MTL - Slowly Falling For Changkong-Chapter 43

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The airplane operated by the boy in the small park buzzed overhead. Weng Shuli followed the sky and walked back quietly.

Xiang Nuan heard the sound of opening the door, and rushed over the first time. When she saw Xiang Changkong holding her mother back, she exhaled a long breath: "Mom, where have you gone? Scared me."

Weng Shuli didn't answer and went straight to her room. Xiang Changkong followed her and asked her, "Mom, have lunch first?"

Xiang Nuan said, "Yes, I'll heat the rice again."

She went to the kitchen carrying meals, but Weng Shuli didn't mean to eat. Looking at the sky, she walked back to the room and lay directly on the bed, holding her back to him.

He called her again: "Mom."

Weng Shuli did not move, still holding her back to him.

Frowning slightly towards Changkong, he accidentally glanced at her mobile phone on the nightstand.

As if there was some kind of bad hunch that was about to be fulfilled, his palms were inexplicably sweating.

This cell phone Weng Shuli has not been used for a long time, and today she suddenly flipped it out and suddenly ran away from home, which is definitely not accidental.

He stepped forward, took the phone, tapped it lightly, and opened the screen.

Weng Shuli's mobile phone set a power-on password, and entered her birthday in the sky, and the screen changed from the lock screen to the web page Weng Shuli just browsed.

A stagnation in the heart of Changkong.

She knew everything.

He glanced up at her back, unable to say a word for a long time.

Xiang Nuan reheated the food and came to him: "Brother, haven't you eaten yet? Let's eat together." She said, looking at Weng Shuli lying down, and said strangely, "Mom, you can't get up Have you eaten? "

Weng Shuli didn't move a bit.

Xiang Nuan looked up at Changkong and asked with his eyes what was happening to him. He never expected to speak to Changkong.

The atmosphere was a little stiff for a while, and finally, the unpleasant silence was interrupted by Changkong's cell phone ringtone.

It's Xu Lian.

Weng Shuli glanced at Changkong and went to the balcony deliberately before answering the phone. As soon as the phone was connected, Xu Lian said at the end: "Xiang Changkong, I've come downstairs in your house, where are you? I used to look for you."

A subconscious glance downstairs towards Changkong, the purpose is the street full of paving outside the community. Xu Lian should be at the basketball court in their neighborhood.

"To the sky?"

After Xu Lian called him again, he returned to God and said to her, "My mother has found it and has just returned home."

Xu Lian froze a little, followed by exhaling, leaning on the back of the driver's seat: "I just find it."

"Are you on the basketball court?"


"Then I'll come down to you."

Xu Lian's eyes moved and responded: "Okay."

Hang up the phone to Changkong, turn around and look at Xiang Nuan: "Mom found, I'll go to the police station to solve the case, you should pay attention at home, don't let her run away."

"Okay, brother, rest assured." Today the matter was frightening to Xiang Nuan. As the saying goes, eating a glutton and a wise one, she would pay attention to her mother even if she didn't tell Changchang.

She looked down at the sky and walked downstairs, and called him again, "Brother, don't you go for a meal?"

"No, I usually go to work to eat at one or two o'clock, all right." He opened the door and went out.

In the basketball court, Xu Lian's car stopped quietly under a tree. Seems to see him too, Xu Lian lowered the window and waved at him.

Go to the sky to the car, open the door and sit up.

Xu Lian was still wearing a seat belt. She tilted her head and looked at Xiang Changkong: "Your mother is all right?"

Xiang Changkong was silent for a while, and said, "She knows that I signed up for graduate school."

Xu Lian was a bit surprised. From the days when she was with Weng Shuli, Weng Shuli neither surfed the Internet nor went out. No one else in the family came except her. She always felt that as long as she did n’t tell Changkong, she would not know these Yes.

"How did she know?"

Xiang Changkong said: "She flipped out her original mobile phone and found the campus website of A & T University. There were reports on it, and I was in the mirror."

Xu Lian frowned: "How come she suddenly thought of going to the A & T website?"

He shook his head to Changkong: "Maybe it was guessed from my performance. It is impossible to live without any clues living under the same roof."

Xu Lian agrees with this. Weng Shuli looked at the closed door, but her heart was clear: "Then she suddenly disappeared today because of this incident?"

"Yes, she won't eat when she gets home."

Xu Lian looked at him and tapped his finger on the seat unconsciously: "What are you going to do?"

After the noisy noon, the surrounding seemed extraordinarily quiet, and the uncle who was standing at the gate of the courtyard all snored against the door. The window in the car was open, and the wind came in, obviously in the winter when the temperature dropped sharply, but Xu Lian felt a sweltering summer.


"Speak with my mother first." He lowered his eyes slightly, staring at a point not far away. "You haven't come here recently."

Xu Lian looked at him, her eyes moved twice, and she answered, "OK."

"Then I will go first, and I will go to the police station to close the case." After he had finished speaking, he opened the door and went out. Xu Lian watched him walk away slowly through the rearview mirror, leaned out his car window, and stopped him: "to the sky."

He walked slightly to the sky and looked back at her.

"Are you going to take the exam?"

The sky's eyes deepened little by little, and changed back to the gloom and gloom that had appeared at first sight: "Consult with my mother first."

After walking out to the sky, Xu Lian was still sitting alone in the car.

She does not have the habit of smoking, and can even be said to be disgusted, she hates the smell of smoke around her. But now, she wanted to give herself a cigarette.

When she remembered high school, Wei Yichen tasted fresh and secretly smoked. She also offered treasures and wanted to smoke with her, and then she was beaten. After that time, Wei Yichen never smoked ... maybe he did, but he did not dare to smoke in front of her.

You ca n’t smoke, it ’s good to drink and drink, she still drinks.

When it comes to drinking in city A, it must be Qingnan Lane. There is no better place than that. Xu Lian was so hot that she drove the car to Qingnan Lane and looked at the bars with closed doors all over the street. She finally realized a painful fact that the bar only opened at night.

It's two o'clock in the afternoon. At this point, there will be only her bar, Wei Yichen's bar.

She had been here when Wei Yichen opened the bar, and she could find it. She drove over, parked outside the bar, picked up the bag and got out of the car.

The bar door was closed, but there was no lock. She pushed open the door and went straight in.

The bar during the break is completely different from when it is open. There is no crowd singing and dancing, no brilliant lights, no staggering, and pushing the cup for a change.

When a dozing man saw someone coming in, he woke up immediately: "I'm sorry, lady, we haven't started business yet."

Xu Lian turned around and glanced at him.

The neatly trimmed flat head, often mingled with the little one beside Wei Yichen.

He would even say something like "I'm sorry, Miss, we haven't started business yet".

"Sister Xu Lian?" A Mao also recognized Xu Lian, and his voice was raised by two degrees in surprise. "You, how did you come here? Are you, did you come to find Chen?"

Rare! Brother Chen chased her for so many years, did she finally discover the charm of Brother Chen!

Xu Lian said: "Of course you come to the bar to drink. Is there any wine?"

Ah Mao swallowed, and said, "You, you want wine, there must be. You wait a moment."

When he finished speaking, he rolled his legs and ran into the lounge. He woke Wei Yichen, who was lying on the sofa, "Chen Brother, Chen Brother! Wake up soon! Xu Lian is here!"

Wei Yichen, who was half awakened in his dreams, was very irritable, but the name in A Mao's mouth gave him pressure to suppress this irritability: "Who are you saying?"

"Xu Lian!"

Wei Yichen turned up from the sofa and walked out. A Mao hurriedly followed behind him, whispering in his ear: "Brother Chen, you just woke up. Would you like to wash your face first? It would be bad if you had eye drops!"


"That's right, eat a piece of gum and refresh your breath!"

"..." Wei Yichen paused for a moment, his sharp eyes glanced at A Mao. The sweat on A Mao's body flew up, and he wanted to retract his hand nervously. Just after moving, the gum in his hand was taken away by Wei Yichen.

He opened the wrapping paper, threw the gum into his mouth, and went on.

A Mao: "..."

So ... don't you really wash your face? What if there is really **** ...

Wei Yichen stepped out and saw Xu Lianzheng sitting at the bar alone, holding his face with one hand, as if he was in a trance.

He walked over, opened the chair next to her, and sat down beside her: "It's rare, you came to me on your own initiative."

Xu Lian seemed to realize that he was here, and turned his head to give him a glance, and smiled sharply: "You think too much. I came to drink. As a result, everyone's house is closed except your house."

Wei Yichen also laughed: "In fact, my house is closed ..." Seeing Xu Lian's face changing, he quickly said the second half of the sentence: "But the door of my house is open to you at any time."

"Okay, don't say so much, is there any wine?"

Wei Yichen glanced at A Mao who followed him and said to him, "Give her a glass of orange juice."

"..." Xu Lian was upset. "Where can't I drink orange juice? Do you think I came to Qingnan Lane to drink orange juice?"

Wei Yichen said, "Drinking alcohol hurts the girl. It ’s better for girls to drink less. Besides, you came by car. You ca n’t drive when you drink alcohol. I will call the police and say you drunk."

After Wei Yichen said this, he slightly hesitated. What is it, who did he learn from?

Xu Lian said: "I can find a driver."

Wei Yichen ignored her and glanced at A Mao: "What are you still doing? Let you pour a glass of orange juice."

"... Oh, okay!" Amaoma poured a glass of orange juice and put Xu Lian on the bar.

Xu Lian stared at the glass of orange juice. He didn't move for a while, and A Mao felt very stressed. The heart who wanted to see the fun immediately died, and quickly withdrew from the lounge. Wei Yichen looked at Xu Lian, smiled and asked her, "Have you argued with Changkong?"

He felt that it was impossible in his heart. Although he didn't have much contact with Xiang Changkong, he had provoked him like that before. He didn't lose his temper, let alone face Xu Lian.

Xu Lian finally picked up the orange juice and took a sip: "Wei Yichen, before Uncle Wei broke your guitar, are you angry?"

It must be angry, otherwise he wouldn't make himself like this, deliberately angry at his father.

Wei Yichen didn't say anything, Xu Lian then asked, "What's it like to be crushed by someone?"

She had never experienced such a thing. Because of her personality, she realized that she was not suitable for working in the company. At school, she could ignore her classmates and not attend class reunions, but when she entered the company, she could not ignore her colleagues and not participate in company activities.

So from the beginning, she planned to open a small shop by herself after graduation to make a living. This is not a dream, that is, for the purpose of eating and drinking. Although her father said that she can always support her, she does not have this face to keep him. As for what store she was going to open, she didn't decide. Until her graduation, her dad's colleague brought her a gift from abroad—a scented candle.

She thought it was good, nice and smelling, and pleased her. So monSter started like this.

She is the earliest person to do this in China. At that time, even a teacher who could smell aroma candles was not found in China. She went to study abroad. The teacher is a Korean. She can speak English no better than where she went. The two used this poor English and finished the lesson with a lot of fun.

Both were relieved.

His dad found her the best store in Starlight Park. The rent here is not lost to Starlight Department Store. The flow of people is there, and people who come to travel also like to buy some souvenirs to go back, but her business is not good, and even a month's rent cannot be earned back. Later, the sweethearted boss suddenly found her, and also posted her work on Weibo. Overnight, monSter became an online red shop.

But Xu Lian felt that this could not be attributed to her good luck. If it wasn't for what she did, she wouldn't cooperate with her, and wouldn't help her tweet. So she still appreciates herself.

Since then, the business has become better and better, and orders have increased, and it is no problem to support yourself. Although she was isolated and said to be out of place from a young age, she thinks that she has gone well in her current life.

So how does it feel to be crushed by someone? Hate it? Desperate?

In the past few years, what kind of mood has Xiangchangkong used to come over?

I don't know why, Wei Yichen suddenly wanted to drink.

He got up and walked into the bar. He took a bottle of wine and poured it on himself. "I don't feel much, because I can't feel anything."

Read I'm an Ordinary Returning Student at the Academy
Read Level 4 Human in a Ruined World
Read My Space-Time System
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