MTL - Seeking Good Temptation-Chapter 14 School grass special pet 14

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On the rooftop, looking at the woman in front of him, sharp and cold with a look, "You deliberately contact with white, what do you want to do?"

Huang Xiaoqi smiled apologetically. "Sorry, I just want to see what the person who makes my fiancé look like."

Gao Yuan looked at her and his words were embarrassed. "Huang Xiaoran, how many times do you want me to tell you? I am no longer a Lujia person, and I will not marry you. If you want to marry, go to the land." Far away!"

Huang Yuran caressed his long hair, a faint road. "A Yuan, you are so angry, is it because I just exposed our relationship in front of the little sister named Bai Xun?"

Gao Yuan’s body is stiff, he hasn’t explained it to Bai Xun, and he doesn’t know if he will think about it. Looking at Huang Ruran, he was cold and cold.. "What relationship? Dolls? What time is it..."

Huang Xiaoran did not argue with him, just said: "Lu Bobo still doesn't know about this. He just thought that you should go back after playing for two years. You said that if he knew that you were in a poor women's association. What is the reaction?"

Gao Yuan’s angry face showed a bit of sneer. “What do you mean? Are you threatening me with him?”

"I just want to say, you can't escape, Lujia can give you everything, no Lujia, you are nothing, nothing can be obtained. Including Bai Xing."

Gao Yuan’s eyes are full of cold light. The more angry he is, the more he says that Huang’s words have poked his pain points.

"Huang Weiran..." He just wanted to let the other side roll away, and a male voice interrupted him.


Su Shi, who looked at Wenrun’s face and faintly angered, approached slowly, and frowned and frowned. “Su Hao? What do you want to say?”

Su Shi’s warm eyebrows are cold. “I just want to tell you, no matter what you did before, what to do, but since you have a fiancee, don’t entangle the little search.”

Gao Yuan’s eyes have changed.

Su Shi’s word, cold and cold.. “Don’t give her hope, don’t let her heart be wasted on you.”

"What are your qualifications to say this?"

"Because I will pursue her from today, I will protect her."

Condensed on the high side, but the palm is tightly held. How should he explain it to him? This is the truth, what will the other party think about him? If it is exposed, will Bai Xing be in danger?

When Su Shi turned and prepared to go, she saw Huang Ruran, and the other smiled softly. "Su Hao, I haven't seen you for a long time. I haven't had time to say hello to you. I have been looking forward to seeing your paintings since the last game. Work with you."

Su Shi looked at the hand in front of him and didn't hold it. He just returned a polite smile. "I am looking forward to it, but before that, Miss Huang may have to spend more time thinking about her fiancé."


On the other hand, Bai was looking forward to Su Shi and Gao Yuanqi brushing are rising. My heart is happy.

Sister Huang is really a mascot. When I come out, let them feel good!

Xiaoya, who was waiting for the white to pick up things, saw her eyes empty and motionless. Some worried about her, "Little search, are you okay?"

"Ah?" Bai searched back and smiled. "Nothing."

Xiaoya saw that she had misplaced the things in her hand and sighed. "Hey, look for it, do you really like Gaoyuan?"

"What are you talking about, how come?... I, I am just..." Bai Xun couldn’t go on, and the voice gradually went down.

She didn't look away, staring at the palm of her hand.

The help to send cotton pants to the hospital, will go home in the middle of the night, part-time home, will fight for himself, will say those who make her blushing words ... he originally had a fiancee, then what is she? What was the last night?

"What can I like about him?" Bai searched for a sore nose. She quickly returned to God and sucked her nose to reveal a comforting smile. "I don't have a problem with Xiaoya. Don't worry. I am almost something, I am. Go to the storage room and look for it. Xiaoya, go back first."

“Little look?” Xiaoya worried about her, but she just left her own picture bag and left.


White found the storage room, did not turn on the lights, the inside was dark, she found a quiet and hidden corner, quietly staying there.

Sure enough, when I got off work, the people who looked after the storage room thought that there was no one inside, and locked the door directly.

Bai Xun was in the dark room, waiting quietly.

The other party will wait for her to come back to sleep every night, and after today's things, he must have a lot of words to explain to her, so she will come to her.

She took out her mobile phone and looked at it. There was no signal inside.

At this time, Gao Yuan was upset by Su Shi’s words. He drove Huang Qiran and went home to find Bai Xun.

It was only that he waited until dark and didn't see her.

It is impossible for the school to have classes at this time. He waited for another two hours, even if he was looking for a part-time job, he should return. Some people worried that the mobile phone couldn't get through. He didn't worry about going out to go to the place where he went to the whites. He didn't have any news.

Gao Yuan looked more and more anxious, and finally called Xiaoya.

"Ah? You said Xiaochao? Has she not returned yet?"

"In the afternoon, she said she would go to the storage room to find something, let me go first."

"Thank you, I will go to school to have a look."

On the other side of the phone, Xiaoya listened to some of the eager voices of Gao, and suddenly paused. Suddenly, "What are you thinking about?" During this time, what you did, I don't believe you don't like Xiaoxu. However, don't you have a fiancée? So, if you can't give her happiness, don't approach her again... In the afternoon, Xiao Xun didn't say it, but I can see that she is very sad."

"I know, I will handle it well." Gao Yuan’s voice is bitter.

When I heard that Bai Xun would be sad for him, I was happy and distressed for a moment. However, how can he explain it to him?

Just like Huang Ruran said, if Lu Jia knows her existence, she will definitely find a shot with the old man's character. When he does not know if he can protect her.

Gao Yuan’s thoughts were very chaotic. He rushed to the school with his eyebrows and tried to get the keys to the storage room.

The white waking up in the room, waking up through the small window, found that the outside was dark.

At this point, it is a little scary to stay in a dark and closed storage room. She doesn't even have to brew, she shakes her eyes and tears.

After a while, the sound of the key unlocked outside the door, Bai Xun slowly explored a head, and some of the scared voices also had a thick nasal sound. "Who?"

At this point, the school has been out of power, so the light of a flashlight came in, and a familiar tall figure gradually approached, not sure. "Small search? Are you?"

"A far!" Bai Xun almost couldn't believe it. She ran from a small corner and threw herself into the arms of Gao Yuan. With the crying nose and the deep grievances, "You finally came... It’s so dark, it’s terrible, no one, I’m cold and hungry...”

Gao Yuan tightened the person in his arms and only felt that his body was soft and thin, but it was cold, and he could not help but feel a distress.

He quickly took off his coat and put it on the white plaque. While patted her back, he whispered softly. "I am late, not afraid, now I am not afraid, I will take you out."

"Yeah." Bai Xun nodded in his arms, his body still trembled and gradually calmed down.

But if it is so simple, then her sin tonight is not ruined?

The door of the storage room suddenly made a loud bang, which seemed to be blown off by the wind.

Gao Yuan was shocked, "Odd!"

He quickly pulled white and ran to the door, but it was already late and the door was locked again.