MTL - Slowly Falling For Changkong-Chapter 45

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Zhongrong City is more lively at night than during the day, and the cold winter temperatures cannot resist the enthusiasm of the night beer crowd. The barbecue snack stall was set up all the way, Xu Lian's car slowly passed through the crowd, and drove to the community where Xiangchang lives.

Xiang Changkong didn't let Xiang Nuan live on the street. The room was not too good during the day. At night, it was too noisy.

Xu Lian often came recently, and the uncle who knew the door knew her, and didn't ask when she saw her car coming in. It's just that at this time, it is not easy to find a parking place on the basketball court.

Because the basketball court does not have a dedicated parking space, residents also park their cars very randomly. Looking at the number of vacant spaces, it is not easy to park in. Xu Lian remembered this situation when she went to the amusement park last time. At that time, she turned the steering wheel twice to Changkong and parked the car.

Now that she hasn't helped her in the sky, and it's dark and dark, Xu Lian opened the parking assistance system and moved in little by little.

After parking the car, Xu Lian was relieved. She raised her eyes and looked towards the sky, and walked up with her bag.

In this old neighborhood, there is no elevator. Xu Lian wore high heels, and the voice of "Pedaling" echoed in the corridor. Before she climbed, she heard her footsteps towards the sky.

He walked to the door and wanted to open it to her. Footsteps were getting closer, and finally stopped outside the door.

Xu Lian raised his hand and knocked on the door: "To the sky."

Xiang Changkong stood on the other side of the door cramped like when Xu Lian was first seen. His hand rested on the doorknob and remained motionless.

Xu Lian called again: "Open the door to the sky, I know you're inside."

He pursed his dry lips into the sky, pulled the index finger, and opened the door.

Xu Lian stood outside the door and looked at him. Her hair was not ponytailed, as if she had just washed her hair, and still had a little moisture.

"To the sky." The two stood at the door for a while, and Xu Lian broke the silence. "Did you say you want to break up with me? You say it in front of me."

Staring at the sky slightly, he didn't speak. He couldn't open his mouth.

Xu Lian waited for a while, then pushed him away and walked into the room. Looking back at Changkong, she closed her door and walked behind her: "Xu Lian ..."

Xu Lian walked to the door of Weng Shuli's room and stopped. She looked up at Changkong and asked him, "Your mother is still inside?"


Xu Lian knocked twice on the door, then went to the door knob. The door was unlocked, and she opened the door and glanced at the bed.

Weng Shuli lay on it, holding her back to the door. Xu Lian went to the other end, stepping on the floor with high heels, as if stepping on the human heart.

Weng Shuli closed her eyes. She came over without looking at her.

Xu Lian stood next to the bed and looked down at her: "Auntie Weng, I am Xu Lian, I know you are not asleep, I'll just say it, you listen to it. I know you are sad and deceived when you go to your uncle You have also been greatly stimulated by things, but you are also an adult, and you are still the mother of Changkong. It has been three years since these things happened. Are you still unwilling to come out? How long do you plan to get sick? Is it true to rely on your son for the rest of his life? He is your son, but not your prisoner. It doesn't look like a home here, but a cage. "

Moved to Changkong Meifeng, trying to interrupt her: "Xu Lian, don't say too much ..."

"And you to the sky." Xu Lian suddenly turned around and looked at him, "Do you feel that you are particularly sad? For mother, sister, for this family, give up studying, give up dreams, give up everything? In my opinion you Just a coward, don't use other people as a shield. How many times have you been back to school in the past few years? Do you dare to face your teacher? Do you dare to join the class reunion? You are just running away, saying for your sister, What did your sister really want, did you ask? Do you know how much pressure you put on her? "

The problem of the Lianzhu Cannon made the room silent, the air seemed to stop flowing, and my heart was anxious.

Xu Lian looked back and looked at Weng Shuli: "Auntie Weng, I understand that you are worried about taking the path of his father to Changkong, but do you really think this is right? Is this the way to love them? This is not love, this is imprisonment . "

After speaking, she went out without looking back, and banged into the door, as if she had never been there.

Xiang Changkong stood in Weng Shuli's room for a while and went out. The hot food on the table became cold again, and walked towards the sky, sitting alone at the table and finished eating, no longer called Weng Shuli. After washing the dishes, he took a shower himself and returned to the house.

Today he took a day off, but it was more tiring than the usual day in class. He leaned against the bed and looked at the two planes on the table.

One is a wooden plane that his father made for him, and the other is a paper plane that Xu Lianzhe gave him.

I don't know if it's the relationship between the doors and windows, Xiang Changkong felt very bored, and could not breathe because he was bored. Everything around him turned into a huge vortex, dragging him down, he struggled, but in vain. He wants to grab something, whatever he wants.

When returning to God, holding the paper plane Xu Lian gave him.

He dismantled the plane with a line in it.

"Death doesn't hurt, it hurts life."

Xu Lian's words are not very good, but the victory is neat. The simple line of small words punctured his eyes.

He might really be a coward.

He took the mobile phone next to him and opened the WeChat account of Xu Lian.

Xu Lian just took another bath. In this winter, she drove back from the home to the sky, but she was sweating. After drying her hair, she sat in front of the vanity mirror and looked at herself.

She was just shooting at Changkong's home just like a machine gun, and she was very refreshed. But calm down, she recalled what she said, wasn't it really too much?

She crackled and blamed a pass to the sky, but if she was in his position, she didn't know if she could do better.

She found her cell phone and opened WeChat towards the sky.

The top display shows that the other party is typing.

Xu Lian froze, staring at this line. It changed to Xiang Changkong's name for a while, and then it displayed "the other party is typing ...". After ten minutes, the other party didn't send a message.

Xu Lian suddenly laughed.

She waited for a while, and finally sent the first message to Changkong with only two words.

"Xu Lian."

Xu Lian heartbeated, but did not return.

A few minutes later, the news to the sky came again.

Xiang Changkong: I am wrong today, I apologize to you

Xiang Changkong: Are you free tomorrow? Can we meet

Xu Lian finally responded with mercy: "No time, no."

There was no movement to the sky. Xu Lian stared at the screen, and the screen lit up again under her gaze.

Xiang Changkong: What about the day after tomorrow?

Xu Lian: No time

Xiang Changkong: When are you free then?

Xu Lian: I have no time when you ask me.

Holding the phone to Changkong, he straightened the corners of his mouth.

Xu Lian: Xiang Changkong, we have broken up

The fingers tightened towards the sky, and the illusion came again. This time it was the sea, and the air around it seemed to turn into seawater, slap on his body and face, and he was a drowning man struggling to death on the sea.

He desperately needed to catch something, he wanted to catch ... she.

His finger flicked quickly on the phone's virtual keyboard until he didn't even know what he had typed.

Xiang Changkong: Can I pursue you again?

Xu Lian watched the message on the screen quietly before moving her finger.

Xu Lian: Look at my mood

The surrounding sea water gradually receded, and Chang Chang felt that he had finally caught something.

Xiang Changkong has not pursued anyone. The only time in love was Xu Lian's initiative. He didn't know what to do after chasing Xu Lian, but he desperately wanted to see her.

He got up early as usual in the morning and went to the kitchen to make breakfast. Weng Shuli's door was still closed, and Xiang Changkong didn't call her, but she prepared a breakfast for her.

At noon, he took a long-used insulation bucket and went to Xingguang Department Store to find Xu Lian, which contained the lunch he made for Xu Lian.

Zhang Guo'er looked at the shop on the first floor and saw Zhang Changkong come in, she took a moment. She nodded toward Changkong and asked her, "Hello, is Xu Lian in?"

Zhang Guo'er said: "The boss went abroad to purchase, did she not tell you?"

Nodded to the sky, she did not tell herself.

When Zhang Guoer saw him not speaking, he said, "She said that she would be back in three days."

I went back to Changkong and thanked her, "I know, thank you."

He walked outside the store, took out his mobile phone and flipped through Xu Lian's circle of friends, and found that she was really abroad, and had issued a positioning in the morning. Make a comment to Changkong and want to say something to her, but finally just like it.

Xu Lian came out to make a purchase this time, and her schedule was very tight. She felt the hard work of purchasing. Carrying a big bag and a small bag casually went to a store for lunch, and she took out her mobile phone against the sofa and looked at it.

She has added a lot of customers to her WeChat, and she often sends a dynamic like to comment. She clicked on the message prompt, glanced, and saw the praise to Changkong.

Xu Lian smiled at the corner of her mouth and put the phone back.

She ran for a day on the streets abroad and gave Changkong a day of takeaways in China. When returning home in the evening, Weng Shuli ate all the food he had left, not only eating, but also washing the dishes.

Nodding to Changkong, he walked into the living room and found that Weng Shuli was sitting on the sofa alone, looking at a photo album in her hands.

"Mom." She called out to Changkong, walked over and looked at the album in her hand.

It was a photo album of him when he was a kid, with a photo of him and his father on it.

Weng Shuli didn't look up, she seemed staring at the photo.

In the photo of Xiang Changkong, his eyes are as bright as the boys in the small park, as if the whole world.

Xiang Changkong thought she would ignore herself as usual, but she suddenly said: "You, when you were a kid, your eyes are beautiful."

Perhaps it was because he hadn't spoken for too long, and Weng Shuli seemed to have a hard time speaking such a simple sentence.

Xiang Changkong stumbled in place, he had not heard Weng Shuli's voice for too long. He squatted down, holding her hand that started to climb up to the wrinkles: "Mom?"

Weng Shuli slowly raised her head and looked at him. How long has she not seen him like this? He seemed stronger than before and his skin was darker. Although they met every day, she never noticed. She looked at him for a long time, and slowly smiled at the corners of her mouth: "You have beautiful eyes now, but you are less angry."

Subconsciously pursing the corners of his mouth into the sky, his eyes gradually turned red. Weng Shuli raised her hand and touched his hair: "This, these three years, has made you hard."

Holding her to Changkong, he shook his head: "You're fine."

Weng Shuli patted him on the back, as he did when he was a kid.

My mother finally spoke again, and she first informed Xiang Changkong of Xiang Nuan. Xiang Nuan had just studied next night and yelled directly in the hallway. The classmate who was not scared was almost scared to fall. After talking to her, he turned to Xu Lian's WeChat. Xu Lian just posted a new circle of friends. It was an airplane mold she photographed in a mold shop, and there was a finished product next to it.

Xiang Changkong had a lot to say to her, he stared at the picture she sent for a while, and finally only liked it.

When she comes back, tell her in person.

As a shop number, Xu Lian is not very competent. Whether it is Weibo or WeChat, she updates very slowly. But after coming to Korea this time, she became particularly active all of a sudden. Not only would she take pictures of the shops where she bought things, she would even take pictures of them when she saw a little flower by the road.

To Changkong diligently gave her every circle of praise.

The three-day trip was gone in the blink of an eye in Xu Lian's busy life. The day before she left, she took a picture of the ticket at the airport, and the flight information was not beaten.

After the plane landed at the A International Airport, Xu Lian took his luggage and followed the crowd to the exit. Waiting for many people to pick up people outside the airport, Xu Lian dragged a large box and stopped to take a look.

"Xu Lian."

A familiar voice came from behind, Xu Lian turned around and looked over.

Xiang Changkong stood in the crowded hall and smiled at her. The eyes of the two met in the air, raised their heads to the sky, and flew the paper plane in her hand to her.

The airport lobby was crowded, and people who came and went never stopped, but it was strange that the paper plane, like someone driving, passed through the flow of all people and flew to itself unbiased.

One second before it was about to crash, Xu Lian reached out and caught it.

Came towards Changkong towards her, and stopped in front of her: "Come back?"


"So ... I wonder if you are free today?"

Xu Lian said: "I think about it."

Smiled to Changkong, took the large suitcase in her hand: "I'll push it."

He dragged Xu Lian's suitcase and walked out. Xu Lian stood there watching his back, and then looked down at the paper airplane in his hand.

This is not what she gave him, this is another.

As if thinking of something, she opened the paper plane, and it was written with a sentence.

"There are dreams above the clouds, there are you below the clouds."

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