MTL - Seventh Year of My Secret Love for You-Chapter 53

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Qin Moling looked back at his chat records with Jiang Shenghe, whether it was true or not, the only possibility that it was true was the phrase 'I'm with Luo Qi'.

It's impossible to get the certificate and take wedding photos. Luo Qi's character is not someone who knows how to get married quickly.

When he and Jian Hang had their wedding in September, Jiang Shenghe hadn't caught up with Luo Qi. At that time, Jiang Shenghe was one of the best men, and Luo Qi had a psychological burden because the boss was the best man, so she hesitated for a long time before agreeing to be the bridesmaid.

At that time, Luo Qi only regarded Jiang Shenghe as the boss.

Even if they are together, they haven't been in a relationship for more than a month, so this is the certificate?

Jiang Shenghe knew that Qin Moling didn't believe it, and Xu Xiangyi didn't believe it at first either.

[It has just stabilized. Uncle Xu came here this time to do my dad's work. You know, my dad doesn't like Luo Qi's family. Rocky and I haven't officially met the parents yet. 】

Only then did Qin Moling feel the truth, he didn't say congratulations, seven years is too long, congratulations seem insignificant.

Ever since he was a child, he would tease Jiang Shenghe about everything, and would never let go of any opportunity to ridicule him. Only about his crush on Luo Qi, he never made fun of Jiang Shenghe, not even a joke.

【Uncle Jiang, what can I do for you? 】

Jiang Shenghe: [No need. He doesn't like me, and he doesn't like you. 】

Qin Moling: "..."

In Uncle Jiang's eyes, he and Jiang Shenghe are the same, there is no good thing.

【When did you get together? 】

After asking, he suddenly remembered Jiang Shenghe's circle of friends, [9.25? 】

Jiang Shenghe: [Receive the certificate on 9.25. 】

When it comes to obtaining a certificate, the problem has reached an endless loop again, and Qin Moling probably still doesn't believe it.

Without waiting for Qin Moling to question, he explained: 【It's the same as your flash marriage back then. Luo Qi has no feelings for me, and getting a certificate is the only chance to be together. 】

Substitute his second blind date, and Qin Moling understood.

[Uncle Xu also did Uncle Jiang's work, when do you plan to make it public? 】

Jiang Shenghe was thinking about how to explain it, saying that Qin Moling would definitely not understand if Luo Qi had no money pressure to make it public. He himself had conflicts with Jian Hang because of money.

At first, Jian Hang would rather take out a loan than use Qin Moling's money, which hurt Qin Moling.

Jian Hang wants to be more independent financially.

Qin Moling felt that it was boring to have such a division between husband and wife.

[I will make it public when I really catch up with Luo Qi and the relationship is particularly good. It's not like you don't know that Luo Qi's popularity is slow, and she can't develop a relationship in a year or so. It's not easy for her to get a certificate from me. 】

It's really not easy, Qin Moling couldn't believe that such a flash marriage would happen to Luo Qi.

The flash marriage was probably moved by Jiang Shenghe's persistence for more than seven years.

[Will you go to the charity reception tomorrow night? 】

Jiang Shenghe: [I can't go there. Let Li Rui go for me. 】

He stated again: [I am in Sioux City. 】

Qin Moling: [Got it. Are you going to take wedding photos? 】

At first glance, this sentence is disbelief, and it is teasing him.

Jiang Shenghe had difficulty arguing.

This season is really not suitable for taking wedding photos. It is a bit cold, and it is not the best time for the scenery of Sioux City.

Wait until tomorrow to shoot some behind-the-scenes footage for him to watch, and keep his mouth shut.

Qin Moling didn't have time to chat anymore, so he sent Jiang Shenghe and Luo Qi's marriage certificate and the wedding photo to Jian Hang.

[They got the certificate. 】

Attached a screenshot of the chat with Jiang Shenghe.

Jian Hang: [Thank you husband. 】

He never played tricks on her, nor did he play tricks, and he would share it with her as soon as he found out.

Qin Moling: 【They don't plan to make it public for the time being, and Jiang Shenghe can't hold back. Let's give him a wedding gift. You decide what to give. 】

When they arrived in Sioux City, Jiang Yifang and Luo Zhiqiu came to pick him up.

Jiang Shenghe's driver also drove over in an off-road vehicle, and he was responsible for taking Luo Yu home.

Luo Yu updated the weather forecast for Sioux City. It is predicted that there will be light rain tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will turn sunny.

"Sister, it will rain tomorrow, I don't know if it will rain or not."

"It doesn't matter if it rains. If it rains heavily, just push it back and just stay at home for a few more days."

Luo Yu was so envious, being the boss of the company was good, and he didn't have to ask anyone for leave to go wherever he wanted.

She didn't come back from the 11th long holiday, and she also wanted to stay at home for a few more days, but Party A's villain's father didn't approve the leave.

After getting in the car, Luo Qi also turned on the weather forecast.

It was very frustrating to take pictures in the rain, and suddenly she had a flash of inspiration, and she asked the photographer: [The forecast says there will be rain, and I want to take a set for a rainy day, can I do it? My husband prefers the atmosphere of misty and rainy days. 】

Photographer: [I have no problem here, but your wedding dress will get dirty. You should ask the bridal shop first, how much the original price of the wedding dress is, and don’t be slaughtered when you pay for it. 】

Luo Qi told the photographer that the wedding dress was not rented, but bought for the purpose of taking pictures.

[That doesn't matter, anyway, I won't be able to wear it in the future. 】The photographer said with a smile:【To spend so much money, we must make the best use of it. 】

On rainy days, the most artistic places in Sioux City are the alleys and stone bridges near their home.

The photographer asked again: [The rainy scene at night, do you want to take a picture? Your house is actually more beautiful at night. 】

[Must shoot. ] Luo Qi did not hesitate at all.

[Trouble you, you can directly add the price difference when the time comes. ] This can be regarded as changing the shooting package.

The photographer laughed: [What price will be added, I have known your brother for more than 20 years. ] He and Luo Yuli were classmates in elementary school. Luo Yuli often introduced clients to him, and would also repost promotions for him.

Luo Qi thanked, and said casually: [My brother should be shooting soon. 】

Photographer: "?"

A little confused: [Your brother has a girlfriend? 】

It shouldn't be.

Some time ago, I talked with Luo Yuli on the phone, but I didn't hear that I had a girlfriend.

That cousin hasn't introduced his girlfriend to the photographer yet, and they met on a blind date, maybe they haven't had feelings for him yet.

Luo Qi and the photographer discussed the time and place to meet, the most important prop umbrella, the photographer said he would prepare it, and the transparent and reflective shooting effect is good.

"We also shoot on rainy days, and we have communicated with the photographer." Luo Qi turned to Jiang Sheng and said kindly.

Jiang Shenghe was driving. He was not used to driving his father-in-law's car. He had been focusing on the road conditions just now and didn't notice that she was sending messages to others.

His first reaction was: "It's raining and you're cold in a wedding dress."

"It's not going anywhere." If it's really cold, just bear it.

I really want a set of rainy night wedding photos.

Jiang Yifang interjected: "I'll find your old down jacket when I get home, and I'll take it with me tomorrow, and put it on when I'm not shooting. Then I'll leave your dad's car by the side of the road, so you can store your clothes conveniently."

Luo Qi turned her head to look at the back seat, "Mom, you also think it looks good when it's raining, don't you?"

Jiang Yifang smiled, "Yes."

In fact, she can't appreciate it, and prefers a clear sky, but the back photo her daughter released in Moments before is holding an umbrella. Rainy days should have different meanings to her daughter and Jiang Shenghe.

It was almost early morning at the entrance of the alley, but Jiang Shenghe didn't enter the house. He booked a room at the hotel where he usually lives.

Her parents carried a few suitcases into the house, and she and Jiang Shenghe were the only ones at the entrance of the quiet alley.

Jiang Shenghe took her into his arms and hugged her, "Go to bed early."

Luo Qi hugged him and did not let him go.

Jiang Shenghe lowered his head and kissed her lips, coaxing her: "Go back and video with you."

"Give me another hug."

Luo Qi's chin rubbed against his heart, "The house is too small, it's not convenient to take a shower, otherwise I'll let you stay."

"It's okay, it's inconvenient to live at home."

Jiang Shenghe bent down, hugged her horizontally, and walked her to the door of the house.

Luo Qi asked him to put her down, "in case my mother opens the door."

Before letting her down, Jiang Shenghe kissed her.

Across the door, she could hear her parents walking.

Being kissed by him, Luo Qi's heart jumped out of her throat.

"go in."

Jiang Shenghe put her down from his arms.

Rocky waited for him to go away before closing the door.

Walking to the stone bridge, Jiang Shenghe turned to look at Luo Qi's house, the light in her room was on, she opened the window and waved to him.

[Close the window. Good night. 】

He texts her.

In the hotel lobby, I met He Xu who had just come back from the outside, wearing sportswear, and he also lived in this hotel.

"Brother Jiang, what a coincidence."

I don't call Mr. Jiang now.

Jiang Shenghe looked him up and down, "Why did you go?"

"Fishing. It's not just a hobby."

He Xu didn't have time to eat dinner because of fishing, so he just ordered a midnight snack to be delivered to his room, and he invited Jiang Shenghe: "Brother Jiang, come to my place for a drink?"

"It's too late, don't bother."

"See you tomorrow then."

Jiang Shenghe thought to himself, how can I see you every day when I have time.

The next morning, he found time to visit He Wancheng.

The equity dispute in Pei Shixiao's company finally came to an end, and the control of the group finally fell into the hands of Pei Shixiao's mother, Li Jin.

Father Pei suffered from angina and held on until night, but in the end he couldn't hold on. He didn't have the nerve to let others know, so he called an ambulance.

Li Jin still knew about it, and said in the news that she would pay for the ambulance.

After thirty years of marriage, he never expected that Li Jin would do everything without regard to the relationship between husband and wife.

After recuperating in the hospital for a few days, he planned to leave the hospital on Wednesday, but the lawyer called him and said that Li Jin had asked for a divorce, and it was fine if he didn't. He begged her on his knees, and she might soften her heart.

For a few seconds, his eyes went black.

The man's dignity was trampled under by Li Jin, and he couldn't get up no matter what.

The discharge time was delayed for a few days, and I am still in the hospital.

Jiang Shenghe's off-road vehicle drove into the villa area. He Wancheng didn't go to the company today and entertained him at home.

He made tea and poured Jiang Shenghe a cup.

"The acquisition of Dongbo Medical has been put on the agenda."

Jiang Shenghe: "Thank you."

He Wancheng also poured himself a glass, "There are now three medical-related companies under Yuanwei, do you plan to merge or compete with each other?"

"Leave it to Rocky to decide."

The positioning of Yuanwei Medical is the high-end consumer market, Ruipu can focus on the mid-end market, and the market below the mid-end can be handed over to Dongbo.

The two chatted about Dongbo for nearly an hour.

Jiang Shenghe finished his second cup of tea, put down the cup and said goodbye.

He Wancheng asked him to eat at home at noon, "Try our specialties in Sioux City."

Jiang Shenghe: "Next time. Uncle Luo Qi celebrates his birthday at noon."

"That has to go."

It seems that I have met my parents.

He Wancheng congratulated again, "I'm just waiting for your invitation."

Jiang Shenghe smiled: "I will bring it to you personally at that time."

After leaving He Wancheng's house, the driver went straight to the hotel where the birthday party was held.

It hadn't rained just now, but now it was falling thinly and densely, a layer of the front windshield fell off, and the driver turned on the wiper.

In the hotel, Luo Yu and his parents came early.

Luo Xin was earlier than them, and the drinks and cakes were arranged by him alone, so there was no need for his parents to worry about it.

Originally booked four tables, only invited relatives on both sides, squeezed four tables to fit, the day before yesterday Uncle Luo temporarily added a table, a few good friends want to come to have fun, some new fishing friends I want to come too, just to make a table.

Relatives came one after another, and Luo Yu began to help arrange the cakes.

"Uncle Luo, happy birthday and good health."

"Thank you, thank you, just come, why spend so much money?"

Luo Yu raised her head suddenly, as if she had seen a ghost.

How could this villain appear here?

He Xu half-closed his eyes to look at her, and after only one glance, he looked away and looked for other fishing friends with a calm face.

Luo Yu didn't want people to know that she knew him, so she took out her phone and typed quickly: [What do you mean! 】

【Coax my future father-in-law to be happy. 】

Luo Yu's heart beat violently, 【He Xu, we are not in the right household! 】

[It doesn't matter. 】

He Xu has plenty of ways to deal with her: [I plan to buy the house opposite your house, door to door, door to door. 】

As long as she didn't deny people when she got out of bed, he wouldn't make such a bad move.

He asked: [When will I go back? 】

Luo Yu said angrily: 【Tomorrow! 】

He Xu: 【Go to my place tomorrow night. Will live with me from now on. 】

Luo Yu glared at him.

He planned to kick him out of bed in the middle of the night, to see if he still wanted to stay with her overnight.

"Sister!" She saw Luo Qi and her second aunt come in, stuffing her phone into her bag.

The sound of sister made many people in the banquet hall subconsciously look over.

They were not looking at Luo Qi, but curious about what Luo Qi's partner looked like. The third uncle received the fishing rod from Luo Qi's boyfriend, and thanked Jiang Yifang and Luo Zhiqiu in the family group.

It turned out that Luo Qi came in with Jiang Yifang, and there was no one behind him.

The second aunt couldn't hide anything, "Xiaoqi, why didn't your boyfriend come?"

Luo Yu spoke quickly, and said with a smile, "Second Aunt, are you in a hurry to give the red envelope?"

Second Aunt: "..."

With that anger, I wish I could pull Luo Yu over and kick her twice.

"There can be fewer red envelopes. When you bring your boyfriend back, I'll make a bigger one."

When Luo Yu interrupted, He Xu looked over and greeted Luo Qi, "Come and sit."

Luo Qi frowned, third uncle's birthday, why did he come?

Luo Yu explained: "My dad knows fishing friends."

It's too coincidental.

Luo Qi remembered that He Xu had asked her if she recognized Luo Yu, she stared at Luo Yu, "Baby Yu, tell the truth."

Luo Yu sighed, she couldn't hide it from her cousin.

Luo Qi rubbed her head, "It turns out that the painting..." clicked on it.

Luo Qi just didn't want to sit at the family's table, because the eldest aunt was also there, so she sat next to He Xu, and reserved a seat for Jiang Shenghe by the way.

She smiled and said in a low voice, "It's quite calm, it's all hit inside."

He Xu smiled, "Not as calm as your sister."

After sleeping with him, he was fine.

At the next table, the second aunt asked in a low voice: "Who is that person talking to Xiaoqi? Is it her boyfriend?"

Luo Yuli spoke up: "No."

"Yu Li, do you know Xiaoqi's boyfriend?"


Saw it in the video.

He helped Luo Qi contact the photographer. During the call, Jiang Shenghe happened to be beside him and said hello.

The second aunt broke the casserole and asked the end: "I heard from Xiaoqi that it is still the big boss, which big company is it?"

Jiang Yifang drank water as if nothing had happened, pretending he didn't hear anything.

Luo Yuli said: "The boss of Yuanwei Group, Jiang Shenghe."

He added: "Jiang Yueru is a nephew."

A few words are like a boulder thrown into a calm lake, setting off a half-meter-high splash.

Jiang Sheng is not familiar with them, but they are familiar with Yuanwei Group and Jiang Yueru.

"How old is Xiaoqi's boyfriend?"

Luo Yuli didn't know very well, "It's about my age."

The second aunt took a sip of the fruit juice. It was peach juice, but it was as sour as lemon juice. When she swallowed it, her throat and stomach felt sour.

"The second sister-in-law is lucky." The second aunt looked at Jiang Yifang, "But I heard that those who came from such a family are high-ranking and difficult to get along with."

Jiang Yifang smiled: "I don't think so."

The second aunt said 'hehe' in her heart.

She turned to look at her sister-in-law, who had an ugly face, probably even more sour than her.

The eldest aunt couldn't take care of the bitterness anymore. She heard that Luo Qi's partner was the boss of the Yuanwei Group. Peng.

The eldest aunt glanced at Luo Qi's table, but she didn't expect Luo Qi to look over, and she looked away lightly.

Luo Qi didn't look at the auntie, but at the girl next to the auntie, she was beautiful and gentle, she sat there quietly and didn't speak, she should be her cousin's blind date, and she brought it to the family banquet today, probably to admit it publicly.

It's just that the cousin and the blind date had no communication during the whole process.

The cousin got up suddenly, smiled and walked towards the door.

Luo Qi followed her gaze, and she saw Jiang Shenghe, who was going to take a wedding photo in the afternoon, he was wearing a black suit with the suit open, and a white shirt that fit around his waist.

The banquet hall suddenly fell silent, even if he didn't say anything, it was inexplicably stressful.

Jiang Shenghe greeted his third uncle and aunt, and walked towards Luo Yuli.

The two met in the video, and the goodbye was not so unfamiliar, and they shook hands and greeted each other.

Seeing that Luo Qi didn't intend to introduce Jiang Shenghe, Luo Yuli asked, "Do you need to introduce relatives to you?"

Jiang Shenghe: "Thank you, no need, I know everyone I want to know."

The third uncle's family and Luo Yuli were the ones he wanted to know. As for the others, no one respected Luo Qi's parents, so there was no need to know them.

Luo Yuli understood, "Let's have dinner together when we have time."

"Okay. Call me next time you come to Beijing."

After exchanging pleasantries, Jiang Shenghe went to find Jiang Yifang and Luo Zhiqiu.

"Sheng He, come here."

"Well, there's a traffic jam on the road, so it's a little late."

Luo Zhiqiu said: "It's not too late, it hasn't started yet."

Jiang Shenghe put his hands on their shoulders and said cordially, "Mom and Dad, you talk, I'll go find Luo Qi."

Jiang Yifang and Luo Zhiqiu felt hot when they were called, "Let's go."

The second aunt took another sip of the juice, feeling even more sour than before.

My heart is also sour.

The whole person is so sour.

Luo Yu is a bad-hearted person. No one can compare to her when it comes to annoying people. "Second aunt, I have lemon juice here. Would you like a drink? It can strengthen the stomach and eliminate food."

The second aunt smirked, her eyes were saying, you kid, you wait, I think your skin is itchy.

Luo Yu was not afraid at all.

She didn't dare to sit at her cousin's table, so she had to make do with relatives at home.

Luo Qi clung to Jiang Shenghe's ear and whispered, "He Xu is interested in Luo Yu, so he chased him home."

Jiang Shenghe: "I know."

"How did you know?"

"I ran into them downstairs in your rental house and asked them to clean your rental house."

Rocky smiled, "You should have told me earlier."

Jiang Shenghe promised her: "I will not hide anything from you in the future." He promised He Xu at that time, so he didn't say much.

Continuing to whisper, Luo Qi likes to whisper in his ear, "Why did you change your name to Mom and Dad?"

"I want to shout."

He Xu, who was sitting next to him, couldn't bear them being so nasty. Where did they talk so much? He kept talking since he sat down.

Finally stopped after five minutes, He Xu invited Jiang Shenghe: "Go fishing in the afternoon?"

"No time. I will take wedding photos in the afternoon."

He Xu looked out the window, taking wedding photos on a rainy day?

The rain did not subside until 3:30.

This afternoon's wedding photos were taken near Luo Qi's house. On rainy days, Luo Qi was saved from going to the studio, and she changed clothes and put on makeup at her own home.

The room was too small, and there was a wedding dress on the bed. She and the make-up artist were just right in there, and the extra person seemed crowded. Jiang Shenghe was waiting for her in the living room.

He looked at the walnut-colored dining table and the window next to it, "Mom." He turned and called Jiang Yifang.

Jiang Yifang made tea for him and served it, "Hey, what's the matter?"

Jiang Shenghe expressed his thoughts: "Can you move the dining table under the window, I want to take a set with Luo Qi at home."

"There's nothing wrong with that."

What Jiang Yifang was worried about was: "Can such a small space be effective?" This is a wedding photo shoot.

Jiang Shenghe: "It doesn't matter if you can't take pictures. We keep the wedding photos for ourselves, as long as they are meaningful." This is the place where Luo Qi has lived for seven or eight years, so keep it as a commemoration.

Jiang Yifang put down the teacup, "As long as you like it." She and Jiang Shenghe carried the sofa and coffee table over, moved all the things that could be moved, and made enough room to carry the dining table over.

The dining table is facing the window, the river is outside the window, and it is still raining.

Jiang Yifang himself admired it: "Don't say it, it's really good."

If the home is big enough and there is space for things to be placed, put the dining table by the window and eat two more bowls while watching the scenery outside the window.

Jiang Shenghe looked at the wooden table, something was missing.

He went out with an umbrella, and came back ten minutes later with a bunch of sunflowers. The flowers were not placed in a vase, and they were placed directly on the table to block the view of the window.

Luo Qi came out after putting on her makeup, and was pleasantly surprised and moved when she saw the newly arranged scene.

She hugged Jiang Shenghe: "Thank you."

Even the photographer said that this scene is a must.

I took dozens of pictures at home, and the effect in the lens is better than the real scene.

Then we went outside and it was still raining.

Luo Qi stood on the steps of the stone bridge. The photographer was looking for an angle. Jiang Shenghe took off the suit and put it on for her.

She was holding an umbrella, and the rain was splashing on the top of the umbrella. She was very comfortable in his arms.

Jiang Shenghe held her waist with one hand, and clenched the skirt of the suit with the other, and she leaned back.

He smiled: "Don't move."

Rocky moved twice.

Jiang Shenghe smiled helplessly, and clasped her into his arms again.

While he wasn't paying attention, Luo Qi moved the umbrella to his side to block him from the rain.

Entrusted by Jiang Shenghe, the photographer assistant recorded a lot of videos for them with his mobile phone, and the scene just now was recorded.

The wedding photos were taken from 3:30 to the beginning of the lights.

A total of shooting in four places, also shot in front of the hotel.

The last time the back photo was taken casually by Xiao Jiang, it was not taken well and lacked the sense of atmosphere, so Jiang Shenghe asked Mr. Yu to show it in the form of oil painting. Today the photographer made up for his regret.

The last photo was taken from the back. Unlike last time, Rocky was wearing his suit and snuggling in his arms this time.

After work was over, Luo Qi went to Jiang Shenghe's room to change the wet wedding dress, and then went to take a hot shower.

Jiang Shenghe received several short videos from the photographer's assistant. He picked the one on the stone bridge and sent it to Qin Moling: [Open your eyes and watch. 】

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