MTL - Song in the Peach Blossoms-Chapter 19 Crossing the river adventure

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The old man was over sixty years old, black and thin, squatting his back and silently smoking a dry smoke. Seeing us down, look up and look blank.

I saw that he was almost skinny and could just ignite. Can such an old man still hold a boat? It’s not that I suspect him, but that this is simply abusing the elderly.

Xu Fengxian seems to see my doubts, boasting: "Don't look at our old Qingtou head bone shelf, but the boat does not have to say. Those beaches are undercurrent, just as familiar with the road in front of his house. Clearing these, it’s useless to grow a cow."

The grass used the breakfast, and the three of us came to the riverside with the warmth of Ms. Xu Fengxian.

Yesterday was just a distant view. I only thought that Jiang Shuiru is very beautiful. Nowadays, I have noticed that many places have taken waves of reefs. The vortex on the river is like a monster with a big mouth waiting to swallow up people, and the sound of the water slams.

Grandfather of Qing gesturing at us. Song Zijing translated: "He told us to board the ship."

It turns out that the old man can't talk.

I and Muxiang supported each other on the boat and sat down at the stern. Song Zijing’s attire was going to board the ship. Suddenly, he went over and seemed to hear something.

I looked at it and saw a few birds flying through the mountains.

Song Zijing turned back to his head in a dignified manner, and his figure flashed, and it had already landed firmly on the bow. The boat was slightly swaying, and even the old man was showing approval.

"Grandpa, let's sail." Song Zijing whispered.

Qing old man nodded slightly. I and Yunxiang hurriedly seized the bow, the hull was slanting, and then slammed a large circle, then was pushed by a wave, and had left the shore ten meters away.

When I was young, I was afraid of such a thing as a roller coaster. I soon felt dizzy. Song Zijing was sitting in front of me, like a mountain, and the face on the side was a chilling color. I have a number in my heart, I didn’t bother him, I endured discomfort, and closed my eyes and seized the boat.

Another wave hit, and a boat in the rapids of a leaf is usually hit with several spins, ups and downs. My whole brain was messed up in a mess, and everything in my stomach went up.

Suddenly listening to Yunxiang exclaimed, Song Zijing shouted: "Beware -"

I was suddenly thrown down by a force, only to hear two screams in my ear, and what was nailed into the ship's board.

Just want to see, Song Zijing's hand grabbed my eyes: "Don't open it, slap it."

When the voice fell, others had left, I only heard the sound of Jinming in the wind. Another big wave came and the boat was thrown high in an instant. I have to jump out of my heart and feel the clouds. The cloud around him was scared and shouted. As soon as I saw it, she was stunned and her feet were empty. I don't think about it and try to catch her. I didn't think the next second ship fell, Yunxiang was pulled into the boat by me, but I didn't have any strength to go out.

Yunxiang screamed. I was struggling to catch the stern of the electric stone, but half of my body was outside, and the cold river made me wet. Qing old man looked back at us and looked at each other with two eyes like a torch. However, he was busy with the boat and he was not worried. Only by crossing the bank quickly was the help.

Yunxiang has been scared and cried, yelling: "Miss-Mr. Come to save the lady!"

Song Zijing could not get away from it. He was standing in the bow of the wind, his clothes fluttering, holding a soft sword and waving the air. Just listening to the noise, I saw countless black spots being shot down in the water. Look at the ship's board, inserted two small steel darts, with a golden green, apparently quenched.

I struggled to climb in, but my feet could not stand. Yunxiang wanted to come and pull me. As a result, the boat went up and she rolled away.

When the big waves came, I was soaked, because there was water, my hands were gradually unable to catch, and I only tried to crawl in it. What assassin, what seasickness, all left behind. I only know that if I let go of my hand, then there will be more rapids and reefs, and I will really have no bones.

Suddenly listening to Song Zijing shouted: "Xiaohua - hold on -"

He wants to get out of it. If we do not protect the old man, the ship loses control, but we are even more dangerous.

The boat was a bump, and one of my hands slipped away, and the whole body was concentrated on the right hand. Yunxiang climbed over and grabbed my sleeve and shouted: "Miss! The other hand!"

I stretched out and couldn't reach it many times. The boat turned around and she fell to the side.

I am desperate in my heart, thinking that my life like a flower is just beginning to be wonderful, but I have to do the water ghost, and I can't return my original body after death. How to see this crossing is a loss of trading.

Struggling desperately, I suddenly realized that the water flow seems to have slowed down. Look again, the most urgent place has passed, and it is almost on the other side.

I relaxed a little, but Song Zijing suddenly said: "Beware -"

I saw a black dot coming straight at me.

I let go of the hand that was holding the bow.


The rapids drove me out of the distance, and the arrow shot into the water. But I have not fortunate that a whirlpool will take me. I only had time to take a breath and I was caught in the water.

I am not bad in water, but the water is flowing, I only have to follow the flow. There is no big reef in this section, but my oxygen is getting weaker. I struggled to go upstream, but it didn't help.

Finally, the eyes began to darken and the strength was getting smaller and smaller. When I couldn’t hold it anymore, the water poured in from my nose and mouth.

It turned out that this is the feeling of drowning. I want to breathe, but only water, water, and water are poured in.

I am dizzy and unconscious...



A heat pump rushed into the chest, forcing me to spit out a sip of water.

I heard a loud voice: "Okay! Can't die!"

There was a pain in the chest. I coughed several times and pulled out the water in the trachea. The head is still very dizzy, and the echo after the knocking in the brain has been ringing. The clothes were all wet, and they were blown by the wind, and they sneezed several times in succession.

A big hand patted my back, and a hot air was uploaded from his hand, which made my heart warm. I breathe in a big mouth and then open my eyes.

I am leaning on one's arms. The man was also soaked, his hair was still dripping, but he was clinging to me and kept on helping me.

I opened my mouth and made a bell-box sound in my throat: "Is this dead?"

Xiao Yu slaps on my back: "It’s early!"

I coughed for a while and struggled to ask: "Mr. Song and Yunxiang?"

"There are children who are respectful, they will not have anything." Xiao Yu said, "We are in the downstream, five miles away from where you cross the river."

I was actually rushed for five miles and I haven’t drowned yet. Life is not really big. It’s hard to die, and now I’m beginning to know the fear, and I’m trembled when I think about the danger before.

Suddenly there was a tender voice asking me: "Sister, are you okay?"

I looked up and didn't know when I got a little boy with a round head. The child's powder is tender and tender, and the eyebrows are beautiful. How do you look at it like Xiao Yu? I was shocked: "Second brother, is your son so big?"

Xiao Yu raises his voice: "What?"

Xiaozheng Tai also asked, "What?"

I saw that the child was naked and clearly dressed as a monk. He was even more shocked: "You actually sent your son to be a monk?"

Xiao Yu just wanted to shoot me. From the sky, "Amito Buddha" saved my life.

The old monk dressed in a sly, the thin body of the light, the brilliant eyes, and the smile of the old man. How is this old vulture so familiar?

"Female Donor, don't come... Hey, I haven't seen you for a long time."

I shouted: "Hui Kong?"

Huikong monk dagger: "It is the old man."

I saw the Martians invading the earth: "You, you, how are you here?"

The old monk smiled and said with a beard: "There are clouds in the Buddha, I don't go to hell, who goes to hell?"

I said, "I thought you have to say, where is the difficulty, where are you going?"

The old monk said: "The donor has Huigen, that means this."

I looked at Xiao Yu, he said: "Masters must follow us all the way north."

"What about the business in his temple?"

Xiao Yan said with a black face: "One, that is not business. Second, the master is helping me with this peer."

I carefully looked at the old monk. I really couldn't see what other things he had except a crow's mouth and the scam.

The old man of Huikong smiled and came over: "The female donor, I will take care of it in the future." I touched the bald head of the young monk again. "This is my disciple."

The little monk was surprisingly sensible and said, "Sister is cold, can we have a fire?" It was so cute and dead.

We later turned to the woods and fired. Men (including young monks) are temporarily going to the shrubs to avoid them. The Xiaojue Ming, who is six years old this year, was sick and died on the streets when he was two years old. The Huikong monk who was ruined was picked up. The children are honest and honest, very cute. The monks are vegetarian, and they don’t know what Huikong takes to feed him. He raises him so white and fat, like a small face.

I asked Xiao Xiao across the bush: "How can there be no guards? An old man, two women and children, in case of an attack, how can you care? What is General Li Shaojun?"

Xiao Yu said: "They are waiting for me in Renshan County."

Suddenly a bird flew into the forest, scared me and hurriedly wrapped my clothes. The result was a bird that only sent letters. Xiao Yu told me: "Your Mr. Song and Yun Xiang have already passed the river safely. Now go to Huzhou."

"They are all right?"

"I didn't write it on the letter, it's okay." Xiao Yu said, "I have told you about your situation. We are in Confucius County."

I let go of my heart.

Baked the clothes, we sorted them out and set off again. Once the Chuanjiang River passes, it is Huzhou. It’s just that we are far from the official road and there are few people. No, no, no! The tall trees, the thick moss, the spoiled leaves, the tangled vine branches. We are clearly in the virgin forest!

I shrank my neck and asked Xiao Xiao, who was worried, behind me: "Is there a snake to come out and bite me?"

Xiao Yu was supposed to be slow and impatient: "How come..."

He didn't finish talking, I suddenly felt a cold thing wrapped around my ankle. The cold hair suddenly slammed all over, and I screamed and jumped to Xiao Yu.

"A snake snake snake snake snake --——————"

Xiao Yu was hit by me and took a few steps back. The old monk turned around and asked what happened?

My legs are already stiff, and my eyes are closed: "The snake is wrapped around me!"

Xiaojue Ming reached out and said: "Is this vine?"

I blinked. There is indeed only one vine on the foot. Xiaojue Ming solved it, looked at it doubtfully, and looked at me again.

My face is red.

Xiao Jue-ming also said: "My sister is not afraid. When we entered the mountain, we all sprinkled with snake powder. You don't know?"

I turned my head and went to see Xiao Yu. This is just laughing, like a bowel movement. The hateful guy, don’t say anything to me, just wait to see my joke!

Probably because my face has been ugly, when I took a break at night, he deliberately caught two rabbits and three pheasants came back and handled them personally.

I discovered that he had a lot of new injuries on his hands and couldn't help but ask: "How are you getting this?"

Xiao Daxia hasn't said yet, Xiao Jue-ming has already robbed: "When my brother jumps into the water to save you, he scratches the stone and the water grass."

I look to Xiao Yu. The live Leifeng seems to be proud of his noble character and continues to dig the rabbit.

I grabbed all my hand and scorned him: "I am not afraid of infection if I am hurt. Wash my hands quickly. I am coming."

Xiao Yu was going to talk, and I stole him. He was honest.

I wrapped the chicken in the mud and buried it in the ground, raised the fire above, and then privately used the sword of Xiao Yu, wearing a rabbit to roast on the fire. Xiao Yu saw that the facial muscles had twitched and did not say anything.

The fire rang, the rabbit gradually began to smell, and the old monk told the young monk about the story of a prince leaving home and finally making a positive result. The little monk couldn’t sit still and couldn’t stop looking around.

The old monk had no choice but to sigh: "Whether it is worth mentioning. The heart is not in the Buddha."

I sneered: "If there is a Buddha in the heart, you don't have to read it. The Buddha can know, why bother to pray in the sun?"

The old monk said: "Pray earnestly, and bless the Buddha."

I continue to sneer: "Probability comes from gambling, art originates from witchcraft. And religion? In ancient times, a person was very empty and boring, so he molded an image with mud, imagining that it is almighty God, and then began to swear to him. Worship. This is a process of constant hypnosis. After a long time, he himself believes that this thing is a omnipotent god, and he is afraid of death like this mud. This is nothing to look for."

The old monk smiled with a beard: "You still hate me and say that you want to master the world?"

I was debunked, angry and angry, and I tore the rabbit meat.

The old monk also tore a large piece, and divided the rabbit legs to give it a sense.

I was surprised: "I thought you were a monk."

The old monk said: "Of course I am. I still have a gold book issued by the court."

Said to find a hard book from his arms. I opened it and saw that the emperor’s treasures of the heavens were horrible. I lament: "It's still a national certification."

The old monk is proud.

Xiao Yu has already smashed the chicken out and knocked on the mud to reveal the white and tender flavour. The old monk presented a small bag like a treasure: "Salt."

I fell. I asked: "What else are you in?"

The old monk touched and said: "Bowl, wound medicine, smelling salt bottle, pill, knife, rope... Is the pepper noodles?"

"Yes." I took it and sprinkled it on the chicken leg.

After eating the meal, Xiao Yu said to me: "Come with me."

I followed him to the creek not far away.

He said to me: "Take off your shoes."

I am busy retracting my foot.

Xiao Yu said: "Well, I don't care about the blisters on your feet."

I had to stretch my feet out again.

He took my shoes off and put my feet on his knees. I was so painful that he sighed and the movement was lighter.

We walked for a long time, and we were in the forest. My pampered body has withstood the test. I just didn't say, how did he know that my feet were bubbling?

The sky is already dark, and there is a little residual light in the stream. Not far from the bonfire, the old monk is telling a story to the little monk. The mountains are not quiet, and the birds are screaming among the branches. Heaven and earth are peaceful.

I whispered, "Is it convenient to take me??"

Xiao Yu continued to wipe the medicine and asked: "What is convenient and inconvenient?"

"Although I have never experienced the days of avoiding enemy chasing, I also know that the more people, the bigger the goal, the more insecure."

Xiao Yu stopped and stared at me and said, "How old are you, how big is the goal?"

I shrugged: "I don't know anything, it will only give you trouble."

Xiao Yu continues to give me medicine. "I am very glad that you still have some self-knowledge. But what can you do? Throw you in the mountains to feed the tiger?"

"Oh, don't leave your sister in the mountains to feed the tiger." Xiao Jue Ming did not know when he ran over, and the child was a childish voice. "Sister is a good person, only bad people feed the tiger." Saying hold my hand, put The fat head rested on my shoulder.

I am happy: "Have you heard, brother? Children are more loyal than you."

Xiao Yu smirked: "I feel that your grandfather has not told you that a woman is a tiger?"

The little monk Shantou thinks: "I asked the grandfather to go."

I looked at the back of his fart and suddenly asked: "He won't be the son of my second brother?"

Xiao Yu has a black line. "Xie Zhaohua, would you arithmetic?"

"How can it be?" I am not happy.

"Then I ask you, how many years have you died?"

"Ten years."

"How old is that child?"

"Six years old."

"That's not it." Xiao Yu gave me a three-eyed look.

I am not convinced: "I am very smart. You think you don't know if you don't say it?"

Xiao Yu slanted me: "Is it?"

I suddenly thought of it and said, "I will not call Xie Zhaohua in the future."

Xiao Xiaoxiao: "What will you call you later?"

"Xiao Min." I shook my head. "Xie Zhaohua has been escorting with Song Shusheng. The singer of Yan Wang is the ‘Yu Shou sage’ Xiaomin girl.”

This sentence reminds Xiao Yu: "Where is Zhang Qiuyang's book?"

I said, "At home. Bring it out, I can't stop it, and then I can back it down."

Xiao Yu said: "Look, you can cure the disease, it is not nothing."

I squinted: "Do you praise me?"

Xiao Yu but laughed.

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