MTL - So Fragrant [Quick Transmigration]-Chapter 57

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"Lu Cong, are you crazy!" Lin Mengyue asked Lu Cong hysterically.

But Lu Cong ignored her cry at all, and gently stroked Chu Xia's face with his palm, as if he were treating some rare treasure.

Lin Mengyue had never seen such an expression on Lu Cong's face before, she thought in a trance, if Lu Cong treated her like this in the past, would she still give up on him and enter the palace? ?

Maybe it will, or maybe...

Lin Mengyue relies on her own beauty. She thinks that all men in the world should kneel under her pomegranate skirt. If someone doesn't love her, they are either blind or have a brain problem.

She could accept that Lu Cong didn't love herself, but she couldn't accept that he fell in love with someone else, and she couldn't accept that this person was still a man.

Why? what is this?

Lin Mengyue stared blankly at Lu Cong. It was the first time she had suffered such a big blow. She looked at Lu Cong and Chu Xia in confusion, her face was pale, her lips moved slightly, and she didn't know what to say.

Is it because Lu Ming and Lu Ming have been eating outside and sleeping outside during this time, and she is no longer as beautiful as she used to be, that's why Lu Cong treats herself like this.

How is Zhao Min that faint-hearted prince? How can he compare to himself? Could it be that Lu Cong has always been a broken sleeve?

Lu Cong lowered his head and gently kissed Chu Xia's forehead, the bridge of his nose, and his chin. He unabashedly showed everyone present that he cherished this person.

Chu Xia in the system space only felt that his body was being pulled for a while, and then it was dark in front of him. At first, he thought that his body in this world was finally repaired and completely dead, and he could return to the system center with peace of mind. go.

He then realized that something was wrong. This feeling didn't seem to be in the center of the system. He opened his eyes in a daze and saw Lu Cong's enlarged face. Feeling that he was still in pain, Chu Xia wanted to push him away, but he slept for too long and had no strength in his hands. He frowned and asked Lu Cong in a low voice, "What are you doing?"

His voice was hoarse, probably because he had just woken up, and it sounded softer and more endearing than usual.

Lu Cong's eyes lit up instantly, he raised his eyes to meet Chu Xia's eyes, the muscles on his face twitched, and he didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

Chu Xia suddenly felt that he was a little pitiful.

He pursed his lips, not knowing what to say to Lu Cong.

When he first died, he actually thought it was Lu Cong's hand, but after spending some time in the system space, he felt that Lu Cong didn't need to do this. If he really wanted to kill him, he should have entered the palace. Killing him that day, why make it so troublesome later.

He asked the system to check the cause of his death. It turned out that something similar to a Gu worm had been injected into the body of the original owner a long time ago, which should have nothing to do with Lu Cong.

After listening to the system's explanation, Chu Xia sighed that the system and their work were not in place. Such a big problem was not detected at the beginning.

The system argued that when the insects were not harmed, that kind of thing was a harmless substance in Chu Xia's body, so it couldn't be detected.

Lu Cong's fingertips rubbed gently on Chu Xia's lips, which gradually warmed, and asked Chu Xia, "Are you awake? Do you want to drink some water?"

Chu Xia snorted, although he didn't know why he came back, but compared to the endless research of the user manual in the system space all day, now this is also quite good.

Lin Mengyue was still kneeling on the ground. Just now, she had accepted the fact that Lu Cong liked a man, but thinking that Lu Cong would never be able to get the love in her life, a perverted pleasure filled her heart.

But at this time, Chu Xia actually survived.

But what about living? The person that this Huan Jun loves most is her Lin Yuemeng. If Lu Cong really likes this Huan Jun, he may suffer more pain in the future than when Chu Xia died.

Chu Xia had just woken up, her mind was still a little confused, she didn't know what was going on.

He was tightly held in his arms by Lu Cong, he opened his eyes and glanced down. The one kneeling below was the noble concubine, wasn't he the one who was thrown into the Heavenly Prison? How could it be like this? It can be seen that Lin Mengyue has not had a good time during this time? Compared with the imposing concubine that Chu Xia saw when she first came to this world, it was like a different person.

Chu Xia moved his fingers. How long had he been dead? He turned his head to look at Lu Cong who was holding him. He wanted to get up, but Lu Cong held him even tighter.

Seeing this scene, Lin Mengyue was even more certain that Chu Xia must have been persecuted. She said, "Your Majesty, this concubine has been wronged."

Chu Xia leaned back into Lu Cong's arms a little uncomfortably, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"General Lu has wronged his concubine for murdering you," Lin Mengyue looked at Chu Xia with an innocent look, "My concubine is sincere to Your Majesty, how could she do such a thing?"

That Lin Mengyue's sincerity is cheap enough, I don't know how many people to share it with, Chu Xia just woke up, I don't know the whole story, but? Lu Cong should have checked these things out, he said to Lu Cong, "General Lu Just look at the disposal."

Lu Cong let out a low smile with satisfaction, and he rubbed Chu Xia's head.

When Chu Xia just woke up, he had already asked his subordinates to call the imperial physician over, and he whispered next to Chu Xia's ear, "Are you feeling any discomfort?"

"It's okay." It's just that I'm a little hungry.

Lin Mengyue looked at this pair of dog boys and men kissing me and me, and she felt disgusted. She said to Chu Xia, "Does Your Majesty know what Lu Cong wants to do to you?"

"What are you going to do?" Chu Xia asked.

"He wants to imprison His Majesty in this deep palace as a prisoner."

And such a good thing!

Then he didn't come back in vain.

Chu Xia immediately turned her head, looked at Lu Cong with bright eyes, and asked him, "Is what she said true?"

Lu Cong vaguely felt that Chu Xia's look of anticipation was a bit strange, but he still said, "No."

It turned out to be a happy one, Chu Xia was a little disappointed, he lowered his head, Lu Cong thought about it, and then said to Chu Xia, "If you want to, it can be true."

Chu Xia didn't say anything, but just looking at the smile on his face, he seemed really willing to be like this.

I don't know what's in his head.

Lu Cong shook his head, how could he think that he and the original Zhao Wen were the same person?

Lin Mengyue frowned, she didn't expect such a development at all, her anger completely burned her sanity, and under extreme anger, she said indiscriminately, "A dignified king of a country would be willing to commit himself to a man. Under the body, Zhao Min, you are really useless."

Lu Ming, who was kneeling beside Lin Mengyue, also glanced sideways at her in surprise. Why didn't she realize that Lin Mengyue was so clueless before, and now she wanted to irritate the dog boy and boy because she thought she lived too long .

Chu Xia lifted her eyelids and looked at Lin Mengyue, looking down on those below? What's going on down there? It's comfortable down there!

He raised his arms around Lu Cong's neck and said, "I'm happy."

The smile on Lu Cong's face widened a bit. He hadn't smiled so happily in a long time.

Lin Yuemeng was trembling with anger. In order to survive, Zhao Min, the faint-hearted monarch, was willing to lie down under a man, how could he do this!

From the moment Lu Cong kissed Chu Xia, these subordinates of Lu Cong were all dumbfounded. Their mouths were almost the size of an egg, and their generals actually took a fancy to this faint-hearted prince.

General, are you stimulated?

Although it is said that this stunned gentleman looks okay, but it is still a little worse than Lin Mengyue, the number one beauty in the capital.

I don't understand why Lu Cong was attracted to him.

Lu Cong didn't want to hear Lin Mengyue's cry, so he ordered, "Take the person down."

When his subordinates asked what to do with the person, Lu Cong said lightly, "Kill."

Lin Mengyue was dumbfounded. In the end, she could not escape the fate of death. Chu Xia tugged at Lu Cong's sleeve and said to Lu Cong, "Then she seems to be pregnant."

Lin Mengyue's eyes lit up, yes, she is pregnant with a child now, these people will not know the truth, they will only think that the child is still alive, that this child belongs to the emperor, this is her hope of survival.

However, he heard Lu Cong say, "With such parents, the child suffers when he is born. Why don't you go with her."

Chu Xia snorted. The mother of the child in Lin Mengyue's womb was sure of herself. Chu Xia didn't know who the father was.

Lu Cong seemed to see through his mind, smiled and said to him, "Don't worry, it's not yours."

Chu Xia blinked, very good, the hat on the original owner's head was getting greener, but Lu Cong knew why.

Lin Mengyue and Lu Ming were pulled down together, and Lu Cong's subordinates also retreated. Only Lu Cong and Chu Xia were left in the bedroom. Lu Cong carried Chu Xia to the bed, but Chu Xia still didn't. Realizing why Lu Cong suddenly became so gentle with himself, he asked Lu Cong, "What's the matter with me?"

Lu Cong pulled up the quilt on his body and coaxed him, "It's okay, just think it's a dream by yourself."

Then what he had in this dream was really boring. Chu Xia's stomach growled. He pulled Lu Cong's sleeve and said that I was a little hungry.

Lu Cong comforted him and said, "What do you want to eat, wait? I'll ask the imperial kitchen to cook it for you later."

Chu Xia thought about it for a long time, and didn't even think about what he wanted to eat now. He said to Lu Cong, "Whatever."

Not long after, the imperial doctor came, checked Chu Xia's pulse, and told Lu Cong that Chu Xia's body was no longer in serious trouble, and if she took good care of it for two months, she would be able to fully recover.

The system nodded gratified, completing the task just around the corner.

The leaders of the system center are all ready to welcome Chu Xia's return, and now they have received a notice that they will not be back for the time being. Congrats, congratulations.

After Lin Mengyue was dragged down by Lu Cong's subordinates, she kept shouting and accusing Lu Cong of being tyrannical, even innocent children. It was already a long way off, and Chu Xia seemed to still be able to listen. to her voice.

When the child does not come out of the mother's belly, it is not a complete life, but at most an accessory organ of the mother's body.

But now Lin Mengyue insisted on giving birth to the child, Chu Xia couldn't help but hesitate, and said to Lu Cong, should she wait? She should give birth to the child before executing it.

Lu Cong agreed.

As a result, an imperial doctor said that the child in Lin Mengyue's womb was gone. It turned out that she and Lu Ming beat the child while fleeing for their lives.

Chu Xia: "..."

Isn't this a riot?

What was Lin Mengyue thinking? Did she think she could live for three years if she couldn't give birth to a child in three years?

Chu Xia stopped caring about Lin Mengyue and Lu Ming, ate something, yawned, and fell asleep again. When she woke up, it was already dark, and Lu Cong sat behind the long desk to review the memorial. The candle flickered, his shadow fell on the screen behind him, Chu Xia pressed his aching forehead and looked at Lu Cong in a daze.

When Lu Cong heard the sound, he turned his head, put down the memorial in his hand, walked over, leaned over beside the bed, and asked him, "Headache?"

"a little bit."

Lu Cong's fingertips landed on Chu Xia's temple, rubbed lightly, and asked him, "Call the imperial physician to take a look?"

Chu Xia shook his head and said, "No need for now, maybe I've slept too long."

Lu Cong hummed and rubbed him for a while.

Chu Xia was rubbed more and more sober by him. He raised his head and looked at Lu Cong in front of him. Lu Cong treated him as if he had suddenly changed into a person.

"Watch what I do?" Lu Cong asked him.

Chu Xia said honestly, "It looks good."

Lu Cong was slightly startled. He didn't expect him to say such a thing. He looked straight into Chu Xia's eyes, as if he was bewitched. He bent down and kissed his lips lightly, then pressed Chu Xia back on the bed. Continue to deal with the official business that he has not finished just now.

Chu Xia stared blankly at the back of Lu Cong leaving, stretched out Er Kang's hand, isn't it, brother, are you finished?

Can you help to solve the lock below him, bro! Didn't you say that you can be banned? Look who's banned. Yan wears this thing all day.

Lu Cong hadn't learned to read minds, so he didn't know what Chu Xia was thinking.

Chu Xia felt that there was no way to go on like this. Did Lu Cong completely forget about the promise to unlock him?

The system doesn't know what Team Leader Chu is still unsatisfied with, so just continue with the current situation, and the task of this world can almost be completed.

Wait? When Lu Cong came back from facing up the next morning, he saw Chu Xia undressed and lying in the cage.

The bottom of the cage was covered with a thick red carpet, and Chu Xia's body was curled up in the center, like a mass of unmelted snow on the top of a mountain.

The scene was too shocking, Lu Cong stood there, and did not move for a long time, until Chu Xia waved at him, he walked over and knelt beside Chu Xia on one knee.

His fingers landed on Chu Xia's lips, gently tracing his facial features, as if he had done it in the Nanfeng Pavilion.

But now, he could do more, he hugged Chu Xia in his arms, as if he was hugging a mass of melting snow, he was pious and enthusiastic, and many, many kisses fell on Chu Xia's face.

Soon after, Lu Cong realized that there was a very critical issue that had not been resolved yet.

Chu Xia innocently looked at Lu Cong in front of him and blinked.

Lu Cong: "…"

He stretched out his hand and lightly poked Lu Cong's chest twice: "How do you feel?"

To be honest?, not much.

Lu Cong was silent for a long time, then said to Chu Xia in pain, "I'll help you find the key."

Chu Xia nodded, so hurry up, brother!

He looked at Lu Cong with anticipation. Lu Cong felt a little guilty for some reason. His eyes were erratic, he turned to look at the vase not far away, and said to Chu Xia, "I may know where the key is."

Chu Xia squinted at Lu Cong in front of him, and asked him, "You didn't wear it for me?"

If that's true? Lu Cong's acting skills are on par with his own.

"No, I just know a little." Lu Cong leaned down and rubbed his body.

Regardless of who was responsible for this incident, Chu Xia pushed Lu Cong and urged him, "Hurry up, hurry up, I want the key."

Lu Cong was chased out of the bedroom by Chu Xia to find the key.

Xiao Tianheng went to Evil Dragon Abyss with Lu Cong a while ago. He was injured and was recuperating at home. He was so happy that he got up from the bed immediately when he heard Lu Cong coming. But when he heard Lu Cong asking him for the key, he didn't immediately notice. After reacting, he asked Lu Cong blankly, "What key?"

Lu Cong sighed lightly, and said to Xiao Tianheng a little helplessly, "It's on Your Majesty's body."

Should have thought of it sooner.

Xiao Tianheng was a little unaccustomed to Lu Cong calling that dazed prince your majesty. He scratched his head and finally remembered what key Lu Cong wanted, but he was even more puzzled and asked Lu Cong, "What do you want this key for?"

Xiao Tianheng and most of the officials in the court still thought that Lu Cong had imprisoned the emperor in the palace, that the emperor Chu Xia had already existed in name only, and maybe one day he was going to burp.

Why did Lu Cong suddenly look for this thing today.

Xiao Tianheng turned around for a long time and couldn't find the shadow of the key, and said to Lu Cong with a bitter face: "I said at the beginning whether it should be placed with you, but if you don't want it, now ask me for it... How long has it been since then? Now, let me think about it."

Xiao Tianheng was about to cry. He wasn't in the mood to pack things, and he didn't plan to keep the key properly. After all this time, how could he remember where the key was thrown by him? .

Xiao Tianheng finally couldn't help but asked Lu Cong again, "Why do you want this key."

Lu Cong didn't speak. How could he have thought at that time that one day he would have such an involvement with Chu Xia.

Seeing Lu Cong returning empty-handed, Chu Xia sighed in disappointment. Lu Cong said to him, "The key was not found."

"Don't scare me." He wouldn't be so forced to stay with Lu Cong for the rest of his life.

Might as well? Let him die.

Lu Cong comforted Lu Cong and said, "Give me a few more days and I will definitely find it."

"Okay." Chu Xia resigned.

Seeing him so pitiful, Lu Cong couldn't bear it. He suggested to Chu Xia, "Why don't I wear it with you."

Chu Xia neither agreed nor objected. He pursed his lips and suddenly asked Lu Cong, "Do you know who put this on for me?"

Lu Cong naturally knew it, but only a few days ago Xiao Tianheng accompanied him into the Evil Dragon Abyss. With his help, Lu Cong was able to pick the flower of death alive. Now Xiao Tianheng is recovering at home, even though Lu Cong has always been cold-blooded. Ruthless, but at this time, he was also a little embarrassed to sell Xiao Tianheng.

Seeing his appearance, Chu Xia knew the answer. Chu Xia said to Lu Cong, "You have to wear it, and he has to wear it too."

"Okay." Lu Cong nodded and agreed.

He left all the keys with Chu Xia.

Xiao Tianheng was completely dumbfounded when he was forced to wear this thing.

He didn't know that Lu Cong sent someone to attack him.

What are you doing?

He had just picked up Li'er from the palace, and a young couple was forced to wear this thing when you were in love with me. Is it human? Is it human?