MTL - Return of the Dead [Holo]-Chapter 225

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I don't know how long it has passed, Mo Ran has been standing quietly in front of that door, her gaze is fixed on that door, looking at it very seriously, in fact, Mo Ran doesn't know what she is looking at. Deep in her heart, Ming Yuechen is still an omnipotent guy in her impression, probably she has been expecting that in the next second, this guy will push open the door and stand in front of her again. before.

Of course, these are the deepest thoughts in Mo Ran's heart that can't be put on the table at all, but her rationality tells herself clearly that when the door is closed, she probably has completely changed from the past. related.

When Ming Yuechen disappeared into the white light, she had actually completed the separation from Mo Ran in the past.

Since then, there is no such person as "Mo Ran" in this world, only a newly promoted god, just like the old **** she saw before, calling him a young man, since then, In everyone's mouth, she has changed from "Mo Ran" to "God."

However, even if the facts became like this, even if reason told her countless times that the future would be like this, in the dark corners of her heart, those innocent and stupid little people kept dancing and waiting.

"The supreme god..." Latin's voice sounded low behind Mo Ran, trying to wake up his master's attention.

Mo Ran exhaled slowly, she twitched the corners of her mouth, and finally hid the group of villains deeper in her heart, then turned her head to look at Latin, but when she saw this guy in front of her, she couldn't bear it. I couldn't help but froze.

In Mo Ran's impression, Latin has always been a bare bone frame, which looks very terrifying, but the Latin in front of him looks a little different.

Although the bare bones can still be seen, what is even more incredible than the bone frame is that there is a layer of golden shimmer outside the bone frame, and what these golden shimmers depict is actually It is a flesh and blood shape, as if a layer of flesh is hooped on the outside of the bone frame.

Latin was keenly aware of the inconsistency in Mo Ran's eyes on him.


In human terms, it means that when the new boss comes on stage, let's all have some big welcome treats together...

And a deeper understanding of this sentence is that when walking back from the gate of time and space, the surrounding area was originally empty, but as Mo Ran walked forward slowly, she found that she was on the ground where she hadn't walked a step. The fluffy green grass has grown, and the tender new green makes people feel full of vitality.

Latin has been following Mo Ran step by step. Mo Ran quietly looked at the green spreading infinitely, which was somewhat novel. She asked, "Is this the world like this?"

"Supreme God, you can change everything according to your will." Maybe it has been with Mo Ran for a while, so Latin can somewhat guess Mo Ran's thoughts, and he immediately responded to Mo Ran's question Words: "You are God, and God is omnipotent."

God is omnipotent?

Mo Ran turned her head to look at Latin standing beside her, and asked with some doubts: "What should I do?"

"You don't have to do anything, what do you think of, what do you want to change, you can change it by saying it." Latin lowered his head, playing the role of guide very dutifully.

"Just say?"

"Yes, God is omnipotent, you don't need to do anything, you say it, or you think about it, the world will change for you, because you are the supreme God."

Latin has the potential to be a magic stick, he keeps repeating those words, and even Mo Ran thinks that he is really omnipotent.

However, Mo Ran simply tried it. When she said to a piece of green, "Trees will grow", she saw that there were trees and flowers of various shapes growing on the piece of green grass. They obviously grow randomly like this, but they are extremely beautiful when they are squeezed together, which makes people feel relaxed and happy when they look at them.

And when Mo Ran said "There must be all kinds of birds and animals", sure enough, all kinds of animals appeared in the endless green, no matter whether they are huge, small, fierce or cute , when these animals saw Mo Ran, they all backed away and did

There was no need to do more experiments, and soon Mo Ran roughly grasped the power of God.

God is omnipotent.

Mo Ran had to sigh this sentence again.

Originally, she thought that this was just a sentence used by the gods to brainwash believers, but after she called that "God", she found that this sentence was indeed true.

Probably as a new god, at first she still needed to use words to tell the world how to respond to her and obey her, but soon, she discovered that even words were unnecessary, when she and When the world is getting more and more compatible, she doesn't even need to say anything, just think about something, and the world will respond positively to her.

Mo Ran didn't know how other people would feel in this position, or after encountering such a thing, whether they were happy or proud, but for her, it made her feel like walking on thin ice.

Especially, when she also saw the wishes piled up on both sides of her palace like snowflakes, this feeling became more and more obvious.

Mo Ran didn't want to become a god, but when she stood in this position, her nature made her start to be a **** conscientiously. After a brief familiarity with how to become a god, Mo Ran devoted herself In a lot of work.

She inspects all the worlds she governs, and if there is something that needs to be repaired, she will restore and repair it with heart. She will also carefully distinguish those wishes that are like mountains and seas, and then realize them according to the speed. Trying to make the world a better place, at least she thinks so.

Until one day, the Valkyries sent her the most ardent wish every day as usual, she opened it casually, but saw a familiar person.

Xu Nancheng hoped that his daughter Xu Ran could recover.

Looking at the wish above, Mo Ran lowered her eyes, and finally there was a wave of waves in her calm heart.

The **** was silent for too long, so long that even the Valkyries who were waiting felt uneasy, they secretly raised their heads to look at the **** sitting on the high throne, but before seeing the face of the god, they were overwhelmed by the powerful surrounding her. The momentum was so overwhelming that he had to crawl down.

Before that, Mo Ran felt that he was a fairly competent

However, she didn't know until now that she didn't want to be a **** from the bottom of her heart, and she was still the same Mo Ran who loved and hated clearly.

Everyone is a critic, without exception.

Just like when Mo Ran saw the old god, she accused the old **** of why he didn't choose a wish to fulfill those who made the wish, and why he used it to burn these wishes. She felt that the old **** was proud and would not move for anyone Cherished by ordinary people.

However, when she was really in this position and became an omnipotent god, she realized that there was nothing wrong with what the old **** did back then.

With so many wishes, she can actually distinguish them very easily, and can also realize those urgent ones, but...why would she do that?

When Mo Ran realized this, she realized that she was actually as arrogant as the old god.

It turns out that it is never the world that is changing, and only yourself is always changing.

She is forcing herself to become a **** that suits the wishes of this world, she is forcing herself to become a perfect god, for this goal, she even let herself forget her identity, her past, and even Ming Yuechen .

But is it really worth it?

No, not worth it.

If God is truly omnipotent, then...

At this moment, Mo Ran made a decision, she wanted to be herself.

Spreading out her palm, on her plain white palm, a fragment of wish flew up, standing in the middle of her palm like a guard, and in the next moment, that ardent wish was ignited.

It's clearly a snow-white wish, but when it burns, it emits colorful lights, which is indeed very beautiful.

The Valkyries kneeling under the throne were filled with shock.

They are the Valkyries who were born with the birth of the gods. From the moment they were born, they saw that they were conscientious, extremely righteous and fair gods. She never lost anyone or anything because of any ugliness in the world. , even these insignificant little wishes, the gods will carefully distinguish and fulfill them as much as possible.

She never underestimated anyone

Since the birth of these Valkyries, they have never seen a **** completely deny a wish, this is the first time.

And soon, these Valkyries will know, what is the beginning...

Seeing the wish turn into ashes little by little in the palm of her hand, Mo Ran's lips finally evoked a happy smile, but after all, waves were stirred up in her peaceful heart, and the waves started from the beginning , became bigger and bigger, more and more turbulent, and soon set off a huge wave that shook the sky.

Why does she want to be a god?

She only wants to be Mo Ran, she only wants to be Mo Ran.

The Valkyrie found that the high **** suddenly stood up, and they immediately prostrated themselves on the ground to express their submission. The little waiters in the palace who were constantly playing beautiful music did not notice these changes, and continued to play the music. The voice of the gods echoed in the huge palace: "Everyone stop."

Immediately, the entire palace and even the entire world fell silent, and they completely followed the instructions of the gods.

Mo Ran watched all this quietly, her gaze shifted, and finally landed on Latin, she said: "What should a **** look like?"

Latin buried his head very low, as if he was going to completely burrow himself under the ground. Mo Ran called him again, and asked again. At this time, Latin raised his head in panic, and looked at the person standing in front of the throne. gods.

The **** looked at him quietly, as if it was the same as usual, but Latin keenly felt that there was something different, but he couldn't tell what was different when asked to make him clear.

He swallowed subconsciously.

Yes, skin and flesh had grown on his bare bones, and now Latin was already a handsome Valkyrie. He stayed by the new god's side and became a Valkyrie chief like a steward.

"It should be..." Latin had never felt that the god's question was so difficult to answer. He slowly repeated the god's question, trying to find the answer, but obviously, the **** didn't need his answer, and the **** was even asking this question. When you ask a question, you already have your answer.


"God only does what He wishes to do."

From that day on, all the Valkyries found that the gods seemed to have changed. Although she would still perfect the world and fulfill some wishes on weekdays, she was no longer attentive, and even for those who accumulated more and more When wishing, she will also have a daytime fireworks.

However, more often, she would fiddle with various times and spaces.

When he was still a dead person or a person, Mo Ran felt that time was the most irreversible thing in this world, and space was the most mysterious setting in this world, but when he became a god, Mo Ran realized that no matter whether it is time, It is still space, which is just a dispensable toy before God.

She can put a person into a brand new space at will, this behavior is called time travel; she can also bring the dead person back to life, and even return to the time when he was most upset, this behavior is called It's called rebirth; she can also copy a person into two, and after copying an identical space, observe the differences between them...

It can be seen from this that Ming Yuechen begged that old **** for his own rebirth back then, which was really too simple for the gods.

However, what she did most was probably looking at her own past.

See how I once struggled in the humbleness of longing for the love of my father, how I managed to survive bit by bit in the chaos and oppression, and how the dead struggled to survive.

In addition to these, she will also see what will happen in the world she used to live in, and will see if there will be a battle between the four races.

However, she has never seen Ming Yuechen.

It was like when she stood in front of the gate and decided to separate herself from the past, she decided not to interfere with Ming Yuechen's affairs.

If what Ming Yuechen entrusted to her in the previous life was a new life and endless thoughts, then she hopes that in a world without her own existence, in a world that has forgotten her existence, Ming Yuechen can have a different life .

He should have a new life of his own,

In short, Ming Yuechen should have a warm, memorable and happy life, and all of these should have no existence of his own.

Mo Ran really sincerely hoped, but she never went to see Ming Yuechen, nor did she verify whether her wish would come true, because she was afraid.

Even if she has stood in the position of a god, even if she has become an omnipotent god, she cannot deny that the former Mo Ran still lives in that corner of her heart.

It was the same Mo Ran who was afraid of being alone, of being abandoned, and of being forgotten.

She didn't go to see Ming Yuechen just because she was afraid.

Her mood is so contradictory. On the one hand, she hopes that Ming Yuechen can live a happy life like ordinary people, but on the other hand, she is afraid of seeing Ming Yuechen who has completely forgotten herself in such happiness. She even feels that if she finds Ming Yuechen If there are other girls standing next to her, she is likely to be jealous.

It's ridiculous, she is a god, but deep down she is still so fragile.

Mo Ran supported her head, letting her long white hair flow down from her fingertips like a waterfall, covering the entire pool. Her other hand was beating out of thin air. With the beating of her fingers, the pictures that originally lived in another time and space and time reappeared in front of her.

The Valkyries would accompany the gods to watch these interesting scenes, and sometimes they would even open their mouths to ask about the people and things in the pictures. Mo Ran also indulged their curiosity, answering these questions from time to time when they were in a good mood.

She feels that such a life is actually not bad.

"God..." The Valkyrie who combed her hair looked at the picture in front of her and jumped over with the fingers of the **** again. It seemed to be like this every time, as if someone was about to appear or heard someone's voice, God will manipulate the screen to jump over, and over time, she also feels

"Huh?" Mo Ran flicked through the pictures at will, quietly watching the lives of those familiar people, and a lazy voice seemed to overflow from her nasal cavity.

"Why do you have to jump over every time that person or that voice is about to appear?" The Valkyrie was still combing her hair, asking very casually.

Mo Ran's fingers stopped suddenly.

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