MTL - Shooting In Nightmare Game [Unlimited]-Chapter 45 absolute worship

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Jiang Jingzhe immediately realized that she was also charged, but Tang Yi was really unintentional.

"You know me." Instead of guessing blindly and getting no results, it's better to ask directly. Although she was asking a question, she used an affirmative tone.

At least for now, with Tang Yi's extraordinary patience with her, he still has a high probability of explaining it to her.

Jiang Jingzhe is completely sure that some of her memories have indeed been erased.

This can be seen from the previous conversation with the hanged ghost, the attitude of the boy who can always be seen in every dungeon, and Tang Yi's performance.

...Thinking of this, Jiang Jingzhe finally noticed something was wrong.

In every previous world, there would always be a person with very unique eyes and a clean temperament. At first, she thought it was a coincidence, or that the other party was also a migrant worker like their guests.

But if the other party is also Jiang Jingzhe's old acquaintance...why didn't he appear in this world alone?

Jiang Jingzhe suddenly realized.

Or has it already appeared, but she hasn't noticed it yet?

Tang Yi admitted, "Yes."

When Jiang Jingzhe wanted to ask more, he didn't intend to talk about it. No matter how Jiang Jingzhe asked about their relationship, Tang Yi just smiled, but didn't say a word.

Like an emotionless robot.

Seeing that he didn't get in, Jiang Jingzhe was feeling agitated, so she asked, "Then do you know how to get rid of the system... the guide's control? How to pass the test?"

If you are someone who has never heard of these two terms, you will definitely feel incomprehensible.

But Tang Yi seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and his expression still did not fluctuate.

He didn't directly give an answer that Jiang Jingzhe could do - even if he did, Jiang Jingzhe couldn't believe this unknown person.

Tang Yi said as if playing a riddle: "If you are in a game, you will break the game."

Jiang Jingzhe: ...listening to what you have to say is like listening to what you have to say.

At first, Tang Yi seemed like he didn't say anything, but Jiang Jingzhe seemed to have been distracted from his slightly confused thoughts due to anxiety.

If her life is a game of chess... If she wants to end this game, she must either overturn the board simply and rudely, or follow the rules to finish the game.

Jiang Jingzhe knew that the current self was incapable of overturning the chessboard, and she didn't even know who she was.

That being the case...then it can only complete the task of the system?

Thinking of this, she was a little unwilling.

The system can always assign various tasks to persecute them. If she is kept suppressed by the system, she is very reluctant.

Especially this time, the system suddenly released such a murderous mission after they had walked nearly half of the way, knowing that they would not abandon their conscience in order to go home, but still lured them with heartbeat points and going home them.

If you don't do it, all your efforts will return to zero.

Jiang Jingzhe gritted his teeth.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed.

The system once revealed the most important piece of believed that Jiang Jingzhe's teammates had kindness to her, and overestimated Jiang Jingzhe's status in this temporary team.

The original words are "They have paid so much for you", "You are the captain".

Since her memory can be tampered with, will it be the same for her companions?

Jiang Jingzhe always thought that he started the nightmare game from that fog, but... what if it wasn't?

What if everything she thought was a dream was reality?

Thinking of this, Jiang Jingzhe's back felt cold.

The system is still this system, and her companions are still these people. If they really follow the original path, there can only be one final direction—they are trying to survive each nightmare instance and earn heartbeat points, but in When he was about to succeed, he was misled by the system and fell short, and then repeated this cycle infinitely.

—Until they can catch the omissions of the system and reach the condition of full heart rate when the system is unprepared!

"Study what really belongs to you." Tang Yi waited quietly for her to think for a long time, and when she saw her suddenly enlightened, he gave another pointer.

Still like a riddler, Jiang Jingzhe felt that he was a little embarrassed for speaking like this, but she could accurately understand the meaning of his words. This kind of tacit understanding could not be understood by the other teammates, and they were also confused - especially they didn't know what the questions Jiang Jingzhe asked were about.

Obviously, we are clearing the customs together and looking for clues together, why do you suddenly feel that you are not in the same dimension?

Every time Jiang Jingzhe travels through time, she will bring her satchel, weapons and various "just in case" props, as well as the mobile phone she got from the beautiful ghost, and the notebook she got from the old house.

But none of those things were really bound to her.

If there is any item that is truly hers and inseparable... it is the watch on her wrist.

Jiang Jingzhe always thought that the watch appeared after they finished the copy of the mist, but in fact she just suddenly "discovered" an extra watch on her hand.

The system said it would reward them with "love mobile phones", but in the end it only attached the ability to send text messages to their watches, maybe not what it said "in case the phone is lost", "the watch is more concealed" and the like The reason...just because it can't hide the function of the watch itself.

From the very beginning, their perceptions have been tampered with.

Jiang Jingzhe's face was livid.

After she woke up completely, the content on the watch was updated, showing something different from the original phantom.

[Name: Jiang Jingzhe

Skill: DEBUFF big turntable

(Skill introduction: You can randomly draw a negative state and apply it to anyone. The cooldown time is 24h.)

Identity: Captain

Tourism exploration degree: 100% (locked)]

The newly added identity is undoubtedly the identity of the captain recommended by her in the memory that she does not have, and the travel exploration degree is the real heart rate, which is the points they get after completing various missions disguised as love, but in fact they are the goals of travel missions .

No wonder they are encouraged to run around or talk to the locals every time they are in a love mission. Originally, Jiang Jingzhe thought it was because there was no normal person in the dungeon. The purpose is to let them experience the "local style".

The task is to travel, and the system really wants to kill them.

"We were all deceived." Jiang Jingzhe confessed to his teammates after thinking clearly.

The three looked at her puzzled.

"Our memory should have been tampered with. In fact, we have been teammates for a long long that we have saved our heart rate to 100." The current situation is special, Tang Yi is still standing by the side eating melons, Jiang Jingzhe chooses to be concise Explain the current situation clearly, and summarize the clues she found and the reason for her conclusion, "Actually, the system is not a romance system, but a tourism system. As a director, its duty is to let us tourists experience the customs of a different world." ...but it wants to use its power for personal gain and kill us all."

It sounds ridiculous, but their time-travel itself is the weirdest thing ever. Compared with a system with malicious intentions, they still prefer to trust Jiang Jingzhe who has been fighting side by side.

Cui Miaomiao’s focus was extremely strange, and she said with righteous indignation: “It turns out that it is a tour guide! Then how can you force us to do things we don’t want, and not let us go back? I will quit the tour group now! By the way… I also reported it and asked their company to open it, such a bad thing must be recorded in the credit report!"

Xie Xinghui was speechless, but he didn't hold back and added: "I still want to post it on their website, I'm willing to buy trending searches for it."

Ji Chen smiled gently, but said the most ruthless strategy: "It seems to be very afraid of Tang Yi, can I ask the reason?"

Jiang Jingzhe: ...

I also know that when Ji Chen asked the reason, he only had one purpose, and that was to severely hit the pain points of the system. It is indeed a black-hearted capitalist.

Tang Yi actually answered: "Well, this should be regarded as racial suppression."

Cui Miaomiao asked strangely: "Racial suppression? Then why isn't it afraid when it faces us?"

Jiang Jingzhe explained helplessly: "Don't look at other people as human..." In fact, they are not human.

Halfway through the conversation, Jiang Jingzhe felt something was wrong.

And she started to use an intimate tone unconsciously, which is not like her usual.

Jiang Jingzhe glanced at Tang Yi vigilantly, and felt that he must have been brain-controlled by him without knowing it again. This person is really terrifying! It must be his flourishing beauty that affected her!

…No, what does he look like?

Jiang Jingzhe was at a loss for a moment, and decided not to think about this question any more.

"I had a similar dream before that fog, and I also survived in the nightmare dungeon... I thought it was a dream at the time, but now I think it may be a memory from the past," Jiang Jingzhe said, "and the conditions of the two are also right. It's on, the position at the end of the dream is when the 'I' is about to leave."

"In the end, he didn't leave." Ji Chen understood.

The more Jiang Jingzhe sorted it out, the clearer the memory became. Although it was still hazy as if separated by a layer of veil, part of the events in it could be recalled. She mused: "At that time, we also found out halfway It was a scam... So, you raised money to buy me a prop."

"Props?" Ji Chen keenly grasped the key information, "Could it be that 'we' has a system mall?"

Jiang Jingzhe nodded: "The real system will not give any rewards at all, let alone the rewards for picking people... After all, it is just a travel system. And the tour guides pretending to be the system do not have the authority and financial resources. Those abilities are actually ours. 'Specialties' bought locally."

"And the level of profiteers in the system mall is comparable to a PDD cut." She added with a solemn expression.

The reason why Jiang Jingzhe was so scared turned out to be because of the remaining instincts in reality.

Upon hearing the example Jiang Jingzhe gave, the faces of all the people who had helped to cut a knife immediately became serious, only Tang Yi didn't understand why.

"The props you bought for me are memory residues. This is a one-time activation card, not an ability, so it will not appear in my watch, nor will it be noticed by the tour guide," Jiang Jingzhe explained.

So the system only knew that everyone raised money to buy Jiang Jingzhe something very expensive, but they didn't know what it was, and thought it was a resurrection talisman. As a tour guide, it only knows that people have bought things, but it cannot probe into customers' private information—of course, it is actually exceeding the rules.

Xie Xinghui frowned: "I felt strange just now... The so-called travel exploration degree is already 100%, why haven't we left here yet?"

Could it be that the system's claim that you can leave as long as you accumulate points is also a lie to deceive them?

"Also, the system said at the beginning that we were in a live broadcast... Is there really a live broadcast?"

Jiang Jingzhe corrected his words: "It's 100% correct, but the back of the number indicates that it is locked. I got a message from the hanged ghost before... He said that I am undergoing a trial."

"As for the live broadcast... I don't know." After all, they don't actually have any props to connect with the original world.

"If you're talking about that eye... it doesn't dare to look directly at me." Tang Yi said nonchalantly.

"Eyes?" Jiang Jingzhe was puzzled for a moment, then understood what he meant.

Maybe there will be a live broadcast, but as long as Tang Yi is around, the cameras won't be able to spy on them.

This sounds a bit similar to the system not daring to appear beside Tang Yi. Perhaps the so-called live broadcast was originally created by the system... If it was the system, it probably just wanted to let many people see their tortured or even tragic death, and then derive bad pleasure from it.

Jiang Jingzhe decided to ignore this point and focus on the present moment.

When there was no information, hearing about the Trials would only confuse them, but now that everything is clear, the meaning of the Trials could not be clearer.

Just like a game, after defeating many small monsters and elite monsters, there will always be a boss battle in the end. This is the basic process.

Converted to their "Love Variety Show", or "Travel Variety Show", it is actually the "last episode".

It may be "confession day", it may be "farewell day", it is always a ritual thing.

And the opening method has long been displayed on the watch.

"It's no wonder that all the tasks in other people's Infinity Stream novels are released with a watch, or there is no such thing as a watch in the first place, and it is directly transmitted from the heart..." Cui Miaomiao suddenly realized.

"The system should want to weaken the importance of the watch." Jiang Jingzhe guessed, "That's why I read out all the tasks myself."

Indeed, the content displayed on the watch is now very complete.

[Entertainment Bureau: Star Experience

Task: Play as your own ID card

Penalty: None

Exploration degree: 40%]

[It is detected that the total exploration degree of tourists has reached 100%, and they can enter the final trial at any time. ]

"Entertainment Bureau?!" Cui Miaomiao also saw the new information appearing on her watch, and shouted in disbelief.

"...So we ran to death, it turned out that it was just an entertainment bureau that we chose 'voluntarily' because we were 'unwilling to leave'." Xie Xinghui said with a murderous look, biting down on certain words.

Jiang Jingzhe was also a little upset.

But luckily it's almost over.

She saw the "Start Trial" button on her watch, and took one last look at Tang Yi.

"Will we see each other again?" she asked, impulsively.

Tang Yi just smiled, which seemed to contain a lot, but she couldn't understand any of them.

Fuck, Riddler, get lost.

Not seen pull down. She rolled her eyes and pressed the button.

[Congratulations, dear visitors! Welcome to "Farewell Day", the final trial of the otherworldly travel plan. ]

When Jiang Jingzhe saw such words appearing on the watch, words of system resentment also appeared in her mind:

[Hmph, you lucky guests, really hateful, hateful, hateful... Once again, you used tricks to take a shortcut to complete the task, and you actually cheated the judgment system... But! Because Tang Yi didn't die, the heart rate is still reset~]

[Welcome to the new world, "Confession Day", hee hee hee... the time is coming to an end, but the guests have no heartbeat value at all, what should we do? Wouldn't it just be locked in the game forever? ]

Listening to the system's grinning words, everyone's expressions were unanimously consistent.

...Hey, I forgot that this evil system didn't know that they had already seen through everything, and it still put it on hold.

die laughing.

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-04-1523:59:01~2022-04-1623:58:42~

Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Misty Harrier; 1 bottle of Mu'an;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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