MTL - Song in the Peach Blossoms-Chapter 16 邂逅

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I opened the door with one foot and the people inside looked over. Xie Taifu saw me at the same time, and he had to reprimand two sentences. My eyes were red and the fire was shining, and he was so scared that he closed his mouth.

The second emperor Xiao Yu was sitting in Gaotang and saw me, revealing a common smile on the face of a politician. I squinted and pointed at him with my eyes.

I asked Xie Laojiao: "What about my second brother?"

Xie Taifu said: "He was called away early in the morning, and he didn't know where to go."

My face sank a bit and it was about to fall to the ground. "I want to talk to my Highness separately."

Mrs. Xie said: "According to the ceremony..." was immediately slammed out by Xie Taifu.

Everyone has gone, I closed the door. Xiao Yu did it and gave me a courtesy.

I looked sarcastically: "The little girl can't afford the worship of His Highness. Just don't know what happened to His Royal Highness. He changed his mind overnight and didn't want to be a brother-in-law of the little girl?"

Xiao Yu, a man, although very fierce on the court, but facing a woman, is a standard "women can be unreasonable, men should insist on smiling" gentleman. I am cold, and he smiles and smiles.

He whispered: "Sister please understand, I also have difficulties."

"Oh?" I raised my legs and listened to him.

He said: "My marriage is not independent. My mother only allowed me to choose a wife among several families. Xie is in it."

I said, "This is not the right thing. You like my sister. She just fell in love. It is a good opportunity for you to come in."

Xiao Yu began to dodge my sight: "I did express my heart with my sister. She gave me a letter last night."

"What are you talking about?" I have a bad feeling.

Xiao Yu said: "She said that she is deeply in love with your sister and does not want to separate. If I want to marry her, I will marry you first. She said that you agree."

I stood there, wearing a gust of wind, two birds singing, the anger of the body like a tsunami magma, gradually calmed down, only took a smoky smoke.

Absolutely not angry, but angry to the extreme, but calm down.

“What did Xie Zhaozhen say?”

Xiao Yu saw that I did not burn the small universe, rest assured, nodded with a smile.

I sneer. The two sisters are so good that they don't want to separate and work together? Why does she thank Xie Zhaozhen not directly say that we are gay?

See her mother's absurdity!

Probably laughing too abnormally, Xiao Yu was a little panicked and asked: "Do you have another idea?"

I asked: "Is the Queen Empress knowing that you are coming to ask for a kiss?"

Xiao Yu said: "Mother knows. She promised."

Also, Aunt Zhao did not agree, and he did not have the courage to come.

I have been sneer and laughed and the temperature dropped. Xiao Yu was upset, and Zhiwuwu said that he should go back and wait for his wife.

After sending him away, the Xie family walked in. I have been through this for so long, and I stood in front of them for the first time.

I asked: "Do you think it is promised?"

Xie Taifu said very truthfully: "This is not a courtship. This is a euphemism."

I sigh. The thing is what I did. If I was involved in the dozens of Xie’s family, I couldn’t get through my conscience.

I am leaving. Xie Taifu is upset: "Xiaohua, where are you going?"

I am impatient: "Sleep."

I went back to the yard and first took a bath in comfort. Then I took all my clothes out, first wearing a very ordinary lady's dress, then wearing a short man's outfit, and then wearing a glorious satin skirt and a few common jewellery that I don't usually wear. Collected in the parcel. Then combed the men's hair.

Yunxiang also wears men's clothing outside the skirt.

Then Yunxiang climbed the wall, the same familiar hawker said: "Aunt Zhang, why are you still here?"

Aunt Zhang asked: "What is it?"

Yunxiang looked proudly: "You still don't know? The second emperor asked my family to ask for a kiss. My lady, I am going to the palace to be a emperor!"

Aunt Zhang was shocked: "Is it true?"

Yunxiang said: "Where is such a big thing, where is the fake? My grandfather is now giving gifts to passers-by at the front door! You are not going to go?"

The aunt bought fruit on weekdays, and the door was so big that it was so screaming that the whole alley was sensational. One pass ten, ten pass hundred, the nearby merchants passers-by once heard someone sprinkle money, rushing to the Xie family door rushing past, it is like a woman heard that the cosmetics store is going to relocate. Even the dog of the neighboring Wang Zhifu’s family screamed in the wall, as if they were not willing to share it.

I look at Yunxiang. When the people just finished, we both turned out of the yard. Nowhere to go, followed the group of people to the front of their own door.

The person who wants the money has already made Xie’s home full of water. Xie's housekeeper is screaming: "What kind of gift money? Who do you listen to? Go away!"

Xie Taifu was smarter than him and suddenly shouted: "Hurry and go to the room of Miss Si!"

I and Yunxiang hid behind the crowd and snickered.

The next person came back and his face was pale: "No one in the room of Miss Four."

Xie Taifu squatted: "What are you doing? Go find it!"

The housekeeper asked: "These people?"

Xie Taifu said: "No money! Lack of money to go to the God of Wealth!"

The family went out to catch people. The two of us dispersed with the crowd.

The nearest to this is the Dongchengmen, the farthest is the Xichengmen. I took the Yunxiang to the Nanchengmen where the Jiliuliu people and the coffins came in and out. Anyway, I am bathed in the care of the party, accepting Marxist education, and learning a new generation of scientific knowledge, I can choose not to be superstitious.

Successfully out of the city, we bought two donkeys.

Yunxiang asked: "Miss, where are we going next?"

I said, "Go to the village where you are."

Yunxiang is uneasy: "If the lord thinks of it, what should I do if I send someone?"

I said, "I can't live in your house. Is there a temple outside your village?"

Yunxiang said: "There is a temple, but when I was a child, there was no incense. Now I don't know if I have broken it."

I laugh. Broken temple? It could not be better. This kind of place, in addition to being used to degrade the students of the books or rivers and lakes, can still be used to cover the wind and cover the rain.

We soon arrived at the place called Kouzi Village. I don’t know if the people here are not brewing, maybe they can be called the mouth wine, famous in the north and south, and exported to overseas...

The temple is still there, it is really broken, but it is just right. It can not only leak light and rain, but also increase the atmosphere in the wild, and one side can be neatly reserved for people to rest.

I stayed in the temple, and Yunxiang planned to go back to the village to get some food. She said that the village east Majia roast goose is good, I decided to eat roast goose and wait for Xie Zhaoxuan.

Yunxiang went for about ten minutes, and the sky began to change. A few bursts of southerly winds blew thick clouds, and I was not screaming, and there was a thunder in the sky, and heavy rain.

The temple began to leak water, and the answer was not like a song. I pitifully hide in it, take off the men's clothes and put them on my body. This is really a refugee. Yunxiang must have been placed in the village by the rain. I was hungry and screaming. I only had to stop the rain and stop, and I tried to curse the **** Xie Zhaoxuan.

In the scream of heavy rain, I heard vocals from outside.

The man anxiously said: "There is a temple in front! The son insists, we will arrive!"

The messy footsteps and the hooves came, and then a few tall men were half-holding and holding a comatose young man in, and carefully placed him in a dry place.

The men are agile and well-trained, like Zhongnanhai bodyguards or American agents. After carefully arranging the unconscious man, he spread out, two standing at the entrance of the temple, and the rest holding several corners. Everyone has eyes and eyes, as if they have infrared night vision function, all the things in the temple are scanned and scanned again, and then into the rain. The uncle who was headed looked at me when he entered the door. It was probably that I was harmless. I was gradually thinner in the eyes like air.

The top of the head is another thunder. The man who had been in a coma suddenly snorted.

Uncle is busy: "The son?"

The young man looks sallow, his lips are purple, his expression is painful. Uncle took the kettle, fed the son a few mouthfuls of water, and then asked his companion: "Lao Ge, they have no news yet?"

The person being asked shook his head: "There are many intersections here, and there is such a big rain. They may not find them for a while."

They spoke with a little accent, but I couldn't hear where it was.

The young man lay on the ground and coughed a few times, and a trace of black blood spilled out of his mouth. Although he was wearing the finest satin clothes, he broke a few mouths and showed his white arms. I saw a piece of erythema on his skin, which was as big as a thumb.

I remember that I saw this symptom in Zhang Qiuyang's book.


Everyone looked over and I was busy with my mouth. Uncle’s eyes were shining, and he was alert and excited. “Do you know this poison?”

I nodded cautiously.

The uncle's body image montage fragment flashed like this, grabbing my hand: "Can the girl heal?"

I nodded in disappointment.

Uncle took me over: "Please show me my son."

I gave him a slap in the face of the young man, and it seemed like a crying guest. They have many people and weapons, and I quickly give this son a pulse.

After the inspection, I said, "It is indeed a red autumn, and there is some internal injuries."

Qianqiuhong is a hot poison. The poisoned person is hot and cold inside. It is similar to fried ice cream. It is not sweet, but extremely painful. The young man looked ordinary, his brows were tight, and the cold sweats were obviously tortured.

I said: "The antidote is good, just to apply."

Uncle looked awkward and said: "You have to be sure that you can save it!"

I rolled my eyes: "Well, I am going back to stay."

"Slow!" Uncle compromised, "and believe in you once."

I prescribed the prescription, then took out the silver needle that I carried with me and applied the needle to the son.

The man is slender and well-balanced, and he wants to be a regular exerciser. A small ten-thick wound in the chest, red and swollen, is the poisoning place.

While trying to remember the method written on the book, I gave him a needle to draw blood and pour the medicine of Baomai. There are six sets of acupuncture methods. After I finished the line, the man has already spit out a lot of black and stinky blood. The wound on the chest also became purple.

I took the needle and leaned over.

Uncle suddenly grabbed me: "What are you doing?"

What? Under the eyes of the public, he will be indecent and he will not succeed.

I am not angry: "Give him drugs."

When the uncle heard it, he committed a suspicious illness. "If you don't work, let's get down."

I am so funny. I am not a man, your son is not a flower girl. If your son is awake, he would like to be more willing to do this for the girl. You a big man is squatting on the guys, and the picture is strange!

I said, "You can come, but if you are in the middle, I can't save it again."

The poison of Qianqiuhong is not difficult to understand, but the most important thing is to give drugs to the injured. If the drug users are not prepared in advance, they will be in the middle. Everyone knows to cherish life and stay away from drugs. The family Cheng Lingsu is taking drugs for Hu Fei, it is because of love. I am taking drugs for this anonymous person, which is in the spirit of international humanitarianism. So great and noble, you still don't know the goods.

A man next to him also advised: "Big brother, let the girl come. I don't think she is bad."

Uncle's eyes can see through me, I smile honestly.

Uncle threatened me: "If you secretly move your hands, you will not want to go out alive."

I thought to myself, if I am really an assassin, you will poison me into a pool of water.

There was no meaning for a little rest outside, and the wind blew away a few tiles on the roof. I leaned over and took drugs for the man. The poisonous blood stinks, there is a mustard smell, and my tears flow out. The unsuspecting person will definitely be touched by the appearance of my tears, thinking that I will save my lover.

It took so much for half an hour, my neck was sour, and the injury to the man’s chest was no longer black, and the body temperature faded. I touched his veins and said, "Life is saved. After taking medicine for treatment, it will be fine for a rest of ten days."

Uncle excited: "The son is really auspicious."

I was smacking, and when I heard this, I squirted out. Full of blood, like the movie of Zhou Xing, it is like an internal injury.

Uncle continued to move, his subordinates had to thank me. Suddenly listening to the uncle shouted: "You son woke up?"

I wiped my mouth and turned my head, seeing the man's faint eyes open. His facial features are ordinary, his eyebrows are very handsome, his eyes are deep, his eyes are dark and inky, watching me.

I reached out and touched his forehead: "Wake up. Drink more water."

He is still very weak, can't say anything, just thank me with his eyes.

I smiled at him. He closed his eyes and went to sleep.

The person who kept at the door suddenly said: "Someone is coming!"

Uncle's True Color: "Is Lao Ge?"

"No." The man listened. "A lot of people will not be martial."

I listened to my ears for a long time, and I didn’t hear anything, but I found that the rain stopped. Just thinking about not knowing where the fragrance is, I heard a familiar voice shouting: "Hurry! Just in the temple in front!"

Wang Guanjia?

I am wrong. The world is so big, he will still find it, I don’t know if it’s a gift, or is it a dead mouse?

I don't care so much, the front door can't go, then run inside. However, although the temple was broken, the wall did not fall. So high, I can't turn over without wings.

Uncle asked: "Was those people coming to find a girl?"

I am busy: "It is to catch me. Uncle help me, turn over the wall!"

Uncle asked: "Why are they arresting you?"

I was so angry that the footsteps were approaching. With such a delay, Wang Guanjia had already entered the temple with his family.

"Oh! Miss Four! You can ask us to find it!" Wang Guanjia shouted and screamed, and sang like a movie. "The lord is not very angry. We didn't find you in the city. Then I came to think of it." Look here."

I stared at him. He felt that the reason was unreasonable. He said, "With such a heavy rain, we think you might be hiding from the rain here. Hey, in short, please come back with me! The master and the wife are in a hurry!"

"I don't go back!" I am as determined as the Red Army soldier. "I will never marry that person. This will not be cancelled once a day, I will not go back one day."

Wang Guanjia bitterly advised me: "Miss Four, are you not a troubled man and a lady? You are wandering outside, and it is also a bad reputation."

I am happy: "Is that better?"

The Wang Guanjia was so anxious that he was sweating. His body is obese, and the sweat is like the oil that the body melts. He probably got the inspiration from Xie Taifu. When necessary, he used force. So, with a command, several strong old mothers swarmed and grabbed me.

I struggled and couldn't open it. I was so angry that I shivered and turned back to the uncle and shouted: "Uncle save me!"

The uncle is a few consciences. He stood up and said, "I don't know why you arrested this girl?"

Wang Guanjia was impatient: "This is our family, Miss Four, and I am out of marriage. I am going to bring my lady back with my family's life."

Uncle was a family matter and hesitated. Look around, don't know what to do next. They are foreigners, they have to go, and of course things are less irritating.

I sneaked, slammed my tongue, and my tears flowed down: "Wang Guanjia, but I just detoxified the son, and I have a skin kiss. I am already his man!"

"What!!" Uncle and Wang Guanjia yelled. Wang Guanjia is a pair of impending strokes.

Uncle is obviously not willing to pay for the cheapness of his family, but my words are reasonable, and he can't think of any solution.

Wang Guanjia only thought that this girl was too hot. He couldn’t help but the only way was to take me back and let Xie Taifu dispose of it. So no matter how loud I was, I was arrested and caught in the sedan chair.

I wailing: "Lang Jun -"

Wang Guanjia endured the goose bumps and pulled the curtains, urging the bearers to hurry.

I was sent back home.

When I got home, Xie Taifu sighed at me for a long time, and he couldn’t think of a suitable word to talk to me. I knew that I couldn't escape for a while. When I came to Japan, I was not in a hurry. I sat across from him and licked melon seeds. I finished the plate and patted my butt.

Soon Yunxiang was also found back, Wang Guanjia reprimanded her a few words, or let her come back to serve me.

I comforted her: "This is too hasty, it won't be next time."

Yunxiang, like a treasure, took out a paper bag from the parcel and said, "Miss, the famous Majia roast goose in our village."

I am very happy. The scent of Yunxiang is getting more and more intelligent!

After eating the roast goose, I took a shower and went to bed.

The wind rose in the middle of the night, and the window creaked. Yunxiang slept very badly, and I had to get up and close the window myself.

The wind was very strong, a dust blew into my eyes, and I hurriedly raised my hand to lick. The unfinished window blew open again. In the darkness, a hand suddenly came over and helped me close.

I waved back and grabbed him.

I am busy calling: "Let's let go!"

Xie Zhaoxuan sent it and asked, "What happened?"

I spread out the palm of my hand, inside a white ball. "Itching medicine is almost wasted on you."

Xie Zhaozhen can't smile: "When did you get the medicine?"

I sneered: "When I know that people around me are not credible."

Xie Zhaozhen did not speak. He walked over and lit the light.

I unveiled the gauze on the table: "I still have half a roast goose, knowing that you will be hungry when you come back."

Xie Zhaoxiao smiled: "It's still your heart."

I looked at him with a cold eye and asked casually: "Are you going back to Xiyao City?"

Xie Zhaoyu stopped and looked up at me. His eyes are clear, a doubt, his expression is calm and focused, and anyone who looks will be a gentleman. Only I know that he is old, it is like the old man of Xie Jiashu, in addition to jewelry, there are a lot of salty fish kimchi spider silk dust.

Although I am not as good as peach, I am cold and frosty.

"Is it still installed? Second brother, or is it the royal king of Yan?"

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ActionAdventureXianxiaMartial Arts
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Chapter 192

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Chapter 191

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