MTL - Rivals of Rebirth-Chapter 40 start

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Zheng Jue and Han Jin got into the car silently. They were in Zheng Jue's car. Han Jin looked out the window uncomfortably without saying a word. Zheng Jue didn't know what to say. There was an embarrassing silence.

It wasn't until they arrived at Zhou's gate that the driver parked the car in front of the building, but none of the people in the car moved. The driver cautiously glanced at the back seat in the rearview mirror, and said in a low voice, "Zheng Sheng, here we are. "

Zheng Jue nodded, turned to look at Han Jin, and said, "Get out of the car, Vi."

Han Jin nodded, with a hint of coldness on his face, turned around and got out of the car.

The driver breathed a sigh of relief, and Zheng Jue felt relieved too. He turned his head to look at the driver, and said warmly, "Come pick me up in an hour."

The driver hurriedly responded.


When Zheng Jue went out, Han Jin had already entered the building. Zheng Jue hurry up and entered the elevator with him. With Han Jin present, they went straight into Zhou Cheng'an's office without being hindered.

When they first entered, Zhou Chengan was sitting behind his desk reading a document, and the look of concentration was something Zheng Jue had never seen before.

Hearing someone coming in, Zhou Chengan raised his head, and when he saw the two of them, a smile appeared on his face, and he hurriedly stepped forward to greet you: "Finally here, Vi, I called you. You didn't answer countless calls, I thought you had an accident, but I didn't expect to be with Aaron, so that's no wonder."

Zhou Chengan teased, but Han Jin's face was not very good-looking. He sat on the sofa without saying a word with a dark face. Zhou Chengan looked at him like this and couldn't help but look a little surprised. He glanced at Zheng Jue inquiringly. Zheng Jue shook his head gently, and he was even more puzzled, but he stopped talking about this matter, and talked about the business that came today.

"The time has come, Lin Su is now devastated by the blow, and Wen Huaan has basically abandoned her. She is desperate now, and she will be easily deceived, and the Wen brothers are already caged birds, and there is no room for retreat. Now, our plan can officially start." Zhou Chengan smiled, but there was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

Zheng Jue frowned slightly, thinking of Wen Huaan's performance at Han Zizhang's birthday banquet a few days ago: "I don't think Wen Huaan is a person who can easily give in, but at Uncle Han's birthday banquet a few days ago, his performance was a little weird. ."

Zhou Chengan sneered: "He is an old fox, and he likes to look calm when he is most critical. Otherwise, everyone will know that Wen's is going to end, and who can help him."

Zheng Jue nodded slightly and didn't say more, but there was still a trace of worry in his heart.

The plan they discussed before took advantage of Wen Hua'an's suspicion and conceit. Previously, the Zhou family and the Han family suppressed him in many ways. Although the Wen family was disgraced, they did not gain any benefit. Instead, Zheng Jue followed them. Behind the two, they made a fortune, including the piece of land in the north of the city.

The land in the north of the city was sold by the government. The government intends to develop the north of the city, but the north of the city is located in the countryside and there is no important infrastructure construction, so it has never been developed. Now the government wants to take this piece of land. Sell ​​it and hope to develop this place through real estate and later construction by the government.

Zheng Jue was very enthusiastic about this land before, and even Wen Huaan saw it. In order to win him over, he had to help him build a bridge, but in fact, based on Zheng Jue's rebirth experience, he knew very well that in the end, the government wanted to develop the north of the city. It was successful, the land was auctioned for a sky-high price, but in the end, the government's promise became a dead letter. The land did not develop until he died, and the person who bought the land finally lost a lot of money.

And now they just want to use this land to lure Wen Huaan into the game, and the lead in this game is Lin Su.

"What is Lin Su doing now?" Zheng Jue asked in a different tone.

Zhou Chengan smiled slightly: "According to what I heard, I should have gone to a nightclub in Lan Kwai Fong. It seems that I have had a hot fight with a coal boss recently. Would you like to visit Zheng Sheng?"

Zheng Jue twitched the corners of his mouth in embarrassment, and squinted at Han Jin again, only to find that his face became even more ugly.

"Let's go together, I'm alone, I'm not convincing." Zheng Jue said warmly.

Hearing this, Han Jin quickly raised his head and glanced at Zheng Jue, then lowered his head again. Although he couldn't see his face clearly, the corner of his mouth raised slightly.

Zhou Chengan stood aside to see clearly, a little smile flashed in his eyes, and said, "Alright, but it's better to find more people for this kind of thing, so as to fish in troubled waters."

Zheng Jue breathed a sigh of relief.


In the two days after this conversation, the relationship between Han Jin and Zheng Jue became much colder. Zheng Jue did not dare to contact him because of scruples, but Han Jin was angry with Zheng Jue because he was angry.

The two of them didn't meet until a phone call from Zhou Chengan two days later.

To be honest, the atmosphere between the two of them was a bit awkward, Han Jin didn't speak with a sullen face, and Zheng Jue was a little cautious.

Zhou Chengan is a good person, and he can see that there is a problem between the two of them, but he doesn't say much, and only talks about tonight's events.

"Lin Su climbed up this old coal man who has been flattering Zhou Chengyuan recently, and wanted to take advantage of the Zhou family's power. I happened to meet him and Zhou Chengyuan for dinner yesterday. He called me this morning and invited me out eagerly, saving me a lot. A lot of work." Zhou Chengan smiled.

Han Jin couldn't help frowning when he heard this: "Then will Lin Su come?"

Zhou Chengan slightly hooked the corner of his mouth: "With her means, even if she doesn't come, I'm afraid there is a way to know."

Zheng Jue nodded in agreement.

The three of them went to the place where they had an appointment with the coal boss. The coal boss was a smart guy. He understood that even Zheng Jue was not a class he could mess with, so he didn't bring Lin Su with him, he just laughed. With a flattering look on his face, the tone brought out during his speech is also extremely complimenting.

Zhou Chengan is very self-restrained, even when Zheng Jue couldn't bear it, he still had a smile on his face, and the chat with the coal boss was all business matters, but they were all limited to production capacity.

Zheng Jue didn't have a say in this aspect, so he just sat on the side quietly, occasionally adding a sentence, while Han Jin didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, just sat on the side with a slack look and looked at it from time to time. Zheng Jue glanced.

The three of them are very harmonious. The main job of the coal boss this time is to pick up the big thick legs of Zhou Cheng'an, but Han Jin and Zheng Jue have to retreat.

A few people talked about the end, and it was about to end, but they didn't talk about the main topic. Zheng Jue glanced at Zhou Chengan, but saw that Zhou Chengan was still calm, but when he talked about Zhou's investment in production capacity, he mentioned it a little. He said, "...North of the city is a good place. If Aaron didn't want that land wholeheartedly, I'm afraid that the Zhou family would not let it go..." After that, he smiled and greeted the coal boss.

Zheng Jue sat on the side with a dull expression, but there was a dark light flashing in his eyes, and sometimes specious hints were more convincing than firm assertions. , will never miss Zhou Chengan's words.

Afterwards, Zhou Chengan chatted a few words with the coal boss in a cloudy and foggy manner. According to Zheng Jue's observation, the words in it were true and false, and he was really a good player.

By the time the party was over, it was already late at night. Zhou Chengan left first because he had something to do, and the coal boss also said goodbye. Only Zheng Jue and Han Jin sat in the club's private room and looked at each other.

Han Jin didn't look at Zheng Jue at all, he sat beside him with a cold face, just drinking with his head down.

Zheng Jue sighed slightly, and had to speak first: "Vi, how are you doing these days?"

Han Jin's hand holding the cup tightened slightly, and a crack appeared on his originally indifferent face, revealing a slightly aggrieved look: "I'm okay, you know it!"

Zheng Jue couldn't help but smiled bitterly: "It's my fault, Vi, I'm sorry, I was just a little panicked at that time, I've known you for so long, and suddenly this kind of relationship developed, and there's your father's problem, I'm afraid There will be a result that I cannot bear."

Hearing this, Han Jin's expression softened a lot, he put down the wine glass in his hand, sat next to Zheng Jue, and said softly: "So you are worried about this, Aaron, don't worry, I won't let him Whoever hurts you, you are mine, and I will not let anyone hurt you."

Han Jin stretched out his hand to hold Zheng Jue's arm and looked at him sincerely.

Zheng Jue could hardly look directly into his eyes, the sincerity and love in his eyes almost burned him.

Zheng Jue couldn't respond to him, he was almost speechless, he could only take him into his arms and kiss him frantically.

Han Jin was slightly surprised by Zheng Jue's sudden kiss, but the next moment he reacted, hugged Zheng Jue more enthusiastically, opened his lips, and let him invade.

Zheng Jue kissed him emotionally while stroking his profile, only to feel a little tenderness in his heart suddenly, this person is always so gullible when facing him, always so easy... compromise.

Han Jin had no defense against Zheng Jue. He tightly climbed onto Zheng Jue's neck, almost drowning in Zheng Jue's kiss.

When the two of them finally parted breathlessly, Han Jin was still clinging to Zheng Jue's neck, and their two noses touched their breaths, and Zheng Jue couldn't help but kissed Han Jin's nose and whispered, "What's the matter? Can't get up?"

At this time, Han Jin fell softly into Zheng Jue's arms, clinging to Zheng Jue tightly.

Hearing Zheng Jue say this, Han Jin's eyes could not help flashing a bit of anger, wanting to repeat the old trick to push him away, but Zheng Jue, who was already prepared, hugged him tightly.

Zheng Jue smiled, leaned up and kissed Han Jin's neck, the other hand gently caressed his back to reassure her, and said vaguely: "Okay, don't be angry, never again."

Han Jin's original anger was extinguished at once.

The author has something to say: Hahaha, let’s start with a sweet one~~~