MTL - Rivals of Rebirth-Chapter 59 confusion

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Han Jin leaned up to kiss him, Zheng Jue wanted to dodge, but found that he couldn't move, Han Jin's slightly cold lips pressed against his profile, Zheng Jue suddenly found that he missed this feeling, Han Jin's kiss Like turning on a switch, the desire/thought that was originally hidden in the heart suddenly surged up.

Zheng Jue hugged Han Jin's waist tightly, and kissed Han Jin's lips fiercely. He stroked Han Jin's waistline. The feeling in his hand made Zheng Jue want to stop, Han Jin was a little frivolous. Lying in Zheng Jue's ear, he whispered, "Zheng Jue, why did you leave me like this?"

Zheng Jue clenched her teeth and hugged Han Jin tighter, and said in a low voice, "What are you trying to do here?"

Han Jin pushed Zheng Jue to sit on the bed, stood in front of him, raised his eyebrows and said, "What do you think?" As he spoke, he lowered his head ambiguously and bit Zheng Jue's earlobe.

Zheng Jue couldn't stand his provocation at all. He directly put his arms around his waist and put Han Jin on the bed, and said viciously in his ear, "You forced me to do this!"

Han Jin couldn't help laughing: "Yes, yes, I forced you. Zheng Sheng is the most pure and clean person I have ever met."

Zheng Jue bit his lip angrily: "Shut up!" Wei Wei was a little exasperated.

Han Jin smiled softly, hugged Zheng Jue's back tightly, his chest was almost filled with fiery emotions, and he was speechless after that.


After everything was over, Han Jin almost lost his strength. He lay on top of Zheng Jue, unable to say a word.

Zheng Jue raised his hand and stroked Han Jin's sweaty forehead. He felt peaceful in his heart. Han Zizhang's threat was so difficult that he seemed to have left him at this moment, and the only thing left was the one lying beside him. this person.

Han Jin rubbed his head against Zheng Jue's palm and said with a smile, "How do you feel now? Can't you just leave me?"

Zheng Jue slightly hooked the corner of his mouth: "What are you proud of?"

Han Jin raised his head and looked at Zheng Jue, with a hint of excitement in his eyes: "You can't leave me, this thing is enough for me to be proud of it for the rest of my life."

Zheng Jue lowered her head and kissed the corner of Han Jin's mouth, and said in a low voice, "Your father is talking to me."

Han Jin's face instantly turned ugly, he grabbed Zheng Jue's hand tightly, and said in a low voice, "What did he tell you?"

Zheng Jue smiled and broke away from Han Jin, took a glass of water from the bed, took a sip, and said, "Why are you worried, with my current status, it's okay to deal with your father, just ...the two of us have to keep a low profile in the future."

Han Jin's face was still not very good-looking, but in front of Zheng Jue, he held back the sullen breath in his chest and only whispered, "He didn't say anything excessive, did he?"

Zheng Jue lowered his head and kissed his profile, smiled and said, "You don't have to worry about me, your father is so strong, you should think about how to convince him."

Han Jin lowered his head and said in a low voice, "He can't be persuaded. Only when I truly master the Han family can we really be together."

Zheng Jue looked down at Han Jin, he couldn't see the expression on his face clearly, he just thought his tone was a bit strange, but he was not good for an outsider to interfere in the affairs between Han's father, so he had to keep silent.

The room fell into an embarrassing silence for a while, and Han Jin seemed to have finally reacted to something, suddenly raised his head, looked at Zheng Jue and smiled: "Don't worry, I won't let you Or something unexpected happened to your company."

Zheng Jue slightly hooked the corner of his mouth, kissed Han Jin's bright eyes, and smiled: "I know."

Han Jin's eyes lit up instantly.


Han Jin left Zheng Jue's apartment at three in the morning. Zheng Jue sent him out the door and watched him drive away before returning.

Zheng Jue returned to his room, but found that he couldn't sleep anymore. Han Jin has now been completely integrated into his life, and he can't go back now. Maybe this choice is the most wanton choice in his life. But he felt that this was also the best choice for him.

Zheng Jue looked at the night scene outside the window, and suddenly laughed, life is really interesting, the two of them were still in that awkward scene a moment ago, but now the two of them have suddenly become like this.

It's just that as he got along with Han Jin, he suddenly felt a little uncertain. He just found out today that he can't understand Han Jin anymore. The relationship between the two of them is much closer than before, but in fact He felt that there seemed to be a layer between him and Han Jin that could never be penetrated.

In the past, whether Han Jin was angry or happy, he was like a blank sheet of paper in front of him, and Zheng Jue could see through it at a glance, but now it's different. Ever since they met again, Zheng Jue noticed him. Han Jin can no longer be seen through, and there is a gap between the two of them.

Zheng Jue sighed deeply. He put the back of his hand over his eyes, but felt a little helpless in his heart. No matter what, things have reached this point, and there is no room for turning back.

Zheng Jue closed his eyes deeply. He didn't want to think about it further, he was afraid that something would really go wrong between them.


The next morning, Zheng Jue went to the company early. When he first arrived, he saw Zhou Chengan's car at the door just parked downstairs. Zheng Jue walked up to him, and Zhou Chengan just got out of the car.

When he saw Zheng Jue's face, a smile appeared on his face, and he said warmly, "Zheng Sheng, I was thinking of coming over to find you."

Zheng Jue knew Zhou Chengan's intention, so he didn't ask more and said, "Let's go up and talk about it."

Zhou Chengan followed Zheng Jue into Zheng Jue's office, but he was actually a little embarrassed. He and Zheng Jue broke up last time, but now it's only been a few days, and Zhou Chengan doesn't have such a thick skin.

Zheng Jue saw Zhou Chengan's discomfort, so he didn't embarrass him, so he said first, "Young Master Zhou, what are you doing here today?"

Zhou Chengan smiled awkwardly, and said warmly, "Zheng Sheng, how are you... how are you these days?"

Zheng Jue hooked the corner of his mouth: "Thank you for your concern, I'm fine."

Zhou Cheng'an is Han Jin's friend, so if he can condescend to come and take care of himself, it is considered a concern.

Zhou Chengan was actually a little guilty. He suggested Zheng Jue to talk to Han Jin. In the end, it turned into this result. In fact, he also had a certain responsibility, but he didn't understand what happened in the middle and why Zheng Jue suddenly Why is Han Jin so crazy?

Seeing Zhou Chengan's tangled appearance, Zheng Jue almost knew what he was thinking, so he smiled and said, "Young Master Zhou, you don't need to worry about this, the matter between me and Han Jin has nothing to do with you, you don't need to think otherwise. ."

Zhou Chengan looked at Zheng Jue's appearance, but he was relieved. Zheng Jue was not a person who would tolerate others hurting him. If he could speak so easily now, it would prove that there should be no major relationship between him and Han Jin. disagreement.

Zhou Chengan smiled slightly, and said warmly, "If that's the case, then I can rest assured, Zheng Sheng, you shouldn't let go of your work in Hong Kong in the future."

Zheng Jue raised an eyebrow. It turned out to be for work. The cooperation between him and the Zhou family has now been basically completed, but the previous transaction with Han Zizhang has given him another bigger opportunity. It is strange that the Zhou family is not interested.

"Young Master Zhou, what do you mean? Given our relationship, let's just say it directly." Zheng Jue said calmly.

Zhou Chengan couldn't see Zheng Jue's true feelings, so he had to continue: "Zheng Sheng, we cooperated very well last time, and we made a lot of money. The port market is so big, but there are many people, everyone is staring at this area. , you have to set up a big booth, it is impossible to fight alone."

Zheng Jue actually understands this truth. The competition in Hong Kong's shopping malls is fiercer than anywhere else in the world, and cooperation is easier to succeed than confrontation.

"Young Master Zhou, the land in Yuhewan was led by Mr. Han for me. If we want to cooperate, the Han family will definitely not be able to cross it. If you add Master Zhou, I'm afraid the temple is too small to accommodate." Zheng Jue doesn't plan to go around in circles with Zhou Chengan anymore, business is business.

Zhou Chengan looked at Zheng Jue, and suddenly smiled: "Zheng Sheng thinks differently, what I want is not the land in Yuhewan, but Zheng Sheng's shopping mall in the city center, which is exactly the same as Zhou's. A shopping mall is approaching. The capacity of these two shopping malls is too small. Even if they open in the future, they will not make much money. It also eliminates the need for competition, and cooperation is win-win, which is good for everyone."

Zheng Jue was a little surprised when he heard it. Zhou's success in real estate is well known, but he has never heard of it in the construction of shopping malls and shopping malls. Zhou Chengan suddenly came to this trick, even Zheng Jue did not expect it.

"Why is Zhou Shao suddenly interested in shopping malls?" Zheng Jue folded his legs and said solemnly.

Looking at Zheng Jue's appearance, Zhou Chengan knew that he was suspicious, and hurriedly said: "Zheng Sheng, don't misunderstand, you should know about Zhou's situation, and the property will tell you the truth. My father came from abroad three months ago. I'm back, if I want to gain a foothold in the Zhou family, I have to do something, and now they threw that half-dead mall to me, I have to find a solution."

Zhou Chengan's father?

Zheng Jue frowned slightly. In his last life, he was very impressed with Zhou Chengan's grandfather, but Zhou Chengan's father had never heard of it. It is said that he has always been taking care of Zhou's overseas market, and now he is back ?

Zheng Jue raised his head and glanced at Zhou Chengan. Zhou Chengan's position in the Zhou family is now more stable than in the previous life. According to rumors, the relationship between him and his father has not been very good. I'm afraid that his father was afraid that Zhou Chengan would really replace him, so he came back. Come on.

Zheng Jue smiled slightly and said, "Oh? Mr. Zhou is back?" He stood up and picked up the water glass on the table, lowered his eyebrows and said, "If that's the case, then we can discuss it, Mr. Zhou, it's too late today. Come over tomorrow, we will discuss carefully."

Zhou Chengan had a smile in his eyes, and he knew that Zheng Jue would agree. The place was directly opposite to Han's shopping mall. Zheng Jue, an assertive person, would never leave his destiny in the hands of others.

The author has something to say: I almost skipped the ticket today, and I finished the code at 5:50. I was about to urinate. Calvin has already vomited, and the new article has not improved. It's really uncomfortable ah ah ah ah what!

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