MTL - Shooting In Nightmare Game [Unlimited]-Chapter 16 Old House Wraith

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Tang Sisi knew she had made a slip of the tongue, and blinked her eyes in an attempt to pass the test.

Jiang Jingzhe stared at her, obviously ready to get to the bottom of it.

"It's not important." Tang Sisi rolled her eyes first.

"Oh, so what's important?" Jiang Jingzhe answered with a blank expression.

Tang Sisi said, "You're not curious about Yu Shu..."

"Not curious." Jiang Jingzhe interrupted her.

After reaching the conclusion, Jiang Jingzhe also connected all the fragmentary clues together. For example, the little girl mimicked by a rag doll also has natural curly hair, and the question that made people puzzling at the beginning was who guided the program team in the dungeon to such a ghostly place... If the guide is himself one of the guests member, it is understandable.

Now she wants to know the secret hidden in Tang Sisi even more.

Knowing even her system tasks, Tang Sisi is obviously not as simple as a superficial dungeon romance guest. Besides, Tang Sisi's current performance has nothing to do with the original gentle white lotus.

What's wrong with this dungeon? Either they are the time-traveling guests of "Heartbeat Countdown", or a few guys who have been possessed and replaced... If it was changed to a supernatural variety show, it would have exploded.

"Anyway, I'm not a bad person." Tang Sisi choked out these words after staring at her for a long time.

Jiang Jingzhe: "..."

"Whoa," she said dryly.

The response can be said to be extremely perfunctory.

Tang Sisi sighed, if she really wanted to prevaricate, Jiang Jingzhe couldn't do anything to her - but if she thought so, she wouldn't have talked to Jiang Jingzhe in the first place.

Not even coming here.

She pondered for a moment and revealed, "Remember who you are and why you came here, it will end sooner or later, but it doesn't mean life will get better."

After finishing speaking, she made a joke: "Haha, it's like the variety show will finish filming sooner or later. After going out, it's still a mess. There is no room for this kind of equal communication anymore."

"We will have a chance to meet again." Tang Sisi sat up, smoothed the folds of her skirt, and smiled meaningfully.

Jiang Jingzhe remained silent.

Was the variety show she was talking about in the dungeon, or Jiang Jingzhe's variety show? Does Tang Sisi know that they are also filming variety shows? Or is it simply hinted by the identity status in the dungeon?

Why does she talk so much?

Tang Sisi came to this dungeon, the whole process was like a soy sauce trick, why? By chance or... specially to observe them?

After getting the clue, the doubts in Jiang Jingzhe's heart were not only not answered, but instead rolled like snowballs.

The two were awkward again.

Tang Sisi said discouragedly, "Why don't you leave?"

Even a fool can understand that what she said just now means saying goodbye!

Jiang Jingzhe said: "Oh, I plan to see you off."

Tang Sisi: "..."

"No way, can't you disappear beautifully like Qingxing Lantern?"

Tang Sisi rolled her eyes: "You compare me to that kind of idiot! Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk to you, get out, your time should be up soon, right?"

Jiang Jingzhe looked at the clock subconsciously, it was already eleven fifty.

But she didn't feel that she had really been here for so long.

Due to the urgency of time, Jiang Jingzhe could only leave - anyway, she had asked all the information she wanted to know.

At the moment when her hand was on the doorknob, Tang Sisi wrote lightly: "If you want to jump out of the cage, read more books."

Jiang Jingzhe really did not expect that this is an inspirational ghost who loves to learn, she subconsciously asked: "What book?"

Tang Sisi clicked her tongue: "Don't you only have one book in your hand? Smell."

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Jingzhe had already opened the door.

As if driven by some mysterious force, she involuntarily took a step forward, and the door behind her closed automatically.

Jiang Jingzhe tried to push the door, but she couldn't.

Several companions stood around, sighed in relief and complained at the same time: "Why did it take you so long? We shouted for so long, why did we lock the door?"

For Jiang Jingzhe, she only stayed for a short ten minutes, but for other guests, she stayed in the room for several hours. They almost thought that something happened to Jiang Jingzhe again.

Jiang Jingzhe is indeed no different from an accident.

She told her story, which caused the others to look shocked, chattering about Tang Sisi's suspiciousness.

Jiang Jingzhe didn't participate, she was still thinking about what Tang Sisi said just now.

The book in her hand...

Jiang Jingzhe reached into her satchel and found a rough and heavy notebook.

Her eyes widened suddenly, and she rushed to the room where the owner was, but it was a pity that it was already time, the moment Jiang Jingzhe pushed the door open, the clock in the living room was also rang.

She only had time to see a few bubble-like fleeting phantoms that appeared in the bedroom at noon.

An elegant middle-aged man, a gentle woman in an apron, and a little girl who looks very much like Yu Shu is holding an ugly doll in her hands.

The man smiled, opened his mouth soundlessly, and said two words.

In the next second, the world spun.

[It is detected that all the guests are alive, and the BUFF "double heart rate" will be obtained. The duration is ten minutes, and the target is all the guests. ]

[The guests in this session completed four tasks in total and obtained achievements: 'Surprise Outside the Door', 'Water Saving Virtue', 'Heart of Loving Daughters', 'Harmony in the Family', a total of 4 x 2 = 8 points of reward points! ]

[Congratulations to the guests for completing the hidden mission, the reward 'Love Phone' will be distributed at the beginning of the next dungeon! ]

The guests returned to the romantic cottage that was actually filmed as a romance scene.

"He actually called me a scumbag again!" Jiang Jingzhe said angrily, rolling and bouncing like a carp.

"What?" The others looked at her strangely.

After Jiang Jingzhe slowed down, he waved his hands and said, "It's nothing..."

She remembered what Tang Sisi said about learning, and took out the notebook again, only to find that the text on it was quite different from what she saw for the first time.

Jiang Jingzhe opened this notebook for the first time, and all he saw were notes related to folklore, but now after opening it, he felt a sense of discomfort when opening a little girl's diary, all the words were distorted and terrifying.

She closed the notebook.

...Well, I don't understand, it's okay to say that she is a scumbag.

Despite thinking so, Jiang Jingzhe couldn't help puffing up her cheeks, her expression was very different from the usual calmness.

"...Did I hear it wrong? After getting the double buff, the reward is only 8 points?" Cui Miaomiao said depressedly, "This is too stingy..."

When I thought that I had worked hard for a long time, and the result was only one task with 1 point of motivation, I felt that it was not worth it for me.

"No, more than one of us should have done these tasks, why only reward a little?" Ji Chen asked.

System response: [As long as a guest completes the task, it will be judged that the task is completed, and the task rewards cannot be superimposed. ]

Everyone: "..."

Forget it, this is also good news, and then they can choose to send the right person to complete the task.

After knowing that they could rest for another day, everyone was finally able to relax and have a good night's sleep—they couldn't sleep well in the old house, and stayed up all night in a state of high concentration, and they were already exhausted.

After waking up, they have the energy to review what happened before.

The clues obtained by Jiang Jingzhe have been pieced together into a complete story, so she narrated it.

The owner came to this ancestral house with his wife and daughter. As a scholar of folklore, he often forgot to eat and sleep to do research, in order not to disturb his wife and daughter, so the three of them slept in separate rooms, but then became so addicted that he couldn't control it and refused to even leave the room.

Both the daughter and the wife were very puzzled, and the wife even had a big fight with her husband because of this. After breaking into the room, she saw the true face of the husband's research—he no longer did the previous folklore research, but began to study curses, sacrifices, and ...Cthulhu.

The husband is no longer the original him, but a brainwashed believer. He directly used local materials and used his wife as a sacrifice to perform the ceremony. The ceremony failed, and the wife broke through the boundary of spirit and flesh, but she could only be called an unconscious grieving ghost. The completely obsessed husband then had another idea... Maybe the sacrifice was not pure enough?

He started to get in touch with his own daughter.

In the end Yu Shu ran away, but her doll 'No No' was endowed with consciousness.

"So the voice we heard in the kitchen is his wife turned into a ghost?" Ji Chen asked.

Jiang Jingzhe nodded: "Before we made any noise, she was just imitating the action of cooking, but after we escaped and blocked the door, she didn't make any big noise after a while, but continued to We're chopping vegetables in the kitchen, right?"

Ji Chen nodded. They would pass the kitchen on the way to the balcony. He paid special attention to the movement in the kitchen. The ghost didn't seem to have a strong desire to break out.

"It may be that the remnant soul is repeating a certain fragment of memory... After all, the real wife has already disguised herself as Yu Shu and stayed by our side." Jiang Jingzhe said.

Everyone was silent.

In this story, the wife is so pitiful and innocent. After suffering all this, she can't even die, her soul is imprisoned here, and she becomes a walking corpse...

From the time the father received the letter, it foreshadowed the subsequent ending.

This is a conspiracy and a continuation of the curse.

There are too many people replaced in this dungeon, Jiang Jingzhe even had an illusion: even the ghosts might not be original.

The father who should have loved his wife and daughter very much, but when he met Jiang Jingzhe and others, he was very peaceful and friendly, which is a strange thing in itself.

And the last "student"...It perfectly matches Tang Sisi's beating tone.

Thinking of this, Jiang Jingzhe's face darkened.

[Guests please pack your backpacks, the things in the backpacks will follow you to the next location. "Heartbeat Countdown" is about to enter the next part of filming~]

[Let me tell the audience friends... when was the sweetest romance? ]


The slightly dazzling sunlight woke up Jiang Jingzhe, she reluctantly opened her eyes, and just about to stretch, she was nailed in place by the too penetrating gaze.

Although it was rare to get a good night's sleep...but the atmosphere after waking up gave off a gloomy feeling.

Even if the sun shines on her body, she can't feel a trace of warmth.

"Student Jiang, please answer this question." The teacher on the podium looked pale and called his name with a smile on his face.

Jiang Jingzhe sat up straight before realizing the change in her current situation.

The system started a new game, and she showed up in a high school class in a forced coma.

When Jiang Jingzhe just woke up, she almost really thought she was a student for a moment.

The teacher's pointer tapped on the podium, and seeing the frequency gradually increase, his smile gradually widened, and even showed some sharp shark teeth.

He was probably getting impatient.

Jiang Jingzhe didn't want to experience for herself what would happen if she didn't answer the question. She immediately stood up, deliberately slowed down her pace, and looked at the question on the blackboard in the process.

[Shocked, this live broadcast is seamlessly connected... How did the scene change? 】

[The director in it just said that the reminder is the sweetest period of love, so now it is a campus copy? 】

[My God, that teacher doesn't look like a serious person, what will happen if Jiang Jingzhe can't answer... It would be fine if Ji Chen could answer, isn't he a graduate of a prestigious university?]

[The live broadcast is split-screen, and the others seem to be in class, but no one is as unlucky as Jiang Jingzhe, who was caught sleeping at the beginning]

【…Isn’t this a high school class? Why is calculus being taught on the blackboard? 】

[It's over, it's over! 】

The topic on the blackboard was indeed calculus, but unfortunately, Jiang Jingzhe, who had never attended a serious university, was surprisingly able to understand it.

She vaguely remembered that in the dream, in order to avoid this kind of situation in each dungeon, she specially crammed up all kinds of knowledge during college—even if ghosts came up with questions, they usually would not exceed the postgraduate level.

Is it possible that the knowledge learned in the dream can be applied to reality? This is too bizarre.

The teacher was ready to watch a joke at any time, and the pointer even smashed the wooden podium into tiny cracks, but in the end it still failed to reach her.

Jiang Jingzhe clearly wrote out the answering process step by step according to the standards of the college entrance examination.

The teacher looked very disappointed, and said with a straight face: "If you miss in class, three points will be deducted. Go back and sit down."

Three points deducted?

Jiang Jingzhe secretly kept this in mind and sighed. This is not a good start.

Nothing happened in the next half of the class, but she could feel the eyes of the classmates looking at her faintly—when she raised her head, these eyes disappeared again.

When the bell rang for the end of get out of class, the deskmate immediately turned his head to Jiang Jingzhe, with a smile on the corner of his mouth and cold eyes, he asked, "Jingzhe, why did your grades become so good all of a sudden?"

Rather than being at the same table, it is better to say that they are classmates sitting nearby. The seating arrangement in this classroom is that there are gaps between each column, and each student sits separately.

The eyes of the rest of the students also focused on it. Obviously, if it is the teacher's test to solve the problem, now it is the test of the students.

Jiang Jingzhe said calmly: "I just happened to see the original question of this question."

The smile at the same table immediately became a lot more sincere: "No wonder, I said that you obviously don't like studying. However, the monthly exam will be rescheduled soon, do you want to go to the cram school together?"

"No." Jiang Jingzhe vetoed it.

Who knows what that cram school is.

The expression on the tablemate immediately became gloomy and cold, one hand was propped on Jiang Jingzhe's table, she slowly approached her, and asked, "Why don't you go? I know you don't like studying, but you don't want to go with me ?"

Obviously, if Jiang Jingzhe couldn't give a satisfactory answer and insisted not to go to cram school, something bad would happen.

This campus dungeon is not even as friendly as the last old mansion dungeon. Anyway, the last one is a gradual and respite event. In this campus... it can be said that there are ghosts around, and you have to pay attention to your words and deeds. If there is something that does not conform to the original personality, it will be questioned.

At present, Jiang Jingzhe only knows that her personality is not good at studying, and she doesn't like to study.

"No." She still replied.

There was black air on the face of the same table, and his expression became ferocious. He stretched out his hand to restrain Jiang Jingzhe's wrist, but the other students just watched and did not take any action—maybe they would only become accomplices when Jiang Jingzhe avoided it. .

Jiang Jingzhe added in time: "Actually, I just don't like studying on the surface, and I'm secretly the king of exams. Otherwise, how can I answer that super-class question? I don't need to go to cram school at all."

The deskmate didn't expect her to respond like this, so he got stuck and said angrily: "You just said that you saw that question by accident, but you are actually lying to me?!"

The veins on his forehead popped out, the whites of his eyes expanded to almost engulf his pupils, and his weird expression was so terrifying that he could go directly to a cameo in a horror movie in a second.

As we all know, ghosts can lie to you, but you cannot lie to ghosts.

"Of course I didn't lie to you, why do you treat a gentleman's belly with a villain's heart like this!" Jiang Jingzhe looked surprised, "I have memorized all the tutorial books I bought, if it didn't happen that there was a book in it If there is the original question in it, I can only use my own brain, isn’t that lucky?”

The author has something to say:

Tweaking) Maybe it will be v tomorrow... I hope readers who are still reading will support and support (put your hands together) especially the first three days are very critical, don’t fatten me 555

Then carefully push the pre-acquisition, if you like it, you can bookmark it~ It would be better if you can bookmark the author's column by the way

——"The villain's female supporting role is social terror [Crossing Books]" copywriting——

Jiang Li transmigrated into the villainous female supporting role of the true and false rich daughter Wen.

In the book, the female supporting role is the follower of the fake daughter, and she has done many bad things. In the end, the real and fake daughter hate her very much, and her end is extremely miserable.

In order to survive, she was born with insufficient physique, so she had to follow the script of the villain female supporting role to provoke others and collect enough emotional value.

...but she's a social horror.

When swearing, the voice is as soft as coquetry, and when doing bad things, the ears are red and there is no way to hide it. Even normal conversations are soft-spoken.

——And the true and false daughter turned into the true and false young master.

System tasks:

1. Become an accomplice of the "fake daughter":

When the real daughter returns and the fake daughter is in an awkward position,

Jiang Li whispered but firmly stated: "I want to...follow you." Bully the real daughter together.

The 'fake daughter' who had always been rebellious, rarely blushed, and turned her head: "If you follow me now, you won't get any can do whatever you want."

2. Seriously humiliating the 'heroine':

Jiang Li managed to muster up the courage: "You, you must be very uncomfortable with the current life..." So the poor country boy, go back to his hometown!

The cold and proud "True Daughter" softened her brows and eyes: "You care about me."

The 'fake daughter' clicked her tongue: "Aren't you my follower? Stay away from that guy."

System: ... Congratulations on collecting enough emotion points.

Jiang Li, who has become a heartthrob without knowing it: After collecting so many emotional points, they really hate me! wxya

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