MTL - Scum Male’s Whitewashing Manual-v2 Chapter 289 The villain of the rebel faction (5)

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Gu Xingxue didn't have to look at the two people. She had doubts in her eyes. She was more vigilant. She stepped back two steps to ensure that if the front guards suddenly got into trouble, they could escape.

Her current reputation, how could anyone still want to swear, even if there is, the Mahayana period is too untrustworthy.

The guard also saw that Gu Xing did not believe in himself. He simply took out the master order from his arms. "Please ask Miss Eleven to go back."

The master of the family orders, as long as it is a child of the family, it must be followed.

Gu Xingxue hesitated for a few seconds, and eventually hesitated to go forward, "Go."

In any case, it was her grandfather, even if she was now ruined, she would never have her life.

Seeing that Gu Xingxue was leaving, the sister couldn’t be shocked, and quickly stopped her anxiously. "The son... is not right, girl, can you tell who is under the surname!"

Gu Xingxuan turned and looked at the big prince who had already come out from behind the woman. "I am Gu Xingxue."

"Xiao Shicheng, you made up a mess, ruined my reputation, today's homeowner, I have no time to talk nonsense with you, but this account, I wrote down!"

At the same time, the big prince looked awkward and looked a little dark. He looked at the beautiful woman dressed in men's clothing and left the horse with the guards, and then looked at the sister who was still watching their back.

Yes, she must not believe that there is a woman in the world who is not gentle and so embarrassed.

Moreover, most women are hostile to their beautiful women. Although Gu Xingxue is not good, but the appearance is indeed a stunning, and the sister has already made a secret to him, Gu Xingxue was once his fiancee. In love with the reason, the sisters should be disgusted with the line of snow.

Thinking this way, the great emperor adjusted his face and sighed. "Sister and sister must trust her, she..."

"She is really... handsome."

Not waiting for the big prince to finish, the sister-in-law has been embarrassed with a blushing face. "I really didn't expect it to be so handsome, it was actually a daughter."

The big prince suddenly had a bad feeling.

Why does the sister-in-law think that when she appears, she screams and screams that she is chilling, and that she is not a man?

The sister went on, "You will go shopping, I want to get to know the girl, take a step."

Big Emperor: "...teacher, sister, she is a girl..."

He was so blind, and looked at the faint and incomparable sister-in-law who pushed the self without any effort, and went after the chasing snow.

Grand Emperor: "..."

He stayed in the same place, his face was green and white, and he finally settled in the darkness.


On the other side, Gu Xingxue soon returned to the government.

As soon as she entered, she saw the man sitting in the main seat, dressed in white, looks better than all the men she had seen, and the long, white hand held the chin falsely, as she stepped into the door. The next moment, Wei Mingyan opened his eyes.

Grandpa, who has been high in Gu Xingxue’s impression, saw her, and her face immediately hangs a smile. She walked up and took her arm and walked a few steps forward. “You see, this is my granddaughter. It is also the root of the water, and it has always been wise and sensible, and the understanding is also the highest among my grandchildren."

From childhood to big, Gu Xingxue, who has not been so praised by her grandfather, is somewhat uncomfortable. She put her eyes on the man sitting in the main position again. Besides the sigh, she is indeed very temperamental. She is still somewhat strange, why is it always Feeling, it seems like I have seen this person.

The fairy in front of her can neither be seen nor temperament let her see it once and forget it, so she can only think that it is also a mistake.

Everyone in the whole house was watching the white fairy on the main seat, waiting for her to express her opinion on Gu Xingxue.

Even Gu Yuling, who was lying on the ground, was very nervous. She thought that the immortal must also abandon her sister’s ugly, yes, it will.

Wei Mingyan opened his mouth. "It's really good."

"Gu Xingxue, can you enter my imaginary sect and be my pro-disciple?"

Gu Xingxue did not think at all, directly squatting, sighing, "the disciple is willing."

"Well, I will give you a goodbye to my relatives and friends for three days. After three days, I will come again."

This is also the rule of the past. After all, the road to practice, once it has reached the minimum, will take dozens of years, even hundreds of years and thousands of years. The selected disciples will always be unable to draw the lower bounds in the Zongmen. Most of the ten years are low-level disciples. Even the lower bounds can't choose new disciples for the sects. When they go to the cage or when they can leave the sects, they have been going through hundreds of years, and mortals can't live. Long-term.

Therefore, every time the selected disciples will get three days to say goodbye to their families.

After Gu Xingxue’s response, Wei Ming said, and slowly walked down to her side, slightly coveted and handed her a ring.

"In this ring space, it is some of the things that my virgin disciples have. If you take it well, you can dispose of it yourself."

Gu Xingxue: "..."

Gu family: "..."

Two Yu Xuezong disciples who have been standing stiffly: "..."

Seeing that they look different, the white fairy is slightly frowning and urges, "Why haven't you taken it?"

Gu Xingxue looked at the ring in front of him. It was a very simple ring. There was only a white ring. There was no other embellishment on it, but it was a ring space.

Even the real world is very rare, and the value of the ring space.

Gu Xingxue bowed his head. "This ring space is too expensive, and the disciples are afraid to pick it up."

"It's just a space for a ring. What's precious? You take it."

"But remember, this is yours, don't let others touch."

After Wei Mingyan finished, he leaned over and placed the ring in front of her and flew away.

Gu Xing's pick up the ring, turned back, watching the white fairy immortal sword left.

"After three days, I will pick you up for the teacher."

He left, and the two Yu Xuezong disciples who have been repeatedly shocked have also left in a hurry. They have to immediately send a letter back and ask the teacher what the virtual Lingzong is.

Just accepting a little disciple who has not been repaired, but actually a shot is a ring space.

To be honest, if you don’t know that there is someone behind Gu Xingxue, they all want to kill and win.

That is the ring space!

If it is, how many Lingshi can be changed!

The jade Xuezong disciple left in a hurry. There was only Gu family in the hall, and a group of people no longer suppressed, and they surrounded them with excitement.

Just remember that if you hang on to the fairy, no one dares to touch the ring that lies in the heart of the snow.

"Well, congratulations, that is the immortal of the Mahayana period, or a pro-disciple."

"Yeah, snow, follow this Master, you can easily walk in the future."

"This space, I heard that even in the upper bounds are treasures."

Even the family owner couldn’t help but smile. "Good! Good! I didn't expect it! We have such a way of transport in our home!"

"When you go to the Zongmen, you have to go to the Zongmen. You have to practice well. The mortal and the repairers are inferior to nature. You are better, and our family status will be more stable!"

"I didn't expect that my best, it turned out to be your granddaughter!"

Gu Xingxue stars hold the moon, Gu Yuling is more and more wronged, she can stand up, but because the immortal is gone, she is still squatting, waiting for the family to call, can be a long time, always the most The cousin who loves her and the uncles and uncles are only talking about her sister, not calling her up.

Originally, those boasting should belong to her.

In addition, I think of the genius who thinks she is ugly, but she is not as satisfied as her sister. In her eyes, she gradually reveals tears.

Still, Gu Xingxue noticed that the sister’s face was still on the side with aggrieved, and the pear was crying and biting her lips. She always pampered her sister’s temper. Now she asked, “Yu Ling, what's wrong with you?”

Gu Yuling erased the tears and grievances. "Nothing, just a little pain in my sister's knees."

She thought, this time everyone should take her up, and the family leader who didn't think about it frowned, looking at the granddaughter inexplicably.

"No one keeps you squatting, and you get up when you hurt."

The few cousins ​​who were going to go to jealousy were also stunned by the words of Grandpa. "Yeah, why don't you stand up, is it a leg?"

Gu Yuling: "...Yes, my legs are numb."

What she has been thinking about is that everyone will see that she will be comforted for so long, and there is no idea in the subconscious to stand up.

Since they all say that the legs are numb, Gu Yuling can only be helped by the cousins ​​to hand over to the next person, let her go back to rest.

Gu Yuling didn't want to go back. She also wanted to see what was in the ring space. Thinking about what she used to say and like, she would give her her, not to mention the immortals.

Seeing the home of the people are scattered, Gu Xingxue is still standing in the original place slightly looking at the palm of the ring, Gu Yuling let the next person to help himself walked to the front of Gu Xingxue, just cried in a slightly red eye With curiosity, when she didn't react, she reached out and took the ring.

"Sister, what's in this... ah!!"

She screamed and there was a blood on her back.

Gu Xing Xue was shocked and quickly went to see her injury. "Yu Ling, you are fine..."

Gu Yuling licked the painful hand, and a few drops of tears fell on his face. He complained and sadly whispered, "Sister, why are you hurting me?"

Gu Xing Xue slammed, "What are you talking about? How could it be me?"

Gu Yuling saw that she did not admit that the tears fell even more. She did not say why she was suspicious. It was only the concubine’s resentful tears. The only thing that happened was too fast. Gu’s family didn’t pay much attention to it. Cried like this, several cousins ​​who had a good relationship with her immediately frowned and looked at Gu Xingxue.

"Snow, you..."

Just then, a virtual voice suddenly appeared.


It’s the voice of the white fairy, just a voice, and the spiritual power that is revealed makes people feel like they are slammed into a big stone, and they can’t breathe. In addition to taking care of the snow, everyone is being swayed by this power. Pressed his face.

On the face of the people, especially Gu Yuling, his face is even more white, she panicked around to look around, did not see the immortal who just left, is considered a relief.

Obviously, it was Gu Yuling who touched the ring and touched the prohibition under the immortal.

But since Gu Yuling was injured by the ring, why should she blame her?

Gu Xingxue looked at the look of this younger sister and sank for the first time.

Read The Duke's Passion