MTL - Shooting In Nightmare Game [Unlimited]-Chapter 13 Old House Wraith

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The clock chimed reassuringly.

"It's six o'clock...?" Jiang Jingzhe whispered.

Cui Miaomiao seemed much more relaxed than before: "So the ghosts should disappear at dawn... Great, I have never felt that solar energy gives me such a sense of security."

They vaguely saw a ray of light from the rising sun in the sky.

There were three people when we went, but there were only two people when we came back.

They walked to the balcony, and even Cui Miaomiao could see the few people huddled in the bushes at a glance, and silently stepped forward and kicked their buttocks to wake them up.

[With all due respect, this is like a nest of shivering milk dogs Tie Tie]

[Fortunately, they are all fine... woo woo woo, I was so busy looking at the three girls just now, I forgot to look at the big team]

[Fortunately, I hope to come earlier in the daytime...Hey, I also watched it all night, I was really worried]

[Pfft, you don't have to worry about missing the key plot, the big team just slept here all night! 】

[Before, there seemed to be ghosts coming to the balcony, but then they all went into the house as if they heard the call]

It was Ren Kaiwen who was kicked by Cui Miaomiao. He rubbed his eyes and sat up, complaining softly: "It's so rude."

The others also woke up, and were taken aback when they saw two condescending people with dark circles under their eyes. Xie Xinghui's performance was the most exaggerated.

[Hahahaha, it turns out that Xinghui is the one who is most afraid of ghosts! 】

【When the ghost knocked on the door, you were still very rigid, hhhh why are you so cowardly now?】

[Why is Ren Kaiwen still sleeping hahahahahaha deserves to be kicked]

[Laughing to death, the thrilling adventure of the female guest all night, the male guest slept here, this love has nothing to talk about]

"Are you back?" Ji Chen touched his nose in embarrassment after realizing it, his voice was a little hoarse just after waking up.

He first looked up and down carefully, and then he was relieved after confirming that the two of them were not injured: "Fortunately, nothing happened to you... Where is Yu Shu, isn't she with you?"

Ren Kaiwen also nodded: "I'm really scared, but it's over anyway, I hope this kind of monster won't appear again tonight..."

Cui Miaomiao avoided answering Ji Chen's question, turned her head and asked, "Jiang Jingzhe, did you spend so long in the kitchen before, is it because of...?"

Jiang Jingzhe gave the answer she wanted: "I heard a strange voice, Ji Chen and I ran out and met Ren Kaiwen."

The smile on Cui Miaomiao's lips became colder.


Ji Chen was the first to notice that something was wrong with the atmosphere, he looked at Cui Miaomiao, who was always talkative, and then at Ren Kaiwen.

Xie Xinghui asked suspiciously: "Is there any conflict between you two?"

Ji Chen was speechless for a moment.

Xie Xinghui could see that Cui Miaomiao was in a bad mood, but he couldn't see the reason, he was not as good as a person who eats melons all the time.

"Isn't it over yet?" Ren Kaiwen asked, his expression becoming a little gloomy.

Cui Miaomiao said coldly: "I don't know when it will end, but how do you know?"

No matter how stupid Ren Kaiwen was, he could tell that Cui Miaomiao was targeting her. He argued aggrievedly: "I was just guessing, it's almost dawn..."

Cui Miaomiao didn't give her more chances to defend, and interrupted directly: "You haven't actually seen it, how do you know what kind of monster it is?"

After she said this, the others finally understood what was going on.

Even though they were not sure what was going on with Ren Kaiwen, and whether there was really a problem as Cui Miaomiao said, they couldn't help taking a step back.

Only Xie Xinghui stood behind her with an expression of being out of the situation, and realized that he had become a protruding person in the circle around Ren Kaiwen, so he took a step back belatedly.

[Although... Is Cui Miaomiao too nervous? I don't see what's wrong with Kevin Ren, if he is really a ghost, if he wanted to do it all night, he would have already done it to other people]

[Thinking about it this way, it is true that being isolated by all your companions in this situation should be quite uncomfortable... Cui Miaomiao is too aggressive like this, the frank and honest lady's character collapses]

[The two upstairs should stop spreading their kindness casually, okay? Don't think about what if he isn't, but think about what if he is! Doesn’t this make your scalp tingle?】

【Hematemesis, there are still people who are concerned about the collapse of the character design at this time... I am thankful that they can leave alive】

[Is it only me who saw Xie Xinghui's stupid and dull look? Hahahaha, it's so funny.]

Ren Kaiwen looked incapable of explaining, and anxiously argued: "You all said it was scary, and I also hope that we will not encounter those bad things again! Do you suspect that I am in collusion with ghosts?"

In the past, Tang Sisi and Ji Chen, who had the best tempers, would come out to mediate when guests were fighting among themselves, but this time Tang Sisi fell into a coma. Ji Chen hesitated for a moment and didn't say anything. You can apologize afterwards, but if he comes out to be a good person indiscriminately, if he really hits a ghost, he will be wiped out.

What's more, he and Cui Miaomiao are the guests of the same program, and they are the real companions who depend on each other.

"Besides, if I really wanted to do something to you, I wouldn't just sleep here overnight." Ren Kaiwen said speechlessly, holding his mouth shut.

What he said was not unreasonable, even if Cui Miaomiao felt that something was wrong, there would be no way to beat him to death for a while.

At this time, Jiang Jingzhe said calmly, "Calm down to observe the flaws, right? This should be what you are best at."

He didn't call the name, but anyone could tell that this sentence was addressed to Cui Miaomiao.

Cui Miaomiao seemed to be inspired by something, and the anger that was a little bit high subsided in an instant. Neither sleepiness nor exhaustion could interfere with her clear thinking. She carefully recalled all the details related to Ren Kaiwen, and said: "You really pretend It was so well done that it almost slipped out of my eyes."

After saying this, she secretly praised herself in her heart. I always feel like a detective!

"Thinking about it carefully, the strange thing at first was not that the bedroom was haunted, but that you called everyone down and said that something happened to Tang Sisi." As soon as the words fell, everyone looked at Tang Sisi who was still lying in the grass with uncertain life or death.

Ren Kaiwen said with a dark face: "Otherwise, do you want me to turn a blind eye?!"

Cui Miaomiao shook her head: "Everyone knows that you have a crush on Tang Sisi from the very beginning... But when you saw her unconscious for unknown reasons, your first reaction was to ask us to delay this night and send her off tomorrow morning Seek medical attention. Isn't that weird?"

When she first came to the old house, only Ren Kaiwen was the most supportive of Tang Sisi's words. Although Cui Miaomiao and the others were not local romance guests in this world, it didn't mean that she couldn't see Ren Kaiwen's obvious arrow towards Tang Sisi.

"Or, are you afraid that she will survive tonight?" Xie Xinghui threatened cooperatively. If it is an emergency, late medical treatment is equivalent to killing someone's life.

Ren Kaiwen kept saying that there was nothing wrong with Tang Sisi, she just fell asleep, and tried hard to downplay the seriousness of the matter, but almost deceived them—after all, they had just come to this world not long ago, and they were not familiar enough with other people.

Ren Kaiwen scanned the surrounding people in panic, and found that they all began to look at him suspiciously and vigilantly.

He gritted his teeth: "I just didn't expect so much..."

Cui Miaomiao still seemed confident: "Do you think I just discovered this? You have been adding confusion intentionally or unintentionally all this time, thinking that we can't see it?"

In fact, this sentence was a lie to him, Cui Miaomiao only cared about being afraid, so how could she care about observing other people's reactions?

Cui Miaomiao only observed the insincerity of love based on her own experience of watching TV dramas, and she couldn't see any more, but... she had already acted so confidently in front of Jiang Jingzhe just now, if she was choked a lot Embarrassing.

"Besides, when I woke you up just now, you were still very..." Cui Miaomiao had a hesitant expression, "Squeamish."

At this time, 'Kevin Ren' restrained his panicked expression and laughed.

"It's not bad." He said with a smile, "You guys really impress me."

"How did you recognize me?" 'Ren Kaiwen' looked at Jiang Jingzhe with great interest.

Jiang Jingzhe asked back: "What's the benefit of telling you?"

'Kevin Ren' spread his hands: "I know you all want to get out of here...I can give you a little hint."

"Can't you just send us out?" Jiang Jingzhe bargained.

He said blackly: "...This is not under my jurisdiction."

After he finished saying this, he stopped talking, apparently waiting for Jiang Jingzhe to speak first. Jiang Jingzhe saw that he didn't intend to fool people, so he simply said: "You have always been a little leading when you speak."

[Wait, did the live broadcast I watched miss any plot? 】

【You are not alone, I am also confused! ! Why was the sunshine boy suddenly raped by the insider? ! 】

[Fuck, do you still remember that fake Tang Sisi! In other words, this Kevin Ren is also a fake? 】

【Oh my god, Missy's reasoning is so detailed, I'm shocked! How did Jiang Jingzhe see it? 】

'Kevin Ren' raised his eyebrows, his posture became softer, and he no longer forcibly imitated the original Kaiwen Ren—but because his appearance had not changed, it seemed that Kaiwen Ren's temperament had become sultry, "But they didn't hear it."

Other guests: ...has been connoted.

Jiang Jingzhe continued: "You are also a little too keen on ghosts, and often ask for details... If I guess correctly, this dungeon..."

She suddenly got stuck, and temporarily changed to a more normal explanation: "In this place, the rule should be 'words come true', right? That's why you want us to explain in more detail...Qing Xingdeng."

Qing Xingdeng smiled, but did not refute.

Ji Chen, who was the first to tell this story, became the focus of everyone's attention. He looked shocked and then a little ashamed.

But no one knew that there was such a rule, and no one would blame him.

Cui Miaomiao patted his arm and comforted him, "If you want to blame it, it's my fault. I was the one who first proposed to tell ghost stories, hey..." She became depressed as she spoke.

Xie Xinghui also comforted dryly: "Anyway, the Qingxingdeng you mentioned is not particularly lethal."

He was stared at by Qing Xingdeng, and stared back inexplicably.

"No... there should still be a limit, otherwise you wouldn't have kept telling us to speak. Only what we say will come true, right?"

Jiang Jingzhe had actually observed this rule when he realized it. After hearing that they had run into ghosts, Xie Xinghui and Ren Kaiwen's first reaction was "there are no ghosts in this world", but this rule did not work out. Really, that is to say, what is said in the second article cannot violate the first article.

Ji Chen asked: "But, what happened to us tonight...isn't it anyone's story?"

Obviously the first day was safe and nothing happened, but on the second day, demons began to dance wildly.

Jiang Jingzhe can answer his question, she heard a similar theory in her dream: "Because we have entered the inner world."

"The place we used to live in was the watch world, and there was no unscientific existence... Do you know the occasional haunted incidents? In fact, it is the intersection of the watch world and the inner world. There is an old saying that 'believe it or not', It’s the same reason here, because we told the ghost story on the first day, it was judged to be a reasonable existence, so this mansion… or the haunted house, the original ghost also appeared.”

[It's hard to understand! Did Jiang Jingzhe come into contact with it before, I think she understands it well]

[Thinking about it this way, it's fortunate that Jiang Jingzhe is among them...otherwise, wouldn't they be completely blind]

Cui Miaomiao's face was pale: "That is to say... these ghosts are local ghosts?"

Seeing that they had deduced the whole picture of the matter, Qing Xingdeng chuckled again, and avoided talking about it: "It turns out that it is like this... I haven't heard the story you told, but this time the adventure story is also very exciting, I hope You guys can give me a better story next time."

"It's better not to have a next time." Xie Xing replied.

Qing Xingdeng glared at him again.

"About the way to leave here, why don't you ask the owner of the house?" Qing Xingdeng turned to Jiang Jingzhe.

After she finished speaking, the morning sun also rose slowly, and the sunlight poured through the clouds on the balcony and garden, and the skin of Kevin Ren gradually melted away, revealing her original appearance, just as everyone imagined in the legend So beautiful and coquettish.

Her skin showed a transparent texture, which dissipated into the air as she turned her back.

Everyone has mixed feelings in their hearts.

"Is this what you said I'm good at?" Cui Miaomiao took the lead to break the silence and said confidently, "I didn't expect you to be quite knowledgeable... maybe I have the talent to be a detective! "

Jiang Jingzhe looked away guiltily.

No, she just believed in her European spirit.

Cui Miaomiao went to the bathroom in the middle of the night, and survived after acting alone with ghosts, and was officially recognized as the "Emperor's Light"!

She secretly changed the concept and said: "I have seen that you are very capable." Luck is also a kind of strength, not to mention Cui Miaomiao's performance this time is indeed very good.

After hearing Jiang Jingzhe's praise, Cui Miaomiao's mouth could not wait to pierce the sky.

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