MTL - Rivals of Rebirth-Chapter 50 choice

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Zheng Jue stood outside the ICU ward, looking at Han Jin lying inside through that layer of glass, with a hint of bitterness in his eyes. He had never seen such a fragile Han Jin before, his face was pale and his lips were blue, Zheng Jue was almost a little bit Unable to stand, he held on to the edge of the window, almost clenching his knuckles white.

Susie watched from the side and said worriedly: "Zheng Sheng, Young Master Han hasn't recovered yet, so he can't go in. Otherwise... I'll go find the management of the hospital?" She really almost thought that Zheng Jue wanted to smashed the glass.

Zheng Jue slowly shook his head and whispered, "No need, let's go."

Susie stepped forward to help him, Zheng Jue brushed her away: "Don't help me, I'll go back by myself."

Susie was a little worried, but she didn't dare to refute, so she had to follow Zheng Jue, for fear that he would not be able to walk steadily.

Zheng Jue returned to his ward and lay straight on the bed, looking at the ceiling with a sloppy expression. Susie stood beside him in a dilemma. In the end, he could only retreat quietly. He figured it out for himself.

Zheng Jue only felt like he had seen a movie before. The past between him and Han Jin flashed in front of him frame by frame. However, the feelings were all mixed together, blurring the boundaries in his heart. In the end, he finally passed such a resolute attitude, which completely invaded his heart defense, causing him to fail completely and retreat again and again. It was just at this moment that the biggest obstacle between them appeared.

Han Zizhang.

Now, as long as he thinks of this name, Zheng Jue feels astringent on the tip of his tongue. The head of the Han family, the uncrowned king of the entire Hong Kong city, in this world, who would dare to offend him?

Zheng Jue sat up slowly. He picked up the water by the table and took a sip. His hands were shaking slightly. He could hardly control the pain. This was a feeling he had never experienced before. , Zheng Jue felt that he was about to lose control.


This day was the most difficult day for Zheng Jue. He almost always couldn't help thinking about Han Jin, the way he smiled and kissed himself, the corners of his lips that were slightly raised and the time when he stroked his side face. The slender and fair fingers had not been felt before, but at this moment Zheng Jue suddenly felt that Han Jin had played such a large part in his life, as if the two of them had completely lost their minds since the first time they met. tangled together.

until today…

Zheng Jue closed his eyes, his mouth was a little dry, he adjusted his slightly loose coat, and walked out of the ward slowly.

Susie stood at the door waiting, with obvious worry on her face: "Zheng Sheng, do you want to make an appointment with Mr. Han another day, you are in such a reluctant situation now."

Zheng Jue forced a smile: "No need, sooner or later this will happen, and now is the right time."

Han Jin was still in a drowsiness, and it was good for everyone to solve this matter without him knowing.

Susie didn't speak anymore, but there was a deep sadness in her eyes.

Zheng Jue didn't speak much along the way, and didn't speak until he got to the basement of Han's building: "You go back first, and when it's over, I'll go back by myself."

A hint of disapproval flashed across Susie's face, but she didn't say any more, and nodded reluctantly.

As soon as Zheng Jue entered, he was greeted by Han Zizhang's assistant who was waiting in the hall. He smiled and led Zheng Jue upstairs to Han Zizhang's office.

Like the Wen family, Han Zizhang's office, as the ruler of the Han family, also occupies an entire floor. Outside is a booth. Zheng Jue walked through the corridor and finally stopped in front of a door.

Han Zizhang's assistant knocked on the door, and a deep voice came from inside: "Come in."

The assistant pushed open the door, led Zheng Jue in, and said, "Mr. Han, Zheng Sheng is here."

Han Zizhang was probably looking at some document, with glasses on his eyes, he was looking up at Zheng Jue.

Zheng Jue moved the corner of his mouth reluctantly and whispered, "Mr. Han."

Han Zizhang smiled almost mildly: "Zheng Sheng, sit down." After speaking, he turned to look at the assistant: "You can go out now."

The assistant nodded and exited the room.

Zheng Jue just sat opposite Han Zizhang so calmly, with lowered eyebrows and a calm expression, but his clenched fists showed the excitement and tension in his heart.

However, Han Zizhang seemed to have not seen Zheng Jue's abnormality. He still looked at him kindly. After a long time, he said slowly, "Aaron, you came to see me, what's the matter?"

Zheng Jue raised his head to look at Han Zizhang, pursed his dry lips, and said hoarsely, "Mr. Han, Mingren don't speak secretly, my father was involved in this mess, is it your handwriting? "

Han Zizhang seemed to have heard something interesting, and smiled softly: "You are a smart person, so I won't mess around with you. This time about Han Jin, I probably also know the cause and effect, Wen Huaan is here for you. Yes, but Han Jin blocked it for you, Han Jin is just like that, whenever something happens, he doesn't care about his head and his tail, and he goes on a rampage."

Zheng Jue heard this but just sneered: "Mr. Han, why do you deceive yourself? You probably already know about the relationship between Han Jin and me. Just tell me what you have to say, no need to talk about it."

Zheng Jue's words were extremely rude, but Han Zizhang didn't mind at all, and continued: "Aaron, I didn't mean that, my own son, I know that Han Jin is a man of his own accord. He's here. When he is strong, he is naturally good to you, but if he loses his strength, he will turn his face faster than anyone else. You are a sensible person, and you should also know that these love and love things are the most unreliable, why bother Wasting time on this kind of thing?"

Zheng Jue pursed her lips and did not speak. Indeed, he had considered everything Han Zizhang said, but when he thought of what Han Jin had done for him, he really couldn't believe that Han Jin was just a little bit angry with him.

Han Zizhang looked at Zheng Jue's attitude, his expression finally eased a lot, smiled slightly and said: "Okay, Aaron, you don't have to worry, if you agree with what I said, then it's easy, you leave Han Jin , Although I'm not talented, I still count on the land in Hong Kong City. I can find someone to help you with the land you liked in Yuhewan before. I also heard that you intend to acquire the land in the city center. In a shopping mall, I happen to have a good relationship with the seller, and I can also help you make peace with it, as for anything else, as long as you can bring it up, I will promise you."

Zheng Jue only felt a chill in his heart. Mrs. Han really has a lot of money. He has been dealing with the land and shopping malls for several months. As long as he can solve it with a few words, what if he doesn't agree?

Zheng Jue could almost think of his fate. Han Zizhang had no chance of retreating.

If he was the Zheng Jue in his twenties at this time, he might still have the courage to stand up to resist, but unfortunately, now he really doesn't dare. There is still something in his heart. He hopes to climb to the top of the city step by step, become a superior man, and become a conqueror.

This is his original dream and the last bottom line. He can forget the life-and-death feud in his previous life, but he cannot abandon the status and power he has accumulated in his two lifetimes. This is all he has worked hard for, and he can't let it go. Can't let it go either.

Zheng Jue only felt a little dizzy, he raised his head and looked at Han Zizhang, a trace of scarlet flashed in his eyes.

Han Zizhang looked at Zheng Jue like this, but he knew in his heart that the matter had become 80%, and immediately pursued the victory: "Aaron, what do you think of my proposal? We are all businessmen, and we should all understand a truth and hold it in our own hands. The best things are the best. Although you have done a lot in Hong Kong now, with all due respect, your background is still a little worse. If you get Han's help at this time, it must be different. On the contrary Yes, if you do something wrong at this time, I'm afraid that one mistake will turn into eternal hatred!"

Hearing Han Zizhang's threatening words, Zheng Jue suddenly felt a surge of anger in his heart. As long as you don't stand at the top of things in this world, you will be controlled by others all the time, just like Han Zizhang at this time. Afraid that in his eyes, he is like an ant that can be crushed to death at any time, but he can do nothing but anger.

Zheng Jue took a deep breath, he forced himself to drive Han Jin out of his head, and gritted his teeth, as if he could forget the pain and sadness in his heart.

"Mr. Han's proposal is very generous, but if Vi wakes up, it's hard to explain." He said the most heartless words in the world, but blood was dripping from the bottom of his heart. Zheng Jue suddenly realized that he had never been a kind person, his indifference And cruelty is scarier than anyone else.

When Han Zizhang heard that Zheng Jue was finally relieved, he was relieved at first, but he didn't know why, but then he became a little angry, angry that his son was entrusting him with inhumanity, and that the young man in front of him was so ruthless. It reminded him of when...

Han Zizhang closed his eyes and clenched his fists slightly. He still remembered these old times. He was really old. At this time, he had no interest in experiencing the thrill of another victory. Don't worry, Zheng Sheng, I will handle this matter, it's just that Zheng Sheng has been wronged for a few days and you have been away for a few days. If you stay in Hong Kong, I'm afraid Han Jin won't be easily convinced."

The moment Zheng Jue said those words, his whole body almost trembled, but at this moment he calmed down strangely. Hearing Han Zizhang's words, he just nodded slightly stiffly, but his face became even paler.

When Han Zizhang saw him like this, the inexplicable resentment in his heart was relieved a lot, and his tone became gentler: "Okay, since everyone has formed a consensus, I will not take advantage of you, you can sign this contract. Well, everything I said counts."

Neatly picked up the pen and signed his name on the contract. At the same time, a sadness suddenly appeared in his heart, and his mind was buzzing. What Han Jin said to him at that time It kept ringing in my ears.

Deafened, heartbroken.

It was at this time that Zheng Jue suddenly realized that he was in love with Han Jin.

The author has something to say: everyone is not Fang! This is just the first wave of dog blood, and there are still several pots behind, ahahahaha!

But I can guarantee the following here, it will not be abused, at most there will be a few twists and turns, don't worry!

Top pot cover run ~~~~