MTL - Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation-Chapter 2048 Take a big loss!

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However, they are all very smart.

Knowing that if Jiang Tian hides his identity, there must be his reason, so no one has said it.

"Old man, I will kill you!"

Seeing this, the iron-handed saint couldn't help being furious, and he wanted to split, sacrificed a saint soldier, and slammed out, trying to obliterate Jiang Tian.

The iron-handed saint at this moment can be said to be anxious and frustrated. What a shame the lover was killed in front of his own face!

Moreover, in recent years, he and Ya Chang have a very deep relationship with him. He loves his father and son, and his lover was killed. For him, it is even more painful and desperate for him to avenge his lover!

The age-old veteran saint shot with anger, which is already the cultivation base of the middle stage of returning to the Void, how terrible.

His strength is much stronger than that of Ao Shizong Sect Master Xu Zhe and others, and he can be called a giant on this continent.


Even at this moment, Jiang Tian used Kunpeng swiftly, but he could not dodge and was knocked into the air by the holy soldiers.

I broke the mountain peaks, and after flying for tens of kilometers, I didn't know what I hit, and a mushroom cloud lifted up before it stopped.

At this moment, many cultivators showed a painful look, and they all sucked in air-conditioning.

This is a veteran saint, with all the strength of the saint soldiers, the body created by Daojiaojin must be fragmented.

"This son can be described as a genius, but he is too arrogant and arrogant, and he doesn't know how to advance or retreat."

Lian Huahun shook his head, like regret and contempt.

At this moment, the faces of Princess Mo Yu, Fang Gouyu and others all changed wildly.

Huang Ling'er was even more shocked, almost screaming.

Because almost everyone has concluded that Jiang Tian will definitely die, and his vitality is slim.

"Old coffin board, this beam, we have made it! I will kill you!"


The rocks pierced through the sky, and in the distance, Jiang Tian rose into the air, shouting murderously.

Looking closely, there were only some skin injuries on his body, and there was no injury to his muscles at all.

The most critical fetus and Nasal Infant were unscathed and functioning smoothly.

"This is not dead!"

"Could it be the legendary sacred Nascent Soul, no, I am afraid it must be a fairy!"

Everyone was shocked and couldn't believe it.

"How can this be possible!"

Even the soul of Lian Hua had wide eyes and couldn't believe it.

A Nascent Soul monk was able to survive a blow from an old saint.

This is incredible!

Not only does Yuanying have great perfection, but also has a very high grade!

But don't know.

Even if it was just a skin injury, Jiang Tian was already very angry.

It was the first time he suffered such a big loss after arriving at Yuanying's End.

Even if it is a veteran saint who suffers from the mid-term return, he can't accept it!

"Things that do not live or die!"

"The bones are quite hard, they are not dead!"

The iron-handed saint screamed, and took the saint in his hand, wanting to fight again.

The sage of Qianmo shook his body, directly guarding Jiang Tian behind him, and yelled:

"Iron-handed saint, stop! This gentleman is my sect's handyman, and you are not allowed to kill!"

"You kill people at will, don't you put me in the eyes of Luoyingzong?"

"Kang Dang!"

With that said, she also offered a handful of holy soldiers and put on a posture of a decisive battle.


The iron hand saint's popularity is declining:

"Qianmo, you don't hesitate to be an enemy of the old man in order to protect an unknown rat generation!?"

"What about the war?"

The sage of the rice paddies refused to give up. Emperor Yachang made it clear that he was coming from coveting the fire-sick clams and bullying the weak.

As for Jiang Tian's crime of insulting and contemptuous, it was just a matter of beginning.

Now, the strength can't beat Jiang Tian, ​​even the Emperor Ming's swinging magic formation has been used, and he has been obliterated by Jiang Tian. That is also his own fault!

The iron-handed saint even wants to make a move, this is just talking about strength but not morality.

The other party has no lower limit, and of course the sage of the rice paddies chose to tear his face with the other party without hesitation.

When the iron hand saint hesitated, Princess Mo Yu also took a step forward and said:

"My palace testified. At that time, this gentleman only said that Emperor Yachang didn't match me well, and he was not disrespectful, but he was kind of persuasive."

"Emperor Yachang came here to find faults, it is clear that he is trying to seize the treasure and set up a name in a clever way!"

Not only did she move alone, but the entire army of the Eastern Empire moved.

The battle array is lined up, murderous.

Fang Jinlong, Lin Hanqing and others are all ready to move, showing a tendency to encircle.

"Senior Iron Hand, Emperor Ya Chang was meant to kill people for the sake of treasures, so what is the guilt of playfulness and crime! Now who is dead, who is to blame?"

Fang Jinlong said with a cold laugh.

Obviously, standing on Jiang Tian's side, he wanted to fight the iron hand to the death.


The Iron Hand Saint stayed for a while.

He didn't expect that not only the sage of the rice paddies, but also the powerhouses of the Eastern Empire would stand on Jiang Tian's side.

He is alone now, facing the sage of the rice paddies, only 50-50 wins.

Coupled with the Eastern Empire, his odds of winning were suddenly slim.

"Senior Iron Hand, people can't come back to life after death, so I still hope to mourn."

Taking advantage of his dazed effort, Lin Yang softly persuaded him to further disintegrate the opponent's fighting spirit and murderous intent.

Secretly, Lin Hanqing said through the divine sense:

"Senior Iron Hand, Emperor Yachang has fallen, and the Black Moon Empire is bound to be in chaos, the people will not live, and the war will be everywhere. How can they have the time to provide you with training resources? Why, join our Spark Academy. The remuneration will be raised to the next generation..."

Hearing this, the iron-handed saint's eyes lit up, and his murderous intent slowly receded.

The iron-handed saint is similar to the national teacher. In the final analysis, it is still a bond of interest, and the emotional bond is not deep.

In other words, even if there is emotional entanglement and interaction with interests, it is secondary.

He avenged Emperor Yachang and killed Jiang Tian? What benefits can be gained!

The biggest difference between monks and mortals is that.

Absolutely rational, rarely emotional, everything is based on pros and cons!

Besides, it is not easy to obliterate Jiang Tian, ​​leave the mark of God's consciousness and obliterate it afterwards!

There is no need at all. At this time, I will touch everyone's mold and put myself into a passive state.

"That's it. The old man is too impulsive. Since you all intercede for you, I will give you face and spare your life!"

"Furthermore, no matter how good your roots are, and no matter how high the Nascent Soul is, you are still the Nascent Soul. The old man crushes you across two levels, it is a big bully!

The iron-handed saint shook his head and sighed, pretending to be magnanimous, acting like "I don't know much about you."

Jiang Tian's face was as cold as iron, his eyes were cold and he watched the performance of the iron hand saint, without saying a word.

To be honest, even if he is at the end of the Nascent Soul, he can face one or two saints who return to the Void.

But it is extremely difficult to return to the upper three layers! After all, the suppression of levels is there!

At this time, he has no chance of winning against the iron-handed saint, and if he really fights, he is likely to be obliterated by him!

However, he must take revenge for this blow!

"You have a good foundation. The old man does not kill you, but out of love for talent. I hope you can help justice in the future and become the pillar of this continent!"

The iron-handed saint is extremely hypocritical, showing the demeanor of a loyal elder, and instructive.

"Thank you senior for not killing. Junior remembers the teachings of senior. Just killing Emperor Yachang is also abrupt!"

Jiang Tian suppressed his murderous intentions, bowed and apologized, as if he knew his mistake and repented.

Acting, who can't!


At this moment, in the deepest part of the canyon, called the magic tide area, there was a loud noise.

The big earthquake trembled and the mountain shook!

It seems that there is an inexplicable recovery, which is a great terror, extremely ominous, and brings great fluctuations.

Everyone looked at it and saw a shocking scene.

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