MTL - Song in the Peach Blossoms-Chapter 28

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The first snow of the Northland came unconsciously.

When I got up in the morning, I pushed open the window and saw a pile of snow and frost. I didn’t react at all. Yunxiang was excited to scream: "Miss! It's snowing!"

It’s really snowing!

I grew up in the south, and even if there is snow in winter, it will fall into the rain. Now I see the overwhelming white snow, fresh and curious and excited, with the clouds and the senses of the three people happy to play.

After the snowman was piled up, the snow scented them and they were three enemies. After I licked a few snowballs, I finally burned the small universe, and soon I ran three of them to the garden.

Just playing, the Yan Wangfu sent people to hand over the hot stamping post, saying that it was the season of Ruixue, and the Queen’s banquet invited everyone to visit the palace.

Pinlan was happy to hear: "In the past, Wang Ye would invite everyone to eat at this time of the year. I remember that there was a full feast, there were a lot of Jiangnan snacks, and the beautiful sisters danced, it was fun."

"Is it?" I turned over and read the post, but my mind turned to a few days ago.

I was drunk that day, but people were not confused, and what was done after the disorder, I was very clear in my heart. I remember Xiao Xiao grasped the soft body and hugged it to the bed, and immediately ran on the soles of his feet, as if walking late. One step, I will be hungry and thirsty and rush to the past to occupy his innocence. I am so funny and angry.

After a long time, I didn't see him. On several occasions, I asked Mr. Sun to talk about things. As soon as I heard his voice or saw his back, I immediately ran and ran. On several occasions, he was so angry that he called my name, and I also rude my head. The kind of ignorant embarrassment is like an ant crawling and crawling in the heart, itching and unbearable. But what I have done is like splashing water, not that I will disappear if I don't face it.

Always like this, even Yunxiang is not aware of it: "Miss, are you awkward again with Wang Ye?"

I am not angry: "What is it? I used to be awkward with him?"

Yunxiang laughed: "You two two days and two quarrels, don't say that you are not aware of yourself."

I am embarrassed: "That is just a way to get along."

"But you haven't talked for more than ten days this time. Even they feel that they are aware of it. Come and ask me if you will not quarrel."

I am so angry and funny: "Why do children care about it? When he asks you again, he will punish him for copying the Seven Commandments of the Gentleman. Seeing that he is still gossip!"

Yunxiang is very serious: "Miss, if you have any misunderstanding with Wang Ye, it is better to say it in person. We are still relying on him in Xiyao City. People are under the roof, can you not bow, this is what you taught me? ""

Hey, even Yunxiang began to educate me.

I have no choice but to look at the sky. The knot can only be resolved. When I think of it, I will let it go. I will naturally face Xiao Yu.

The snow in the north, once it gets up, there is no time to stop. The thin frost on the ground accumulates into a thick layer of snow. However, Tiangong is also beautiful. The day of the Yanwang banquet guests suddenly cleared up. The golden sun shone on the snow, and the trees were covered with crystal frost.

Because they played mahjong with Yunxiang the night before, the next day was late, and they were late, and they went to the carriage in a hurry.

In front of the Yanwang House, the bus is in the water, and the men and women are in the market. The men and women wear the skin, the pearly jade, the fragrance of the fragrance floats in the wind, and this afternoon is also intoxicated. Just standing for a moment, I saw a number of beautiful heads, beautiful makeup, beautiful girl Yan Na Ting into the Wangfu door, there are countless romantic and handsome, the handsome son came down the sedan.

Xiao Yuming clearly wrote a feast on the post. Whose family feast was held like the International Film Festival Xiaojinren Awards Ceremony?

I went there one stop and immediately became self-defeating. Inside is a light blue skirt, set with silver red and blue striped nosepieces, covered with a gray gray cashmere cloak, hair style is also simple, just inserted two scorpions. The makeup on the face is also gone.

Yunxiang screamed and said: "Before chasing the lady to change clothes and draw a red makeup, if you listen to me, now it will not give people a comparison."

"Okay, okay." I laughed. "It’s just to have a meal. What do you wear in red and green?"

My voice was a little bigger and I immediately attracted a few gaze. A few meters away from me, a gorgeous car, a lot of old mothers surrounded by a beautiful woman in the water red, she probably thought that my words were directed at her, a pair of beautiful eyes with a disappointment to sweep me. On this cold day, her beautiful gauze was as thin as a mosquito net, and I admire her endurance.

At the door, the deputy director of the palace, I saw me at this time, and opened the door to say: "Min sent girl! Come on! Please, please."

I was busy slipping in with his words.

The entire palace has a colorful lantern, and the voice is full of people. Xiao Yan asked for my post and took me to the hall.

Just stepping into the door, a tall figure did not know where to rush into it. Both sides were shocked and blinked. Oh, this is not Zheng Haowen, Major General Zheng.

Xiao Zheng looked at us, and the eyes were stunned, and then I saw the fragrance around me, and my expression froze.

I immediately stood up and stood in front of Yunxiang. He wanted to find my family's troubles. I had to pass me before.

But what I didn't expect was that Xiao Zheng had come back to God, and his face suddenly became red and clear, and he turned into the crowd without turning his head.

Yunxiang wondered: "What happened to him?"

I guess: "Maybe it is anxious."

The female guests are arranged to sit on the west side, and most of them have already been seated. Miss ladies, I don't know them, they don't know me, they look at each other, they continue to gossip and go home.

I am bored, and the consciousness and the product are coming. The two children are hard to rely on me. The management had to arrange to move the seat.

The ladies didn't know me, but they knew each other. I heard someone whispering, "The child is not heard of the prince's ``````

"Is he? The woman will not be..."

The women immediately cast their sights, and the searchlights looked at me up and down. They were all curious.

Oh, this is why I hate Sangu and Liupo. If you don’t know each other, you can start to think about the singularity of the singularity according to a little hearsay. It’s really a problem to not engage in original literature.

Feeling is pulling me, I can't stop saying that today's gentleman praises him, and Pinnacle wants me to give her a cloud cake. I was too busy to take care of both sides, and finally one of the women helped me with a small face.

"The girl is so familiar, as if she had seen it before."

I really couldn't hold back, and I laughed. This is a familiar experience. In the past, the future of men, women and children in the past and the present are all in the same way.

The wife is not very old, a bit blessed, and she is well maintained. I smiled a little, her face was a little hanged, and I hurriedly said, "I often go out and walk, maybe I have seen it before."

The wife’s expression eased a little, and she was not satisfied. She said, “This little son is handsome, don’t know who you are?”

I haven't answered yet, and I feel that I will take the first step: "She is my mother!"

All the female guests have taken a sigh of relief.

I raised my hand and gave me a violent shudder. Even if I was joking, it was so unobtrusive. Can I give birth to your big son?

Seeing the wife's fainting look, I hurriedly added: "Da Niang! Is a mother!"

The women sighed with relief and slammed their chests.

Feeling grievously, he touched his head and said, "But the prince wants me to call you a mother."

I was so angry that "the old man is not convinced that the mouth is open, and you will follow the mouth. It’s really not the right beam!"

Look at the ladies are a faint look, I am busy to laugh: "Children say nothing! Children say nothing!"

A melon face, Dan Fengyan has a few points like Fan Bingbing's Qing Lixiu can't help but curious, ask me: "Don't ask the girl to be with the prince, what is the relationship?"

I pointed to the fingertips: "The old mother who helped her with her children."

The crowd suddenly realized that they immediately became interested in me and turned to harassment. Because the child just said something wrong, I was very irresponsible to push him down. A group of girls who are eager to express their maternal feelings and always love to be gentle and ready to work as a stepmother, give him a little experience in life. The little idiot was surrounded by the roaring scent of Luopa fragrant powder. Several well-maintained and manicured silky scorpions were touched and scratched on his face. He was shocked, scared and annoyed. Can not break free. This scene is like a fat white pig falling into the net of spider essence.

I will look at the melon seeds and smile. At this time, I don’t know who said it: "Is the Yinghui County Lord coming?" The actions of the women suddenly stopped.

I looked down. I saw that the red-haired beauty who gave me a white eye at the door of the door was coming. It quietly faded the cloak, revealing a beautiful and elegant water gauze skirt, it is really beautiful. The Yinghui County's main skin is fair, wearing a red dress is even more beautiful. I also think that she is really beautiful in the near future. The goose egg face willow eyebrows, the apricot eyes crystal clear like autumn water, Yao nose? The mouth and neck are slender, and the whole person is like an elegant and proud swan.

Although I can't compare with Xie Zhaoxuan or Qin Yuhua, it is enough for her to stand out among these women.

Yunxiang immediately sent a report to the line: "This is the daughter of Linzhou County King, the head of Yinghui County, the name of Liu Mingzhu. Only eighteen, is a well-known beauty, good at poetry, smelling the song, all said her The talented person broke through the threshold, and the king of the county refused. Even the princes chose to swear for her. I heard that it was a thought that made her a king."

During the speech, Miss Liu Mingzhu had already walked to the front, and saw me at a glance, and immediately frowned. But she was so good at knowing her identity, turned her head and turned her head, and sat down at the chief.

When the guests arrived, Xiao Yu delivered a speech.

Xiao Yu’s silver gauze band today, wearing a golden crown symbolizing the throne of eight hundred years, is fitted with a body that is full of strength and a strong body. Really, it’s not fascinating, it’s a lie. Although the image of his cynical hippie smile in my mind has remained the same, I also admit that he is a leader with a dignified and calm attitude. The river in the southern country gave him a good look, and the wind cream of the Northland created his good body. And he has a pair of deep eyes, even when he is helpless, it is deep, like a deep pool that can't see the end.

I looked at him from afar, and suddenly there was a strange sigh in my heart, and I couldn’t help but sigh.

Xiao Yu’s opening welcoming speech was fluent and loud, and all the attendants were neat and thoughtfully greeted. The guests naturally sold his face and toasted.

The banquet started, the delicious and delicious food was served on the table, and my attention was diverted. Xiao Yu was drinking and talking with the men at the end. I was here to serve the sensation and the blue. Although one person and one table, but two children have to squeeze to me, one wants to eat chicken and one to drink tea, and both hands must be fed. My good young woman owes her child debts and sweats as a mother.

The women present at the scene had turned their attention to him when they appeared in Xiao Yu. Regardless of their age, they all confessed to the ears like a spring girl. Miss Liu Mingzhu sat alone and sat alone to taste wine alone.

The song and dance soon started. Pinlan is right, there are pretty girls who are twisting the water snake waist and dancing. On the occasion, the weather is cold, and the dancers are dressed more closely. After the song was finished, the young woman in a green dress was playing a humming tune.

This variety of programs took turns to be played, and the seats were eaten seven or eight. The sky is dark, and Wang Fuli has a palace lantern. A group of warm yellow hangs among the trees under the armpits, reflecting the girls all face to peach blossoms, spring mood.

Everyone has enough food to go to other places, just like the KTV in the modern restaurant.

The palace is cleverly designed, with water on one side, flowers and lofts on the other three sides, and a small stage in the atrium. The blaming lights illuminate every corner, and there is a beautiful wooden frame on the table, which is filled with a horse that is more than 20 centimeters high and sleek and polished.

Pin Lan is very clear about the procedure and said to me: "It is estimated that the adults must also have poetry. That is the jade horse is the color of today."

Oh la la, the poems are right for me, just like the dry ducks launching water ballet.

I immediately said to Yunxiang: "Sister, let's clean up and go home. Sleeping late and have eye bags."

Yunxiang called out: "Mr. Song."

Song Zijing smiled and walked over. He had been sitting at the other side of the hall before. I didn't see him and read a few words. Today, he changed his usual elegance, wearing a blue-purple Confucian shirt, a white jade belt, and a silk crown on his head. Under the costumes, a gentle and elegant style, Yushu Linfeng, a pair of eyes with this clothes set off like ink crystal deep and clear. Both me and Yunxiang’s eyes showed the color of admiration, and he was amused by us to deepen a lot.

"How do you go after eating?" He said to me, "There is a big show, and there is a garden behind."

I narrowed my neck: "Which garden is a cold day, it is a price to pay for it. As a doctor, I really disagree with this activity."

Song Zijing smiled: "There is a fighting poem for a while, and watching a lively."

I blinked and said: "Mr. I don't know me the first day. Do you think I can understand?"

Song Zijing thought about it and thought it was the truth, but he said: "It is rare for everyone to get together. Before the busy year, I am afraid that it will be a New Year."

I still want to refuse, and suddenly I heard a man respectfully said: "Wang Wang must have seen the little girl yet?"

Not far from us, a middle-aged official gave a sly gift to Xiao Xiao with a delicate and delicate yellow girl. The girl is slightly inferior to Liu Mingzhu, but it is also a rare beauty. I saw her eyes in the water, laughing lips with a smile, a face of Confucianism staring at Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu was a bit clear and polite. I don't know what to say, the girl's eyes shined for a moment, and even the girls who came over her side all had a spring mood.

I am cold. The tongue he licked at me was originally used by others.

Turning his head and smiling at Song Zijing, he said: "That's good. I will sit down!"

Speaking of the incense and the children took a seat with a good vision to sit down. Song Zijing was a little surprised and sat across from me.

There are many heaters in the cloister, and the fire dragon is burned underneath, so although it is ventilated on all sides, it is not cold at all. Not only is it not cold, but it is also full of spring and flowers.

Just a cup of tea time, you can't see the five people who have seen the royal family of Yan Wang, it is really thin and fat, each has its own merits. I said that it is no wonder that all of your sisters have been dressed up for the show today. It turned out to be a blind date. The mothers did not know how much hair they had hoped for, and they hoped that the sweetheart of Yan Wang’s sweetheart would marry him. Why didn’t he quickly sell his daughter out?

Miss Liu Mingzhu is really the finale. She was graceful, stepping out of the lotus and walking to Xiao Yu, Tingting asked for peace. She and Xiao Yu have already known each other and have an advantage. The two quickly saved their gossip and often got up.

I am not far from them, I can clearly hear them talking about the snowy plum winter tea warm wine and the situation of Xiao Yu’s wife, Mrs. Zheng’s body. Xiao Yu couldn’t help but smile and be friendly. Liu County’s master was even more charming and charming.

I don’t know which wife said, “It’s a pair of monks.”

Mrs. B is not very happy to say: "Your two daughters are married, and there is a capital to watch the fire across the bank."

Mrs. A smiled: "I am not a joke, I can deserve to be worthy of the prince, but only the Linghui Peugeot of Yinghui County."

Mrs. B lowered her voice: "I think it should be true this time. Wang Hao has been in the world for so many years, and now his Miss Qin family has also been a prince, and he does not make sense."

Mrs. A said: "It’s just a continuation string."

"Get it." The wife said, "Even if you are doing it, everyone will break the head."

At this time, I felt that I had fought with Pinang’s guessing fist and turned my attention away.

Wait until Xiao Yu and all unmarried women of age are finished. The poetry will finally begin. Today, during the winter, you have been the subject of ice and snow, right or poetry. Taking time to pour paper and research ink, there is a pen to push the book and push it like a water boat, but also have a hard time thinking like constipation, but also write and stop to change and change like I write English six-level composition, It’s a lot of gestures.

The girls are full of enthusiasm and want to make a slap in the face, write poetry to concentrate on all efforts, and the delicate face will soon have a layer of fragrant sweat. Only Miss Liu looks cold and contented, and she has a lot of hand to hand.

Song Zijing is such a high-caliber, naturally belongs to the first class of people, and finished a seven-character poem in less than three minutes. I curiously took his poems and looked at them. I only saw the full scrolls and the words and the words, and the words were very good. I was so surprised that I was so excited.

Song Zijing whispered to me: "Do you understand what you mean?"

I am honest: "No." The meaning of the literal, I really don't understand. However, he was impressed by the snow and ice. I can understand this point.

Song Zijing shook his head and smiled. I spit out my tongue and laughed with him.

Suddenly, a glazed glare hit me, and I raised my head and looked up at the sullen Xiao Yu. His old man was holding a pen and glaring at me. He didn't know where I was offended by him, causing him to ignore the image and glare.

With his gaze, Miss Liu Mingzhu, who has already submitted the manuscript, also cast her sight. She looked at me, and looked at Xiao Yu, her eyes turned, and suddenly she smirked her lips: "Is this a girl with a jade face?"

She actually knows my identity. I only nodded and said yes.

Liu Mingzhu is not far from me. He has raised his voice through several seats and said: "I have heard that Wang Ye has added a powerful assistant, and the medical skills are superb. It can be said that the doctor died. I thought it was a scholastic scholastic. I didn't expect it to be a young girl. It was a hero who was a teenager, and the girl couldn't let her eyebrows. Min could make my squat women open their eyes."

It is worthy of being a noble woman. Every word and sentence is as good as a golden apple falling in a silver silk. I was flattered by her, and I had to smile and thank you with a smile.

As a result, Liu Mingzhu’s topic turned: “Where is the girl’s singularity, why not write a slogan that should be a scene, and enjoy the fun?”

Eh? ——

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