MTL - So What If You’ve Been Reborn?-Chapter 413 Final battle (below)

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The white mist is crowded with black gas, and the smaller and smaller.

The black dragon Jinlong glanced at each other, revealing a helpless look, regardless of the anger of the Yuan Cheng Tianzun, Qi Qi will hold him, and he will also protect him behind him.

"When you ascend to the top, you will lose your way, you will lose your way, and you will lose your way. The fairy world will not be allowed."

Nan Hongzi’s sleeves were smashed, and countless Da Lijian appeared, and the spurs of the sky were drawn, and the life and the surrounding area were cut off.

The celestial beings were too late to react, and the sky was collapsed, and the swords gathered together and disappeared.

At the same time, the hurricane blew up, blowing the fragments of the scorpio, the squeaking of the earth's veins, and all the signs that the celestial world is facing a crisis of collapse.

"The cracks in the small world can't be met"

Interpretation at a glance saw the situation is not good.

The white fog retracted into many black cracks. Nan Hongzi’s palms were everywhere, and the cracks were all smoothed out. Only the narrow slits, like the leaves and veins, spread out and spread out, which was a long time. There are new gaps elsewhere.

One to two, this crack actually moved out a good distance.

Chen He couldn't hold back with the air transport, and the cracks spread unscrupulously. When they touched the agitation of the fairy world, they were even worse than the greed.

"The fire broke out." Qinghe Xianjun.

The fairyland was caught in the air. At the beginning of the float, the pole was climbed up, and the intention of taking the fairyland was replaced.

The immortals couldn't help but look at Chen Wo. No one is willing to see the accident in the fairy world, let alone the original three thousand worlds will also be destroyed.

The air is on the side of Chen He. If he moves his mind, he wants to become the **** of the new fairy world.

Nan Xian Tian Zun can't take advantage of the real yuan to suppress the injury, look ugly, when he wants to come, Chen He will definitely do this, this is a profitable thing, can completely solve Yuan Cheng, can return to his homeland, but also do real control The people of the fairy world.

The release is his brother, Nan Hongzi is his master, Jiang was the North Xuan Tianzun, who will stop him? Yang Xinyue?

However, Yang Xinyue did not say anything, as if he was out of the way, and he saw that all the immortals were in a hurry, but no one dared to speak out.

When Han Songxian frowned and wanted to talk, Jiang began to raise his hand. He thought that if he wanted to open the mouth, it would be better for him to avoid the cold pines suffering in the face of Chen He in the future.

"Fairy world..."

Bei Xuan Tian Zun only said two words, and the sound stopped abruptly.

Chen He’s cold sweaty question and explanation: “Senior brother, how is it right now?”

Nan Hongzi coughed and provoked an anxious glimpse of Chen He: I knew that Master couldn’t stand it, and the most crucial thing was always going to be a scorpion.

Different from others, the release of the singer and Nan Hongzi is not a bit.

At the beginning of the float, the celestial world may be sucked back and changed back, but the mortal people in the world cannot afford such a big change.

The celestial world was destroyed, and the beginning of the estimation, and then divided into three thousand small worlds. The immortal people entered the floating stage with the cracks. As long as they can survive, only the immortals who are in the vicinity of the Kunlun Mountains, the creatures in other places in the fairy tales will be unable to catch up. Go to the beginning of the float and destroy with the fairy world.

Then Reiki poured into the beginning of the float, forming a new Tianhe, rushing down.

The fairy world is more than a million times larger than the current small world. The sky is not high enough at the beginning of the day. The Tianhe cannot be dispersed before it reaches the ground. It will be flooded with everything, and the rich aura will give birth to countless fairy trees.

The powerful birds and beasts can live, others will explode and die.

Soon the beasts will spread all over the world, and those who are lucky to live will be swallowed up by them as prey. The celestial people will see a dead city with empty ruins.

Almost the same scene, Chen Wo has seen it.

The catastrophe caused by the fire in Xiaoyangshan razed the bustling courtyard, the woman who burned the stove, and looked forward to the people of the darts who came back to the children of maltose, and the men who were full of mouths and fluttered in the north, all lost their fresh Live face.

Qu Hong, who was squatting in his body, went to the night in the unseen town, and never found any interest.

A person who bears the power of the world is unmatched in the world. It is often impossible to save him.

Everything in the eyes of Chen He is not empty and meaningless, and Chen He understands that he does not understand the truth. Nan Hongzi once said to him that self-sustaining identity, because of condescending, will lose the heart of the people, once the encounter, the mood will immediately become unbalanced.

Yuan Cheng Tianzun is losing at this point.

Nan Hongzi does not feel that his little apprentice will commit this problem. Compared with the revered deity of the Rush, Chen He cares more about how to settle the troubled small world, so that the release can stop and raise the wound.

"No need to be nervous, for the teacher to look at here for three or five years, until the aura of the fairyland returns to calm, the beginning of the floating will die." Nan Hongzi said not slowly.

"Three or five years?"

"Exactly." Nan Hongzi was a little funny, and he was tempted by the apprentice. "This is a crisis of the destruction of the immortal world. It is a major event that affects the air of the fairy world. How can it be solved so easily?"

What is the wish to say, the eyes are seeing Yang Xinyue’s look, and it’s not good:

"and slow"

The callee has suddenly stepped into the end of the crack.

Qinghe Xianjun was also shocked: "Lord, what are you doing?"

"The fairyland is not a place where I have lived for a long time. Now Yuanshen Tianzun is trapped. My outsider stays here, and there will always be a moth on the Tianhe River."

Yang Xinyue smiled slyly: "Well, I am still going back to the beginning."

"What are you talking about?" Qinghe Xianjun was anxious. "In addition to the Tianzun who has the air transport, the only way for the immortal to want to return to the small world is to reincarnate. Is the lord going to be a mortal?"

Yang Xinyue's look is unchanged: "Where is the mortal, I am with the beginning of the floating, and it is the coexistence and death."

Qing Hexian will have to persuade again, Yang Xinyue said: "I have decided, I want to escape from the robbery, I have to pay the price. Since this is a way to give me a choice, I hope I can live, then anyway, I have to Go on."

Yang Xinyue touched the swallowing whale, which was still in his arms, and sighed and said to him: "I wanted to throw you in the fairy world, so I have five times, I always have time to see you once, you Losing all the power, the fairy world will not reject you, there are many interesting fairy instruments here, as well as Lingquan, you will be able to live happily, but"

The little swallowing whales didn't want to think about it. When Yang Xinyue left, he immediately climbed out of Chiongqiong, and hugged Yang Xinyue's leg and screamed. The owner could only smash it.

Pinch the thick fish tail, Yang Xinyue thought, if it really left it, I am afraid that Jiang Chen will be a headache, and finally can only throw the swallowing whale into the Huangquandi and other Yang Xinyue after the death of the main pet reunion .

Long stay in Huangquan, it is better to re-enter the reincarnation.

Qinghe Xianjun looked at the swallowing whale and said nothing.

"Do not worry, even if we are born and separated, the small swallow will always find me." Yang Xinyue said faintly.

Seeing him like this, Chen He loosened the suppression of the gap by the air transport, and the crack immediately spread to the other side, symbolizing the white mist of the dusty world, and quickly swallowed Yang Xinyue's figure.

Nan Hongzi took the opportunity to remove all the aura of the party.

Suddenly "sent back" the things that should have been, the cracks have passed for a while and then expanded again, but it can no longer touch the aura, squatting, and finally disappeared.

The winds and clouds are scattered, the aura of anger is also fading, and the heavens and the earth return to calm. Only the Kunlun Mountains are full of sorrows and broken.

Jiang Chuan breathed a sigh of relief, and then smiled, this is a return to a life?

Nan Xian Tian Zun is not so relaxed. He originally wanted to leave with chaos. He never thought that the danger of the fairy world was overturned. Even so, Yang Xinyue was simply stupid.

"So far, you still want to go." Qinghe Xianjun screamed.

I don’t think so. The three masters of Nanhongzi still watched it. The Qinghe is refreshing and refreshed. It hasn’t been so elated for tens of thousands of years.

"Dao Youwu may wish to revisit the day?" Nan Xian Tian Zun said this to Nan Hongzi.

In his view, Chen He was only a junior, and Jiang was seriously injured. Only Nan Hongzi didn't know the depth, which made him extra-quity.

Nan Hongzi hit a haha: "The poor road has apprentices, and everything does not bother."

Chen He read and explained that all of them, including Nan Xian Tian Zun, were watching themselves and they were unhappy.

"Tianzun is still left to be an account." Chen He said it is simple, but the tone is not the case.

"How are you waiting?" Nan Xiantian Zun took a look at the celestial beings who had climbed out of the ruins. His meaning was obvious. The two gods were born and died, and the ruined one wanted to drag these immortals back. It was not difficult at all.

This kind of loss, Nan Xian Tian Zun is expected that the opponent is not willing to pay.

After the twists and turns of the party, there are not many immortals who are still alive. If Jiangchu can only endure anger and let people leave, and wait for a few thousand years to rehabilitate and then find Nanzang Tianzun to settle accounts. Anyway, he already has two Tianzun, and Nan Hongzi’s strength is harder to say than Tianzun.

First sealed Yuan Cheng Tianzun, but also calm the aura of turmoil, Nan Hongzi is afraid that it is also the end of the strong, Chen Wo is also not hurt, Jiang Chu self-deprecating himself is more dangerous, and his eyes closed, he wants to send Chen He to the South Xiantianzun.

Unexpectedly, Chen He took the lead.

"Don't mention the things of Tianzun, leave this Xianjun."

He is referring to Ji Xianjun, whose latter has changed greatly.

"Destroy the North Xuanzheng method, you can kill" Han Songxian Jun cold and cold, Ji Xianjun is the first to destroy the eyes of the things, he can see clearly.

"Yes." Nan Xiantian's eyes are not blind. He has done this thing for a long time. The other party must be full of anger. If there is not enough price, it will not be reconciled.

Ji Xianjun face like a gray, hurriedly looking for Zhao Weiyang, the results can not find, can only be when Zhao Weiyang really died in the melee.

Hansong Qinghe Xianjun looked at the eyes of the dead, and the eyes of Nan Xian Tian Zun, let Ji Xianjun suddenly wake up, want to escape, can only kill a **** way by himself.

Escape fast, still hope

The figure is sharp and fast, lightning fast.

Ji Xianjun suddenly felt the burning waves in front of him, and hurriedly avoided. When Chen He was seen, the evil thoughts hidden in his heart also came out. It was a blow to anger across the blood.

“Well?” Chen He noticed the strangeness of this fairy.

The fairy that is refining with its own blood and bones? This is rare, it is simply to use its own material, the immortal people rarely "self-harm", unless the truth is a fierce beast or something, make the best use of it.

Ji Xianjun was desperate, and was agitated by the aura. Chen He’s original guilt was hurt, and he let his mouth bleed.

I thought it was my own ability to be impressed by Ji Xianjun. Haha laughed: "Chen Wo, you can’t think of Master and me, and you have a deep hatred for you, just for today."

The sound suddenly disappeared, and the release of Ji Xianjun’s neck bone was interrupted. The remaining momentum continued to oscillate, causing aura to resonate. Ji Xianjun’s body was broken.

An immortal singer who has been desperately absorbed by the Tianhe Lingshi, the foundation is already poor, and will be so easily defeated.

Ji Xianjun fell and stared at Chen Wo, who caught his magic weapon. His face was still full of pleasure.

"Come out" Nan Hongzi slammed into the air and smashed a person from the ruins and fell on the open space.

Ji Xianjun’s eyes widened and he was found to be Zhao Weiyang, with no scars, and good end, apparently hiding there.

"I can't hide, but I want to get through the eyes of the poor. Now I am afraid I can't." Nan Hongzi's slightest gaze, the gaze of the eyes, the changes of all things and the spirits are all in sight, and the Aura can be exchanged as desired.

Zhao Weiyang is good at hiding the technique. He is a fairy, always alive, and is very different from the body.

"It's you, Zhao Weiyang." Tian Yandao took the brothers to drive over the clouds.

This is really a big help for the release, because he did not have any impression of Zhao Weiyang.

Chen He actually met Zhao Weiyang in Huangquan, but there was a fog in Huangquan, and the appearance of the soul and the immortal was still a little different. In the case of Zhao Weiyang deliberately converging the atmosphere, as long as he did not face the face, he would really ignore the other side.

Zhao Weiyang stared closely at Chen He’s hand holding **** silver, and his eyes were hidden doubts.

"Let me think about it, you shouldn't look like this." Chen He just thought about something. He suddenly smiled and licked the implement in his hand, suddenly exerted force and penetrated the instrument's own symbol. It is pinched and deformed.

"This, this is impossible" Ji Xianjun took a **** spray in the air.

Zhao Weiyang also widened his eyes.

"Master, you said, you said..." Ji Xianjun was flustered and incoherent.

The immortals are not clear, so face to face, South Xiantian brows frown.

"What did he say? I said that you refine the fairy, and then practice it. One day, you can avenge your hatred. You should have been a bureaucrat, and the family broke down. The father fell into the carriage and died. The corpse was gone. It was forged to kill the scene. He was taken away with your sister, and the father could not take you. As soon as you were born, the old house was burned clean, and the uncle and the cousin died. Clean, even the industry has been divided by other clan?"

Ji Xianjun’s eyeballs are almost smashed. Zhao Weiyang seems to understand what he is, and he’s lost himself: “The trap, this is the trap that you deliberately left behind.”

Chen He said casually: "In order to make your suspected and ill-minded master rest assured, I have never asked your later things. I don't think it is common for mortals. Who would think that Chen Junshou also secretly gave birth to a son? However, even his subordinates are not very clear about this, and outsiders know where."

Ji Xianjun, no, Chen Ji is full of horror.

He was not stupid enough to go home, Zhao Weiyang did not succumb to his hatred with Chen He. In fact, Zhao Weiyang used this scorpion to say that he was specifically looking for him and accepting him as a disciple.

Zhao Weiyang’s ability is not to say a lie, but he has used Chen Ji thoroughly.

"The monks rarely remember to hang out the dust. In order to make your hatred deeper, I must have suffered a lot of bullying in addition to the unexpected property of Chen’s property being robbed by the servant. When you kill, your master happens to be there." Chen He said slowly.

The fool also heard that it was wrong, Chen Ji fell to the ground, seriously injured in the body can not care, staring at Zhao Weiyang.

Zhao Weiyang knows that the general trend has gone. Uncharacteristically, he simply said: "Yes, killing your mother, leaving you homeless in the snow, even being beating and beating, is trying to make you suffer. When you get it, you If you don’t understand the age, your mother will recite and struggle in the mud. You will always remember the good days that were once lost.

Chen Ji was in front of him, he still couldn't believe it. Zhao Weiyang did everything for him. He did his best and even greeted Nan Xian Tian Zun. It was because Zhao Weiyang was born into a polymerization school. He counted a little relationship with Nan Hezong and made suggestions to let him improve. Repair, if such people are all speculative

"Hahaha, did you want to turn me into a sharp blade and deal with Chen Wo?"

He vomited blood while laughing and hating: "Then I am a killer, why is it not good?"

Zhao Weiyang looked at Chen He. He thought of the crux of the problem: "I don't have any blood relationship with you, the prohibition on the fairy is killing, there is no mistake... No, I have tested his blood with his mother. He has not been changed."

"He is not the son of Chen County." Chen Wo said coldly.

"Impossible" Zhao Weiyang can't believe that a mortal woman can't hide anything in front of the spell. Chen Xiaoshou's little sister steals no one. Isn't that big for herself?

"Because she doesn't know it herself." Chen He himself felt very clever. When he discovered that Chen Ji was not his brother, he checked it and quietly put all the evidence out. "Chen County is unhappy and he is with him. Xiao Yan was drunk, and a manager who was familiar with Xiao Xiao quietly searched. He usually gave the woman money to find money, and secretly did a lot of evil things. This is not good, but also familiar with the path of the home. See This opportunity will be handed down, and then the drunken Chen County guard will be put on the bed, and it will be fooled."

Zhao Weiyang never imagined that he had been pitted by such a mortal mortal.

"You deliberately pretend not to know, leaving Chen Ji, just to deal with me?" Zhao Weiyang also wants to vomit blood.

"You really have a little resistance, just like Chen Jigen bone is also good." Chen He nodded, like a smile, "I don't expect to have a full grasp, you will not easily show up, always want to find something for you. Do it."

Zhao Weiyang really vomited blood. He couldn't hide in the world. He taught Chen Ji to be very careful. After flying up, he first invested in Xian Xianjun. He tried hard to pave the way for the disciples, vying for resources and damaging others. This will make Chen Jicheng become a queen. It has been smooth sailing, and it has been valued by Nanzang Tianzun. It has also become a fairy king by the help of Tianhe Lingshi. Zhao Weiyang himself is because of revenge and enthusiasm, and his heart is incomprehensible.

A thousand years, a whole thousand years of work.

Zhao Weiyang thinks of Fu Lieyun, the ascendant of Chi Xia Zong, but also because he was divorced from the flames of the people in the world to dig up the remains of the Daxueshan North Xuan faction, thinking that it is a good thing, after the immortal, As a result, Hansong was taken out by Hansong Xianjun.

When you want to hang out from the flames, you can make Fu Liyun the dog of the funeral home through the fairy tales.

The most terrible thing is that Chen He did not do anything at all. The greed is not enough to dig things. Volleyball went by himself. It is Zhao’s own idea to see Chen Ji’s want to use the **** ban to deal with Chen He.

The aggregator was originally good at the blood curse, and was repeatedly modified by Zhao Weiyang for a long time. The power of Zhao Weiyang was the most determined in his heart. It was destined to be robbed in the blood relatives. Chen was a mortal threat. Wo, but waiting for Chen Jicheng, this is different.

"When the children of the year grew up, I couldn’t recognize it. It’s unfortunate." Chen He’s tone is full of knowing that this fairy is Chen Ji, he does not care about the destruction of the North Xuanzhen method, he also Don't forget to blame Nan Hongzi. "Master, your hand is too fast, and you have caught someone. Otherwise, you have not been allowed to go through a few hundred thousand years. After becoming Tianzun, you can let Zhao Shangxian confidently plan for it. Have fun."

Zhao Weiyang was so angry that he was shaking.

With the growth of Chen He's strength, his goal for Chen Ji has risen steadily. He thought that the realm of Xianjun was enough. I didn't expect...

Ji Xianjun screamed, and the real yuan became a sharp blade, running through the mysterious Zhao Weiyang's eyebrows.

I don't know if it is a pity that the scene ended too fast, or regret that Zhao Weiyang's final end, Chen He shook his head and crushed the half-destroyed **** silver.

The life of the fairy was destroyed, and Chen Ji rolled to the ground and saw that it was not saved.

Nan Xian Tian Zun looks complicated and once again estimates Chen Helai, while other immortals are full of fear.

"After dragging for so long, Tianzun is anxious? I only have a trick with Tianzun, and I have an account of the immortal who died under my rule."

Purple gas condensate bow, green fire into strings, fingers clasped, Chen He said to understate, not like to bet on life and death.

Nan Xiantian respects a glimpse. Although he is injured in his body, he is much lighter than Chen He. It is just the impact of the crack in the small world. Chen He first cut off the Tianhe River and encountered the annihilation of the Yuanjian. It was also dismantled by Yuan Chengtian Zun. Heart fairy fire, almost re-inflicted heavy damage, very strong now it is good to stay half a point.

A new Tianzun, is it that he will be afraid?

"What kind of trick?" Even so, Nan Xian Tian Zun did not care.

"It’s just an arrow, and Tian Zun can leave after he has taken it."

When it comes to this, Nan Xian Tian Zun can only promise, otherwise Chen He can still put a cold arrow behind his back when he walks.

The crowds were holding their breath, and Chen Wo didn't even wait. There was no shocking weather, no sultry movements, just squinting, and casually loosening the bowstrings, and the sharp arrows were emitted.

Nan Xian Tian Zun was so convinced that he suddenly saw the purple bow twisted.

From the real yuan to the soul of the gods, it seems to be imprisoned, can not move the ball, and Nan Xian Tianzun was shocked. Is it that he was forced to suppress his initial appearance? But it shouldn't be. To this extent, Chen He must at least become a tens of thousands of years, and he is almost as good as himself.

Nan Xian Tian Zun resolutely set his mind, and he no longer cares for his face. He even throws out more than a dozen pieces of body protection magic weapons, all of which do not require real yuan to motivate him. It is obvious that he is very precious and ready to do everything.

It seems that there is no such thing as an ordinary arrow. It is impossible to say that it has penetrated three pieces of implements one after another.

“What is this?” Nan Xiantian was flustered.

Yuan Cheng only feels tricky, but he is facing the real threat of death.

When the eighth magic weapon was broken, Nan Xian Tian Zun had already fled and fled to nearly 1,000 feet.

Just when he couldn’t feel it, when he was ready to pick up an arrow, the wind was coming, and the south was stunned. The celestial body that had been tempered for many years was afraid that it could not stop this kind of sharpness, and the arrow behind it was still unable to resist. The pressure is from the initial air transport.

All the fairy eyes looked at the arrow in Nan Xian Tian Zun.

"A few years ago, the predecessors who taught me to open the bow with arrows said that the bow is the road and the arrow is the obsession." Chen He looked at him coldly. "My arrow is my obsession, the world wins me, can crack I will not obey, Yuan Cheng is constantly, you can't, even Tiandao has been defeated."

Said that the body was shaking.

"Teacher?" The release is not good, and Chen Wo is caught in one hand.

Green fire scattered, purple gas collapse.

This was not the same as the previous defeat with Yuan Cheng Tian Zun. Han Song Qing and the two Xian Jun also felt that the air transport was completely disintegrated. It was Chen He’s actions and they were shocked.

If the gas is lost, will it be like the beginning of Jiang’s rebellion in the small world?

"What are you doing?"

Nan Hongzi glanced at him and said, "Oh, nothing, the airlifting is not all in the little apprentice." I want to teach the younger brother to go back and say, what is true under the public

"Do not exhaust the air transport, can you easily kill Nan Xian Tian Zun?" Chen Wo whispered.

"Just killing him?"

Although Qinghe Xianjun hated Nanxian, but in order to kill him and lose a realm of Tianzun, he also felt that this matter was worthless. He wanted to say something. He was stunned by Hansong Xianjun and had to shut up.

"If you stay in the end, you will not be afraid of Master, but I still have brothers, Master and Masters..." Chen Hezhao looked at the Chi Xuan real person, and the meaning was obvious.

He and his sisters are old and old. Chen He also has subordinates in the fairyland. After many years, he will fight with Nan Xian Tian Zun. Even if he wins, there will always be people who are not willing to lose.

"That doesn't work."

"Master can't shoot, he is in the fairyland and turbulent." Chen He reminded that if a hand is done, the whole fairyland is suffered.

After the release, Nan Hongzi looked up at the sky and pretended that he did not exist.

"The brothers don't want to be angry. This air transport shouldn't have been mine." Chen He said calmly, "Now that the original owner can't collect debts, isn't it worth earning?"

Interpretation of Zhan Yuanqiu, who is silently thinking about the government, is probably uncomfortable, and the whole ghost is not very good.

No one noticed a soul bead that came out of the sleeve of Ji Xianjun. When Hansong Xianjun helped Jiang to come forward, he accidentally smashed it. The ground was full of ruins and rubble everywhere.

Nan Hongzi looked at that direction, because the breath was too small, it seems that the broken soul completely dissipated, so he did not care.

"Master, Sword... What is the companion fairy of Yuan Cheng?"

"It's also sealed inside." Nan Hongzi said disapprovingly, "But they have two souls, as long as one is responsible for being sealed by the shackles, and the other one is able to sneak out for a few laps, or because of the fairy tales. It’s closely related. Even if you can’t use the power, you can’t kill them.”

During the talk, the mentor and the trio also fell to the ruins of the fairy palace from half empty.

"Noisy" Jiang began to face, but could not stand, turned into a sigh, "I am seriously injured, Bei Xuan Tianzun's name passed to you, nothing, how is it now?"

He was hurt too much and could not be raised for thousands of years.

All the people looked at Nan Hongzi, and the latter was shocked. When he was in a big snow mountain, he couldn’t stand it. joke

"The poor road is just a mysterious fairy"

Nan Hongzi saw a strange face and immediately changed his mouth: "The poor road has already realized the road, and it fits into the heavens." The figure immediately disappeared like an illusion, and it could not be grasped.

Jiang Chu:...

Chen He had to sell the release: "I still have brothers, brothers have nothing to do."

Interpretation: ...

The immortals standing on the ruins are lost, they know that the entire fairy world has changed completely from this day.

After saying that Nan Hongzi ran away from the nonsense, he rushed to the outside of the Kunlun Mountains and found the anxious real people of Luobo and the fat pier lying there.

The fire in the stone is very unhappy, and it’s all the fire that the master has been practicing indiscriminately.

"How?" Luo Bo real people can't see the situation so far.

"Everything is gone, Yuan Cheng Tian Zun and accompanying the fairy retreat, and Nan Xian Tian Zun is also unable to toss."

What else can the dead have to toss?

Nan Hongzi casually finished talking, picking up the fat pier and leaving, and then send a **** to read the message, let the release to pick up Luo Bo real people.

"Tell them not to look for it, the poor road should bring the fire of the little apprentice's house, let this fat piercing chess become the first in the world, travel to the fairy world~"

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Chapter 99

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Chapter 98

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