MTL - Scum Male’s Whitewashing Manual-v2 Chapter 297 The villain of the rebel faction (13)

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In the five years of comprehension, the juniors under the age of 30 will gather together and try again. Whether it is a small gate or even a loose repair, as long as the age is not exceeded, they can participate.

As the first wealthy sect in the realm of comprehension, Tianye Zong has a secret in addition to Lingshi. When time arrives, Tianye Zong will specially make a pass, first test the bone, and then use a piece. Lingshi is in exchange for a pass.

There are many people in the comprehension community. Often there are more than 10,000 people who have signed up at the beginning. These people will be sent to the secrets. They have already raised some spirit beasts, as well as all kinds of rare flowers and poisons, and the passports in the hands of everyone. They all represent their qualifications. After being deprived of the pass, the young repairers who have no pass will be automatically sent outside by the secret. Until the final 50 people are selected, they will start at Tianyezong. Formal test.

When the business sect announced that it was possible to start, countless young practitioners went to Tianye City, which naturally included Gu Yuling.

She has never been to the secrets. Now she is too low-minded. When she thinks about comparing with so many people, she immediately has a courage in her heart. This time, the Master has not come out. There are only the youngest three sisters.

Gu Yuling didn't like the three sisters very much. She always felt that she was too masculine, and that the teacher obviously liked the third division sister to her, but she was very sad.

But now, at first glance, the only one who is familiar with it is such a three-sister. Gu Yuling bites his teeth and goes to the three-sister who is wearing a disciple suit with himself. He asks in a whisper: "Sister, wait until you go." The secret, do we want to go together?"


The three sisters twisted their eyes and looked at the little sister in front of her. Although she didn't like Gu Yuling very much, but before she left, Shizun specially asked him to take care of the younger sister, so he only slightly frowned and asked: "You are afraid. ?"

Forget it, it’s a big deal when she arrives with Gu Yuling. Although the younger sister is too temperamental and has a temperament, she is also a sister. If she is afraid, she should of course protect her sister. Sister.


Looking at the chilly look of the three divisions, Gu Yuling’s eyes were dark and the heart was full of dissatisfaction.

However, it is a woman who can't even work with needles. Why do she look at herself like this every time?

Gu Yuling is not willing to admit that she is not afraid. Fortunately, she did not intend to say this reason. She just whispered in a very gentle tone: "I am not afraid, just heard that the three divisions do not recognize the road, thinking if we If you are traveling with two people, I can help you lead the way."

The three teachers did not expect this reason, and did not think much. They looked loose and waved their hands: "Nothing, I am in the secret world, even if I meet other Zongmen people, I will not be able to grab him." The pass is that, when the time is up, the secret will naturally send us out."

Although I did not intend to accept the good intentions of the teacher and sister, the look of the three divisions has been moderated a lot. Some of them have secretly felt that the sisters are too tweaked.

She is clearly very good, but fortunately did not say it before.

I don’t know that Gu Yuling, who has been promoted to a good heart in the heart of the third division, has a stiff look. I have never thought that things will become like this.

She said in front of her that she was not afraid. Afterwards, she was naturally not good at what she said. She had to go back to her seat and sit down. She just waited until the secret, and her expression was very stiff.

She is on the road, Gu Xingxue and Wei Mingyan are also on the road.

Different from other scattered repairs, they bought the flying boat directly, and it is the largest and most luxurious one.

Along the way, people on other small flying boats saw this one compared with them. Just like a giant shark than a small koi, they couldn’t help but look at it.

Which is this sect, so ho.

Gu Xingxue had never come to repair the real world before, and did not know what the value of the flying boat was equivalent to, but she knew that it was tens of thousands of Lingshi in this flying boat.

For Gu Xingxue, who only has a two-digit spiritual stone from her family, she has been somewhat embarrassed by Wei Mingyan’s lavish ambition.

The most embarrassing is still behind.

Bai Yixian stood on the deck and looked at the look outside. He whispered: "If you can make the last fifties left, I will give you two Jianji Dan."

Gu Xingxue has been stunned for a while.

If the flying boat is expensive, Zhuji Dan is a hundred times more expensive than him.

The flying boat can only be used for flight, but the building of the base can allow the unfounded people to directly build the foundation. From then on, they will completely get rid of the mortal and add the hundred-year-old life.

Gu Xingxue, who has just broken through the foundation, didn’t need these, but she still has a pair of parents, all of whom have no way. If there is no accident, they will be separated by yin and yang in the future.

If you have this building base...

If Gu Xuexue doesn't want it, it is a fake, but that is her parents, who raised her.

Perhaps it is to see the shackles on Gu Xing's face. Wei Mingyan added another sentence: "If you feel embarrassed, when you go to the secret, there is a danger in the life of the disciples of Tianye, and you save him. Even if it is still my feelings."

Gu Xingxue looked at the handsome white man in front of him: "But you and Tianye Zong..."

Doesn't it mean that Wei Mingyan has already rebelled against Tianye Zong?

"You don't have to ask. If they are in danger, you will save them. If you don't have one, don't keep your hands."

Wei Mingyan’s expression was faint, adding another sentence: “The realm of cultivation is not as beautiful as you think. In it, how long it is, if you are defeated, you will not be able to build Kedan, but you will be severely punished.”

Gu Xingxue slightly licked his lips and held a sword: "Yes."

She is not afraid of the upcoming battle, but is full of eagerness to quit blood, and this excited little flame is now completely burned by the two building blocks of Wei Mingyan.


Wei Mingyan’s timing was just right. After the arrival of a fragrant incense, this group of young repairers was sent into the stadium, which naturally included Gu Xingxue.

Those who have flying boats stop in the sky waiting for the disciples under their own doors, but none can wait underneath.

Tianye Zong’s flying boat is also in the big boat that always attracts attention. This time, there is not much attention, and almost all of them go to see the super big boat next to them.

It was only the first test of the juniors. Tianye Zong did not send out any weighty people. If they were not enough, they would pay attention to foreign objects. They couldn’t help it. They frequently looked at the big boat on the sidelines.

Before the flying boat, many people had seen it in Tianbao Pavilion. The price was eight thousand Lingshi. Although the eight thousand days of the sects were definitely able to be taken out, there were these eight thousand Lingshi why they did not buy some medicinal herbs.

Therefore, this super expensive flying boat has been left to this day.

I never imagined that there was actually a day when it was sold.

"Brother, do you know what martial art is flying next door?"

"let me see……"

The brother who wore the disciple's suit found the jade book, the bright golden font floated in the air, and quickly looked for a few times. He quickly found out the name.

"Virtual Ling Zong?"

Several disciples looked at each other: "How have you never heard of this sect?"

"But I can come up with so many Lingshi to buy the flying boat. I must have a lot of money."

"How many disciples did they go in?"

The master of the hand-held jade book has re-read it again, and the face that has always been stable has also revealed that he is puzzled: "A disciple?"

"With such a big flying boat, how can only one disciple participate in the contest?"

"It’s strange, isn’t there a young disciple in their sect?”

"It is hard to say. I heard that there were several hidden sects when the mortal world and the cultivating world were not separated. It was only because the comprehension was separated separately that they gradually lost their message. Will they be them?"

Several disciples discussed for a while, and finally the brothers made a decision: "If it is really a hidden world, there must be great power in it, and the disciples must be outstanding. When the results come out, if there are fifty in the juniors. Zong, I will go to see you in the name of congratulations and see the imaginary sect."

This method is indeed the best, and everyone else nodded in agreement, temporarily pressing the curiosity of the heart, waiting for the end of the test.

Gu Yuling in the secret is also looking forward to the end of the test, she was directly sent to a swamp, just happened to have a large stone nearby, just hiding behind, I heard someone talking.

Gu Yuling heard that the man’s voice suddenly felt a joy. He was patted the dust on the skirt and intended to come out from behind the hidden stone. There was a scream in his ear.

She stepped in her foot and looked at it in panic, but only saw one of the repairers pulling out the sword in the heart of another repairer.

The blood on the ground was splashed. When the man died, the stone of his body was taken away. The repairer removed the pass from him and destroyed it. At the same time, the repairer’s The body was also sent out.

Gu Yuling was so scared that she was shaking, and she looked at the repairer's eyes and looked around in a circle. It looked like a repairer and walked away with a sword.

He is clearly meant to kill and win.

From seeing this scene, Gu Yuling was shrunk to the side and did not dare to take the lead. Fortunately, she brought some bags, and there was no one nearby. She was hungry and thirsty, but she was so safe and so well. Some days.

In other places in the secret world, Gu Xingxue once again rescued a repairer wearing a Tianye sect. When he thanked him, he nodded indifferently and left with a sword.

She also entered the secrets to know that for some scattered repairs, this is not a test, but a hunting ground that can harvest a lot. Zongmen disciples are like picking flowers in the greenhouse for them. Treasure, simple and incomparable.

Gu Xingxue had prepared for the first time when she was hoped for. She was not polite with her. If there was a murder and a treasure, it would be a direct kill. It’s just like the last one, the loser himself destroyed. The pass order is transmitted.

She holds the sword and looks at the disciple who is washing her hands at the side of the creek. This is the second time that Gu Xingxue can't see the cultivation of others. This proves that the person's cultivation is above her. One of the disciples of Tianyezong was rescued by a sneak attack and was smothered by her. It was ruined by the passage of the passage: "Can you compare?"

The female disciple turned and the beautiful face immediately showed joy.



"...Yu Zong disciple Yan returned, the virtual Ling Zong disciple Gu Xingxue, Yu Xuezong disciple Gu Yuling... can enter the Tianye Zong test."

The sound was in the air and was introduced into everyone's ears. Wei Mingyan handed over a jade box and looked at Gu Xingxue.

"There is still a half month to formally compete, you can now take the next level to bring parents to the realm of cultivation."

He said, he gestured to the two defenders standing respectfully standing forward: "This is the scorpion that the teacher just bought, the stone is cast, the Jindan period is repaired, only you are ordered by one person, and they are on your side, I I can rest assured."

Just because I heard the sister's name is awkward, Gu Xingxue looked at the Wei Mingyan, who had no look in front of him.

"Xie Shizun."

The second day, mortal world

In the courtyard of the family, the three-room lady walked out of the yard proudly, turned and looked disdain and looked at her with a look of indignation and left.

Shortly after she left, Gu Qi returned to the yard with a sullen face, and fled back to the next person who was saluting herself. The tired Emei heart came into the house.

Gu Gu saw her husband and quickly got up and greeted him. His eyes were full of expectations: "How?"

Gu Qi shook his head: "The father has no choice but to say that being a snow is not the daughter of our family."

Gu’s tears fell immediately, and the mourning screamed on the table and cried: “You said that we made snow. This is what made it. Before I met the file, it’s gone. Now it’s hard to get better. There is no illusion in the realm of comprehension..."

"And Yu Ling, she only gave us a private letter saying that this matter is not good, why should I tell all the relatives about this incident, just three times come to my room again, the sentence is poked my heart, my father again No matter, isn’t it true that our family’s snow is so do not go looking for it...”

Since she received the letter, she has washed her face in tears. However, Gu Yuling almost handed a letter. The letter also specifically mentioned the disappearance of her sister. The news that the virtual Lingzong did not exist, said that she asked the elders to think of ways.

But they are all mortal, how can they think of a good way.

As long as Gu Yuling is a little family and thinks about her sister, she should know that this kind of thing can't be circulated freely, and it is passed on to Gu, who is the head of the family. She wrote a letter to the seven houses. The three rooms are what it is.

In doing so, it is almost the face of the seven rooms, and Gu Xingxue stepped on the foot, and it is no wonder that since the two rooms went out to go to the daughter of the real world, they slammed the three ladies to straighten their waists to mock.

Since she received the letter, she naturally knows that her two daughters, Gu Xingxue, are missing. Gu Yuling and the seven rooms are not a heart.

In this case, I am afraid of what they do.

Thinking of the ridicule and sneer of Sancha, Gu’s mother first suspected that she was not the memory of her as a child raised by her own daughter.

Gu Qizheng was to be comforted. There was a loud noise outside. He frowned and was about to scream a few times, but he saw the most lovable face of his wife running around, and took the skirt and stepped over the threshold. He was kneeling in front of the two.

"Master! My wife!! Our lady is back!!"

"Miss eleven is back!!"

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