared.

Xiao Xie, as usual, cleaned up the house and then took the medicine box out of the door.

I have an appointment with Dr. Chen, a generalist in the county, to ask him some academic questions. The old man was originally a doctor from the National Palace. He was imprisoned from the palace many years ago and returned to his hometown to open the medical center. The life of the children and grandchildren around the knees.

Today, the county is very lively, and the restaurants are full. Xiao Xie accompanied the old doctor in the hall of the medical hall for two quarters of an hour, and saw a group of people rushing in to wake up the medicine.

"Is the winery closed?"

The old man’s eldest son smacked his medicine and said: “I put the list yesterday, and the famous ones on the list are rushing to celebrate today. Hey, the days are still not black, they are all drunk! ”

The old man was very happy. "Well, the alcoholic medicine in the afternoon has risen."

Xiao Xie reminded him, "Master, you are a scam!"

"is it?"

“Yes!” Xiao Xie is very sure, but added, “You have to say that it is a new formula, and it’s a headache, so people can buy it.”

Chen’s son is honest and busy, “But I don’t understand!”

"Every one plus half a dollar of rice grass!" Xiao Xie laughed.

The old man touched his beard and smiled. "Thank you a little thank you. Xiao Xie, why don't you take a test? The medical bureau is also recruiting people, and the treatment is not bad."

No one knows that the seemingly poor Xiao Xie doctor actually has hundreds of tickets in his pocket, because she is plain and simple, because her life is very tricky. And the people who care most about her are also two questions: whether life is decent; and, why not marry.

No one knows that the seemingly ordinary Xiao Xie doctor is actually creating a great medical book.

After leaving Qi, Miss Xie spent three years traveling around the country. From the south to the north, from the east to the west, you traveled through the mountains and green waters and walked through thousands of miles. I took a look at the land of the four countries, and I have seen the warmth of the people and the local customs. The biggest gain is that she collected the medical technology adopted by her along the way, Qifang Zhenyao. She organized her study, which not only enriched her knowledge, but also improved her professional quality, and she also had enough information for her to write a book, in the future, in the future, with a well-known medical scientist and writer.

Not only that, but the practice of traveling has also greatly improved her surgical skills. Nowadays, Xiao Xie Dafu has been able to point to the fly when he is acupuncture. When cutting the meat, it is more refreshing and smooth. The knife is meticulous enough to claim that the pound of pork can be evenly divided into one millimeter thick. This technique has been repeatedly eaten in everyone. When the mutton is raised, it is carried forward. In the scene of horror and blood pollution, she seems to be frowning and calm, and she is still eating red and spicy boiled beef after amputation. This is another reason why she has been lacking in interest despite her appearance.

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