MTL - Silver Overlord-v2 Chapter 930 Overlord Name

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? On the 18th of the 11th year of the Han dynasty, Guangxi, Xijing, Taiyechi ...

"The door was too hard, and the wall was made of stone. The wolf hit a few hoees on his head. He fell to the ground with his four feet on the ground and couldn't rush in. The wolf panted around the house for a few times. , Still unwilling, finally, as soon as the big wolf looked up, he saw a large chimney on the roof. As soon as his eyes lighted up, he climbed up to the roof and wanted to drill into the room from the chimney and put the room's Three pigs have eaten ... "

The sun is shining brightly in the sky, the cool wind next to Taiye Lake, the lotus is bursting, and the cicadas on the willow outside are booming. At this moment, in a gazebo beside Taiye Lake, a man is painting around him. The dozens of people around him were ten years old, and the youngest one, three or two years old, told stories.

The group of children heard the story for the first time, staring at the big shiny eyes, holding their breath nervously, and several of them clenched their fists tightly.

"Father, father and father, what happened to the three little pigs, was it eaten by the wolf?" A five- or six-year-old pink-carved and jade-carved girl held a man's hand and asked tearfully.

The man held the little girl in his arms.

"The three little pigs were watching the situation outside nervously in the room, worried that the big wolf would run in. When the big wolf climbed to their roof, the three little pigs in the house listened. On the rooftop, the three little pigs saw that there was only one chimney leading to the roof. They immediately drove a cauldron under the chimney, filled the cauldron with water, and then set the fire on. Lit, boiled the water, and waited beside, the big wolf laughed wildly in the chimney, 'piggy, you wait, I'll eat you', wait until the big wolf from under the chimney As soon as I got down, I didn't want to, and then I fell into the boiling pan and screamed. I threw two times in the water and was directly burned to death. Then the three little pigs happily threw up the big one. The gray wolf came out of the pan, peeled and peeled it, and ate the wolf's meat beautifully, boiled the soup with wolf bones, and instead ate the big wolf ... "

Hearing the perfect ending, the group of little ones cheered.

"Father Emperor, Father Emperor, tell another story, I have to listen ..."

"Yes, yes, yes, one more ..."

The man was also interested today, and was about to talk about another one. An old **** who had been standing outside the gazebo could not help but finally gave a cough. "Cough, Your Majesty, the Prime Minister is already waiting in Zhi He Dian. It's been a while ... "

The man sighed and said to a group of small people around him, "Then let's talk, let's talk tomorrow ..."

Hearing the man's mouth, the old **** winked. Several female officials outside the gazebo entered the gazebo and took away a group of princesses.

Watching the children leave, the man stood up and turned around. It was Yan Liqiang.

At this time, Yan Liqiang, even if he was wearing casual clothes, the clothes were also embroidered with the five-pronged golden dragon symbolizing the imperial power of the world. For more than ten years, he did not leave any obvious marks on his face, making him look still. The appearance of the twenties was only a little more mature than the original, and there was inexplicable majesty.

The old **** carefully led the way in front of him, while Yan Liqiang walked directly towards Zhihe Temple.

Before going out a few hundred meters, Yan Liqiang saw a round, huge thing floating in the sky four or five miles away from the east of Taiyechi, and it flew into the sky that was five or six hundred meters high. Below the huge thing, it seems that there is still a basket hanging, and people are standing in the basket, while under the basket, a rope is tied to the ground. This scene, Yan Liqiang could not help slowing down the pace, and seriously examined a few There was a murmur in his eyes, my dear, hot air balloon.

"I heard that King Changle has soaked in the Institute of Geological Sciences these days, convened a group of doctors in the Institute of Geographical Institutions, and is tinkering with this thing ..." The old **** had a sharp look, and looked at the thing floating in the distance by Yan Liqiang , Immediately tell what I know.

King Changle, also known as King Min, and Andi, after he gave up the emperor ’s Zen to Yan Liqiang, Yan Liqiang named him Changle King. When talking about political affairs, Changle King would fall asleep as soon as he heard it, and talked about those strange and strange This kind of "fantastic tricks and clever tricks", but Changle Wang is as spirited as fighting chicken blood, and seems to find the true meaning of life. He is surrounded by a bunch of craftsmen every day, and he does n’t think about it. Now the entire Han empire knows that Changle Wang likes these the most. Thousands, thousands of artisan diners in the Changle King's palace, it is a scene of Xijing ...

Yan Liqiang smiled, his eyes moved back from a distance, and continued to walk towards Zhihe Dian, "Yes, I heard that the second wife of King Changle is already happy, and in the evening, let Tai Tai Guo from Tai Hospital go to Changle King's Mansion. Send some of the things in the palace to Changle Wangfu ... "

"Yes!" The old **** nodded his head subtly, then obediently led the way, and took Yan Liqiang to Zhihe Hall all the time.

The Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty, Luo Yutian, has been waiting for Zhihe Dian for a while, but there is no trace of anxiety and impatience on his face. When he saw Yan Liqiang coming in, Luo Yutian also hurriedly saluted Yan Liqiang. ! "

"Luo Qing doesn't need to be polite, sit down!" Yan Liqiang himself came to sit down in the main seat. "It is not the government of the day, Luo Qing came to the palace today. Is there anything wrong?"

"Several things, please make a decision!"

"Oh, let's go!"

"In this first case, the Special Envoy of the Indian Moon Empire arrived in Xijing yesterday and handed in the national scriptures. Now there is civil unrest in the Indian Moon Empire, and the two princes are in conflict. The Special Envoy of the Indian Moon Empire wants to ask Her Majesty's meaning?" Luo Yutian mouth Although I said peacefully, I was not so calm in my heart. I do n’t know since when the emperor of the southern barbaric powers 10,000 miles away competed for ownership. Now it depends on the will of His Majesty in Xijing City. The Empire hasn't been in a millennium.

"Who sent this special mission to the Indo-Yue Empire?"

"Should be a powerful person in Shiyueyue Empire. Now those people are afraid to stand in the wrong team and be careful ..."

"Isn't the Senate a proposal to establish the Governor of the Southern Territory a few days ago, and this kind of thing, leave it to the Senate, and let those veterans in the Senate go and deal with the special envoy of the Indian Moon Empire, and then come up with an opinion and The candidate of the Governor of Southern Xinjiang will be handed over to the Cabinet. After that, your cabinet will discuss it and then submit it ... "Yan Liqiang said lightly. At this moment, the system of the Han empire has changed greatly from the previous system. The center of the empire is the prime minister. The cabinet under command, and under the cabinet, there are checks and balances between the Senate, which represents the power of the Great Han Empire, and the House, which represents the interests of the people at the bottom. The xiangxian system has been promoted throughout the country and has become the basic system of the Han Empire. In other words, the entire royal family is aloof, respecting the whole world, such a large empire, such a large world, there are countless heroes in the entire Chinese nation. Why do you need a head to command? Yan Liqiang believes that as long as this country System and the interests of all classes have been straightened out, his position, even if he leaves Silver continent, even if it is for an idiot sitting, the entire country can be prosperous and will not be as a shadow or a magic to turn a ship headed.

"This second piece is the letter written by the Imperial Navy Commander Zheng Huai'an to the Cabinet ..."

"Oh, Zheng Huaian, what's wrong with him?"

"Zheng Huai'an has proposed a plan for the expansion of the navy. He wants to double the number of the main battleships of the Imperial Navy within the next three years, and gradually replace them with steam-powered warships ..."

"What about Zheng Huai'an?"

"He wants to lead the imperial navy to the West Ors, to open the Blue Ocean and Horhors Bay, and to restore the maritime passage between the Han Empire and the Western Continent ..."

Yan Liqiang smiled. "Zheng Huai'an is not ambitious. He just leveled Qiandao in the South China Sea. Do you want to go west?"

"Long Feicheng led the Fengyun Army's 200,000 bow cavalry to level off the Samanchus, and they have beaten the Samanchus to the north of Mount Urachil, and His Majesty sealed a first-class Duke of the Empire for Longfeicheng. Some can't hold it! "

"The navy is the most costly one. According to Zheng Huai'an, it costs a lot of money. Has the cabinet discussed it?"

"The Cabinet has already discussed. According to Zheng Huai'an's plan, in the next few years, the Navy of the Han Empire will need more than 470 million silver coins to complete the transformation and expansion. This is indeed a big investment!

"What's the opinion of the cabinet?"

"Agree!" Luo Yutian's eyes flickered. "But the money won't come out of the cabinet. The result of our discussion is that the Ministry of Households will issue naval bonds and be subscribed by the giants of domestic commercial corporations in the state. Holjos Bay, imperial porcelain, silk, spices, and woolen cloth are constantly transported to the western mainland through the sea channel. This is a golden business channel. It is more urgent than Zheng Huai'an and wants to ask the Ors to get through. The maritime passages are actually those business groups and giants ... "

"That's a good idea, so do it!"


When Luo Yutian left Zhihe Hall, the sun was going down.

Yan Liqiang stretched a lazy waist and stood up from the chair. UU read a book exhaled a long breath.

"Your Majesty, I don't know which maiden's palace to go to rest tonight?" The **** asked carefully.

Yan Liqiang rubbed his forehead, this is really a happy trouble!

In recent days, in his knowledge of the sea, he has been able to faintly feel the call of the heavenly **** stone. It is an unknown world, and the door of spiritual practice to the road of immortality has been slowly opened to him, and the reality In the middle, he found that the life of the wife and child who was gimmicky was actually quite good. He is living a moist and comfortable life in this silver continent ...

On the one hand is a happy and bright life, and on the other is a wider world and the world ...


End of book!

"Silver Overlord" has come to an end. Thank you all for your support and tolerance for tigers. Tigers will continue to strive for a better written book and give you back with better and more wonderful books ...
