MTL - Rivals of Rebirth-Chapter 10 double eagle

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Zheng Jue hung up the phone with Lu Yunxing, and saw Susie's face hesitant to say anything. He knew Susie's worries, so he smiled reassuringly and said, "I know what you're thinking, don't worry." Susie Although it is credible, there are some things that cannot be told to her.

Seeing him say this, Susie closed her mouth immediately and said no more. In Susie's workplace guidelines, when the boss doesn't want to listen to your nonsense, you must shut up in time.

Seeing Susie exit the office door, Zheng Jue was relieved. He leaned on the back of the chair a little tired. In order to paralyze Lin Su, he had to give Lin Su some favors, but that's it, "Assassin" It's a man's play, and even the heroine doesn't have many roles, not to mention the female No. 3 who plays the role of a vase.

Lin Su is very ambitious and wants to make a breakthrough in the entertainment industry. She walks between Wen Huaan and herself to get the most benefit for her, but now that he is here, Lin Su's abacus is out of the question. In his last life, he was betrayed by Lin Su and stabbed by the person he loves the most. In this life, he will also let her try to be ruined.


The next day, Zheng Jue asked Susie to pick up Lin Su and went to Lu Yunxing's company together. Lin Su was wearing a white dress, which made her more gentle and quiet. She couldn't see how excited Zheng Jue was when she called to tell her last night.

The two of them went directly into Lu Yunxing's office. Lu Yunxing saw Lin Su, and his eyes flashed with surprise, and then smiled and patted Zheng Jue's shoulder: "Okay, Aaron, I said why you are so guarded, I didn't expect to be at home. It's really a blessing to hide a big beauty."

Lin Su's face turned a little red when he heard this, but he became more confident in his heart. It seemed that although Zheng Jue was cunning, he still had a bit of sincerity towards him.

Zheng Jue just laughed without saying a word, thinking that Lu Yunxing is really an old fox. He has never experienced any scenes with Lu Yunxing. Although he is impatient with that set, he will occasionally deal with it with affection. Now Lu Yunxing is lying. Without blinking, Zheng Jue's heart was really mixed.

Seeing that Zheng Jue's expression did not change, Lu Yunxing probably guessed the position of Miss Lin in Zheng Jue's heart, so he stopped thinking about it and told Lin Su about his intentions. Lin Su was also a fledgling at this time. He didn't have as many hearts and minds in the latter part of the last life, so he could happily sign the contract after listening to the conditions given by Lu Yunxing.

Zheng Jue sat beside him with a smile on his face from start to finish. He saw clearly that the terms Lu Yunxing offered to Lin Su were not the most favorable terms. They might only be slightly better than ordinary people's contracts. Speaking of which, everyone is in the shopping mall, and they still have friendship with each other. Even if Lu Yunxing is pretending, he has to do it properly, but now that he is like this, I am afraid that he has seen something. Zheng Jue pondered to himself, but only a few In words, Lu Yunxing's eyes are really poisonous.

After Lin Su signed the contract, Zheng Jue sent Lin Su away. At first Lin Su was a little reluctant, but looking at Zheng Jue's appearance, she knew there was no room for manoeuvre, so she left obediently.

As soon as Lin Su walked out of the door of Lu Yunxing's office, Lu Yunxing's elegant smile changed instantly, he looked at Zheng Jue a little inscrutable, and said solemnly; "I didn't expect Zheng Sheng to be a lover, since I don't like this guy. Miss Lin, you have to work so hard."

In the eyes of the helm of a business family like Lu Yunxing, a woman is like a dispensable ornament. When you like it, you will naturally spoil it. If you don't like it, just change it. There are countless boys and girls who take the initiative to go up. Posted, so seeing Zheng Jue acting like this, he only regarded him as being authentic.

Zheng Jue lowered her head and smiled: "Where, I made Lu Sheng laugh. Miss Lin is still my girlfriend now. She wants to act, so I can help her."

Since he said it was his girlfriend, but he also called her Miss Lin, with such an obvious sign, Lu Yunxing was not a fool, and a clear smile appeared in his eyes: "Okay, Zheng Sheng is young, but he does things with love and righteousness. , the future is boundless!"

Lu Yunxing smiled happily, but Zheng Jue only believed half of what he said. There are many families in the port city, and he is an outsider. To this extent, he should be regarded as a formidable young man, but in the eyes of these local people, he is still a young man. It would be even better if he married a daughter to him and made the Zheng family his own.

"Lu Sheng is joking, I'm young, and I need Lu Sheng to give some advice when doing things." In fact, he interacted with people like Lu Yunxing in order to break into the circle of these upper-class people, just to eat and drink with a bunch of playboys It’s not okay to prostitute and gamble, you still have to break into the group of people who hold real power.

In the following time, Zheng Jue and Lu Yunxing talked about work again. Seeing that the time was almost up, he left. He didn't need to do this kind of thing himself. He was very attentive.

A week later, the crew of "Assassin" officially started. Lu Yunxing's son was not able to catch up with the opening ceremony. He is still drunk on a small island in the Mediterranean. Lu Yunxing's face is ashen, but there is nothing he can do. There is only one son at an older age.

However, Zheng Jue had been living very comfortably these few days. Lin Su finally joined the group, and his ears were much clearer.

He finished his hands on one side, but got up again on the other side. Eighteen percent of the projects he cooperated with Zhou have been completed. The pre-sale of real estate developers has long been snapped up. Even Zhou Shi, who was motionless, couldn't sit still.

This afternoon, Zheng Jue received a call from Zhou Chengan.

"Zheng Sheng really has a good eye. This time, the Zhou family has followed Zheng Sheng." Zhou Chengan looked at Zheng Jue with a peaceful expression, but the smile in his eyes did not reach the bottom of his eyes.

Zheng Jue looked at Zhou Chengan and raised his eyebrows slightly. He knew in his heart that this land was sold to him after Zhou Chengan spoke for him. Now the real estate is booming, but Zhou's just drank the soup. , but business is business, even if Zhou is unwilling, there is nothing he can do.

"Where is Zhou Shao, I'm an outsider, can I compare to Zhou's well-informed? It's just a bit of luck." Zheng Jue's expression was calm, and he couldn't see any waves.

Zhou Chengan actually understood this truth in his heart, but this incident was too coincidental, someone at home was stirring up the fire, and he himself was unwilling, so he said such irrational words in a hurry for a while, but now he regrets it a little, isn't it Zheng Jue? An ordinary person, he is capable, and the Zhou family should not have a bad relationship with him.

"Aaron, you are too polite. The situation is very good this time. I wonder if there are plans for the second phase of the project?" .

Capitalists are chasing interests, and within the Zhou family, the clamor for the second-phase project has resounded in the sky. In order to fill the desires of these people, the second-phase project is naturally imminent.

Zheng Jue smiled. He knew that this investment would definitely be a big sell. He had designed the third phase of the project from the beginning, but it was not easy to show off in front of these old oilers.

"It's natural, Young Master Zhou doesn't need to worry, but I don't know what Elder Zhou thinks about this investment?" Elder Zhou here is the helm of the Zhou family, Zhou Chengan's grandfather Zhou Mingrui.

The smile on Zhou Chengan's face froze: "Grandpa is naturally very supportive." After saying this, the smile on his face disappeared.

Zheng Jue observed secretly, and said that it was really good. Although Zhou Chengan had a good position in the Zhou family and his father was also the best candidate for the Zhou family's successor, Zhou Mingrui didn't like him very much. It's not obvious now, but at the end of the last life, Zhou Chengan and Zhou Chengyuan had already become two tigers fighting each other.

"So that's the case, then I'm relieved." Zheng Jue had a smile in his eyes, but he had plans in his heart.

Zhou Chengan looked at Zheng Jue's ignorant face, and felt a little annoyed in his heart. He has been said a lot of ugly things behind his back these days because of the connection and sale of land. Although it was not his fault, these people Contrary to himself with one heart, take care of it there, and talk about it elsewhere. He doesn't care about these acidifications, but he didn't expect it to spread to his grandfather's ears...

Zhou Chengan clenched his fists, his expression remained unchanged: "Zheng Sheng, rest assured, this cooperation is the decision of the entire Zhou family, and there will never be any second words." This is the end of the matter, can it still be robbed, and can only continue to cooperate .

After meeting with Zhou Chengan, Zheng Jue left. As soon as he left the coffee bar of the hotel, he saw Han Jin walking over with a beautiful young man in his arms. Han Jin was wearing a dark blue casual jacket and a beige thin sweater. It's not at all different from the usual appearance of sitting upright, and the young man next to him, looking at only ten years old, looks very beautiful and somewhat indefinable, and at this time is leaning meekly in Han Jin's arms Everyone posted it.

Looking at this scene, Zheng Jue frowned at first, but then heaved a sigh of relief. He really didn't want Han Jin to have any other meaning to him. Now, looking at this scene, he should have shifted his attention.

"Young Master Han, what a coincidence." Zheng Jue took the initiative to greet him with a smile. Now that Han Jin is not someone who can easily offend him, Zheng Jue doesn't want to have a deadlocked relationship with him.

Han Jin glanced at Zheng Jue somewhat arrogantly, with a fake smile on his face: "Zheng Sheng? What a coincidence." After speaking, he looked down at the young man in his arms with a gentle expression, and said softly, "Su Hang , Seeing Zheng Sheng and not calling anyone?"

Su Hang has a pair of deer-like clear and innocent eyes, he smiled shyly and whispered: "Hello Zheng Sheng."

Zheng Jue's mouth twitched and nodded towards Su Hang. Naturally, he noticed Han Jin's strange attitude, but when he thought about it again, there was a guess in his heart. I'm afraid it was his attitude last time that made this young master. A little embarrassed and angry, since that's the case, it's better not to hit the muzzle at this time.

Thinking of this, Zheng Jue nodded slightly: "I met with Zhou Shao here today to talk about work. I didn't expect to meet Han Shao, so I won't disturb you." After speaking, he turned around and was ready to leave.

Seeing that he was about to leave, Han Jin couldn't help but his face darkened. He clenched his fists to suppress Peng Yong's anger and whispered, "Zheng Jue, who the **** are you!"

The author has something to say: these days are really very low, and they are working hard to update.