MTL - Smallholder Farmer-Chapter 663 Grandma tells the grandmother

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Grandma’s grandmother sat up straight and took the tea from the summer to the hand, and carefully tasted the benefits of the tea, which went on to say:

"Oh, that is, then, the day of the big joy has passed. I heard that I have been searching for the old eight for two days, but no one will mention it. They live in the east of the village, and no one wants to go. Everyone didn't find this ring girl didn't see anyone. When I met her, it was all sixteen months old. I went to the city to buy a piece of cloth. It was far outside the embroidered workshop, and I looked at it like a little. I can dress neatly, and I am thinking about it wrong! You also know, she fell to what extent, but she hid in the corner and called me, let me send this to you!"


"Hey, Grandma really doesn't hurt you for a while. You are so hearty, it's good. I followed Yuhuan to the small yard she bought. I listened to her and told me all kinds of heads. I am here. I realized that she had already left home long ago, and her days were still good!"

"She is also a strong!" Yu Yu exclaimed.

"What is this first and last!" Grandma is more dizzy!

"Oh, it’s okay to be idle. I told you in detail that this matter has been in my heart for a few days. It really made me feel bad for a few days! I can say that I am also looser."

"The days when Yuhuan passed in the hands of the old eight, you don't have to say it, you are also seeing it. This girl, the embroidered eyes are all stunned, that is, the figure can live in the grandmother's house, don't be thrown out. That Wenwa two couples. It is also heart-wrenching. The two girls said that they would ignore them and throw them in the house of Laozi. It was her life and death!"

"These two are really hard-hearted like stones!"

"Later, this jade ring went to the street to pay the embroidered work, and it was true that the Fuxing in her life was still shining. Usually, the old eight, where willing to let her pay the embroidered work, for fear that she took the copper coins and diverted some money. She never allowed her to pay the money, but this village is not a buddy. If she is reluctant to eat, let Yuhuan enter the county. It is also a good luck. This girl is followed by a group of little sisters. I am playing on the street. I will run into it!"

"Hey, don't hesitate this gimmick to give way!" Grandma guessed.

"That's not, it's more powerful than the road. If you raise your hand, you will give this jade ring a bag of golden beans, silver peanuts or something, worth a hundred and two silver!"

"Oh, that saves the flowers. It’s really enough for the world. This jade ring is also a proposition. It’s ran with silver!"

"No, I’m scared to death, I won’t necessarily do it if I change it. She didn’t go far, just in Nancheng, I bought a small yard, a small yard, I looked at it, one person. Living. How is it enough, this girl has been eaten after all. After a few years, the days of wealthy people have not been white, twenty-two silver, bought a house in life, cured the furniture, a person like the image I lived in that southern city, and my courage was really big, and I was still in the middle of my life. The eyes also found the "Huansong Baicao Hall" which was cured. When I saw her, that It’s not a long time in the old eight, it’s quite good!”

"Oh, everyone is a village. If you have a bad life, we will feel sad. In this way, she can live back to God. It really means that Bodhisattva is high!" After Grandma finished, she still sighed. A few Amitabha.

"Fortunately, I have eaten this sin, and I understand that I am so embarrassed. I will send this to you. Say, this is her heartfelt wish. Please don't be too rough. She is here every day. In front of the Bodhisattva, I will add light to you, burn high incense, thank you for saving her life. In this life, when the cows are doing the horse, they must repay you!"

"If Grandma still sees her, say for me, no need, all surnamed a fan, she is alive, it is not my wish!"

"In short, if she let me bring it, I should accept that she naturally wants to bring it to her. Shantou wow, you say that you are so open, this is really making my grandmother happy, not weaker than men. what!"

"There is a grandmother saying so well!"

"I think it's better than your grandmother. You are a life-saving person. At that time, many people in the village couldn't see it, but you also know that your grandmother is so powerful that we are God's return. Come down, if anyone stretches his hand, I can’t wait for the whole family to come to the door to let people raise, and scare people to think that they are good!”

...... Yu Yu had to smile, she was convinced of the eight grandmother, and really did not want to talk to her.

"Tell here, the girl, the silver peanuts that you brought me every year, I really like it, but today my grandmother licked her face and set some golden beans with you. I looked at you. The golden beans of Yuhuan, really, lively, how is it like soy beans!"

"Grandma, you are a lot of soybeans, I think the beans are good-looking, I wow this year, I must remember to pour some gold beans for you!"

"Big sister, you are really a rich man now, dare to love this year's lucky money, you are ready to give Jindouzi, then first say, I am the first to give you a New Year!" Grandma laughed!

Yuxi smiled and waved in the middle of the summer: "Go, move the silver nude, gold nude, and ask the two ladies to set their appearance!"

"Taro, what's the look?"

"Grandma, all look, some rare styles, still have mother and child, wait for you to see!"

In a short while, in the summer of the summer, a few rough women were carrying two boxes and they came up. The layers were lifted up and placed around. The two grandmothers stood up and looked at them carefully. Amazed again and again!

"Shantou, it can be seen that the rules of this big family are really big. If we are, how can we put such a note of money and don't use it, just do it!"

"Grandma, I have to stay, and later, wow, there is a set of Yao’s sister’s house. I have only made so much in the last year! Pick it up, like it, if there is Curry, this time. Take it back, you can't use it on August 15th!"

"How can I not make this happen? How can I use it to support the Chinese New Year!"

Grandma’s grandmother smiled and waved her hand. When she was busy, she finally came to Song’s grandmother, and there were a few bronzes and irons. Today's Song family, in addition to the steel watch uncle from the army, the other few are still in Yongqing County, but not in Songjiacun, only live in Yongqing County, Yuxi home Yongqing County, Fanjiacun, etc. The land everywhere is awkward, and they always look at the home of the Song family and watch it for the Fan family! The days are also very good,

"Song Grandma, four squats, come and drink, Song Grandpa can come?"

"Come on, this is a big joy, our family said something to come to light, this family came to the door, just think, smack your blessing!"

"Song Grandma, I have any blessings!" Yuxi cried and laughed. Is this a blessing? "The next step is the spread of various rumors in Yongqing County. The arrival of these grandmothers in the old days did bring a lot of news to Yuxi. Of course, the three did not know."

For example, Grandma Song said that the house in Yongqing County is very expensive. Just near the college, there is no way to say that the courtyard is very different. It can be accommodated in many scholars. It is obvious that this house is not enough. Actually, there is a house in the garden.

This is called the school district? Yuxi chuckled, but the yard in his home was not sold.

"A lot of people are scholars from other places. It is actually in front of Fanfumen. It is good to sit for one night, and say that you want to get some blessings like the champion!"

This makes Yuxi know that it is not a good idea to go home to live. Of course, he may have nothing, but his brother will definitely be incited when he returns home, just like the stars of previous lives.

Everyone talked about the old things in the village, and several of them returned. They all said that they will look at the dowry tomorrow.

Yuxi smiled and said nothing. When I sent a few people to the door of the inner court, I came back. Outside, Mrs. Fan’s wife was pulling the dowry back to Fanfu, and then yelling at the Gaofu Treasury. I started moving.

This dowry was sun-baked in Fanfu for a day, waiting for the dowry of the sage of the king to be sent, and then to the sun for two days, it is necessary to send it to the sage of the king, together with these two notes, it is a dowry, these three days, that is everyone When the people who are close to Yuxi send makeup, then they are basking in the palace of the sage. At the same time, the sages come to pick up the relatives and worship the church. This dowry is also placed in the inner court for the friends and relatives to see.

Marrying the sage king, it was originally a high marriage, so the Fan family dowry, that is really no less! Otherwise, I can't tie it up, and although everyone doesn't mention it (except Fanjiacun's people really don't know), I know that this is the second time that you are married. You can't look at the two dowries. How many pairs? The eyes are staring in the dark.

Therefore, this time, when Yuxi got her thick dowry list, the first thought was to let people call Huang Quan.

"I don't mean that you are ‘good’ to get a dowry. You don’t really get a dowry to bring me into the sage palace?”

"The master the old slave understands you, but this is not me!"

"Not you, is it not me? This family is thrown at you, you just give me a bad job, then say, this sage is so good with you, you make such a home for him!"

"Master, let's talk about it, this is wow, the master is also rich, this money is really not a big money, then again, the master is your fine, all kinds of your mother, all kinds of jealousy, All kinds of brothers and grandfathers sent us, this other people sent, I am too embarrassed to fall down on the dowry list?"


Yuxi was shocked, opened the dowry, looked at it carefully, and sure enough, the land was not heard!

"Can this all be used as a dowry?"

Although it is a dowry, but Yu Yu knows that this is also a public property, which makes people feel liver pain, this understands Cai Cai's mind, although Yuxi does not intend to reunite, but so thick with the English-Chinese dictionary The same item list, actually surnamed Duanmu, distressed! (To be continued)
