MTL - So Fragrant [Quick Transmigration]-Chapter 90

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"Is there any problem with that medicine?" Chu Xia asked worriedly. Li Cheng's body has not been very healthy. What's wrong with eating it? It doesn't sound good.

He has already made up his mind. Even if Li Cheng can't do it, he can think of a way to play with himself. Li Cheng doesn't have to pay so much.

"No." Li Cheng said.

What is the medicine? Maybe there are no side effects at all? Just the thing that Bai Yan gave him in the first world? The system has already tested it and it has no side effects, but after every injection, Chu Xia still feels a little kidney deficiency, but that? As long as Bai Yan cooperates a little bit, this bad feeling will disappear.

I don't know what happened to the medicine Li Cheng was taking.

Li Cheng's health is not very good at first. If he is rushed to the hospital by the medicine, and he goes to the hospital after the new year, there will definitely be a lot of speculation from the outside world, and the company's stock price will be correct at that time It will inevitably fluctuate, and Chu Xia can already imagine how much heavy work he will face.

Chu Xia was still a little worried, holding Li Cheng's hand and asking him, "Is it really possible?"

Before Li Cheng could open his mouth, Chu Xia urged him, "How about we go to the hospital to check?"

"Can you wait a while? Don't you know?" Li Cheng loosened his tie and got into bed.

Li Cheng originally thought that he would be very resistant to this matter, worried that even if he took the medicine, he might not be able to make it to the end, but he wanted to give it a try. If he could, he might want to This satisfies him.

Even so, Li Cheng still harbors deep worries in his heart. Chu Xia is still young, he has not graduated from college, and he is more than a dozen years older than him. One day, his body will experience old age. Go, there is no way to support him to do this.

Li Cheng kissed? Kissed Chu Xia's forehead, Chu Xia moved? Moved his lips, thinking? Now that Li Cheng has taken the medicine, what did he say? It's useless? Chu Xia can only say to Li Cheng. : "Don't do this next time?"

Li Cheng didn't respond, and took off Chu Xia's clothes on his own. Although he couldn't see it, he was quite skilled at taking off his clothes. Chu Xia looked at the toy he put on the bedside, still a little worried, and asked Li Cheng: " There's nothing uncomfortable, right?"


Chu Xia hurriedly sat up from the bed, got up, and asked Li Cheng, "What's wrong?"


Chu Xia followed Li Cheng's line of sight and looked over, and then she didn't want to talk anymore. Li Cheng used to be a serious person, and now he is also a hooligan. The effect of this medicine is really powerful.

Before Li Cheng started, the scene he saw behind the rockery in Li's Garden when he was a child would still appear in his mind.

Until everything officially started, the pictures that had troubled Li Cheng for many years suddenly shattered, disappeared without a trace, and could never be put together again.

Chu Xia was lying on the bed, her hands tightly clutching the sheets under her body, her eyes were a little vacant, the medicine Li Cheng was taking was not easy.

However, generally this kind of powerful medicine may cause great harm to the body, so I'll take Li Cheng to the hospital for a check tomorrow.

I don’t know how long it’s been? The night outside seems to have faded? A lot, the distant sky seems to have a faint white light, the night is coming to an end, and the dim lights are shrouded in them? Chu Xia turned his head and stared at him. Li Cheng's profile, I feel that Li Cheng is sexier than usual at this time? A lot, Chu Xia is a little regretful, if he can see it?

Li Cheng seemed to be aware of Chu Xia's gaze, he turned his head, and actually grabbed Chu Xia's chin with one hand and exchanged a kiss with him.

After the kiss, Li Cheng came again? Feeling.

"How much did you take? The medicine is still strong? Have you gone?" Chu Xia raised his hand and touched Li Cheng's forehead.

Li Cheng didn't speak, he just concentrated on trying new tricks. After a while, Chu Xia didn't have a chance to speak.

After it was over, Chu Xia lay on the bed like a pool of mud, motionless, the sky outside was already a little bright, Li Cheng got up from the bed, went to the bathroom to put water in the bathroom, and asked Chu Xia to take a shower after returning. , Chu Xia yawned and said, "I'll do it tomorrow."

Li Cheng refused directly: "No, it's not good to stay inside."

Chu Xia yawned again, and a few tears squeezed out of the corners of his eyes. He got up from the bed and walked to the bathroom in a drowsy manner. As he approached the door, his left foot stepped on his right. His foot almost fell to the ground, but fortunately, Li Cheng helped him by his side, and Chu Xia couldn't help but start to wonder who was blind, Li Cheng and herself.

He was picked up by Li Cheng and placed in the bathtub. Chu Xia raised his head and looked at Li Cheng who was busy in the bathroom. After a while, his head drooped down and fell asleep. .

He didn't know what happened to him at all? He was cleaned up by Li Cheng and carried back to the bed.

When Chu Xia woke up the next morning, Li Cheng had already gone downstairs. Chu Xia picked up the phone on the bedside table and looked at it. It was almost twelve o'clock. I couldn't blame him for getting up late. I had to go to bed at three or four in the morning this morning.

However, Chu Xia really admired Li Cheng's energy. Now the sheets under him are new, which means that Li Cheng helped him take a bath last night. sheet.

It really is a big deal.

Chu Xia changed clothes and went downstairs. Downstairs, Li Cheng was chatting with several business partners who came to visit. His mental state seemed to be good. The medicine he took last night should be There are really no side effects.

Chu Xia took the tea from the servant, brought it over, and asked Li Cheng, "Do you feel any discomfort, sir?"

"No." Li Cheng nodded and motioned Chu Xia to sit down beside him. After Chu Xia sat down, he played games with his ipad in his arms. When the other people in the room saw Li Cheng right? Do you really like Chu Xia, sir?

Chu Xia played a game, and couldn't help playing again? A yawn, and his stomach growled. Li Cheng, who was talking about the construction of Y City, stopped and touched it not far away? A pillow? Come, put herself behind Chu Xia, and ask him, "Why? No more? Sleep for a while? Wait a while for lunch? If you're hungry, let Wang Ma make something for you first."

The rest of the people looked down and glanced at the time on their mobile phones. It's almost twelve o'clock. They still need to sleep for a while. Mr. Li, is the child being too indulgent?

Chu Xia leaned on Li Cheng's shoulder and closed her eyes: "I'll squint for a while?"

Li Cheng hummed, and then he didn't speak much. After seeing that Li Cheng was not interested in talking, they also took the initiative to say goodbye.

After all these people left, Chu Xia opened his eyes and seemed to be more awake than before. He moved his head from Li Cheng's shoulder and stared at Li Cheng's indifferent eyes. After a while, he opened his mouth and asked him, "How is your eye? Do you need surgery?"

"Wait a little longer," Li Cheng said. "Dr. Gao said that a new technology is being researched in China recently. If the research is successful, the success rate of the operation will be higher."

Chu Xia huh? With a sound, Li Cheng can only perform one operation, and he must ensure that the success rate is as high as possible.

Li Cheng grabbed Chu Xia's hand, what? He didn't do anything, just sat quietly with him like this, he felt very satisfied.

Chu Xia scratched lightly in Li Cheng's palm. Li Cheng turned his head to the side and kissed his forehead. The two of them just did such an intimate thing last night, and they felt satisfied just now. At this moment, Li Cheng felt that it was not enough, and he still wanted to do something even more exaggerated.

Those pictures that I saw when I was a child will never appear again at this time. It seems that the complete possession of this person by my side has become the happiest thing in the world. Li Cheng has some regrets. If he is willing to try it sooner , you can get this kind of happiness sooner.

Obviously the two of them were entangled last night for so long, but now Li Cheng still wants to put him on the bed until he dies.

He thought that this was something only young people would do, but he never expected that one day he would be like a hairy boy, wanting to stick to his partner's side 24 hours a day.

Li Cheng's hand probed from the hem of Chu Xia's clothes. When he went in, Chu Xia didn't stop him, but just snorted softly.

The butler came out of the kitchen and saw these two people sitting together. The atmosphere between them was a bit strange, but he didn't think about it too much. He came over and asked Li Cheng, "Sir, are you at home tonight?"

In previous years, on the evening of the first day of the new year, the husband would go to the back mountain. The housekeeper looked at Chu Xia and vaguely felt that this year might not be the same.

Sure enough, Li Cheng hummed?

Chu Xia and Li Cheng stayed in the bedroom in the afternoon. Originally, many people should come to Li's house to pay New Year's greetings, but Li Cheng directly refused to see the guests, and everyone was turned away.

Last night, Li Cheng felt that he and Chu Xia were actually quite intense. He was worried that Chu Xia would be injured later, so he specially asked the doctor to bring the ointment. When the doctor brought the ointment, he joked with Li Cheng: " Sir, this is finally open? Meat? Oh, I don't know how a little beauty can make your husband move? This idea?"

Li Cheng didn't speak, so the doctor could only leave angrily. Before leaving, he even went to the housekeeper to find out who Li Cheng was more intimate with recently.

The housekeeper thought about it and thought, Mr. Qiu has only been around recently. The doctor did not hear the gossip that he wanted to hear and left in disappointment.

But in fact, as long as his thoughts are a little more unrestrained, gossip is just around the corner.

In the bedroom, Chu Xia took off his trousers cooperatively. Li Cheng couldn't see it. He could only judge by the touch that he was not swollen or broken. In the end, he took Chu Xia to the bathroom, right? I looked in the mirror for a while, and said, "It's just a little red, it's okay."

Li Cheng's hand around Chu Xia's waist tightened slightly. He especially wanted to see what Chu Xia looked like now.

"It's fine." Li Cheng's voice was low and hoarse.

Chu Xia raised his chin and looked quite proud. He said to Li Cheng, "This is an extraordinary talent."

Before waiting for Li Cheng's response, Chu Xia coughed softly, turned his head and praised: "Of course, Mr. is also very powerful."

The first time to do it? This level, that's very good?

Yesterday, Li Cheng messed with him? For such a long time, Chu Xia was worried about Li Cheng's physical weakness, so he deliberately stewed something that nourishes the kidneys and strengthens yang at night. When the housekeeper saw it, he shook his head and asked Chu Xia: " Young Master Qiu? Are you afraid of getting angry?"

Chu Xia shook her head and said to the housekeeper, "It's just been removed, so I need to make up for it."

The housekeeper showed a puzzled expression, Young Master Qiu? Does this mean something?

The housekeeper looked at Chu Xia with a curious heart, and it seemed that he hadn't seen Mr. Qiu make new friends these days.

However, this is all a matter of young people. He, an elderly man, will not follow along.

In the end, when it was dinner, the butler watched Chu Xia keep putting these aphrodisiac dishes into Li Cheng's bowl. Li Cheng couldn't see it. He didn't ask much, what did Chu Xia put for him? What to eat?.

The butler looked at it for a long time, and finally couldn't hold back, and asked Li Cheng, "Sir, do you know what kind of vegetables you're eating?"

"What??" Li Cheng asked.

Without the housekeeper opening her mouth, Chu Xia consciously reported the names of the dishes on the table. There was no problem with taking out one or two of them, but when they were all on the table, it was easy to see what the chef was doing. Intention?.

Li Cheng paused for a moment, then raised his head and glanced at Chu Xia with a half-smile.

Chu Xia laughed. With a sound, she put another chopstick in Li Cheng's bowl and urged him, "Eat more and eat more."

Li Cheng sandwiched Chu Xia into his own bowl and ate them one by one.

The housekeeper looked at the two of them, and he vaguely felt that there was something between Mr. and Mr. Qiu? A little secret that he didn't know?

After dinner, the two went upstairs and went back to their room. Li Cheng was taking a shower in the bathroom. Chu Xia listened to the sound of rushing water and looked at the documents in his hands absentmindedly. Did Li Cheng feed him last night? For a period of time, he endured it and passed by, and there are those little props, you can try it when you have nothing to do.

Li Cheng pushed open the door and came out of the bathroom. He was wearing a black bathrobe, because he was not very good at all. When he went out, he always wrapped himself tightly when he went out, rarely wearing short-sleeved clothes, so his body? It was very white, Chu Xia looked down and looked at himself, the color difference was still a little obvious.

Li Cheng went to bed, Chu Xia stretched out his arms and was about to turn off the lights in the room, but Li Cheng grabbed his wrist. Chu Xia met Li Cheng's eyes and immediately noticed something was wrong.

"Did you take medicine again today??" Chu Xia wanted to stop Li Cheng's actions, and he persuaded Li Cheng earnestly, "You can't listen to them saying that this medicine has no side effects, you just take so much, tomorrow. Let's go to the hospital to check."

"No." Li Cheng said while slowly unbuttoning Chu Xia's shirt.

Chu Xia was stunned for a moment. She didn't understand Li Cheng's words and asked Li Cheng, "What? No?"

"No medicine."

Chu Xia frowned, Li Chengxian? It didn't look like she didn't take medicine in this way.

Not only did it not look like I didn't take any medicine, but it also looked like I had taken a lot of it.

"Really not?" Chu Xia asked again.

"No." Li Chen leaned down and blocked Chu Xia's voice with his lips.

Soon after, Chu Xia didn't have time to think about it?

"Almost done? Ah," Chu Xia spoke with a vibrato. He pushed Li Cheng on his body, but did not push.

"Can you do it again," Li Cheng lowered his head, kissed Chu Xia's earlobe lightly, and said to Chu Xia, "I think you can."

Chu Xia looked at the dim light above his head, his body seemed to have floated above the clouds, he could be okay now, but he should be a little more restrained, he took back his thoughts, right? Li Cheng Said, "Sir, I'm mainly worried about your body. It's not good to go on like this."

"No, I think it's very good." It's never been better?.

Chu Xia exhaled, and cooperated with Li Cheng to change a new posture.

It was finally over, Chu Xia looked at the still dim yellow light above her head, and asked Li Cheng feebly, "Sir, are you still? Remember what you said? What?"

"What??" Li Cheng asked while kissing his lips.

Chu Xia said, "You said you were right? Men can't do it."

Li Cheng replied: "Now? Is it okay?"

Chu Xia: "..."

OK, it's really quick to change your mouth.

Li Cheng had been eating vegetarian food for more than 30 years, and this time he started eating meat, he was going to die, like an animal.

After it was over, Li Cheng, like last night, carried him to the bathroom. Chu Xia sat lazily in the bathtub and suddenly felt that he was more disabled than Li Cheng.

The next morning, the housekeeper saw that Chu Xia and Li Cheng hadn't come down from the upstairs. He was a little worried, so he went upstairs and knocked on the door. Hearing Li Cheng's voice in the bedroom, he pushed open the door and went in.

Then the housekeeper raised his eyes and saw a mess all over the floor, tissues, sleeves, and messy clothes. He raised his head quickly and saw Chu Xia sleeping beside Li Cheng, with his arms exposed outside the quilt. full of traces of freshness,

The butler almost fainted on the spot.

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