MTL - Slag Shou Cultivating Manual-Chapter 5 Persuade

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Although Zhen Xunyang was willing to read the book he gave, it was a headache that the prince was still difficult to get along with.

In the following days, it was even more reckless to use his youthful mind to the extreme, let him go east and he would go west, as if to intentionally anger him and make him unhappy.

Afterwards, he would stare with interest at his angry eyes, and laughed badly.

After realizing that he was not childish, he was helpless and can't help but then he couldn't get angry when he met his intentional answer.

Jun does not come to me. Since Zhen Xunyang is not enthusiastic about reading, he takes the initiative to let him get used to his approach.

On that day, as soon as she entered the Changle Hall of Zhen Leiyang, I heard a familiar voice, which was mixed with a woman's sobbing and begging.

Heron was startled and walked in quickly.

Zhen Haoyang seemed to be up, her clothes were disheveled, her hair was soft, and there was a woman kneeling at her feet, with tears in her eyes, and she could not help scratching her head. I saw my pity.

Facing the woman's begging for mercy, Zhen Yunyang did not change her face, instead she was afraid she would be touched by her, and she felt disgusted in her quiet eyes, and she would kick one foot down, "Simmer something-roll."

Heron couldn't help but scream, "Foolish--"

Zhen Xunyang hesitated for a moment, stopped moving, looked at Heron with dissatisfaction, and was surprised that he had come so early.

Sighing slightly for his recklessness, Heron came over and asked what had happened.

Zhen Xunyang said nothing, and turned his head expressionlessly.

The kneeling niece saw that Heron might be his life-saving straw, and he hurried to his feet, scratched his head, and hurriedly said, "When the slave-in-law bundled her hair, she inadvertently angered his highness-Master Taifu for help Slavery! "

If it was unusual, she would not dare to speak, but it was about life. She had no choice but to turn to Tai Fu for help.

He Lang listened, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows. If the subordinate did something wrong, the penalty would be, how could he listen to the maidservant that Zhen Xunyang would let someone kill her directly? He used to be so violent that he took the lives of the rest of him out of his way?

Full of compassion for the maid, he helped her up.

Zhen Yiyang saw this, sneered, and the eyes staring at the two of them were ordinary disgust. It seemed that Heron had done something to annoy him.

Heron was not afraid of his eyes, and looked back generously, "The minister has never thought about it, His Royal Highness is such a person who does not understand compassion and love jade."

He does not consider himself to be his servant, or his courtier, but his husband.

Facing his bad deceptive habits, he naturally has to come forward and help him to change these little by little.

Zhen Xunyang said nothing, and no one in his eyes snorted, "In the eyes of His Royal Highness are slaves."

In his eyes, regardless of gender, the world is generally lowly.


This arrogant expression was terrible, Heron frowned, staring at him tightly, his eyes cold.

He knew that the prince was bad-tempered, and today he truly felt that he belonged to the crown prince and was invincible. This gentleman in his mind was too far away.

Heron didn't speak, so she looked at him like this, but Zhen Xunyang felt a scalp tightness, but he didn't want to lose his face, he insisted that he should say: "Your Highness teaches the minions, do you care? "

Heron heard it harshly, but he also eased his voice, like treating young children: "My minister is your lord's lord, you should call him my gentleman. Presumably, this does not require my minister to teach his highness again?"

Who knew that the boy turned against him, and only gently answered: "Are you worthy?"

The words of disrespect fell lightly into Heron's ears, as if he gave him a slap.

I have to say that this sentence is really excessive, not only arrogant, but also disrespectful to him.

If this is the case all the time, he is unwilling to obey his words, and he will not change his roots. What can he talk about teaching and support?

This melee devil has capital that can be rebelled and can not put anyone in his eyes, but this does not mean that Heron would be willing to trample on his dignity.

A little anger in Heron's heart settled down without disappearing, but surging secretly.

His expression was even a little too quiet, with a sound of indifference.

Since he came to this world, Zhen Xunyang can be said to have always been his heart, thinking day and night how to make Zhen Xunyang more sensible and what books to read to make him more intellectual.

Moreover, in Zhen Xiuyang, he always can vaguely see the shadow of He Zheng when he was a teenager, all the same arrogance and pretentiousness, he thought that such a prickly child will be extremely soft inside.

These days, he is gradually shifting his mind to Zhen Yunyang. The tenderness in his eyes is shallow, all of which have high hopes for him.

But I do not know, this child does not regard him as a husband, but a courtier, even a slave.

This would inevitably make him discouraged. Couldn't his consciousness be half-pointed by the prince?

His heart went back and forth a thousand times, and eventually he retired and made a reverence, a tone of indifference, a cold alienation in his eyes.

"The courtier isn't worthy of being your sir, so sir, please be smart."

Zhen Liyang lowered his eyelids and looked at him in disbelief.

Heron turned around and continued: "The book, pendant, and calligraphy and calligraphy ink gift given to the student by the minister, please also return it today."

He had to make a clear calculation with Zhen Yunyang, as if to draw a clear line, he was no longer his student, and naturally there was no reason to take his personal things.

Zhen Xieyang clenched her fists, and the depression in her heart piled up, she couldn't tell whether it was anger or panic, and scolded, why is this person so embarrassed? Do you have to care about such worthless things?

Then again-those things he likes are so tight, don't pay him back!

He has always punished his followers so freely, and no one has dared to stop him. Why should he discipline himself? Even the mother-in-law was not so troublesome.

Moreover, he was just casually speaking, how could this person be so noble?

Seeing his coldness, he felt uncomfortable in his heart. This man was unwilling to teach him. Which prince was he going to teach?

Seeing Zhen Xiyang's complexion changed, Heron nodded slightly, not knowing whether he was sighing or sarcastic, "His Royal Highness is blessed, Taishi has just finished writing the notes to the paper, this is a leisure time." This implies Zhen Xiyang, he The next gentleman is probably Master Bowen.

Speaking of Master Bowen, he is an old man with white hair. He is proficient in all kinds of academics, has an unparalleled enthusiasm for learning, and has the most dislike of people who don't respect learning. His temper is stink and hard.

In addition, the emperor received his teaching and respected him from an early age. Several previous princes, because of their naughtiness, were trained by Master Bowen and their palms were smashed. The Emperor also very much agreed with the practice of the Master.

If Zhen Xunyang fell into his hands and was unwilling to condense his temper, one can imagine the results.

I do n’t know if the emperor will still love him so much, and he will be condoned in front of Master Bowen.

Zhen Xingyang's alarm bell was a masterpiece, and the stern face appeared in his head, and he immediately frowned in disgust. He didn't want his father to invite him to teach him.

Herron had finished speaking, and no longer nostalgic, he would have to leave after flicking his sleeves.

Zhen Liyang panicked and called Heron aloud.

Heron's speed of leaving was not diminished. Zhen Xunyang gritted his teeth to catch up, even if there was a depression in his chest, he hurriedly screamed "Sir, don't go."

He finally got his "sir", and Heron stopped, turned his head slightly, and glanced at him, as if he didn't hear it clearly, or he didn't want to turn back.

Zhen Xunyang had to repeat it once, try to make herself appear more willing, and said vigorously: "Sir."

Heron achieved his wish, and he couldn't help squinting his lips slightly, and a light smile bloomed. His eyes seemed to reflect the early sun in early spring, even as if he were treating young children, and gently praised, "Good."

Zhen Xunyang frowned, a subtle feeling surged in his heart, and the turbulence of this emotion swept his atrium all at once, filling his heart with a strong, eloquent speech for a moment, he did not know What kind of posture should be taken to face his tenderness.

He thought he would be disgusted, but in fact, this feeling is not annoying, and he brewed it carefully, it seems that it has some sweet taste.

For the first time, the dissatisfaction of lowering his head for others gradually dissipated, and his mood finally calmed down a lot, and he couldn't help but want to see what this person could show, something that he had never seen before.

With her lips stretched together, Zhen Xieyang called out somehow. "Sir, don't be mad." There was joy in his tone that he didn't even notice.

Heron hesitated for a moment, thinking that the child was being coquettish to himself, but then looking at his pretended expression, he dispelled his thoughts. Knowing that he was willing to compromise this step, Heron was very pleased, and the smile under his eyes couldn't stop deepening.

Zhen Liyang raised a successful thrill in his heart. Sure enough, the man laughed even better.

His smile seemed to come with surprise. Yingying's eyes came over, so focused. For the first time, Zhen Yunyang felt that being a student of this person felt good.

However, this man looks wise and clever, and is still stupid internally. Just such a trivial title, does he rejoice? Zhen Yunyang smirked in his heart.

Being stepped in by Heron, Zhen Xieyang also lost the mind of training slaves, waved his hand impatiently, and let her get away.

The maidservant knew that it was He Taifu's credit, and thanked him with a hoe.

Herron received her a few gifts, and she was sacked.

Saving life, Herron's depression disappeared in the beginning, and he was secretly thankful for his success.

As everyone knows, Zhen Xunyang stared at him, thinking proudly, that as long as he showed a clever look, Taifu would be completely restrained by him, so go on, sooner or later he will be in his hands.

Heron noticed his look and smiled back slightly.

Who can tell the future. Who controls who is not so absolute.

The author has something to say: Do n’t look at Lang Lang, it seems to be a virgin (slightly slightly), please ask for a message, Xiuxian, etc. Your qwq has changed the URL, the URL has been changed, the URL has been changed, everyone recollects the new URL, new m .. new computer version .., everyone will open it at the new URL after the collection, the old URL will not open in the future,

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