MTL - Shooting In Nightmare Game [Unlimited]-Chapter 26 campus secrets

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"...So, that's the way it is." Cui Miaomiao recounted the whole process of her cliché.

Everyone looked at Xie Xinghui together again.

Xie Xinghui looked puzzled: "Didn't it mean that I just need to restrain Lin Siran?"

Cui Miaomiao laughed very arrogantly immediately: "Oh~ so you didn't ask anything, hum."

She was almost writing the word 'trash' in her eyes.

Xie Xing hardened his fist back.

Ji Chen suppressed a smile and comforted him: "Okay, you both have worked hard, then Jing Zhe and I will go to the broadcasting room."

This is also an arrangement that was originally decided, and no one raised any objections.

"Let's go together too." Cui Miaomiao and Xie Xing replied.

They chose to go to the broadcasting room during the lunch break. Most of the students in the student union were sleeping, and only some students were awake and standing guard.

Xie Xinghui made an excuse to ask how to join the student union, and some students would take the initiative to explain to him—the most important thing is that the students who were originally full of malice towards Jiang Jingzhe and others did not seem to be hostile towards the handsome guy.

Double standards are everywhere.

They arrived at the broadcasting room.

Cui Miaomiao was a little nervous and excited: "I haven't been to the school's broadcasting room yet... Ah, what shall we say later?"

She jumped up and down twice: "It feels like the Phantom Thieves of Heart are delivering a notice letter! Soon we will announce her crime, and then leave a sentence..."

Cui Miaomiao raised her chin and pointed forward arrogantly: "Therefore, we decided to judge your crimes!"

"...What kind of lines are you talking about?" Xie Xinghui said speechlessly, "Don't you feel embarrassed?"

Cui Miaomiao was a little embarrassed after realizing it, but still stubbornly refused to admit defeat: "I'm not wrong!"

Jiang Jingzhe had already adjusted the radio station when they were arguing, she said: "However, it's not an announcement of a crime. Our task today is to expose her use of disgraceful means in love."

Cui Miaomiao asked in surprise: "Eh? Are we going to help her cover it up? This is abetting suicide!"

Jiang Jingzhe shook his head: "There is no definite evidence for this yet."

Cui Miaomiao didn't understand: "After she failed to confess her confession, she carved that line of words under the desk, and the materials you saw also said that she jumped from the old school building. Isn't the result obvious?"

Ji Chen did understand what Jiang Jingzhe meant: "But it doesn't necessarily have to be a coherent process."

"Yes," Jiang Jingzhe nodded affirmatively, "What if she has the same position as being bullied by you for the failure of her confession and being deceived? Maybe she won't be so angry after finishing writing."

It is also possible that Ji Li jumped off the building a few days after the confession.

Only Xie Xinghui, who was the person involved, and Lin Siran, who knew about Ji Li's plan, knew the specific time, but the former had no memory of the original owner at all, and it was impossible for the latter to tell them.

Cui Miaomiao pursed her lips: "It feels like she can't let go so quickly... But what you said is also reasonable, after all, your suspicion has not been ruled out yet."

Jiang Jingzhe: "..." Needless to say.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Jiang Jingzhe turned on the microphone: "Ahem, audition—"

All the teachers and students in the school were awakened by the sudden sound of the radio, and those who were on their lunch break also cursed secretly.

"Today's noon news is about a letter of complaint about a strange classmate. It is said that some students in our school have used improper means in their love affairs to deceive their best friend (pseudonym Ji) that she likes an unnamed school girl Xie and her. Love each other, and encourage Ji to confess to Xie."

Jiang Jingzhe pretended to be serious, but people who heard the broadcast might really be fooled into thinking it was a new program from the student union.

In a place far away from Jiang Jingzhe and unable to be radioed, Xie Xinghui complained in a low voice: "Why didn't you code for me?"

Cui Miaomiao also responded in a low voice: "Didn't I call you, the school grassroots who will not be named, Xie."

Xie Xing replied: " can just give me your ID number."

Jiang Jingzhe continued: "Ji felt depressed after being rejected, and was traumatized by both love and friendship. This may be the reason why she did that kind of thing later..."

She deliberately paused for a few seconds, and sighed heavily: "This student is asked to take a seat consciously and reflect on it. Here I advocate that everyone should focus on learning and compete fairly. Thank you."

She cut off the radio neatly, re-laced her shoelaces and ran at high speed: "Run!"

The rest of the people hadn't reacted yet, and when they opened the door and saw the awakened student union members and other people who were gradually gathering from downstairs, their faces turned blue.

This is probably the fastest run for everyone, far exceeding the level of physical tests in the past, and it was hard to get rid of the chasing soldiers.

Jiang Jingzhe didn't seem to be particularly out of breath, she said: "The next thing is to wait for the fish to get the bait... Lin Siran should become suspicious recently, and it's easier to use clichés."

Xie Xinghui inadvertently sighed: "It seems to be a smart buff."

Ji Chen couldn't help laughing: "I've hit her pain point, isn't it just a buff for reducing intelligence?"

As Ji Li's former best friend, Lin Siran probably knows the most things in the school. Whether she is willing to reveal it or not, she will always show her flaws when she panics.

"If it doesn't work, you can go to the hospital." Cui Miaomiao said maliciously.

Xie Xing glared back at her, and forcibly suppressed the phrase "Get out".

[Hahahaha stars, forever in charge of appearance]

[Explanation of terms: Appearance role: Because she is too weak and popular, she can only become the role of □□. 】

[I can see the depression written on his face hhhh]

[System system, the entire entertainment industry in the next world, let us also play a role in Xinghui (dog head)]

They didn't deliberately get together in the following time, and they didn't do anything unnecessary.

After all, there was such a commotion at noon, the whole school was probably looking for these students who broke into the radio station to spread gossip.

Fortunately, they all remembered to cover their faces when they ran away, so that others would not recognize who they were at the first sight.

It was such a safe day.

The love task on the sixth day is quite special. The system did not issue the task directly, but let the person who woke up the earliest choose one of the three.

It just so happened that Jiang Jingzhe was the first to wake up, and was lucky enough to see three options.

[1. Initiate a school-wide couple activity and get 50% favorable comments]

[2. Replace the desktop wallpapers of all computers in the school computer room with intimate photos of your couple]

[3. Go to the cram school to experience the bitterness of the student days]

…Let’s not talk about the first one. Initiating a school-wide couple’s activity, and being caught by the school is another harsh punishment. Maybe there will be a more serious punishment than the education room, not to mention getting 50% praise ... When Jiang Jingzhe thought of the gloating looks of his classmates, he felt useless.

The second one was unreliable, and it also gave people a strong sense of déjà vu. She thought of a TV series adapted from a well-known campus love comic.

And the third...

Jiang Jingzhe couldn't help complaining: "So what does the third article have to do with love?"

Forget about the missions of the past few days, either they are activities for two people that can cultivate feelings, or fights in love, but the bitterness of this student days...

"You just want to punish us." Jiang Jingzhe said expressionlessly.

Of the three options given, if she doesn't want to die or be killed by the Society, there is only the third option to choose.

The system made no secret of it: [Hey~]

It's even more disgusting to be deliberately cute like this!

"I choose the third option."

[The guest has chosen the love task: go to the cram school to experience the bitterness of the student days. There are ups and downs, sweetness, bitterness and spicyness in the school days. The cram school is definitely a sad past that no one wants to recall. Guests are invited to find their youthful memories during today’s cram school trip! ]

"I understand the truth, what is spicy?" Jiang Jingzhe asked.

The system was suspiciously silent for a while.

[In short, please come on, guests, to complete the task~]

"…"Change the subject.

She suddenly remembered a key question: "Wait, is the cram school after school? If it conflicts with the class time, wouldn't it be forcing me to skip class again?"

The system replied: [Guest dear, today is Saturday. ]

Jiang Jingzhe suddenly realized.

Since she traveled to this place, she didn't even have a mobile phone, and she had long lost her ability to perceive time. Although I knew that today was my sixth day here, I forgot that the school only had five days of classes.

...she's been 007 for too long after all.

Jiang Jingzhe reluctantly got up, changed and washed. Fortunately, when the deskmate was crazy about selling Amway, she had already written down the location and time of the cram school, thinking that there might be a need in the future.

— Sure enough, it was used again.

This is also an important reason why she always likes to hoard items and pay attention to the clues around her. When she really uses them, she will feel very relaxed.

After Jiang Jingzhe finished packing, it was still early, so she went to the place where she usually gathers with other people ahead of time and waited, and it didn't take long for all the staff to gather.

"So sleepy..." Cui Miaomiao looked sluggish.

Ji Chen looked at her head nodding and found it interesting: "You can sleep a little longer."

Cui Miaomiao shook her head: "That won't work, if you come early and I sleep late, wouldn't you have to wait a long time?"

"I hope that the next world will return to a place with advanced communications... At least each of us will be equipped with a mobile phone." Cui Miaomiao yawned as she spoke.

It's too wasteful to use love text messages to deliver such irrelevant information, but it's really troublesome without instant messaging.

Xie Xing said abruptly: "There is another way to keep you from getting up early. This is the experience I have summed up in my work."

Cui Miaomiao asked curiously, "What?"

Xie Xinghui is a star after all, maybe he really has a special way of sleeping late.

"If you don't sleep, you don't have to get up early."

Cui Miaomiao: "..."

After Jiang Jingzhe shared information about the cram school with them, everyone thought that today is the weekend, and they are idle, so why not go to class together.

"Do you have to pay for the cram school?" Cui Miaomiao suddenly asked worriedly.

Jiang Jingzhe was stunned for a moment: "It should be handed over."

Xie Xing replied: "It must be handed over."

How can the cram school not pay, and it's not charity—although this cram school is also held on campus, it's just that the location is not the usual classroom.

Maybe it is really a rare supplementary class provided by the school with good intentions.

As a person who experienced the trip to the canteen with Cui Miaomiao, Ji Chen immediately understood what Cui Miaomiao meant: "When we went to the canteen before, the person in charge said that we didn't have enough money, we were not allowed to return the meal, and we had to ask someone Use your body as collateral..."

"Purchase your body?" Xie Xinghui repeated in a vague manner.

This time it was Cui Miaomiao's turn to stare at him.

Xie Xinghui looked at her inexplicably, and continued to ask: "Does the cafeteria still stir up human flesh?"

Ji Chen spread his hands: "I don't know about that, anyway, I don't want to go there a second time."

"How did you get out of trouble that day?" Jiang Jingzhe asked curiously. When they talked about it before, they only said that the task was completed, but they didn't expect it to be so tortuous.

Ji Chen smiled and said, "Rely on... Miaomiao to bring out her personality charm."

Jiang Jingzhe and Xie Xing returned to Qiqi to look at Cui Miaomiao.

Cui Miaomiao blushed, and said with a broken jar, "Robbery!"

"Pfft." Xie Xing smiled back, the smiling face on that handsome face could indeed win the hearts of beautiful girls, but when Cui Miaomiao thought that the other party was laughing, she couldn't be happy.

Although she is a pretty dog, she has already developed resistance to these tired faces!

Cui Miaomiao blushed and argued thickly, "I was planning to borrow money!"

Xie Xinghui raised his eyebrows and asked, "Have you returned it?"

Cui Miaomiao was instantly sluggish.

"In short, since this is the case, we will act in pairs and leave two people outside to facilitate the rescue," Jiang Jingzhe said, "Today there is no requirement for a male and female combination, so let's draw lots randomly."

Cui Miaomiao said in a low voice: "I always feel that preparing for the rescue in advance is like setting up a FLAG..."

They randomly crumpled a few **** of paper, and the result was that Jiang Jingzhe and Cui Miaomiao went to tutoring together.

Jiang Jingzhe felt a little dark in her heart, she has always been a non-chieftain, and she finally got to combine with Cui Miaomiao, maybe it will be smoother in the future?

"It's also possible that you act as a backstop for her, and perfectly fulfill the law of your unhappiness and her luck." Xie Xinghui said coolly.

No one paid him any attention.

Cui Miaomiao and Jiang Jingzhe arrived near the location of the cram school five minutes earlier, hesitated between two similar teaching buildings, and finally Cui Miaomiao chose one of them.

She pushed open the door, but saw a familiar face standing on the podium.

"...Are there not enough teachers in the school?" Cui Miaomiao's eyes twitched, and she felt speechless for a moment.

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-03-28 01:08:47~2022-03-28 19:02:24~

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 5 bottles of fog harrier;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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