MTL - Return of the Dead [Holo]-Chapter 210

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No matter how Anzu tried to stop him, Mingyuechen still insisted on going to find Xu Nancheng. Anzu was completely annoyed by his stubbornness and obstinacy, so he threw away his hand and said angrily at the other party: "Mingyuechen, you should be clearer. ,Can you think about the current situation? Could it be that all your sanity has been eaten by that dead woman? Can you not only see that little bit of love, can you think about yourself, and also Think about us!"

Ming Yuechen finally stopped in his tracks, and finally lowered his head. Although the expression on his face was still very stubborn and impatient, his tone was as calm as ever. He looked at Anzu quietly for a few seconds, his face The impatient expressions on his face finally faded away, and he returned to his usual appearance.

"The situation? What's the situation?" Ming Yuechen asked softly. His tone was too calm and without emotional ups and downs. For a moment, Mo Ran, who was watching by the side, couldn't figure out whether he really didn't understand or understood. I don't want to say it.

Obviously, this kind of calm made An Zu fall back in anger. He raised his finger and pointed at Ming Yuechen without saying a word for a long time, but he was obviously a good-tempered one. The look of refraining from oil and salt, substituting Anzu's current emotions, she felt that if she was standing here now, she would probably have to do something.

Anzu didn't do anything, but took two deep breaths to calm down his emotions, then lowered his voice, grabbed Ming Yuechen's wrist and said, "Ming Yuechen, do you know that this How important a feat is to those of us who oppose living body experiments, how embarrassing our faction is at the top, and basically pushed to the margins, we can’t say anything about race, let alone important The right to decide, we need this feat, we need to return to the center of power!"

Speaking of this, An Zu carefully looked at Ming Yuechen's expression, hoping to see something from his expression, but unfortunately, he didn't see anything. An Zu thought that Ming Yuechen was still not enlightened, so he was helpless. Under the circumstances, we can only continue to persuade: "How long has this **** living body experiment been going on? It has been more than a year, and we have resisted for more than a year, and we have also resisted from the right

"Ming Yuechen, clear your head, what is important and what is not, if we return to the center of power, don't we have a better chance of stopping this disgusting experiment? If we stop this kind of experiment , couldn’t Mo Ran be rescued too? Isn’t it the same!” Anzu finished these words almost in one breath, his voice was very low, if it wasn’t for Mo Ran standing next to them, he might not have heard him at all Mutter something.

If it is extracted from the current plot and memory and analyzed rationally, what Anzu said is not unreasonable. However, if Mo Ran is in Anzu's position, she may not stop Ming Yuechen, and may even be very angry. Supporting Ming Yuechen's choice is not because Ming Yuechen's purpose is to rescue her former self, but purely from the perspective of playing with power, she feels that Anzu's thinking is too simple and too tender, because—

Ming Yuechen finally laughed, a sad and mocking smile emerged on his gorgeous poppy-like face, the shallow curvature of his lips showed that his current emotions were not as calm as his face showed , he just looked at Anzu, his eyes were deep and dark, but within a few seconds, Anzu shrank a little.

"Anzu, do you really think that it is true that we are excluded because we oppose live experiments?"

"Is not it?"

"Do you really think we can regain the pinnacle of power and return to the center of the top because of this meritorious service?"

"This is... this is what the city lord promised, isn't it?"

"Do you really think this promise will be fulfilled without any price?"

Anzu, who was very determined from the first question, really couldn't say a word now, he stared at Ming Yuechen in a daze.

"Look, it's not that you don't know many things, it's just that you don't want to admit it. Xu Nancheng excluded us not only because of the live experiment, but because our philosophy is different from his. He wants an obedient dog. Not a person with independent thinking. So, if we really use this meritorious service to exchange for his promise, will we get power or a life-threatening knife?"

Ming Yuechen let out a long breath, raised his hand,

Mo Ran was standing beside Ming Yuechen, when he heard his words, he suddenly froze, and turned his head to look at him involuntarily.

What is certain is that Ming Yuechen in front of him belongs to the dungeon, a part of the truth, and a memory that Mo Ran does not know, so he cannot see himself, or in other words, other than "Mo Ran himself" People can't see themselves, but when Mo Ran looked at Ming Yuechen so intently, he saw him suddenly turn his head in his direction.

His eyes were still dark and smooth, and Mo Ran had the feeling that he was looking at her. Her heart couldn't help beating wildly, and she even took a step back involuntarily.

"So, are you doing it for safety this time?" After a long time, Mo Ran finally heard Anzu ask in a very difficult voice.

Ming Yuechen turned his head to look at An Zu, showing an unburdened smile: "No, I'm just going to change Mo Ran, of course, such a choice may be beneficial to us, but, I started My only idea is to change Mo Ran, nothing else."

An Zu, who was talking about something with a heavy heart just now, seemed to be overwhelmed with anger when he heard this, a very helpless and distorted expression appeared on his face, and he just stared at Ming Yuechen like that. After a while, he let out a long breath as if he was relieving himself, raised his hand and waved at Ming Yuechen: "Okay, okay, I got it."

An Zu wasn't trying to stop Ming Yuechen, but he didn't follow Ming Yuechen to find Xu Nancheng. Ming Yuechen asked him why, and he said with a wry smile: "Although, this meritorious service belongs to you, but you want me to watch you use it. Such a great feat to exchange for a female deceased...Even if I know the ins and outs, and know all kinds of last resorts, but I can't do it, can I feel sorry for you? Just let me out of sight and out of my mind..."

Ming Yuechen left with a smile, Mo Ran took a deep look at An Zu, and began to carefully recall everything about this person in her previous life, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't remember anything.

It may be because the time is too long, or it may be because all her emotions have disappeared at that time.

It's a pity that there has never been such a thing in the world.

Mo Ran leaned on the tall bookshelf in Xu Nancheng's study, quietly watching Ming Yuechen express his intentions calmly, and then watching Xu Nancheng's brilliant acting "shock" and all kinds of hard-fought attempts to persuade him to stay. After coming and going, Xu Nancheng finally gave Ming Yuechen a special certificate, through which he could bring "self" out of the research institute.

Of course, with the previous foreshadowing, these things seem to be taken for granted, and there is nothing worth talking about. What really makes Mo Ran care about is another thing, that is, when Ming Yuechen was talking to Xu Nancheng. Using some means, he pasted something under Xu Nancheng's desk.

His movements are too natural and too subtle. If it wasn't for Mo Ran's eighth level, if it wasn't for her being a dead person with keen eyesight and perception beyond all races, if it wasn't for this special angle, he would probably be Even Mo Ran couldn't see the blue light that flashed extremely quickly when the thing was pasted on it.

Therefore, when Ming Yuechen walked away from Xu Nancheng's desk with the certificate, she walked up quickly. She didn't know whose perspective the current copy gave her, so she had to be quick, otherwise, she Might be missing from this scene.

Squatting at the place where Ming Yuechen was standing just now, Mo Ran raised her head and looked for the place where his fingers had touched, and she really saw a light and faint round fingernail-sized under the edge of the table. pattern.

This pattern is light brown, and it almost blends with Xu Nancheng's desk. If Mo Ran didn't look for it purposefully, it might not be seen at all. Its pattern is also very strange, and the light and color are too similar. Mo Ran didn't see what it was at all, she just knew that Ming Yuechen had pasted a pattern here, and it couldn't be erased, she didn't understand the use of this pattern at all.

She wanted to see more clearly, but the picture in front of her eyes changed again. There was no table in front of her, no Xu Nancheng, only the cold and bleak

This bleak whiteness impressed Mo Ran very deeply. Even if she was reborn ten or eight times, she would never forget this bleak whiteness. This kind of whiteness belonged to the research institute that tinged with death.

The inside of the laboratory is still the same as it used to be in memory. There are researchers in white coats coming and going everywhere. There are many laboratories dotted around in the huge laboratory. Each laboratory has different experimental equipment and related information. The various "experiments" at the bottom of the laboratory, you can only see various "experiments" being sent into or out of the laboratory every day in the laboratory.

There are people cleaning here anytime and anywhere, but no matter what kind of cleaning agent is used, it seems that there is no way to wash away the **** smell in these laboratories.

Mo Ran saw Ming Yuechen, his face was calm, but his eyes were so dark that he could not see the bottom. He followed a researcher and walked towards the depths of the laboratory. When he blinked again, Mo Ran Ran has arrived in the laboratory, and two people are about to go up and put down a "rotten meat" hanging on the experimental equipment.

"I'll do it myself." Ming Yuechen stopped them.

This was obviously not in line with the rules, the two researchers didn't agree immediately, they just raised their eyes to look at Lu Da who came in with Ming Yuechen.

Ming Yuechen also turned his head to look at Lu Da, his voice was not loud, but his voice was tense, like a piano string that hadn't been oiled for a long time, it would snap if he exerted a little force, those who know him should understand , and now Ming Yuechen is on the verge of anger: "This is the certificate, she is already my thing, there should be nothing wrong with me coming to get back what belongs to me."

Lu Da looked at Ming Yuechen with a very easy-going smile on his face. He motioned for the two researchers to step back, and then Ming Yuechen walked forward slowly. He was standing on the tall steel frame hanging Mo There was no intact skin on her body, the scarlet muscles were exposed, and the severed artery was continuously gushing out blood, like a faucet that had been let go.

Subconsciously, Ming Yuechen wanted to stretch out his hand to cover the broken artery to stop the bleeding, but before he raised his hand, Bai Wei's voice came from outside the laboratory: "The self-healing of the dead If she is very capable, don't worry, she will be able to stop the bleeding by herself in less than two hours."

Ming Yuechen turned half of his face to look at Bai Wei who was standing at the door

Bai Wei looked at Ming Yuechen's actions, and a mocking sneer appeared on her lips. She felt that the strongest human being was simply a lunatic, who was willing to waste such a high-level wound medicine on an experimental product, but she was afraid of him. She didn't say anything about her identity and the certificate in her hand. She looked at Ming Yuechen and carefully took Mo Ran off the shelf as if he was treating some treasure. She didn't care about the blood on Mo Ran's body. It was a mess.

Ming Yuechen put Mo Ran on the operating table in the laboratory, where he had spread a very beautiful, soft and large cloth towel in advance.

Advanced wound medicine is indeed very useful, coupled with the self-healing ability of the deceased, the wound on Mo Ran who was placed on the operating table is healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Ming Yuechen carefully wrapped Mo Ran's body with the cloth towel, then took out another snow-white handkerchief from the package, dipped it in clean water, and wiped Mo Ran's face carefully, with gentle movements as if It is to treat a piece of tofu that breaks when touched.

Bai Wei just looked at it like this, her brows furrowed deeper and deeper, and finally she couldn't help but sarcastically said: "Are you serious? Just take it back and pull it down, what are you doing here..."

Even Bai Wei's sarcasm and sarcasm did not stop the movements of Ming Yuechen's hands at all. Instead, he became more careful, and while wiping, he replied casually: "Girls always like clean and beautiful ones."

"Girls?!" Bai Wei let out a loud sarcasm from her nasal cavity, and sneered unceremoniously: "This kind of thing is not human, what are you thinking? Still a girl..."

Ming Yuechen looked directly at Bai Wei with cold and cruel eyes. The undisguised killing inside made Bai Wei subconsciously swallow the words that followed, and the expression on her face also slowly sank. After coming down, she finally became extremely distorted. She bared her teeth and sneered at Ming Yuechen like someone who had experienced it, and said: "People are people, and the dead are dead. They are of different races and have different ideas. They are all a group of people who will not die or get hurt. , an emotionless monster, Ming Yuechen, you will one day

"What's none of your business?" Ming Yuechen withdrew his gaze, carefully wiped off the blood stains on Mo Ran's face, and combed her long hair briefly, then grabbed the cloth wrapping her He was picked up, and walked towards the outside of the institute without looking back.

The sun was blinding.

Mo Ran stood on the side of the road, watching Ming Yuechen holding Mo Ran who used to be walking at a high speed all the way, she suddenly felt mixed feelings in her heart, she really didn't know what to say, or, from the beginning of watching the truth to the present , She has completely fallen into a situation of self-doubt.

Every time she sees something different from her memory, she can't help but think, the truth is really too cruel, it directly overturns all her thoughts and makes her feel like she has lived in vain. .

Ming Yuechen hugged the former Mo Ran and passed by Mo Ran, she took a deep breath, only to hear the former Mo Ran leaning into Ming Yuechen's arms and whispering these things, she couldn't help being curious , What would I have said in that situation?

She followed, but stopped after a few steps.

She heard herself say, "Dad."

She heard Ming Yuechen say to herself again: "Don't worry, I'll help you find it."

How fragile and beautiful this picture looks, makes Mo Ran feel how absurd and ridiculous.

Is the self in the previous life still waiting for the executioner to become the Monkey King to save him at this time? Even remembering, waiting, and searching until now, what a joke.

Mo Ran didn't leave anymore, but just quietly watched Ming Yuechen leave. She found a place to sit down, blinked her eyes, and after Ming Yuechen's back disappeared, the scene in front of her turned to Xu Nancheng.

He was standing on the balcony of Wangcheng and looked down. From this angle, he could see most of the scenery of Tiandu City clearly. Naturally, the shadow of Ming Yuechen holding Mo Ran and galloping away on horseback was also clear. It fell into his eyes, the corners of his lips drooped unhappily, and there was no usual false affinity on his face, which seemed to be covered with dark clouds.

After watching for a while, he regained that friendly and cheerful smile, turned his head to look at the other person in the room, and said, "Achen is really a man of temperament."

"Idiot." But the only response to him was a mocking sneer.

"Young people, there are always times when your mind is not clear." Hearing Liao Shibo's words, Xu Nancheng's expression seemed to become more and more cheerful. He walked towards the room, and said as if admonishing as he walked. : "You are brothers who have been together for many years. When you have time, go to see him and persuade him. It's just a plaything, just leave it as you like, but don't take it too seriously. Putting the cart before the horse is the real loss outweighs the gain." .”

Liao Shibo sighed for a long time and nodded: "I see, City Lord." this surveillance?

Mo Ran raised her lips quietly, and she looked at Xu Nancheng with interest.

After this man subverted all her expectations of her father, she realized that all she expected and understood was the word "father". As for Xu Nancheng, she had never understood him before.

After separating the two roles, Mo Ran found that she was actually more interested in Xu Nancheng than she hated her "father". She could watch his every word and deed calmly and rationally, and tried to stand by him. Analyzing his true intentions in doing so from a different perspective.

I have to say, this is a very interesting thing.

Just like now, Mo Ran squinted his eyes and wondered whether Xu Nancheng was worried about Mo Ran, or Ming Yuechen, or he conjectured poorly about Ming Yuechen, afraid that he would really treat Mo Ran as a toy and play badly. What if he missed her and delayed his business?

No matter which possibility it is, the deep meaning behind it makes Mo Ran feel that human nature is indeed the most complicated and ugliest thing in the world.

Mo Ran was sitting in the corner, watching the changes in the picture in front of her, watching every detail of how she and Ming Yuechen got along that year, from rejection to intimacy, from strangeness to familiarity, from hatred to dependence, she sometimes watched Looking at it, I couldn't help laughing, it turned out that from God's perspective, everything seemed sticky and boring, but from this sticky boring, Mo Ran could feel something called happiness.

It turns out that in the last life, every little bit she felt was not fake. It turns out that the mood of Ming Yuechen she once fell in love with is not fake either. It turns out that he also loved so seriously and attentively back then. Live yourself.

When he knew this fact, Mo Ran inexplicably felt a feeling of being filled, as if he had regretted the emptiness for many years and finally found the moisture that should exist, and slowly swelled up, letting the emptiness with Mo Ran, who died with countless hatreds, finally calmed down.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2021-05-13 12:31:15~2021-05-14 14:34:55~

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: An Chenyun and Mu Xiaoxue;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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