MTL - Song in the Peach Blossoms-Chapter 51

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There was a small stove in the tent where the prisoner was held, but the faint temperature could not stop the chill from the cracks in all directions. Yunxiang is still in good condition, wrapped in a half old cloak, sitting on the couch, no blood on his face, but no physical injury.

Xiao Yu and I walked in. She saw me and showed a pale smile.

It is not the kind of gentle and innocent smile, but a helpless and mature smile. She seems to have been familiar with the seemingly incomparable five senses, and the person itself is much older than the original age.

I am at a loss. When she didn't see her, she wanted to see her and met her, but she didn't know what to do.

"Sister," but Yunxiang opened her mouth first. She said, "I'm sorry."

The three words affirm everything that Xiao Yu said.

I want to talk, but my throat is blocked and I can't speak.

This girl, from the first day I came to the world, accompanied me, using her kindness, thoughtfulness, and hard work, let me adapt to this era and develop my new life. But in the end, I found out that I didn't know her at all.

Yunxiang is calm and terrible.

"Sister, I deserve it, you don't have to be sad for me. I have lost your trust. This killed a lot of people. The people who died in Chishui City, the thousands of soldiers who were betrayed on the battlefield. It is my sin. It is me. It’s my fault to deceive everyone."

I slammed away from Xiao Yu’s hand and ran to her.

"You stupid girl! You... why are you! Why!"

Yunxiang raised her face and smiled at me gently.

The curtains opened, and Lu Yingzhi and Song Zijing also came in.

Yunxiang did not look at the two of them, and said: "My real name is called Furong. The surname is not Zhao, but it is uncertain. Because of this, my wife and I are in Zhao, not a few days. Until I am ten At the age of five, Zhao Qian gathered me and several boys and girls gathered everywhere to teach us light work, pharmacology, etc. At that time I realized that I made a piece of Zhao’s.

Her eyes looked at the corner of the tent. "They gave us a poison. Every six months, only they have the medicine to relieve. In this poison, the body grows old and the appearance does not change much."

I shuddered.

"Yes." Yunxiang nodded and smiled. "In the past three years, I have tried my best to cover up. The appearance has always been unchanged at the age of fifteen. Careful people will naturally see the clues."

"What poison can't solve?" I called.

Yunxiang shook his head. "This poison, that is recorded in the Qiuyang transcript, there is no solution, but you read it to me."

I am stunned and faintly think of such a thing.

"I was trained for four years and then sent to Xie's family. You know everything behind." Yunxiang bowed his head.

"You..." I am so arrogant, I don't know what to say, "You... don't have to... listen to them..."

"My mother is still in their hands." Yunxiang said, "I can only listen to them." She smiled and then burst into tears.

She looked up and turned to Song Zijing and smiled extremely tenderly. "I don't hate you. I knew that you wouldn't look at this ordinary fragrance, but I can't bear this opportunity, I can't bear an opportunity to get close to you. You probably have long been Forgot, five years ago, under the Green Water Bridge, the little girl you picked up from the water."

Song Zijing’s face was calm and calm, and then turned into horror.

"That is……"

"That's me." Yunxiang's every move at the moment shows that the actual age is calm and steady. "I was trained to work, I changed my life in the middle, and almost died in the water. You saved me up, healed my wounds, I don't want to abandon me because Poisoned and unrecognizable, recognize me as a little girl. I will leave without saying goodbye, but I am very sad. You know, it is the first time I feel the care and love of the other people."

Song Zijing stayed at her.

Yunxiang suddenly smiled and said: "There is one more thing, you must tell you. You later became a confidant with Yangcheng County, you know, who wrote the letter to her, who is the ghost?"

Song Zijing finally changed his face.

Yunxiang smiled very bitterly. "At that time, I was ordered to lurk in the county government to monitor and do her house. That Yangcheng County is a mediocre person, preferring to compete and be eager to get to know you. I heard that I am a daughter of Xiucai. I have to write a letter and write a letter to make you."

Song Zijing's face was first reddish, then turned into a piece of white, gently step back. Don't talk about him, even if I listened to these words, it was unbelievable.

Yunxiang’s tone of joy rejoices. “I can’t think of you replying, I greatly appreciate my poetry’s simple and unspoken words, and the refreshing innocence makes people look impressive. Those letters, I still have it now.”

She smiled and smiled at the Song Zi, and she was very charming and moving.

"Now want to come, although you come close to me these days, it is good to me, but it is to monitor me nearby. You will not like me at all. But I also feel worth it. There are letters of true statements, I think I am Everything is worth it."

Song Zijing's face was gray and defeated. Zhang mouth wanted to say something, but did not make a sound.

It seems that Yunxiang does not know that Song Zijing once loved the woman who communicated with him.

I hurriedly said: "Clouds..."

"Sister!" Yunxiang turned to me. "I am actually a few years older than you, but you have been taking care of me, protecting me, teaching me a lot of things, waiting for me so well, except for my mother and Mr. Song, third. A person who is good to me without reservation. I will call you a sister."

My tears kept rolling, and I was worried and worried. "What do you say..."

"I am sorry for you, I have lost your trust. You still believe me at the last moment. Without you, my sins don't know how deep. Every time I think about your good for me, I am suffering from guilt." It's better to die. You can rest assured that I have never told you about your identity with Zhao. I said that Xie Zhaohua drowned when he crossed the river. They were convinced that they didn't thank the family."

"I know! I know!" I grabbed her cold hand. I don't know how, I suddenly felt a bit weird. She said everything in one breath.

Yunxiang also clenched my hand, looked up and looked at Xiao Yu, and Lu Yingzhi standing behind him.

She sneered, "Wang Ye is wrong, Zhao Qian will take care of me, I will not put my **** into the Xie family."

Xiao Yu’s face was gloomy, but he calmly replied: “I know that there will be this situation. What else do you have to say?”

I am a glimpse, how is this so strange?

Yunxiang said, "You are also a hero. My sister has suffered a lot for you and suffered a lot of grievances. You must be good to her."

I was surprised, "Yunxiang?"

Xiao Yu’s face was flat, and the voice was icy and cold. “Whatever I did, I have all my heart.”

Lu Yingzhi immediately looked at him with uneasiness.

Yunxiang nodded and looked at me. "Sister, can I ask you the last thing?"

I hurried nodded: "You said!"

"My mother, still in the Zhao family. Can you help me find her and filialize her for me?"

"No problem!" I promised immediately. "I will take you to her when I get there."

Yunxiang smiled bitterly. "It's all for my mother. I can't keep it, then I want to keep her..."

As soon as the voice fell, her hand touched my waist, and the figure shot like an arrow to Xiao Yu. A sharp cold flash suddenly flashed, and I had a flower in front of her eyes. Her agile and strong figure had already been pushed to Xiao Yu, and her dagger was straight to the corner of Xiao Yu’s heart. Xiao Yu immediately pulled back, but stepped on a few pieces of firewood and slipped under his feet.

Song Zijing was originally in a state of chaos, and this moment was too late to be rushed up but it was too late.

I opened my mouth, and the exclamation sound had not yet rushed out. A water-red figure rushed over and slammed into Xiao Yu. The cold light pierced her back.

Song Zijing was rushing over at this time, and he did not want to take a shot. The cloudy and thin body flew out and fell heavily on the ground.

My head seemed to be knocked by a heavy hammer, and it was so stunned that I climbed up and rushed to pick up the fragrance.

She was pale as paper, her eyes closed, and her mouth was black and bloody.

I screamed at Song Zijing angrily. He looked gray and shocked, and he looked at his hand.

"Yingzhi?" Xiao Yu is holding a body of Lu Yingzhi.

He shouted, and the heart that had already numbed me was slashed by a sharp knife.

I pressed the veins of Yunxiang with one hand and touched the bottle of medicine on one hand. Going out of the hurry, the body only took the wound medicine, but Yunxiang clearly took poison. She rushed to wheezing, her teeth tightly biting and her body stiff.

The poison she served should be stolen from me. The poison I have is limited, but it is a rapid attack, and the poison is dead and there is no pain. So Yunxiang’s face is still smiling, just like the child who wished to realize it.

I was flustered, and the bottle in my pocket rolled over the ground, but nothing worked.

Yunxiang suddenly stopped twitching and soft in my arms.

"No! Yunxiang, no!" I picked up the fragrance and shook her. "Hold it! I will take you back!"

I tried to pick her up, but my own illness was weak and my limbs were weak. I couldn’t hold it.

Song Zijing still stood by.

I rushed to him: "What are you doing?"

He jerked and took a step forward.

Yunxiang coughed up a black blood, and then did not move. My tears fell like a broken bead.

"What are you doing? Why is this?"

She only smiled and looked at the Song Zijing standing next to the puppet, happy and satisfied, just as all wishes were realized.

Song Zijing took a step back and looked shocked and mischievous.

Yunxiang always laughs and laughs all the time. I am going to touch her veins again, it is calm.

"No-" I screamed and buried my head.

Xiao Yu is calling my name, I didn't care. He had to pick up Lu Yingzhi and rush out of the tent.

I am holding my friend who has passed away. I only feel that I am spinning around and the whole world is no longer there.

This girl, kind, innocent, unable to help herself, struggles to survive in this world, but who knows her, and who can really love her?

In the end, although she laughed and died, she did not notice.

"Clouds -!!!"

Zheng Wenhao is like a lost lion rushing into the tent, seeing the fragrance in my hand, wanting to rush over, but somehow, standing in the same place, unable to move.

I looked up at him.

The boy lost his soul.

He is a good boy, just coming late and missing his life.

Zheng Wenhao shook his head.

I sneered: "She is free, what are you shaking?"

Zheng Wenhao's body is crumbling.

I lowered my head and gently wiped the blood from the corner of the cloud, then closed her eyes.

"This girl, solid eyes. Why? If I am there, no one can move you."

Zheng Wenhao issued a painful sob, like a beast that was injured.

I said, "Yes. No one can hurt her anymore."

Zheng Wenhao broke out with a low sigh and his face was shining. He wiped his face and turned and rushed out.

Song Zijing has been standing in the corner of the account from beginning to end, like a stone man. He has always been a spoiled scent, a little girl who admires him, but he does not know that he admired the situation in the past. Song Zijing, Song Zijing, smart and wise, sober and calm, but in the end it is called prejudice for a lifetime. Can you regret it?

My heart is sad.

I said, "I want to take her away."

Song Zijing still seems to be still awake in his dreams, squinting his eyes and saying nothing.

I recruited two small soldiers and brought Yunxiang back home.

Since she has already pleaded guilty to death, she should be able to enter the soil.

I and Tonger changed her colorful dress and groomed her. She was lying still, just like sleeping, the face that had been applied to the powder was still rosy, but the hand was already cold and pale.

Haiyan, they all came, looked at them, looked at each other, did not know what to say. In the end, Yunxiang is a spy, and it kills people. They have deep friendship with me, and this principle is unshakable.

I kept crying all the time, and when I was in the clouds, I finally stopped crying. It’s just that my heart hurts so much, and I’m so depressed and distorted.

Yunxiang paid a price for what she did, and who could compensate her for the pain she suffered?

I sat next to her and squatted on the bed, feeling that my energy was running out and I couldn’t even think.

The girls’ screams suddenly sounded outside.

Tonger ran in in panic and cried: "Miss, it is Wang Ye who sent people to enclose the yard, but also to drive away people and others."

I thought a little, slowly stood up and patted the skirt.

"War around the yard?"

Tonger was anxious and anxious: "It’s because Miss Yunxiang stabbed the prince. They even suspected you."

I asked: "How many people are there? Who is the soldier?"

"It is the more guard."

I pushed the door out, and it was really cold outside, the armor was heavy, and the torches were connected. The soldiers have already surrounded my little courtyard.

The wind is leading the Yan army, with another burst of people, stalemate at the door.

"Chen Zhong will," the wind is very strict, "the end will be the life of the lord, the assassination of the assassin hospital, and the relevant people are waiting to be examined. You stop me from doing bad, is to resist the command of the prince!"

The other generals are also arrogant and arrogant: "The more the guards, the more they are under the command of Lu Yuanshuai to capture the assassin and the party. You don't hand over the people, are you going to cover up the spies?"

Good poison!

The wind is calm and calm, and replies: "At the end of the day, there are only suspects, no assassins with the party. For the end, you will not be able to pay the people that Chen Zhong will want!"

The other party was turned back and slammed. "Amin, the doctor of the assassin, is the same party!"

The wind hurriedly asked: "Oh? Before two hours, the prince was stabbed. This has not been repeated, and the trial has not been tried. You know who the assassin is with the party? Isn’t the Marshal of the land early?"

That Chen will be blocked and speechless. If Lu Yuanshuai did not check, then he was not qualified to mention me. If there is a check, then why not protect the prince from letting him assassinate? No matter how he answered, he has been circumvented.

The wind sneered, the hand waved, and my hand immediately surrounded my small yard.

"In the next life of the lord, investigate the assassination and block the suspect's place of residence. All of them can't enter or leave without permission. Everyone waits," he added. "You can't be close to the yard!"

"You!" Chen Zhong will be angry and flush. His subordinates were afraid that he had acted aggressively, and hurriedly took him and sipped a few words in his ear.

Chen Zhong will calm down after a hard time, although he is extremely unwilling, but the wind is full of reasons and his attitude is tough, and he has no choice. In the end, I had to turn around with Lu Jiajun.

The wind turned and saw me and immediately saluted.

I was very uncomfortable and quickly returned to him. "The more the guards do not have to be so polite."

The wind is but a serious saying: "The situation is compelling, I have to let the lady stay here for a while. Please also ask the lady not to blame the prince, he is also forced to make this decision."

I pouted, "Of course. Of course."

Lu Jia.

Lu Yingzhi hurt his heart, I saw it with my own eyes, it was a serious injury. Lu Jia will definitely not give up this time. Yunxiang is dead, it is useless to take the dead, then, I am still alive. Moreover, I also blocked the front of Lu Yingzhi's Queen's Road.

Lu Jiahui spent so much effort to deal with me, I am afraid I already know that I am Xie Zhaohua, is Xie family.

When things involve a family, the impact is completely different.

Lu Ying’s life was saved, but he had to fall into the heart of the heart.

There was a loud noise outside, some people were yelling at something, and then the door was kicked open.

We ran out and saw Zheng Wenhao, who was pale, walking in.

I am guarding the clouds. In order to save her body, there was no fire in the room. We can't go out, we have to find a white candle, and then cut the paper money ourselves. Cut a little, burn a little, in the light of the ash light, remember the past little by little.

The impact of her is so great, but her life is so small.

An obscure maid, sent to serve the idiot lady, met me, took her away from Xie's family, took her to the world, and gave her a chance to approach the person in her heart. Her existence has been very weak, and she can't notice her even if she speaks. I can't believe that those things are from her hands until now. I don't believe that the last person who is trying to assassinate Xiao Yu with all her strength is her.

Even me, but she is a weak and incompetent sister. After a few years of getting along with each other, did I notice her embarrassment? If I have enough care for her, I should at least find out a little bit of clues, not at the last moment to know that everyone tells me all the truth.

And if I can find out earlier, do something for her. For example, to rescue her mother, such as helping her to confess to Xiao Yu, such as ... then today's tragedy will not happen! I will not lose my best friend!

My heart hurts a lot, annoyance, regret, regret, self-blame, intertwined, burning, turning into tears. It is both grief for Yunxiang and chilling for Xiao’s cold political wrist.

In this way until the middle of the night, there was a slight commotion outside. Tonger came back and told me: "There was a change in the camp. The more the guards received the order, they immediately went on."

What will happen in the middle of the night?

I also learned after three days. It was this evening that Zheng Wenhao did not inform him that he had transferred a Zhengjia elite soldier and sneaked into the capital to assassinate Zhao Qian. Severe and tragic, nine dead and a lifetime, all relying on Yunxiang quietly gave him a map of Zhao, found the old nest, personally cut down Zhao Qian’s head and brought it back—

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