MTL - Seal Cultivation for Self-Improvement-Chapter 58 Xu Hong Zhuji + System Upgrade

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Building... base?

Yu Qiu looked at the state of Xu Hong, feeling this strange fluctuation, and finally came up with these two words in his mind.

Xu Hong wants to build a foundation? No, he is now preparing to build the foundation! I will build the foundation soon!

Yes, Yu Qiu constantly confirms in his own heart that this kind of fluctuation is absolutely not wrong, that is, the preparation before the foundation is a prediction that a monk will build a foundation during the refining period.

Yu Qiu’s scalp was suddenly fried.

If Xu Hong is successful, a ghost in the district will naturally be ignored, but Yu Qiu can not feel the slightest joy. Because Xu Hong's situation is really too bad, no one can keep Xu Hong can support the consumption brought by this building. If you are not correct, it will be the same as when you broke through the Yuan Ying in the autumn. Not only can you not completely step through that step, but you will also die directly.

No... The probability of Xu Hong’s success in the moment is not guaranteed, it is impossible!

Because it was the same as Yu Qiu who was in the barge of the spirits, Xu Hong was in the depths of the Yin Cave, surrounded by thick yin, and could not reach enough aura!

Therefore, when the monk is practicing in the Yindong, he will carry a transfer symbol with him. Once he feels the opportunity of the breakthrough, he will immediately inspire before the breakthrough, leaving the real breakthrough process outside the hole.

But at this moment, Xu Hong obviously cannot have this condition. To know that the transmission character is the symbol of the base period, not to mention even if there is a transmission character in the autumn pocket, it is no good to touch Xu Hong.

Xu Hong couldn't even force his own construction process because his foundation was actually in a coma. What's more, if he doesn't build a foundation, he probably will die.

Yes, only Xu Hong built a foundation at this time, and there is only a chance.

Yu Qiu took a deep breath and finally decided to make a decision: If so, let him build it!

However, it is a life of nine deaths, this is the death of nine! However, it is not exposed to the aura... but it is not exposed to the aura...

Yu Qiu bit his teeth and slammed out a lot of symbols.

A lot of them are all polysexual.

His life has generally erupted with an impulse, using the 箓 箓 箓 还在 还在 还在 还在 还在 还在 还在 还在 还在 还在 还在 还在 还在 还在 还在 还在 还在 还在 还在 还在 还在 还在 还在 还在 还在 还在 还在 还在 还在 还在 还在 还在 还在 还在 还在 还在 还在 还在 还在 还在 还在 还在 还在 还在 还在Xu Hong, who is constantly waving in his hand, inspires a lot of the colorful charms in one breath.

Ten, twenty, thirty... At this moment, even in the autumn, there are countless numbers of how to provoke a lot of polyphony, only know that the soul power that they have not been much has been consumed like water. Finally, there was no dripping water left, and the headache almost made him faint.

A kind of poly-feel can not affect those strong yin, ten gongs, may not be able to communicate to the aura outside the yin through a full four-layer barrier, but now it is nearly a hundred!

After only a moment of calm, the entire cave seemed to start to vibrate slightly. The vibration was getting more and more open, and then there was a bit more roaring.

Boom! boom! boom!

Countless auras swept through like a torrent of water, smashing from the outside of the yin hole, pouring it straight down, and smashing every time you encounter a barrier! I have been squatting to the fourth floor of the Yindong, and I am in the position of the character used in the autumn, and I am next to Xu Hong!

The power of a stack of nearly a hundred polysenses is terrible.

Yu Qiu was suddenly rushed out by the rushing aura. When he got up and saw it, the ghosts were everywhere. Gao Conghan and the ghost would be good, all of them were smashed out, and then the dumplings were like a plop Falling back to the ground, the east fell.

In the very center of the aura of anger, only Xu Hong floated.

Then the aura began to rotate, and the torrent began to change direction. It continued to rotate around Xu Hong and poured into Xu Hong's body.

With this rotation, there are flying sands everywhere, and the ground shakes.

Yu Qiu was stunned.

In the midst of it, Yu Qiu suddenly felt that he had made a mistake...

But he doesn't know how much more to use in the yin hole. The so-called ignorant is not guilty...

Hey! I was thinking, and a huge stone fell sharply on my head. It was next to the autumn body, and it scared his face white.

Desperate! If this hole really collapses, how can you escape?

Fortunately, just after this moment, the rushing airflow finally calmed down.

Aura has been inhaled by Xu Hong. I saw that Xu Hong quietly floated there, his eyes were still closed, and only four weeks of fluctuations could tell others that the monk was building a foundation.

The building of such a huge momentum...only this one...

Even the femininity seems to be stunned by this movement. After a long while, the ghost will react, screaming and rushing toward Xu Hong, and wants to re-catch this food into his hands.

Yu Qiu silently ordered the candle.

Xu Hongyi opened his eyes.

In this blink of an eye, Xu Hong’s body burst into a sword. The flying sword of Xu Hong’s waist is still lying at the entrance of the Yin Cave, but there is no sword in his hand. He is a sword himself. Every sword repair, the sword that broke out when the boundary breaks out, is the purest, the clearest, the powerless, as if the sword repair itself.

Xu Hong’s sword is like this. It is long, smart, and full of change, but it is rooted in the deepest firmness in the deepest, just like the path taken by this decade of refining.

The sword is pure to strong, but the nemesis of the femininity.

When Xu Hong completely opened his eyes, the ghosts in the base period will disappear without a trace, leaving only a little yin floating in the air.

Gao started from the cold station and was opposite to Xu Hong.

Gao Conghan is now deeply enlightened, and his mind is in chaos. He has never remembered who the person is in front of him, and he completely forgot why Xu Hong stood here. He only remembered that he was chasing this person along the way, and he wanted to hold this person firmly in his hands. At the moment, Xu Hong is almost in front of him, and those obstructing things have finally disappeared. Gao Gao excited himself, and he thought about it without he thought.


Xu Hong burst into a burst, "You are this magic repair! Really crazy!"

"Wait..." Yu Qiu felt that he should explain this misunderstanding.

But it is not equal to the export of a sentence in the autumn, Xu Hong has already taken a high sword from the cold. Gao Conghan was unprepared, and he was drawn far away at once. He fell in the darkness of the other side of the road and made a loud noise.

Yu Qiu only silently gave the high candle from the cold.

"Yu Shidi?" Xu Hong saw this in autumn. "How come you are here? Could it be that magic repair..."

"No," Yu Qiu quickly explained, "I am here to save you."

As a result, Xu Hong not only did not thank him, but also blamed it. "It’s a mess! You think you can deal with that magic repair!"

Yu Qiu wiped the sweat, "In fact, the magic repair... is also to save you..."

Xu Hong is amazed.

"Although he made you like this, but he regrets it, so he took me to save you... cough, really, although he is a magic repair, but it is actually a good person, that is, sometimes the brain does not Too normal." Yu Qiubian said that his forehead sweated. It is really difficult to convince Xu Hong to believe in Gao Conghan and not to reveal his identity.

Having said that, how did Gao Conghan still not come over? Could it be that Xu Hong’s blow was so embarrassing that Gao Conghan could not climb?

Yu Qiu quickly took the light to walk toward the end of the road, and really saw the high lying on the ground from the cold, and did not move.

Yu Qiu raised his head and looked at Xu Hong, who was bending his brow.

"He... is it really to save me?" Xu Hong asked with a brow.

Yu Qiu nodded.

Xu Hong sighed and was about to say something. There was a loud noise coming from the ground, and the entire Yindong suddenly shook!

In the blink of an eye, even the ground under the feet of several people was paralyzed. Then I only listened to the sound of the bang, and the cracks on the ground were stacked one on top of the other, as if the lightning spread across the night sky spread, and the ground was instantly split!

The ground from which Gao was cold was the whole collapse, and even people fell into the abyss below.

Yu Qiuben wanted to rush over, but he even stood unsteadily, but for a moment, the ground under his own feet turned out to be a step. At the moment of the millennium, Xu Hong took advantage of Yu Qiu and swayed the sword, chasing away from the place where the high fell from the cold.

But the illumination can't be so far away, the high-cold figure is swallowed up by the whole darkness, and it can't be found anyway.

Even worse, the entire Yin Cave collapsed!

It’s really falling!

Xu Hong looked at it all with his face, and with the boulder falling from the top in the autumn, he couldn’t help but smile. "How can it be so bad! It’s hard to build a foundation, but I haven’t had time to be happy. I have encountered this kind of thing."

Under the collapse of the Yindong, even if he has built a foundation, it is difficult to escape by building a foundation.

Yu Qiu did not say a word for a long time, Xu Hong thought he might have been scared.

In fact, Yu Qiu is really talking to another guy.

[Can be upgraded]

- Hey, how can you upgrade, isn't it still a few hundred years of experience? wrong! Look at the situation! This time you come to me and say upgrade!

[This is the time] The system is very calm, [Let's see it, maybe there will be a turn]

- Let's go up! It’s time for this, and I’m going to rise!

As soon as the voice fell, the ring marks on the wrist of the autumn flashed slightly. Compared with the last radiant movement, this system has finally mastered the correct way of low-key upgrade.

[Causal ring has risen to the third level]

I don't know if it is an illusion. Yu Qiu always feels that the tone of the system is a bit special, like a joy of a long-cherished wish, and some other kind of pleasure.

[Congratulations to the host, you can already master the final shape of the causal ring, you can start the causal function]

- Cause and effect? What the hell?

Just a word has just been asked, a thing has emerged in Yu Qiu’s mind.

It is a long-shaped thing, like a transparent sealed tube. The two ends of the long tube are engraved with a word, the left end is a red "Thai", and the right end is a blue "No".

[This is the causal slot]

In the middle of this long transparent tube, there are two kinds of liquids, the same red and blue, the red is next to the Thai on the left, the blue is on the right, the two liquids are at one end, and the two are incompatible. At the junction, it forms a very clear boundary line. At the moment, there is a lot of blue liquid in this transparent tube, and the boundary line is squeezed at the other end of the crucible, and the red liquid that is close to the left end of the Thai word is pressed almost into a slit.

Yu Qiuzhen suddenly stunned, and another huge stone fell above, although Xu Hong took him in time to escape, the edge of the boulder was pulled out of the autumn arm.

"How is it so unlucky!" Xu Hong still complained there, "It’s all over our heads!"

Yu Qiu clearly saw that when the stone scratched his arm, the blue liquid in the causal groove swayed a little more, and the boundary line was further squeezed to the red end of the Thai word. As for the red liquids that are close to the Thai characters, they are squeezed even more compactly. Yu Qiu even had a hunch that the red liquid seemed to have been squeezed to the extreme, as if a spring that was constantly being oppressed could rebound at any time, and could force it at any time to bounce off the boundary line.

[No extreme Thai come]

The explanation of the system is calm and calm.

But in fact, the red water that seems to have been squeezed by the blue liquid can no longer be smashed, as if it will bounce immediately at the next moment, still still there, never really rebounded.

[Causal slots can honestly record the good fortune and bad luck you have provoked, and tell you that it is easier to hit good luck or bad luck. Red is good fortune, blue is bad fortune, the luck of the average person is balanced, so if the bad luck is over, luck will naturally turn better, and the boundary line of good fortune will not go too far from the center. But you are different. The cost of changing your life has already made your causal balance extremely biased towards doom]

[But the causal slot can forcibly bring you good luck]

[The host uses all the remaining experience values ​​for one time, so you can choose a good luck by your own will, a "inevitable" good luck]

[Just note that whenever you encounter good luck, the red color that represents good luck will increase, let the boundary line shift to one of the "no", squeeze the blue that represents bad luck, that is, it will increase after the bad luck rebound The possibility, even if the good luck of using causal troughs is still following this principle]

[And the good luck that is produced by using the causal groove, the good value it consumes is far more expensive than the good luck that is naturally encountered]

[If you understand, you can try it now]

[Very amazing? Haha, it’s amazing, this is my life...]

When the system is halfway up, it will silently wait for the choice of autumn.

Yu Qiu also felt that he needed to be quiet, because what the system said was far beyond his knowledge. The second-level function that can be exchanged for swords and spells, etc., although powerful, can be a magic weapon that can do things. What is the cause and effect slot, is it something that magic can do? Forced to choose good luck, but even on the road of the centuries-old comprehension of the past, I have never heard of it.

But there is no condition at all for him to be quiet.

Yu Qiu bit his teeth and quickly made a decision. This is the time, the first-line transfer is good, have to fight!

- I pay all the experience and hope to get good luck so that we can escape smoothly.

- Let everyone escape smoothly!

[it is good]

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