MTL - Return of the Dead [Holo]-Chapter 216

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In her hand is an ornament, and this ornament is exactly the same as the one Mo Ran spelled out just now, but this ornament can obviously be worn, and, Mo Ran doesn't know if it is her own illusion, she has a kind of This thing feels brighter and more radiant.

"This is..." Mo Ran hesitated slightly, she raised her head from the ornament and looked at Mo Ran who stood opposite her in the so-called truth, with doubts on her face.

The other party fiddled with the ornament in the palm of his hand with his fingers, and after taking a long breath, he said, "You should already have this thing."

Mo Ran nodded. During the long copying process, she did collect this item. At first, she thought that the item she collected should be used as a tool to deal with God, but now when the other party took out another accessory that was in her hand After seeing something almost exactly the same, she suddenly became uncertain.

"I do have one, in the dungeon, it was pieced together from fragments, and this..." Mo Ran looked at the object in the opponent's palm, paused for a moment, and then said: "Is there any difference between this and this? "

The other party laughed: "The difference is probably..." At this point, she suddenly didn't continue, but just winked mischievously at Mo Ran: "What do you think?"

"True or false?"

The other party shook his head and nodded again, before Mo Ran could ask again in doubt, the other party had already explained to her very kindly: "It can't be said to be true or false, the one in your hand is real, but it is not a finished product , probably even if it is used, it will not be able to exert its maximum effect, not to mention, if it is not a finished product, it cannot be used."

Mo Ran couldn't express the feeling in his heart. Sure enough, no matter when or where, it is impossible for the dungeon to honestly and simply give you a piece of equipment that you can use. Look, No matter how careful you are, all the places you can go are pits.

But the other party seemed to fully understand what Mo Ran was thinking, she didn't care, and put the jewelry in Mo Ran's hand directly: "Now it's yours."

Mo Ran was a little puzzled, but then she felt that it should be so, probably because this piece of equipment has been delayed for too long, and when it really belongs to her, she no longer has the happiness that she should have had after obtaining the equipment up.

She just put this piece of equipment in her hands

Mo Ran's finger that had been flipping the ornament stopped suddenly, and after a moment of hesitation, he raised his head and looked at the other party again. Mo Ran couldn't see any clues on the other party's face, so he could only ask : "Is this question a necessary condition for leaving here?"

The other party shook his head and smiled: "No, I'm just curious."

Mo Ran, who exhaled almost at the same time, twitched the corners of his mouth and said unhurriedly: "If you ask about regrets, you will have many, but if you ask about whether you regret your choice, I don't regret it at all."

"Why don't you regret it?" This answer was expected by the other party. She looked at Mo Ran with a little curiosity. Compared with the answer, she was more curious about Mo Ran's explanation.

"The reason is very simple, because I have already decided that I want to be who I am now, and it is because I want to be who I am that I make these choices. Although these choices will be very hard, there are some choices from now It's wrong to look at it from the perspective of others, but these choices are all based on being who I am now."

"Will I regret being who I am now? No, never have. If so, why should I regret because of my choice?"

When Mo Ran said these things, she was actually not very cautious. She thought so in her heart, so she said it without any modification, but the other party listened very seriously.

Until Mo Ran finished speaking, she seemed to be still listening carefully and savoring the aftertaste of these words. After a long time, she seemed to come back to her senses, with some emotion: "This is the first time I have heard such a statement... "

After speaking, she lowered her head and thought for a while before looking up at Mo Ran in confusion and asking, "Is it because of different choices that made you happy? Is that what you mean?"

Mo Ran shook her head resolutely: "No, on the contrary, I decide what kind of person I will become. This decision made me make all the choices, so I never regret it."

This statement seemed a bit of a mouthful, but the other party quickly understood the key point in the middle, and she smiled and exclaimed: "You are really different. You are different from everyone I have met."

This door is very familiar. It is exactly the same as the door that Mo Ran saw and opened in the desert. Mo Ran had thought about it countless times, and felt that this dungeon might be far away, but he never expected that the final ending would come so quickly. .

She looked at the door in a daze, hesitated for a while and turned to look at the other Mo Ran who was standing aside: "What's behind this door?"

"That's something you should explore by yourself." The other party just smiled lightly, and didn't give any effective answer to Mo Ran's question.

Mo Ran walked towards the door, her steps were firm and steady, as if her heart was filled with endless power, but when she stood at the door, she suddenly turned her head and looked at the man who was still standing there. Another Mo Ran asked: "Paranoia will hide the truth."

The other Mo Ran was taken aback for a moment, and then realized what she was talking about. She had a very bright expression on her smiling face: "Yes, paranoia is like a haze that covers your eyes, so you can't see it." to the truth, so you forgive yourself, forgive all the anger..."

She didn't speak anymore, because she just disappeared before Mo Ran's eyes, but Mo Ran didn't feel regretful either, she thought she already understood what the other party was going to say.

Paranoia will block your eyes, so you have to forgive yourself, forgive your anger and unwillingness, because only by forgiving yourself, reconciling with yourself, and accepting your love and hatred, you will see the world. the truth.

Mo Ran didn't turn her head until she saw that the other party disappeared without even a trace, and opened her palm, which contained the golden ornament. She thought for a while, then opened her package, There was also an accessory in the package, but unlike the one in his hand, it seemed that it could not be worn. Mo Ran took out the accessory and looked at the descriptions of the two accessories.

The Eye of Truth: The void of the void, the void of the void, all is the void. Only the eye of truth sees through the void.

The Eye of Reality Blindfold: the void of the void, the void of the void, all is the void, see through

The difference between the two pieces of equipment is only two words, but Mo Ran is already an earth-shaking difference.

Mo Ran put the two ornaments in the palm of her left hand, and opened the door with her right hand. The moment her right hand touched the doorknob, she found that the pattern of the Eye of Reality appeared in the palm of her right hand. The dazzling light, even though it was in the palm of his hand and couldn't directly pierce her eyes, still couldn't be ignored.

Simultaneously with this light was the ornament of the Eye of Reality in the palm of his left hand, and when the dazzling light disappeared, Mo Ran saw the door in front of him disappear, and with this door, this light At the same time, the jewelry in her hand and the pattern of the Eye of Reality in the palm of her right hand also disappeared.

She looked around, only to find that there was a mist everywhere, and it seemed that there were some unknown life forms floating in the mist. Mo Ran narrowed her eyes, trying to see what it was, but unfortunately , she couldn't do it, suddenly, as if she remembered something, she directly put on the blindfold in her hand.


She found that the whole world has become different.

Those unknown and seemingly living objects that had been floating in front of her eyes, she always thought they might be souls, or angels, but when she saw them through the eyes of reality, they were just clouds.

The whole world became extremely clear.

There is no mist in front of her, there is only a huge, seemingly endless wheat field, the wheat has already matured, and ripe, full grains hang on the straw, although heavy, But still thriving straight waist, swaying toward the blue sky.

Golden yellow, a piece of golden yellow, an endless piece of golden yellow, just laid out in front of Mo Ran's eyes, spreading towards the distant horizon.

The whole world seems to have only a few colors left.

The golden wheat fields, the blue sky, and the white clouds, but nothing else.

The whole world seemed to become clean and pure in an instant. Mo Ran looked at everything in front of her almost obsessively. She didn't know how long it had been since she saw such a pure world. What she saw in her eyes were only the golden harvest, the blue High and deep, as well as pure white, she narrowed her eyes, and her heart was constantly rolling with happiness that she had never experienced before.

She suddenly had a sense of transparency that she had never experienced before, just like the beautiful scenery in front of her.

Whether it is pure or dirty, no matter what, the world is like this.

Mo Ran walked along the waist-high ears of wheat. There was no road here, so she could only walk through the golden field. As she walked, she felt the slight itching caused by the golden ears of wheat rubbing against her body. Watching the bright light from the blue sky swaying hot on the skin, feeling the shadows cast under the white clouds.

She kept thinking about what another Mo Ran said in the door, she had to forgive herself.

Before that, when she heard such words, she would just scoff and dismiss them. Why should she forgive herself? She didn't do anything wrong, so how could she forgive her?

But at this moment, when she was walking in this piece of purity, she suddenly wanted to cry, and she had to admit that her pride, her self-confidence, everything about her was making things difficult for herself.

What did Mo Ran want at the beginning?

Probably, only the simplest happiness.

And what Mo Ran wants most now, she has grown up, she has become greedy, what she wants is not just happiness, but endless happiness, for this reason, she can hardly help herself to love her father She couldn't help herself to break away from her relationship with Ming Yuechen and stand on the opposite side, she even couldn't help herself to stand in front of all the dead as if she had no weakness.

Go out from here, if you can go out from here, will Mo Ran change?

No, she is probably still the same Mo Ran, but when walking here, Mo Ran wants to try to forgive herself, forgive herself for being strong, forgive herself for being paranoid, forgive herself for wanting to be loved by her father.

After losing relatives, lovers, friends, and everyone's expectations, Mo Ran is just Mo Ran, and Mo Ran will always be the little girl sitting at the door of the house when the cicadas sing in summer, dangling her legs and waiting to buy ice cream.

She is simple and timid, weak and afraid of pain, she has the natural cunning of a child, she has the natural timidity of a child, this is her, she spent so much time to become strong, hard, and invulnerable, She has become everyone's backer, but in her heart, she is still that little girl.

This is the truth of everything.

Mo Ran walked faster and faster, and finally started running. She ran fast, like a gust of wind blowing through the tops of ears of wheat,

She thought she would keep running in this endless wheat field, but the end came so suddenly. Just after she blinked, she was already standing in front of a small low house, and sitting It was the little Mo Ran on the threshold.

The child's face was drooping, her black hair curled around her shoulders, and her chubby little feet were wearing worn-out pink slippers. The flowers on them were gone, but she couldn't hide her joy at all. She kept shaking legs, humming a happy song.

Suddenly, as if she felt something, she raised her head and looked towards Mo Ran, and then, a bright smile appeared on her face, she tilted her head and said, "Hey, you are okay now ?"

Mo Ran blinked her eyes, and then, she couldn't hold back the tears any longer, and kept flowing down. At this moment, she seemed to have become a child again, with her head down, her shoulders constantly shaking, her chest even more so. Her sobs rose and fell.

The little Mo Ran just looked up at her, didn't speak, and even shook her legs more happily. I don't know how long it has passed, but Mo Ran's emotions accumulated in her chest since no one knew when were completely vented. When she came out, she rubbed her eyes vigorously with both hands. Although the golden eyepatch covered most of her crying eyes, she could still see its redness and swelling through the gap.

Mo Ran looked at the little figure sitting across from her, and tried her best to smile.

She has not cried for many, many years. It seems that since entering the end of the world, no matter whether it is the last life or this life, she has never cried again. This cruel world has long taught her that crying is the most useless thing in the world. The weakest approach.

From then on, Mo Ran lost the ability to cry.

Until today, until today when she started to forgive herself, she suddenly seemed to have learned this skill again.

"I'm fine." Mo Ran said so, although her voice became hoarse from crying, although her eyes became red and swollen from crying, although she knew that she was in a state of embarrassment, but she really felt Very good, never been better.

"Then you must be very happy now." The child on the opposite side had no idea where the logic came from, and the smile on her face was still very bright.

"Listen to you, was I unhappy just now?" Mo Ran was suddenly curious.

The little child raised both hands and pressed them with his chubby index finger.

Mo Ran couldn't help being amused by her actions, she asked: "Do you make mistakes?"

"Who can't make mistakes?" The child spread out his hands like a philosopher: "Everyone can, but some will be discovered by others, and some will not be discovered by others."

"How about being discovered? What if not being discovered?"

"If someone finds out, I will be spanked, but no matter who spanks me, I will not admit it wrong in my heart." The child said very proudly.

Mo Ran was slightly stunned, isn't this just her own idea?

Involuntarily, she couldn't help but continued to ask again: "So, what will happen if no one finds out?"

"Then I will tell myself that I can't do wrong next time, and then quietly forgive myself." The child asked innocently while looking up at his head, "So, now, have you forgiven yourself?"

Only at this moment, Mo Ran felt as if a distant voice hit her body hard through the long years, it was deafening, her hand slid across her skirt, and subconsciously touched her body. The clothes are arranged more neatly, it seems that only in this way can I have the courage to face the new journey.

Then she heard herself say in a clear and sure voice, "Yes, I forgive myself."

"Okay." The child stood up from the threshold, she held her head high like an adult, stretched out a hand towards Mo Ran, and said very seriously and cautiously: "Then, I also forgive is you."

Mo Ran looked at that hand quietly. This hand still had the unique complexion of the yellow race. The small joints were wrapped under the round skin. Her nails were bitten to pieces, and the clothes on her were also It wasn't clean, and there were even holes in some places. Through the holes, Moran could see tiny moles on her delicate skin, but her whole body was filled with a kind of confidence and happiness that she had never felt before.

A few seconds later, Mo Ran also stretched out her hand, holding it cautiously with that little hand. From this moment on, she completely accepted herself, the person who hated, loved, struggled, and tore her in the previous life. The broken self also accepted the cold, hard and proud self in this life. As she said, she first decided to become the present

Then, she must forgive the weakness and cowardice in her heart, and completely accept her and forgive her, because it is because of Mo Ran that she loves herself more.

The child smiled brightly at Mo Ran. Her teeth were white, and there were even traces of decayed teeth on the thin deciduous teeth. The next moment, she turned into a crystal light spot, and finally disappeared around.

"You came?"

Before Mo Ran could get rid of her emotions from the disappearing light spot of the child, she heard a very familiar voice. She looked in the direction of the voice, it was Ming Yuechen.

He still looks young, with a fixed back, growing resolutely like a green pine on the edge of the cliff, with a clear and shallow smile on his face, as if the moon is leisurely climbing up the mountain at night when the night is like water. On the top, Su Guang, who was deeply chilled, wobbled down.

But Mo Ran couldn't react for a while, many images appeared in her mind, there was the Ming Yuechen who let her go, there was the Ming Yuechen who picked her up, there was the Ming Yuechen who deliberately deceived her, there was the man There is Ming Yuechen who stabs the blade into his chest, there is that lonely Ming Yuechen who sits on the throne, and there is that humble Ming Yuechen who stands before God.

Every Ming Yuechen, they are wearing armor, they are wearing common clothes, they are young, they are old, he seems to run through the tunnel of time and finally stand in front of her, he has experienced so much, so much, but standing in front of her When she was in front of her, she still looked like nothing had happened.

He always seems to keep his most relaxed and gentle side to himself.

Mo Ran blinked her eyes, as if at this moment she saw the long footprints all over Ming Yuechen's back.

Ming Yuechen noticed Mo Ran's overly silent state, and couldn't help but feel a little worried. He wanted to step forward, but just as he took a step, he suddenly remembered the cold relationship between them now, and then stopped, and just quickly used He looked her up and down, suppressed his eagerness, and asked in a calm tone as much as possible: "What's wrong?"

And the next moment, the person in front of him suddenly fell into his arms, she had never taken the initiative like this before.

Mo Ran hugged Ming Yuechen lightly, and obviously felt that his muscles became tense. She smiled where the other party couldn't see: "Thank you, Ming Yuechen."

The author has something to say: It is estimated that 3K words will be updated tomorrow, and then it may not be updated from Monday to Wednesday, even if it is updated, the manuscript will be saved...

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-05-2113:34:09~2021-05-2212:01:59~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: An Chenyun 1;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 15 bottles have not been sent;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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