MTL - Seeking Happiness-Chapter 174 escape

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The person holding his hand doesn't know how long it has been running. When Shu Huan is about to look back, she suddenly remembers the story of God in the Old Testament that God wants to destroy the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah. It will suddenly look like Rhodes. The wife’s fear of becoming a salt column, because the scene of the human world’s **** is no different from the angel’s destruction of the city.

However, she can’t leave her awkward

Shu Huan still looked back and saw that it was a good time to run by herself. The beauty and appreciation of the heart have lost their shadows in the crowds, and there is darkness everywhere. There is no darkness, it is a thick smoke, which limits her. The scope of the eye.

She burst into the heart, the shock stopped, and she gasped fiercely, and she muttered to her good demeanor: "They are two?"

Liang Chen was calm again on weekdays. When he arrived, he would be completely panicked. The frequency of breathing was not lower than that of Shu Huan. When he was asked, he remembered that there were still two people. When he looked back, he was also amazed.

"I don't know..." Liang Chen coughed up sharply as soon as he opened his mouth.

Shu Huan's gap took out the water bag in the escape bag. Even if she was thirsty, she didn't dare to drink too much. She only handed it to Liang Chen after drinking two.

Cool water and throat, she went up the spirit, and her mood was slightly flattered. She only said one word: "Looking for"

Only the city people who have been shocked by the sudden loss of the soul have already ran out to find a safe place. People everywhere, even if they are not crowded, will undoubtedly increase the difficulty of finding people.

"Beautiful view--" Shu Huan stepped on the rubble and tried to scream, but the surrounding area was too noisy, and the sound was not far away. Moreover, she was also injured by the crack, and the voice shouted and dumb. .

Liang Chen helps to shout: "Rewarding -"

No one answered, only heard the wave of shouts from afar. In addition to them, there are many people who are running away with their loved ones calling for search.

Can not scream twice, Shu Huan coughed up, had to stop, poured two water pressure.

At this time, Liang suddenly screamed, panicked back a lot of steps, Shu Huan hurriedly looked over at her, saw a pile of collapsed bricks in front of a pile of **** hands.

"Damn" Shu Huan couldn't help but curse God, stuffed the water bag back into the escape bag, went to the brick pile to dig people, but did not dig for a long time, another wave of vibration began, originally pressed on it The masonry was shaken and collapsed, and the man was buried in an instant.

Can't save at least she is powerless at the moment

Shu Huan bit his teeth back a few meters, avoiding the bricks and broken wood that are constantly falling, and wait until the vibration gradually stops -

"Going", she didn't want to look at the scene before her eyes. She turned and ran.

The earthquake is still happening, and sometimes it is still very strong. Even if there are no high-rise buildings in ancient times, there are no large billboards and telephone poles on the street. It can be said that even if we escaped halfway life when we escaped from the house during the earthquake, she intuitively I think it is very insecure here.

Liang Chen’s follow-up: “What about the heart and the beauty?”

"When the situation is not so chaotic, I will find it again." Shu Huan couldn't help but blame herself: "I also blame me, I don't know what to do if I run away."

She prepared the escape package and imagined what might happen, but she didn't think it would happen. She was just prepared and doing something to reassure her, but she didn't expect the situation to be worse than she thought.

Liang Chen looked back and looked back, but still did not see the appreciation and beauty, and quickly asked two steps: "Where are we going?"

Shu Huan’s footsteps paused, yes, she was completely fainted.

It’s useless to run without a trace, and I forgot to ask if there is any open space near Liangchen.

“Where is it empty, there is no house?”

Liang Chen shook his head: "I rarely come out, I am not familiar with the city."

"What about outside the city?"

Liang Chen pressed his flustered mood and thought: "When I went out with my wife to go to the Buddha Temple, I saw a wasteland on the road, no forest, weeds, and now I don't know..."

She did not finish her words, Shu Huan had handed a piece of candy to her: "Eat, you should know the beauty of this place, maybe we can meet them there."

Liang Chen hurriedly stripped the sugar paper, put the candy in his mouth, and followed Shu Huan again.

As the horror paused and ran all the way to the gate, the two noticed the situation around the body and found that the earthquake was particularly strong. The rooms that were still intact were almost invisible, all were semi-collapsed or collapsed, and some The road was shaken by deep cracks, the wider cracks could not jump over, and they had to walk around the road. They even saw that someone fell into the narrow crack, and was caught halfway, struggling. Not out.

They are still lucky. Because they have been prepared for a long time, they set off their escape bags and ran out of their homes in the first time of the earthquake. Until now, they were not injured, but others were not so lucky, and they were hurt. The hands and feet can be seen everywhere, and the head is smashed and bloody, and the two and three are helping each other to escape.

Some women lost their children, burst into tears, were forcibly towed away by others, and others yelled like crazy, screaming at the smashing piles of wood, trying to rescue the buried ones. Loved ones.

In the scene of the horror, as a knife cuts the heart of Shu Huan, a city full of prosperity, in a twinkling of an eye, it becomes a ruin. I don’t know if Gu Xiran is far away. I have not been affected by this earthquake. I don’t know Ji Danqing. If you escape, you are still safe.

There is no curfew in this city, but after the night, the gates are always locked and closed. It is not easy to go out. At this moment, I don’t know what important person has escaped, or the soldiers who guard the gates have escaped. The two gates of the city were open and stood there, like a giant mouth that constantly swallowed the escape.

In addition to the opening of the city gate ~ the city wall has also been collapsed half, so it is easy to go out, crowded stamping and the like will not happen. It was only at this meeting that Shu Huan suddenly had a thought. After pulling out the city, he would take the road to the empty wasteland and run the road: "We will wait a moment here to see if it will meet the beauty and enjoyment." If you can’t meet it, it’s not too late.”

It’s true that they are waiting to run out of their own, and they are better than looking for nothing.

The two men found a relatively empty space, and they would not sit down in the place where the wall collapsed. While resting, they turned their heads around and looked around to try to find the sights and beautiful scenery from the crowd.

The sky is not beautiful, the sky has already been dark, and suddenly the sound of wind and thunder is gathered. The waves of thunder tumbling in the sky, the lightning is as if it is tearing the sky, not much rain It was watered down, and the fire that had been set in the city was poured out.

Heavy rain, everything is blurred.

Shu Huan is a water, and Liang Chen is next to each other, feeling the earth once again trembles, my heart is very empty and confused, I don't know if this rain is good or not.


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