MTL - Scum Male’s Whitewashing Manual-v2 Chapter 299 The villain of the rebellious realm (15)

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Gu Xingxue raised the realm in front of himself and gave the three ladies a big impact. Especially after the family owner knew the incident and directly banned her, the three ladies were almost ill.

She has been eager to cultivate and reorganize her team. However, she has not yet waited until she is well-trained. The seven-bedroom couple have eaten the foundation of the foundation and become a base-study. This has already spread throughout the government.

That is Zhuji Dan! ! !

Not to mention the mortal world, even the true world, those first-class sects are reluctant to take the foundation to eat for mortals.

Can be such a good thing, actually got two in the seven rooms.

They are also brought back by Gu Xingxue, who has just left home.

For a moment, I received a letter from Gu Yuling some time ago. I think that Gu Xingxue is a person who has been cheated and does not talk. Whoever deceives will take out two treasures such as Zhuji Dan to lie, if this is cheated They are also looking forward to someone who can lie to themselves like this.

The letter is true, and it is true that Kedan can be built. In particular, Gu Qi and Mrs. Gu directly became the foundation, but everyone is in the eye.

For the first time, the owner of the family had envied his son and daughter-in-law. To be honest, if Gu Xingxue was her granddaughter, and she was still following the Jindan period, he could not help but want to One of them is building a base.

That is Zhuji Dan, even if his current cultivation has already been built, he can be old, and he can build a base, and extend his life for a hundred years. This kind of temptation, who can resist.

After knowing that his son and daughter-in-law had already taken it, the family had to squat a few times and had to let go.

Just waiting to know that his son and daughter went to the realm with the granddaughter, he pondered for a moment, and he still called his son and daughter.

"Let us guard against the feathers?"

After listening to what Gu’s family said, Mrs. Gu repeated it as soon as she was surprised.


Gu Jiazhu looked at the son who was bored and said nothing. He also guessed that he knew why he said this. He looked at the headache and looked at the daughter-in-law who was raised in her family or husband’s house. The granddaughter who can take out the building of Keijidan is patiently explaining: "You don't feel bad about your body. This is what the whole government knows. Gu Yuling who is around you will not know this?"

The look on Gu’s face suddenly fell down. Yes, Gu Yuling couldn’t know, there were many times. The little daughter she had been raising around was so gentle. She should never be too tired, and her health would be bad. Pay more attention to rest similar words.

Everyone knows that she is not irritated, but the Yuling who is raised by her side can pass the things that disappeared in the snow.

Seeing the look on the face of the daughter-in-law is like a solution. The family owner then said: "If Gu Yuling only tells you and me, then there is nothing, but she has said that the Manchu people are clear, this is not just her. Not thinking about the whole thing, but like, she deliberately wants to make the disappearance of the snow known to the world."

"This time, since the snow has won the reward of her master, let you have a fairy tales, after you go to the realm of cultivation, you both will practice and do not care about other things, especially not to intervene between their two sisters. thing."

Gu’s expression was still ignorant, but Gu Qi could understand it. She immediately nodded and said seriously: “Father, we know.”

The family owner only let go of his heart and looked at the son-in-law who was already a master of the building. He screamed: "I didn't expect that you two could actually have this chance."

He didn't talk to the two people about how to deal with the three ladies. For those who have already embarked on the path of practice, the life expectancy will be far more than the two couples in the whole family. The three ladies are just an ant on the road. Step on, because she didn't even have the qualifications to look at them.

When Gu Xingxue left with her parents, the three ladies were still bedridden, and indeed, as the family thought, she thought about it thoroughly. A person who had looked down and even hostile had boarded the path of Immortal. Hey, life expectancy is getting longer and longer, and she can only watch her old age every day, and she is sick and dead.

This may be the biggest punishment.

Gu Xingxue quickly rushed to the realm of comprehension with his parents, and this time, the trial of Tianye Zong is about to begin.

When she learned that she was back, Wei Mingyan did not go to see her parents, but she told her to settle the two old people and let some of them take care of them.

"Now we have to expose their relationship with you. After a while, something will happen, and don't let them follow them."

Gu Xingqi raised his head in confusion: "What is it?"

The white fairy above looked at her quietly and said: "Yes, you really should know."

As he said, his lips twitched slightly, revealing a familiar smile.

"After all, this is the first time we have cooperated with our teachers and students."

"You are not sure what to do with your sister?"

"I want to give you an idea, how?"


The Tianye Zong’s comparison test has always been held in Tianye City. The central part of the city’s city is placed in a trial space. The elders of a group of Zongmen sit in the upper position and look at the juniors’ test. .

Tianye City has always been prosperous, especially during the five-year trial period. The residents of the city came out to see the excitement early, and some of them went to the gates of the city to help people lead the way. Sometimes they could get a low-quality stone. The reward.

Tianye City does not allow the flying boat to fly in the sky. Therefore, Gu Yuling followed the same three teachers who came through the first test and came in. When they came, they had already looked at the city gate and looked at them. See them. Both of them are young and have no other elders to lead the way. One of the legs ran quickly. They nodded and asked: "The two girls need to lead the way? It will only start tomorrow. You can be here today. I strolled around the city. I grew up in Tianye City. I have to eat, drink, and play in this city. Which hotel is the most comfortable in the hotel, it’s clear! You can hire if you don’t recognize the road. I only charge one low-quality stone."

Gu Yuling saw that the clothes on his body were still patched, and it was such a low-spirited attitude, and the beautiful eyebrows immediately wrinkled.

Since the time she was surrounded by people, she was a jeweler. When I saw such a person, I immediately refused to open my mouth. The three sisters who did not recognize the road first said her first: "Okay, we hire you, bother We both went to the best inn."

"Hey! Good!"

This splendid and very diligent response, immediately began to lead the way: "You are here two."

"Sister, we might as well go to the scattered training there."

Gu Yuling does not understand why the three divisions want to let such a person lead the way. She only looks over there. It is clear that there are a lot of well-dressed dresses waiting to lead the way. They want to go to the inn to see the other side. People don't become.

The three sisters hold the sword, and some strangely looked at Gu Yuling: "Why are you only looking for these meditations? This predecessor knows that you are higher than you and me, and he will be less." trouble."

Gu Yuling did not really see it. She was still not used to comprehending the real world to judge a person. "But he is wearing a ragged, and it is higher than the two of me. If it is a heartache."

The sights of the three divisions were full of strange moments. "What are you talking about? The predecessor is wearing a banned clothing, not to mention the clothes of the disciple of Yu Xuezong. Who is the whole Tianye City? Dare to start with us?"


She is very serious: "He is higher than us. We are not far away. He can hear what we say very clearly. You don't need to be so whispered."

Can you hear what they said? ?

Gu Yuling’s face immediately burned like a hot red, then she was demeaning that this man’s words were not clearly heard?

Fortunately, the face in front of the scattered face did not show any reaction, but the natural introduction of the look: "There is no grain in the two, we are also delicious in Tianye City, if you want, one I will give you an errand fee, I can send it directly to the inn."

"There are a lot of markets there, and they are generally followed by the test of Tianyezong. Once every five years, what kind of spirits, medicines, swords, and secrets are all kinds of things, but there are also many scammers there. If the two want to see it, they must pay attention to whether they will be deceived."

As I spoke, suddenly a beast appeared in the eyes of Gu Yuling. She was so scared that she stepped back and showed tension.

"Don't be afraid, this is the spirit of the Lord, not the one in the wild, but the owner's words."

The scattered repairs comforted the sentence and said, while the envious look of the head of the beast left a sigh: "I don't know which disciple is actually able to afford the beast."

In the impression of Gu Yuling, the three masters who have not been interested in foreign objects have also shown some interest in their faces. Looking at the beast and the beast, "Is this a lot of spiritual stones?"

"Nature, the beast and the beast, the bigger the value, the more valuable it is. The most valuable thing at the moment is the fire green beast. If you don’t say it, you can spit out the flame when you are born, and you will be loyal to the Lord."

The three teachers said: "I heard that Tianye Zong raises one."

"No, the Tianye Zongguo is really the first door. The price of this fire beast is enough to build a new sect."

"Tianye Zong does not allow the flying boat to enter, but the spirit beast can come in. You can see a lot of spirit beasts every time you compare. If you are interested, I can take you to the market to see if there is any sale."

"But it."

The three divisions directly refused to say: "I can't afford it."

Gu Yuling also listened to the teacher who taught them to practice the beast, but she was afraid that these beasts were not very interested when she was a child. Now that she knows the meaning of the beast, the heart immediately has a yearning.

If she can have such a beast...

Suddenly there was a loud noise around them, and they were shocked and looked up at the direction of the city gate. Even the chattering stunned and almost stunned the chin.

"Fire Green Beast..."

“It’s actually a fire beast!!!”

"Which sect is so rich, use the fire green beast as a mount!"

Gu Yuling also looked at the past, and she saw that a giant beast was coming over. Wherever he went, pedestrians avoided it.

While letting, I sighed how many Lingshi needs for the fire beast.

Gu Yuling has no time to sigh.

She was shocked and widened her eyes.

Sitting on it, it is actually taking care of snow!

Read The Duke's Passion