MTL - So Fragrant [Quick Transmigration]-Chapter 59

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The officials listened to the regent and the emperor in a trance. How should I discuss it one by one? These aliens who are going to educate the frontier, these two people? They even discussed it in a decent way.

But these officials became more and more confused as they listened to it. They looked around and gave birth to a strange idea of ​​where am I, what am I doing?, Am I? It's crazy.

But no matter how bizarre, there is no bizarre scene in front of him.

They came back to their senses a little and went to look at Lu Cong's subordinates, and found that they were standing in the hall one by one, their bodies straight, their expressions indifferent, and they accepted it well.

Don't these officials? You know, Lu Cong's subordinates had already seen the general's deep love for the emperor when they brought Lin Mengyue and Lu Ming back to Lu Cong's eyes. Now this little scene For those talents who have already seen the wind and waves, what is it?

When they first learned that Lu Cong had a crush on Emperor Gou, they were very unacceptable, but they couldn't accept it, and they weren't General Lu's mother, and it didn't matter whether Lu Cong married a wife and had children.

When Chu Xia woke up, they also found that the emperor didn't seem to be as bad as he used to be, so they accepted it better in their hearts, and they all understood that even if they persuaded, the general would not listen. Annoying the general.

These officials gradually regained their senses, and their rationality returned to their brains. No matter what the relationship between Lu Cong and Chu Xia is now, as long as he still regards Chu Xia as the emperor, they will also have to treat him as an emperor. Chu Xia as emperor

The officials who reacted first immediately began to discuss with Chu Xia and the others about cultivating alien races. As the discussion deepened, these officials realized that the emperor seemed to be a little different from before. Could it be General Lu? During this period of time, he had been taught a good lesson in the deep palace?

If General Lu had this ability, would he be able to educate the unsatisfactory children of their clan? And how did he? No? He taught the emperor a lesson earlier, so that he waited until today?

More and more officials joined the discussion. By the time a slightly better method was discussed, it was past lunch time. Chu Xia touched his grumbling stomach and sighed silently. Fortunately, he was sitting on the table. Above, there is a distance from the officials under the court. It would be a shame if these officials could hear this voice.

The officials under the court were still arguing about the matter of educating the alien race. Chu Xia covered her mouth in boredom, yawned a little, then looked at these officials and read them from beginning to end. He didn't have to admit that Lu Cong was the prettiest of all people, and the one that suited his heart the most. His gaze stayed on Lu Cong's body. He started to look at himself with a half-smile.

Chu Xia thought he was sure? He heard the sound of his stomach growling.

Just look at the quarrel of these ministers now. Even today, during dinner, they can't stop arguing. Chu Xia simply asked the eunuchs to announce their retreat from the court. .

After going to court and returning to the bedroom, Chu Xia gradually figured out what was wrong. Most of today's good show was planned by Lu Cong himself. He wanted to keep himself emperor. .

Chu Xia felt that it was completely unnecessary, and that's it for now? Be obedient to be a ban here with Lu Cong. It's not bad. Anyway, the lock has been opened.

When the emperor is too tired, he has to go to court before dawn, and he has to review the memorial until late at night, which is even more unbearable than the days of working in the anti-pornography team. Chu Xia always remembers that he came to this small school. The world is on vacation, so at this time, you must strive for your legal rights.

What is there to be an emperor? Well, now he has Lu Cong watching, and he can't be a beauty pageant. There are also various things at the entrance. Almost all of the things that the emperor can enjoy are deprived, and only the rest With a heavy burden, Chu Xia felt that this was not possible, this was not possible.

Chu Xia had just finished eating, and was lying on the dragon collapse, with Lu Cong's arm resting on his back. The warm sunlight shone through the thin window screen and fell on the person's body, making him drowsy. After a while, he got up again. It was soft. Lu Cong liked to touch it.

Chu Xia yawned, turned around, and faced Lu Cong. He raised his hand and poked Lu Cong's chest, and said to him, "I don't want to be emperor."

Lu Cong asked him strangely, "Why??"

Are there so many people who want to be emperors today?

Chu Xia immediately found a reason and said to Lu Cong, "...No? I want to deal with those memorials, but it hurts my eyes."

Lu Cong patted his stomach and said to him, "I can help you with this?"

Chu Xia said again: "Then I don't want to get up early."

Lu Cong snorted and paused for a while. Just when Chu Xia felt that there was a door, he heard Lu Cong say, "I'll try to push back the morning time a little bit, and wait for you to wake up before going to the court."

Chu Xia pondered, if this is when he wakes up, wouldn't this morning be changed to the afternoon?

He didn't talk, he just didn't want to work, he just wanted to be a waste and have a good time, Lu Cong then asked him: "What else? Don't want to?"

Chu Xia opened her mouth and said, "It's obvious that it's fine now, why is Lu Cong? I must let him come."

"I don't think I can do it," Chu Xia said in a low voice.

Lu Cong patted Chu Xia on the back. In this matter, he showed full patience. He asked Chu Xia, "What? No? Can you? You? Can't do it now? Well, I can do it. teach you?."

Chu Xia sighed and asked, "Why? I must be like this?"

He really wanted to be a brainless piece of shit.

This matter of Lu Cong did not come from Chu Xia's thoughts. It was the first time he showed such a tough attitude in front of Chu Xia.

Although the situation in the frontier has been decided now, he still has to take a look after a while. If there is another war, it is impossible for him to stay in the capital forever as a general.

Swords and swords have no eyes on the battlefield. If there is an accident, and one day he is gone, what will Chu Xia do? A nominal emperor, in the history books of the past and present, no one can get a good end.

If there is such a day, even if he does not regard Chu Xia as a forbidden person, the people around him will think this way, the top officials will think this way, and the people in the world will think the same way. He couldn't put Chu Xia in such a situation.

Chu Xia can do nothing, but he must be the emperor that everyone recognizes.

Chu Xia felt that Lu Cong's worries were a little unnecessary. He patted Lu Cong on the shoulder and reassured him, "If you are not here, I will leave."

Lu Cong trembled all over and looked at the young man in front of him. He didn't know whether what Chu Xia said was true or not, but it made his heart twitch. After smiling, he reached out and rubbed Chu Xia's head, "What did you say? Silly words,"

Chu Xia pursed her lips and did not speak. If there was no Lu Cong in this world, there would be no need for him to exist.

He finally compromised with Lu Cong and became a mascot for the court. However, Lu Cong felt that this was not enough, so he deliberately sent the officials of the court to his side, and he handed over all the power of the emperor to him. hands.

After a few months, the ministers were surprised to find that His Majesty had really changed his past.

However, the point of going to court on time is still debatable. After all, Lu Cong pushed Zaochao directly to after lunch. If it is not on time, it will be a bit of a problem.

In the past, General Lu used to talk about one thing or another, and no one could say anything about his decision, but now he can listen to His Majesty's words. What happened between the two? What? The ministers are really curious.

No, no, no matter what, this must be the blue smoke coming out of Da Zhou's imperial tomb, so he can turn the crisis around. questionable.

Most of these officials facing upwards are talents personally selected by Lu Cong. Who doesn't want to assist a Holy Master, Qing Shi? Leave a name?

His Majesty is able to turn back to the shore, it is a great blessing for Da Zhou!

It's just that no matter how well an emperor does, there will always be things that make his ministers dissatisfied. Some of these small problems are perfunctory by Chu Xia. Sometimes he gets angry and will talk to the ministers. quarrel.

The ministers did not want him to change these minor issues, but one of the ministers was very concerned. Before, the original owner was obsessed with women's **** all day long, and was scolded by the speech officials every day, and then he killed the speech officials. Once it is clean, the original owner will have a day of cessation. Now that she has become Chu Xia, the problem of being a good woman has changed, but this is not close to a woman at all, and it will not work!

The emperor has no children so far, who will this country be passed on in the future?

Could it be that the matter of the previous imperial concubine cast a shadow on him? There are difficulties to overcome, ah, Your Majesty!

After Lu Cong entered the palace, he let the concubines and concubines in the harem free, so now there is a beauty in Chu Xia's harem? There is no more. When these ministers were idle, they urged Chu Xia to hurry up the draft and give birth as soon as possible. Under the dragon child.

Chu Xia's ears were puffed up when she heard it, and she glanced at Lu Cong who was under the court. After someone proposed to fill the harem with draft talents, he didn't say a word, as if he didn't care about this matter at all. If there is that, it's terrible, tell Lu Cong, General Lu, you should persuade Your Majesty.

Chu Xia raised his hand and pressed the smile on his lips, and suddenly said to the court officials: "I have General Lu enough."

Don't Baiguan? Understand, they are trying to persuade the emperor to accept his concubine, why did the emperor suddenly talk about Lu Cong?

What? Lu Cong is enough, can Lu Cong give him a baby?

They subconsciously glanced in Lu Cong's direction and saw a smile on the corner of General Lu's lips, they looked quite happy.


They have an inexplicable illusion of getting goosebumps.

The subordinates of Xiao Tianheng and Lu Cong knew the relationship between these two people. When they heard this, they only felt that their teeth were going to be sore. Can these two people? Can't? Can't? Nasty.

No? Xiao Tian? Heng is indeed happy for Lu Cong. When he first realized what is the relationship between Lu Cong and Chu Xia, he suspected that something was wrong with Lu Cong's brain, so he fell in love with the emperor. Later, he gradually discovered , Chu Xia? Compared to Lin Mengyue, he is indeed much better.

Later, I didn't know what Lu Cong did secretly. Since then, no one has ever urged Chu Xia to draft.

Chu Xia actually had so much anticipation for the draft in his heart. He wanted to set up a man-picker, and bring all the good-looking men to the harem. Change one every day, and it won't be the same in a year, but it's always the same. Thinking of Lu Cong's virtue, let's forget it. Sometimes, Lu Cong always reminds him of Bai Yanlan and the others. This kind of feeling is inexplicable, and Chu Xia doesn't understand it.

Now this is also very good. While getting enough happiness, you can still complete the task.

People? To learn to be satisfied.

Even if the system's brain is not good enough, after staying by Chu Xia's side for so long, it can still figure out what mosaic he is with the villain every time.

At first, the system thought that Team Leader Chu was being persecuted by the villains, but later found that Team Leader Chu was completely enjoying it.

He finally understood the strange behavior of the former Hunk System, and when the leaders of the system center heard that they were staring at Mosaic, they immediately began to express their sympathy for Team Leader Chu, and he was able to dedicate himself to the system center. The love of admiration.


No? No, what is there? I need sympathy. The leader of Chu clearly enjoys it very much. Why does the legendary Gao Lingzhi flower look like this? Is this a distortion of human nature or a moral decline?

The system has been used for decades and I have not figured it out.

When Chu Xia's body was in his 60s, it wouldn't be too good. Was the thing Lin Mengyue gave him back then? Could it be completely removed? Now it's starting to backlash, no? After a while, his body won't be able to. Action, words can not speak? Clear, needle-like pain has been deep into the bones.

Lu Cong was a little older than him, but his health was much better than his.

Chu Xia was afraid that if he died first, Lu Cong might still have to report to the office, so he was always sighing with points from the system.

Lu Cong felt distressed. He wanted to keep Chu Xia, but he didn't want to make him hurt like this. He would rather let him go and let him go, but Chu Xia kept dying.

One day later? At night, Lu Cong had a dream. After waking up, he didn’t even remember it, but suddenly he understood something? He came to Chu Xia’s bed, held his hand, and asked him softly. : "Your Majesty wants me to accompany you??"

Chu Xia pursed his lips and didn't speak. If he answered Lu Cong's question, he would be a little embarrassed. He just hoped that he would live longer than Lu Cong, and he had to accompany Lu Cong.

Lu Cong smiled, raised his hand, stroked Chu Xia's face, and finally landed on Chu Xia's lips, and said to him, "I'm with you?"

After this world ended, Chu Xia returned to the system center.

The leaders and colleagues held long banners and warmly welcomed his return, but it seemed that Team Leader Chu's expression was not very happy. They sighed in their hearts. Team Leader Chu must have suffered again in this world.

Team leader Chu must be compensated, and the reward will be doubled! Double it up! Super double!

Chu Xia returned to the anti-pornography team and sat in the office. In the previous world, Lu Cong sent the sharp dagger to his heart in order to reassure Chu Xia to leave. He died in Chu Xia's place. before.

Chu Xia knocked on his head, feeling a little irritable.

He rested for a few days in the anti-pornography group and didn't see anyone?

When the leaders saw Chu Xia, they rushed to the system in a group and asked him if he suffered too much psychological trauma and could not recover for a while, which is why he is like this now.

System huh, no? Want to talk.

Anyway, no one believed what he said.

Chu Xia stayed in the anti-pornography team for two days, and the whole person came back to life. The sky was still blue, the grass was still green, and there was still no man in the system center. He took the initiative to find the leader and said to the leader, "Continue. Bar."

The leader was deeply moved by Chu Xia's self-sacrificing spirit, and he held Chu Xia's hand, "You, Team Leader Chu, don't worry, this time we will definitely choose a suitable role for you, and we won't let you go. ? Suffering."

Chu Xia: "..."

Come on, you said the same thing in the last world.

Chu Xia rested for two more days in the anti-pornography team, and then started the task of the next world.

"Master Qin? Master Qin?"

When he saw someone calling him in his ear, although it wasn't his original name, maybe it was his name in this world, he felt a little headache, as if he had been knocked on, Opening his eyes, what caught his eye was a man in his thirties, in a suit and leather shoes, with an ordinary appearance, but his attentive look, a bit like the little pug that Chu Xia had seen before, he leaned over and asked Chu Xia. Said: "Master Qin, what are you doing? Lying here? How cold is this place!"

He stretched out his hand to support Chu Xia, and Chu Xia used his strength to press him from the ground.

The man smiled and said to Chu Xia, "I have already sent the boy named Ye to Room 501."

Chu Xia's head was still hurting. She didn't understand her current identity and situation, so she was pushed into room 501 in a daze. The man winked at him and smiled, and then closed the door.

Chu Xia called the system, but didn't hear a response. He covered the back of his head and turned his head, only to see a young man who didn't seem to be in his twenties on the huge double bed in the room. □ Lying on it, the bed was covered with black jacquard satin sheets, which made his skin extraordinarily fair.

The young man's eyes were tightly closed, his brows were slightly frowned, and there was an unusual blush on his face.

Chu Xia came closer and looked more closely. The young man was very good-looking, with delicate eyebrows, a high nose bridge, and a light-colored thin lips with a shimmering light, and his figure was not bad.

Chu Xia's tears of excitement flowed down from the corner of his mouth. Is it? Is it? Great!