MTL - Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation-Chapter 2033 Gain and risk!

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Regarding the origin of this piece of heaven and earth, there have been too many claims, and Jiang Tian didn't want to go into it.

However, revisiting the old place, it is inevitable to feel a little bit of emotion.

I have explored this place many times in my previous life. Some friends have fallen, I have gained a fortune, I have suffered betrayal, and I have also been helped by monks who met by the water... leaving a lot of memories.

"Don't be too aggressive, remember to cope with each other, and don't get too far away from the teams of other Zongmen Frontiers!"

"If you are alone and encounter a large monster, even the saints will not save you!"

In the team, the elders of the Great Teachers and the National Teachers of Jianguo often reminded them to be very cautious.

Many sects and border states have self-knowledge. Although there are coveted treasures of gold and iron and panacea in the critical grand canyon, it is still extremely dangerous.

There are a large number of monsters entrenched here, and even demons are infested. Moreover, the deeper the depth, the stronger the cultivation base of the demons, and some commanders even overwhelm the saints.

In fact, Jiang Tian understands that when the two worlds overlap, not only the human race regards this area as a place of exploration, but the demons also use this area as a hunting ground!

In the long history, I don’t know how many monks who have entered this place have fallen. Among them, there are many god-level powerhouses, even the saints!

Therefore, they have learned their lesson and no longer take risks, but teamwork, and even the route of travel has been discussed and planned.

And Jiang Tian also studied their route, the problem is not big, so, in the previous stage, he decided to hitchhike, fish, and follow Luo Yingzong's team.


Amidst the lofty mountains and ridges, with an earth-shattering demonic energy rising into the sky, a monster appeared, with three heads and six arms and fangs densely covered with scales, and it was extremely condensed, as if cast from black iron, with an evil wind. The flying boat that landed on Yingzong rushed.

The breath of tragic killing filled the void, as if it could freeze the soul of a person.


Countless people sacrificed their magic weapons one after another, and instantly fell into a bitter battle, looking at the sage of the rice paddies and exclaiming.

Everyone has a huge sense of discomfort when facing Warcraft.

Many attack laws are played out, just as if a mud cow enters the sea, there is no lethality at all.

Once contaminated by demonic energy, the laws and magic weapons they are so proud of seem to be imprisoned, and their power cannot be exerted by a tenth.


The sage stepped out in one step, opened his right hand, and shot it down, without any fluctuations in mana, winning purely with physical strength.

The vast power smashed down like a mountain, and the space below seemed to suddenly shrink into pieces of paper. The monster was instantly torn apart, blood surged, and broken bones and flesh fell like rocks.

"The sage of Qianmo is so powerful!"

Everyone is sighing, and the spirit is lifted.

The sage on the footpath is like a **** and Buddha made of precious gold. The demons are immortal, the law is invaded, and the power seems infinite.

"Not bad!"

Even Jiang Tian nodded slightly.

The sage of the path does not cast magic power, and kills the demons purely with physical power, so as not to attract more demons.

Many sects are like this, try to converge the mana fluctuations, sneak and hide, and go deep all the way.

As everyone deepened, casualties began to appear.


A demon will appear, which is equivalent to the cultivation of the humanized god, the Nether Demon Horse under the crotch, directly holding the halberd, and slamming into a medium-sized sect.

Demon generals are physically strong, strong in melee combat, and laws that can pollute and erode the laws of the human race are far beyond the reach of mainland cultivators.

With a halberd, he burst out, and directly wiped out ten miles of vitality, and this monk fell like rain.

Although several saints who transformed into gods rushed to him immediately, he immediately fleeed thousands of miles away and retreated calmly.

"This... even a **** of transformation might die under his halberd!"

Everyone is terrified. was just one at first, but more and more monsters will appear, tearing through the line of defense and breaking into the expedition team.

Any demon general of the transformation level will bring more than a dozen Yuan Ying level demon heads, and some small and medium sects will begin to suffer large-scale casualties.

"too frightening!"

"The demons are so cruel, and they haven't left a living thing!"

"I really don't know if it is a wise choice to participate in this Grand Canyon expedition!"

People sit and watch the fall of a Taoist fellow, and even the destruction of the family, the psychological impact can be imagined.

However, in a short period of time, there was also a lot of good news. Many sects and Xinjiang countries have gained a lot and feel the joy of a bumper harvest.

"Sect Master Feifeng has picked a breeze pill fruit that is a hundred thousand years old!"

There was cheers.

This kind of pill can refine the magic medicine for prolonging life, break through the shackles of cultivation base, and extend three thousand years of life.

"Jubaozong joined Dao and Jiangguo to pursue and kill for three thousand miles, killing a god-level monster, sharing beast blood and demon-seed gods!"

Of course, there are also Zongmen and Jiangguo who behead the beasts and obtain resources.

The demons cannot be swallowed directly, but after being purified by a special technique, they have unexpected benefits in improving their cultivation.

"Qishan Sect is in a magic ridge, digging thousands of feet, and got a piece of Wuhuang Wentie weighing ten thousand jin!"

There are also sects who have obtained a piece of Dao Jin, which is very rare and invaluable.


This is nothing.

In fact, this piece of space fragment was once a battlefield between humans and demons. In the endless long years, countless demons and human powers fell here, and of course many magic weapon fragments were left behind.

These things are even more precious. Saint soldier fragments, protective magic weapons, dao clothing boots, spiritual pill medicine, animal bones and dao marrow... Everyone has different gains, more or less.

These gains dissipated most of the retreat caused by fear, and everyone was refreshed and conscious.

At this time, the critical gorge here has become a feast, not only for the human monks of the Saint Yuan Continent, but also for the demons. The demons have also begun a raid on the human race, counterattacking each other.

The smell of blood filled the sky, shouts of killing and roaring one after another, there were good news of Depot from time to time, but there were also bad news, which stimulated people's nerves.

However, the Holy Land Shenzong and the powerful frontier country, because they are strong enough, can often be invincible and swept one side, and their gains have also made many forces jealous.

Such as the Ancient Medicine Hall, Luoyingzong, Jiuxuanmen, Tianluozong, Leiyangzong, Black Moon Empire and so on.

"Emperor Yachang beheaded a half-holy multi-eyed golden scale monster!"

Early in the morning on the fifth day, an exciting news came, and the entire Terran expedition team cheered for it.

The eyes of this kind of beast can be refined into a holy soldier, interfere with the opponent's spirit, and its lethality is very terrifying.

"Semi-holy multi-eyed golden scale monster! It is difficult for the ancient sage to deal with! Emperor Yachang was killed by himself!"

Countless monks inhaled air-conditioning when they heard the words, shocked and moved by it.

"The iron cavalry led by Emperor Yachang has been repaired into the'Minghuang Demon Swinging Array', besieged the beast for three days and three nights, and finally beheaded it!"

The monks who witnessed told the truth.

The semi-sacred beasts, even the saints, have a slim chance of winning. They must be treated with caution, or even go far and away.

Emperor Yachang, after all, is the new emperor, and he has just reached the semi-holy cultivation level, so he can have such a record, it is really admirable.

"Ming Emperor swings the magic array!"

Hearing this, everyone was moved.

Especially the Mo Yu, Lin Yang and others of the Eastern Empire have complex faces and mixed flavors.

This formation, which can be called the town of the Black Moon Empire, was created by its founding grandfather. In the long history, it has shined and killed three saints!

It also made the Eastern Empire suffer enough.

However, a thousand years ago, this battle was broken because of the civil war. It was lost for many years and could not be arranged. Unexpectedly, it was refilled by Emperor Yachang and the Iron Hand Saint.

Read The Duke's Passion