MTL - Scum Male’s Whitewashing Manual-v2 Chapter 306 end

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Recently, the cos circle has been very lively, and the root cause is still because of a black horse that was rushed out of the event.

In the white snow, the man in the feathers, the indifferent man quietly looked over, and the girl with a big **** on his side followed him, looking up slightly, his eyes full of hope.

This photo was passed very smoothly in the circle.

[Who is lying in the trough! ! So handsome! ! Handsome fried! ! 】

[How have you not seen it before, newcomer! 】

[Is he without makeup? ? Look at a few good looks, mother! ! I am in love! ! 】

[Nothing upstairs, how can cos not make up]

[What is this photo to represent? Father and daughter? 】

[handsome to drool! 】

[Do you want to laugh at me on the upper floor? A discerning person can see that love is good, but this height difference is simply...]

[That is Baomei, I remember that Baomei’s height is OK, watching how to be like a child behind a handsome guy]

[Father and daughter plus one, the handsome guy’s eyes are too calm, as I see it is like the ruthless immortal in my heart, it is very illegal to fall in love.]

[Father and daughter plus two]

[plus three]

[Plus 10086]

"Ah, how are these people like this!!"

Zheng Baoqi's one closed the computer and complained to the friend who was laughing at the table. "What is a father and a daughter, I am a little baby face, but it is not a direct drop!"

My friend really wants to laugh and die: "Male god? Do you dare to say this to Wei Mingyan?"

Zheng Bao does not say anything.

Let her privately call two sentences, it is true to the defender, and the words can be brewed for a long time.

The friend is planning to continue to laugh at her two sentences, but see Wei Mingyan slowly coming from the long street outside.

It was raining today, and the pedestrians on the street had an umbrella. Of course, he also played it. It was a black umbrella. When he came over, his lips had a faint smile.

Zheng Bao's eyes brightened, and he hurriedly greeted him and went to help open the door: "Wang Ge, where have you been? I said today that I will go out to have tea together!"

"Go out and stroll around."

Wei Mingyan smiled and put a black umbrella on the side. When he put it down, he glanced casually at the outside. In the rain, some spirits fled after seeing him.


The friend suddenly screamed at the computer with amazement: "You look at Baomei, we went to the snowy mountain where we last took a lot of experts."

Zheng Baozheng looked at the male **** with one heart and mind, waving without interest: "Go and go, we are not there."

It was Wei Mingyan, slightly raising his eyebrows, Wen Wen asked: "Experts?"


As soon as the friend looked up, he was handsomely looked at by his handsome. It was inevitable that the two sisters liked the same man to appear in the Shura field. They forced themselves to bow their heads and read the contents of the computer: "It is said that it was a thousand years ago. The mausoleum of the royal family that did not unify the entire blue star was discovered. There were records in the tomb. When the country was in a drought, it was almost destroyed. The national division of their country changed its life and changed the fate of the whole country. At that time, the emperor ordered that the rare treasures of the country be collected and burial to the national division. Finally, according to the shackles of the national division, he was buried under the snow-capped mountains."

"In order to protect the body from rot, use the hail to bury it, the mouth contains the night pearl, and the side is filled with all kinds of rare jewels."

"But it is very strange. This said that the emperor of the Louguo has been insisting on the resurrection of the National Teacher's Association after the millennium, but it is recorded that after the mausoleum was built, he ordered the bombing of the door to enter and exit. What happened after the resurrection of the national teacher? Leave it?"

Wei Mingyan put down the black umbrella and Shiran went to her side. Looking at the contents of the computer, the lips twitched slightly: "It may be that even if there is no way, the national teacher can go out."

"Also, the national teacher, it is said that the national teacher at that time is really capable."

Zheng Bao saw Wei Mingyan interested and curiously came together. "Hey? The tomb of the royal family is empty?"

"Yeah, you read this and wrote it. This is just a cloak. The death of the royal family in the country is not buried in the ancestral mausoleum. Instead, it will smash the ashes on the snowy mountains. They insist that they can get the national division. Asylum, can also use their own royal blood to guard the national division, the countries that were not all before are not the guardian of the emperor? How come to the landlord is coming back."

Zheng Bao: "Maybe because he saved the whole country? The ancient people were cremated? The unprecedented consciousness, what kind of national teacher do they think is the national division?"

"There is only one national teacher in the country, that is, the one buried under the snow-capped mountains. It is really strange. Before and after this, there was no more national teacher in the country. How did the national teacher do it?"

"Is there anything recorded above?"

The friend shook his head: "No, but there is a record in the emperor's dress in the Louguo. It is said that the national teacher is sleeping for a thousand years... You see, they use sleep here, not dead, this country is much better. ""

Zheng Bao’s curiosity was lifted high, and he was eager to urge: “Hurry up and say, sleep for a thousand years, then?”

"The National Teacher predicted that when he woke up for a thousand years, he would still shelter the royal blood, but at that time, the country had long ceased to exist."

"At that time, the country should be regarded as the biggest country of the entire Blue Star?"

"Is there not written in the history book? Two hundred years ago, the royal family of the country was dying. The surrounding countries were stunned. The country also wanted to seek a position. At that time, the fire burned into the capital. When the rebels entered the city, they announced that the royal family was burned. In the city."

Zheng Bao is embarrassed to touch the nose: "History class is an open book test, generally do not listen to it."

"The royal family of the building died, and how did the national teacher wake up and protect the royal blood?"

"Who knows this, anyway, he predicted that the landlord will cease to exist after the millennium is correct."

The news content is a total of dry goods, friends say go to gossip, but Zheng Bao heart does not know why the heart is trying to know the follow-up, she opened her own computer to start searching and searching, during this period, Wei Mingyan always opened a book quietly.

"Hey? The royal family name is Zheng?"

The friend who is watching the gossip in the entertainment circle has turned a blind eye: "Baomei, how much do you love learning? Although the landlord has perished, but the good country is once the largest country, how many test sites are there? On the third year of high school, I see how you do the college entrance examination!"

Zheng Baoxiao smiled: "My other subjects are very good, that is, history is not good. I am not in a hurry. What are you rushing? Are we not rich in money? I have thought about this money, save it, and later Wait until you have enough to buy a room to wait for the appreciation, do the charter, and then have more money to pack a few small meat, and then..."

She was talking about the suede, and suddenly she remembered that the male **** was still on the side. When she looked up, she saw Wei Mingyan laughing at her, and her face was red.

"I, I mean, I have more money to eat meat in the future, and the meat is delicious."

Wei Mingyan’s smile is deeper: “Well, I support you.”

Zheng Bao's face is even redder.

Until the long-looking man who looked better than the gods went upstairs, the hot feeling on her face did not disappear. The friends on the side met, and the face was painfully scraped together: "Bao, you will not really Did you fall into the trap? Listening to the sister’s persuasion, Wei Ge is too fairy, and watching is not a world, you still don’t want to toss.”


Zheng Bao’s face was ashamed and shy: “I didn’t want to have anything to do with Wei Ge. You didn’t even look at me and didn’t dare to marry him! Just when I thought of my male **** so handsome, my heart was happy! I didn’t know before. Why do others chase stars, now I know it, ah ah ah ah, handsome!!"

My friend reminded: "Have you forgotten that you still have a male god?"

The beautiful girl looks confused and looks up: "Ah?"

"Zhang Xiangdong! I didn't want to confess to him before. I haven't looked for him since you came back from the snowy mountains? You haven't been swearing before? Are you squatting?"

Zheng Bao’s face immediately stinked: “Hey, I’m a ghost. We confirmed the relationship before we came. We didn’t want to look for him before. It’s he’s going to come. The result is that when the weather is cold, he runs less. If you don't meet Wei Ge, don't say bonuses, car money, equipment money, we have to put a lot of light into it!"

"Before I thought about what he would say if he had to apologize quickly. What happened? If there was no movement for three days, then there is nothing to say, and break up directly."



Don't look at Zheng Baoping when he saw a handsome guy called a male god. In fact, the real first love is only Zhang Xiangdong. At first he liked his face. Later, the two really came into contact with him. He also really regarded Zhang Xiangdong as a boyfriend. .

At the beginning, he said that he would like to participate in this competition. Zheng Bao didn't want Zhang Xiangdong, who had not participated in cos. He had to follow him. He followed them and put the pigeons in the middle of the road. They couldn't be angry. Zheng Bao can not be angry!

Just talking, there was another person walking outside on the long street. Friends patted Zheng Bao: "Hey! Zhang Xiangdong!"

The rain gradually stopped, but there were not many people on the street. Wei Mingyan stood on the second floor balcony and looked at a pair of young men and women underneath.

"I really had to go in a hurry at home. I was so busy that I couldn’t touch my feet for three days. Then I heard you here and I came here!"

"Don't be angry, hey, I apologize to you. I heard that you haven't congratulated you for winning the prize."

"Well, don't be angry. In a few days, you have to go back to school? I just drove the car and I will send you back, then we will go out for a big meal and meet my buddies."

Zheng Bao's cold look gradually softened with the boyfriend's enthusiasm, and Zhang Xiangdong saw it, and he was busy for a while.

Seeing him so sincerely, she licked her lips and was about to say that next time she was not allowed to do so, a sudden cough came from the door.

Zheng Bao turned his head and looked at it. He saw Wei Mingyan standing at the door, coughing softly, and a pair of scorpions looked at them.

"Wei brother."


Wei Mingyan coughed again and looked at Zhang Xiangdong, who was not looking at himself with his eyes: "So smart."

"Ah?" Zheng Bao looked at him doubtfully and looked at Zhang Xiangdong: "Do you know?"

Zhang Xiangdong said: "No, I have never seen him."

"I don't know, I just met one side in the morning." The good-looking man who is not like a real person smiled: "I went shopping this morning, just saw you coming out of the hotel with my girlfriend, and carrying the girl at the fountain. Sitting and kissing."

Zhang Xiangdong’s face gradually became ugly. “What are you talking about!! I arrived at noon today! What hotel!”

Wei Mingyan said with a fluttering voice: "I was quite eager to remind you at the time, because before you sat down, there were several children who took chalk on that piece for a long time."

Zheng Bao responded quickly and went to see Zhang Xiangdong.

Sure enough, the pants are white with a chalk print.

Her face turned back and forth between incredulity and anger, and finally slaps in the face of Zhang Xiangdong with a slap in the face.


Zhang Xiangdong squinted and didn't react. He saw the beautiful girl looking angry and turned away, leaving only the man who broke his good deed and stood looking at him with a smile.

"You, you are OK! You have kind!"

"Good boy, you give me waiting!"

Putting down the words, he turned and left.

Originally, I wanted to casually smash Zheng Bao. Even if I broke up, I broke the breakout. I didn’t expect to see it succeed, but I broke a bit of gold on the way.

He was not too angry. In his heart, he vowed to go back and check out the boy who had emerged from the middle of the road. He didn’t kill him. He Zhang Xiangdong followed his surname! !

As a result, Zhang Xiangdong went back to spend money to find someone to check, and did not find out what the man was.

In addition to knowing that he called Wei Mingyan, and Zheng Bao cooperated in a game, there is no other information.

He was reluctant to buy a passer to go around Zheng Baojia, and he still had nothing to gain. He could only give up.

Wei Mingyan, who Zhang Xiangdong could not find, left it silently after he left.

Before leaving, I only said a word to Zheng Bao: "Away from him, if there is someone you like, take him to rowing and play."

After that, under the snowy mountains, quietly opened a bookstore.

The owner of the bookstore is a very nice looking man. He always sits behind the desk and looks at the book quietly. His guests are few. When others ask if they will lose money, they will not care.

"I still have a part-time job."

No one can ask what his part-time job is. He only knows that the appearance of the bookstore owner has not changed over time. Before the attention of everyone, the bookstore disappeared silently as he did. Under the snowy mountains.

Zheng Bao was very decadent after the male **** left.

Later, Zhang Xiangdong showed her way to her, and various means emerged endlessly. However, she always had a flaw in her heart, and with the help of the male god, she did not agree to compound.

It was not until Zhang Xiangdong’s family went bankrupt that she realized that this person was actually a pervert. After paying a girlfriend, she liked to drunk people to let his buddies play, and then pretend to be himself the next day.

If the photo videos that were not saved after his downfall were exposed, no one could have imagined that Zhang Xiangdong, a rich young master, was actually such a person.

Because of this incident, Zheng Bao almost had a shadow in his heart. After almost five years, he re-appreciated a man, just because Zhang Xiangdong had been unable to open his heart.

She suddenly thought of what she said before she left.

Zheng Bao had a boyfriend to go boating, the oars fell in the water, neither of them could swim, and the mobile phone was inexplicably lost, and it should have been found that their staff had to work early.

There are always people who come to play there, and they should be discovered soon. But the sky doesn’t know why it’s foggy, and nothing foggy.

It was so amazing that they were trapped in the water center for two days.

In the past two days, Zheng Bao was not too hungry. They only brought a bottle of water and a little food. Because of this strange fog, no one can say how long they can sleep here.

It may be a few days, or a few weeks, or a few months.

The boyfriend did not blame Zheng Bao. She had been trying to comfort her with frightenedness. He only ate a small amount of food himself, and the others gave Zheng Bao.

Until the end of the food, they are likely to starve to death on the boat, he is comforting Zheng Bao.

On the third day, they were saved.

Zheng Bao and her boyfriend soon got married.

After the marriage, as the boyfriend promised at the wedding, he was consistent with her.

She is very happy.

When they were eighty years old, they were full of children and grandchildren. The husband walked for a few weeks before her. Zheng Bao missed him and died in a dream.

Open your eyes, but see her husband is laughing and waiting for her.

"I was going to leave after I died. I was stopped by the boss of a bookstore and told me to wait for you."

Zheng Bao followed him to the bookstore and saw Wei Mingyan, who was still as young as he remembered.

Wei Mingyan handed her a book with a gentle look: "This is your life. After reading it, go to the reincarnation."

Zheng Bao opened the book and saw his life.

From birth to death, she is happy.

She groaned: "Thank you."

The man like a fairy smiled: "Thank me for what?"

"Thank you for always guarding me."

She looked up and looked back and changed back to her youthful appearance, but she never lost her way in the past: "Actually, I found it."

"From the past to the present, only the Gu Guoguo teacher will wear a feather coat."

"It was exactly a thousand years that day."

Wei Mingyan seems to have long expected the general, the smile does not change: "You are a good boy, I just help you see the path of choice."

"Go, the descendants of the royal family, there are shades in front, and there will be Yu Ze, and you will get a good reincarnation."

Zheng Bao got up and looked at the bookstore with some hesitation. "In the end, I still want to be curious. How did you do it and resurrect after the millennium?"

"Because it helped a lot of people."

Wei Mingyan smiled, like an elder, touched the girl's head in front of him.

"It's like you."

"In the future, maybe I will go again, maybe I will stay."

Zheng Bao took her husband's hand and walked out of the bookstore together.

She turned and looked, the handsome man in the feathers stood at the door and watched them leave.

Zheng Baochong waved his hand: "Goodbye."

Wei Mingyan’s lips rose slightly and revealed a smile.


The author has something to say: it is also a clear statement to say goodbye to everyone.

All the little angels in this chapter have red envelopes before 10 o'clock tomorrow!

After thinking about it for a long time, he opened a bookstore. Every book in it is a person’s life. No one binds him. He just wants to open it himself. Maybe he will choose to go to various small worlds. Maybe Will stay in place, it can be considered an open ending.

Under the opening of the man to wear fast ["Redemption" fast wear], will open the text on the 7th or 14th of this month, count as a link ~

And, to finish the score, ask for five points! Strongly seeking! What are you begging for!

鞠躬 Thank you for your company’s companionship. There is a broken story of the author, and a long and long list of thanks!

The following broken thoughts:

The author of this book has written for more than half a year. I didn’t think that I could write so long for so long when I first wrote it. I didn’t expect so many little angels to accompany me, encourage me, fancy I, of course, have bad comments. I really can't accept it at first. I still remember the grievances because of the late update. The codeword was really shaking hands, but then everyone’s comfort made me A little bit calmed down. It was basically a time to go to the comments, and the whole heart could be said to melt.

After seeing any negative comments, the heart is as calm as water. I have so many little angels. Why do you care about one's ignorance?

In fact, my memory is very bad. For example, I shared one thing with you today. Under the chapter, there will be a little angel responding to the comments. At the time of reading the comments, I thought about thanking everyone in the words. When I update, Oh, I forgot, and then I think it’s already the next day, and it’s too late to reply. It’s a bit embarrassing to say it.

In fact, I am lazy, but also procrastination, every time I send a red envelope, the longest record is one month or two months, I remember that I sent a red envelope from one o'clock to twelve on a certain day. Desperate, this twitching Jinjiang has a pot.

I also admit that I was very boring at the beginning. At that time, I felt that I was really good and really genius. When I read it and looked back, it was not the original feeling. Thank you for your patience and accompanying this book. A little bit mature, I will continue to write down and try to keep everyone watching.

It seems that there is nothing to say.


It’s really over, it’s really a bit sad.

Then, goodbye, everyone.

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