MTL - Seventh Year of My Secret Love for You-Chapter 18

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All the way to the waiting room, Rocky was still holding the suit.

The boss's call was over long ago, but he didn't look at her, as if he forgot about the suit.

Apart from helping her father and Pei Shixiao get clothes, she hasn't given clothes to other people of the opposite **** for so long.

Finding a seat and sitting down, Jiang Shenghe opened the laptop and put it on his lap.

Luo Qi was sure that the boss had indeed forgotten that her clothes were in her hands. Maybe he used to ask his secretary or bodyguard to help him take his clothes, and he was used to it.

Jiang Shenghe glanced at the time in the lower right corner of the computer, and asked her to take off the suit, which seemed deliberate.

He suddenly turned his face away, pretending that he just remembered his clothes, without saying any polite words, he stretched out his hand, "Clothes."

"Okay." Rocky handed him the suit.

There was an empty seat between her and the boss, on which was the boss's computer bag.

Jiang Shenghe took the suit and put it on the computer bag casually. The sleeves hung down along the edge of the sofa. He didn't pay attention, and turned his face to continue looking at the computer.

Luo Qi saw the drooping sleeve, and couldn't ignore it, so she leaned slightly, picked up the drooping sleeve and put it away.

Jiang Sheng and Yu Guang saw her bending down to grab her sleeves, but they didn't say thank you.

On the plane, Luo Qi sat next to Jiang Shenghe.

I moved to a new home and didn't sleep well. I planned to take a nap on the plane to refresh my spirits, but the boss sat next to me, completely relieved of sleepiness.

The last time I experienced this situation was at Jiang Yueru's house. On that Saturday, she worked overtime the night before, and the next day she was so sleepy that she couldn't keep her eyes open. After reporting to Jiang Yueru, she leaned on the sofa and almost fell asleep.

Unfortunately, Jiang Sheng and his father went there that day, and the moment she saw Jiang's father, she was completely awake. The boss, like his father, has an air of dread.

Expensive and cold, all thoughts are hidden, making people unpredictable.

Among the three brothers, Jiang Shenghe has the most temperament like Jiang's father, but the father and son are incompatible with each other, and no one can understand the other, and no one can try to persuade the other.

All she knew about Jiang Shenghe and the Jiang family was from Jiang Yueru. Even though Jiang Yueru is the boss, she often tells her bitterness, saying that it is sometimes difficult to be caught between the father and son.

When we arrived in Haicheng, the sun had already set, and when we came out of the airport, the heat wave hit our face.

They lived in a seaside hotel with a private beach, and Luo Qi was even more regretful that the secretary could not come with her.

The car stopped at the entrance of the hotel. Just as the waiter came over, Xiao Jiang had already helped her carry her suitcase out of the trunk.


"You're welcome." Xiao Jiang kept Secretary Ju's advice in mind, "Sister Luo, if you have anything to do these few days, just arrange for me to do it."

Jiang Shenghe got off the car, just in time to hear Xiao Jiang's words.

He knew that Xiao Jiang had a girlfriend, but he couldn't help but look at Xiao Jiang more.

After checking in, Jiang Shenghe said to them: "I don't have work tonight, you can arrange it yourself."

Take your luggage and go back to your room.

Jiang Shenghe took the first elevator, and Luo Qi and Xiao Jiang took another elevator to go upstairs. Today, apart from the boss living in a suite, each of them also lives in a suite with a sea view, and the room has double sea view balconies.

I heard from Xiao Jiang that this is the compensation Mr. Jiang gave them for their business trip during the long vacation. Every time they go on a business trip during a long vacation, President Jiang will pay for their room upgrades out of his own pocket.

Luo Qi thought of Secretary Ju's sentence again, Jiang Shenghe was the best among the bosses.

After simply packing up her luggage, Luo Qi ordered a piece of fruit and brought it to the terrace to eat.

Just after taking a few bites, my cousin called her.

Luo Yuli heard the whistling sound from the phone, "Where are you?"

"Haicheng. On a business trip with the boss."

"Is it convenient to talk?"

"Convenient," Luo Qi tried to pretend to be in a good mood, "Each person lives in a suite, which is considered a public-funded trip. You can see the sea from the terrace. I'll take a few photos for you to see."

"Your boss is so generous?"

"Well. I heard from the person in the president's office that he is very generous. I have only been on business trips with him twice."

Luo Yuli had only heard of Jiang Shenghe's name, but had never seen anyone, and did not understand his style of conduct. But Jiang Shenghe is rich, as everyone knows, he doesn't care about the cost of the suite.

He told Luo Qi that all the things that Pei Shixiao's family gave during the engagement were returned in full.

"I went with my second uncle."

"Thank you brother." The kiwi in Luo Qi's mouth suddenly lost its taste, "Is my dad still angry with me?"

Luo Yuli: "It will be fine in a few days."

Luo Qi intuitively felt that this matter might not be easy. Parents were about to be overwhelmed by debts, and suddenly this happened again, which was unbearable.

It is easiest to lose your mind when you have a breakdown.

Luo Yuli said a few words, hung up the phone, and sent her a list of returned items.

Luo Qi put down the fruit and completely lost her appetite.

She took care of everything that needed to be done with Pei Shixiao, opened the list that her cousin sent her, and read it from beginning to end. All the valuables that should be returned were on it.

She forwarded the list to Pei Shixiao.

【Qi, have you had dinner yet? 】

Pei Shixiao replied almost instantly.

This is the fastest time in the past six months that he replied to her message. In the past, she always had to wait.

Luo Qi was not in the mood to chat with him: [The two wedding houses you gave me under my name, and the shares in your company you gave me as a gift, I will entrust a lawyer to handle it, and the lawyer will contact you. 】

Pei Shixiao never thought of getting it back, it was what he was willing to give her, no matter whether they could still be together in the future.

[Gifts for you, give them as soon as they are given, and there is no such thing as taking them back. 】

Luo Qi: [If it's a husband and wife, it's joint property, and what should belong to me, I will fight for every penny. 】

The Lakeview Daping floor in Sucheng, and the luxury apartment in Beijing, the two houses cost more than 100 million yuan. At the beginning, she accepted such an expensive gift because she was engaged to him, and the wedding date was also set, thinking that she would live forever.

[Anyway, thank you for your company and encouragement when I was most helpless. 】

This was the last message she sent to Pei Shixiao, and he was deleted afterwards.

【Qi, no one is more important than you. I only love you. 】Pei Shixiao clicked send, but didn't send it. Looking at the red exclamation mark, his fingers trembled.

He remembered that she had told him on the high-speed train back to Beijing in June that she had a dream in which she couldn't contact him.

It's not that she can't contact him, it's that he can't contact her anymore.

Luo Qi also added Pei Shixiao's mobile phone number to the blacklist, and suddenly remembered that there was still a photo of Pei Shixiao in the phone's album.

In six years, there are too many photos, thousands of them related to him, and hundreds of videos. Every time I delete a picture, I have to recall the past bit by bit, like being lingering.

She simply didn't even want other photos, she just emptied the album, and there was nothing in an instant.

Putting down her phone, she put on a suspender skirt and went downstairs to the beach.

At this time, in the suite upstairs, Jiang Shenghe called for a video conference, and everyone in the president's office attended the meeting.

Secretary Ju was packing her luggage at home and was planning to take her baby on a trip during the holidays. Unexpectedly, the boss had a meeting at this time, and she hurriedly turned on the computer and went online.

Jiang Shenghe poured a glass of water and sat back in front of the computer, and everyone entered the conference room.

They all thought it was related to the project.

Jiang Shenghe said: "Today is my private matter."

Everyone was confused, but they didn't say anything, waiting for the boss to announce next.

"Rocky broke up. I'm going to chase her."


On the screen, everyone's expressions were almost the same, and their faces were brilliant.

Jiang Shenghe also thought for a long time and analyzed the pros and cons before choosing to tell them. If you don't be honest in advance, and let them notice the difference between him and Luo Qi later, they will look down on Luo Qi.

Explaining it at that time will get twice the result with half the effort.

Gossip is the most likely to arise if the boss and assistant do not grasp the proper balance. Gossip has no effect on him, it will only hurt Luo Qi.

"Before I confess my love, you don't know."

"Mr. Jiang, don't worry, we know what to do."

In their team, the emotional intelligence is one to one, and they are fluent in interpersonal relationships in the workplace. They are almost at their fingertips for things like confidentiality and appropriate assists.

Jiang Shenghe regarded this meeting as a business negotiation and proceeded step by step.

His family background is unusual. In their eyes, chasing Luo Qi may be a whim, and it is not enough to just say that they want to chase Luo Qi.

He added: "At the wedding, all of you will sit in the front row."


Secretary Ju was mentally prepared, but was still shocked.

Having said that, who still doesn't understand the good intentions of the boss. Luo Qi is the boss's top priority. The person she wants to marry in the future is not just a casual relationship, each takes what she needs.

Jiang Shenghe looked in the direction where Secretary Ju was, "The high-level personnel will change next month. There is a position suitable for you. Do you consider it?"

Secretary Ju reacted quickly. The boss wanted to transfer Luo Qi to be his assistant, so he promoted her and raised her salary. It's a great thing, she has been honored by her apprentice.

Secretary Ju is modest: "I don't know if I can do it, but I still want to try hard. Thank you Mr. Jiang for your trust."

Jiang Shenghe nodded, and said to everyone: "When Luo Qi transfers over, you are familiar with her, so take it easy when you flatter her."

They couldn't help but laughed.

It's still the boss who knows the little things in their hearts, so flattering the boss's wife is naturally more effective than flattering the boss.

Jiang Shenghe finished what he needed to say, "The meeting is adjourned. Thank you for your hard work. Today took up everyone's rest time."

Later, in their work group, Jiang Shenghe gave out six red envelopes, and everyone got a share.

Exiting the meeting, Jiang Shenghe went to the terrace with a glass of water. Just in time, I saw a familiar figure coming out of the hotel and walking towards the beach.

Luo Qi took off her shoes and held them in her hand, stepped on the warm soft sand, and saw the vast coastline in front of her eyes. At this time, she actually missed Secretary Ju a little bit. It would be great if she was here. It passed without knowing it.

Laughing and laughing on the beach, three or five go together.

Luo Qi went to the deep water, and the waves came up from time to time, wet the skirt. She stood there motionless, thinking that Jiang Yueru would retire at the end of the year, she needed to make a good plan for the future.

At present, the management seems to have no personnel transfer, and there is no suitable seat for her. In fact, it doesn't matter whether the seat is suitable or not, you can get used to it slowly, as long as the annual salary is higher than the current one.

She is too short of money now.

This summer, she didn't buy a single piece of clothing. The skirt on her body was bought when she was in college. The style and color are not out of date, and she will wear it every year.

When I came back to my senses, there were only a few people left on the beach.

Luo Qi walked towards the hotel unhurriedly, thinking about work, and didn't pay attention to the people on the beach chairs in the rest area in front of her. When she looked up, she almost confiscated her feet. Jiang Shenghe was sitting there and was on the phone, with half a cigarette.

She immediately dropped the sandals and dragged them to her feet.

Jiang Shenghe chatted with the other party a few more words, "Come over the day after tomorrow, I have an appointment with someone tomorrow. Okay, let's meet and talk." Then he took up the cable and extinguished the cigarette in his hand.

Seeing him hang up the phone, Luo Qi said hello: "Mr. Jiang."

The hem of the skirt was dripping, the feet were covered with sand, and the hair was blown tousled. I had never been so unkempt.

What Luo Qi didn't know was that her hair was blown like this. In Jiang Shenghe's eyes, it was messy and beautiful. The suspender skirt on her was a style he had never seen before.

Jiang Shenghe only looked at her politely, but his eyes did not stay below her neck.

She has lost a lot of weight visibly in the past few days.

"Did you have dinner?" he asked.

Didn't eat, only ate a little fruit, but Luo Qi didn't tell the truth: "I ate some."

"I just finished my work, and I haven't had dinner yet." Jiang Shenghe said involuntarily: "Let Xiao Jiang come down, and treat you to supper."

Luo Qi didn't bring her mobile phone, "I'll call Xiao Jiang." By the way, she changed her clothes.

Going back to the room, she found trousers and a T-shirt to change into. The sea was windy, so she pulled up her long hair and took out her mobile phone to find Xiao Jiang.

Xiao Jiang lived on the first floor with her, knocked on the door a few times, "Xiao Jiang, it's me."

Xiao Jiang was discussing how to get along with Luo Qi in the group with colleagues from the president's office. Hearing Luo Qi's voice, he trotted to open the door, his heart was turbulent, and his face was as calm as usual.

He said politely, "Sister Luo, what's your order?"

Luo Qi smiled, "Mr. Jiang invited us to have supper and asked me to call you."

"Okay, wait for me for two minutes." Xiao Jiang went in to change clothes, unexpectedly he was the first to assist, the boss's speed is really good.

Luo Qi didn't leave, she waited by the door for him to go down together, not wanting to face the boss alone.

Xiao Jiang quickly changed her clothes, took her room card and went out.

He looked for something to chat: "I'm about to go out to look for food. Sister Luo, didn't you go to the beach?"

"I went, but I ran into Mr. Jiang on the way back. He said he didn't have dinner, so let's go together."

Xiao Jiang's tone was very natural, more like talking to himself: "I don't know what Mr. Jiang will invite us to eat tonight."

Luo Qi turned her face, "Boss Jiang often treats you to supper?"

In fact, today is the first time.

In the past, the boss often gave out red envelopes in the work group and asked them to eat by themselves. It was the first time that the boss invited them personally like today.

Xiao Jiang nodded sincerely, and said nonsense with her eyes open: "Well, basically we will be rewarded when we are on a business trip. Unless the schedule is tight, the other party will arrange meals throughout the process."

In the elevator, Xiao Jiang made a note in the group: [I lied to Sister Luo once today, saying that every time I go on a business trip, Mr. Jiang treats us to supper. 】

Let other people know what to do, and don't let it go.

Whoever lied and what lied they lied must form a group announcement, and there must be no mistakes.

It's better not to know the boss's secret in the future, it's just terrible.

When Luo Qi and Xiao Jiang arrived on the beach, Jiang Shenghe had already told the hotel kitchen to ask the chef to cook a few light home-cooked side dishes with grilled lamb chops.

The home-cooked dishes are specially prepared for Luo Qi.

Before the supper is delivered, the meal is divided, and each person has a plate.

Luo Qi looked at her dinner plate, there were a lot of dishes, and there were four grilled lamb chops.

She asked Xiao Jiang: "Are you enough? I can't finish the lamb chops."

Xiao Jiang said cheerfully: "I'll help you solve one." He only dared to solve one.

Rocky still couldn't eat so much.

Jiang Shenghe originally wanted her to eat more, but seeing her in trouble, he couldn't bear it, and there was a trace of imperceptible pampering in his indulgence: "Give me two more lamb chops, and I will solve the rest by myself."

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