MTL - Return of the Dead [Holo]-Chapter 208

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After being silent for a long time, Mo Ran raised her head and looked at the thick red mist around her. They seemed to be ferocious ghosts, waiting for her unacceptable, waiting for her struggle, waiting for her capture.

Mo Ran barely sneered, she lowered her head again, and said calmly, "Mo Xian is Xu Nancheng."

Probably because she spoke too calmly, without even a trace of hesitation or pain. Instead, she felt insincere when she played the copy. She didn't respond immediately to Mo Ran. Instead, Mo Ran said again: "Mo Xian is Xu Nancheng."

Some things are very difficult when you don't accept them, but once you say them for the first time, you seem to be calm, even if you accept them, they are not as difficult as you imagined.

At least she is like this with Mo Ran. When she said it for the first time, she really felt that her heart was full of grief and indignation, but after only a few seconds, when she repeated it for the second time, she became very miraculous. calm.

"Mo Xian is Xu Nancheng."

When Mo Ran repeated this sentence for the third time, she had fully accepted this fact, and she was even prepared for all possible subversive harm after accepting this fact.

Probably this dungeon is really the truth, and it can detect people's hearts. It can know what people think in their hearts, whether it is hypocrisy or truth, whether it is just talking about it, or it has been accepted in their hearts.

In short, after Mo Ran said this sentence for the third time, she felt her body rapidly descending downwards, just when she felt that she was about to fall to the ground and smash into a distorted patty , this rapid descent stopped again, as if it had suddenly appeared and disappeared suddenly.

The dense red mist around also disappeared. Mo Ran found that the light in front of her eyes seemed brighter, but it was still very gloomy, but the depressing red color was missing. She looked back and saw the pictures that originally belonged to Mo Xian Completely disappeared, she seemed to be standing in a very strange place.

There was thick smoke everywhere, ruins everywhere, and a mess everywhere.

Is it really strange?

She heard Ba Ba Ba's running footsteps, and looked around, only to see a zombie running towards her. It was obvious that it had only become a zombie not long ago.

Mo Ran almost instinctively pulled out the long blade and swung towards it. However, the sharp blade did not cut down the zombie, but passed through it. The zombie continued to run, passing Mo Ran.

She seemed to realize that no one could see her here.

Following the zombie's back and turning his head, Mo Ran saw his end.

A bunch of zombies squatted on the ground, gasping for something, blood flowed from their feet, and she saw a hand sticking out from the middle of the zombies.

That is, my former self.

After standing there for a few seconds, Mo Ran smiled slightly. Looking at what happened at that time from another angle, she really had a strange feeling. She followed the zombie and walked towards her.

The distance of less than thirty meters made her feel so long, and she didn't know how long it took before she finally stood by her side.

It seemed that there was heavy rain in the sky, and it poured on the zombies. After they had a full meal, they left in pieces, leaving only the dead "Mo Ran" mutilated on the ground.

Mo Ran stood in front of her and looked down at her, at the way she was struggling to look at the sky, at the hand she stretched out until she died, and...the necklace hanging on her hand.

Kneeling down, Mo Ran picked up the necklace from her hands. She looked carefully, but she couldn't remember its existence, but the pendant on the necklace made her heart move, and she took out her childhood necklace directly from the package. The fragment that Mo Ran gave her.

There is actually a place where they can overlap when they are facing each other.

And when the two fragments touched, they emitted a dazzling light, which made her close her eyes subconsciously. When she was able to open them again, she suddenly found that everything in front of her had changed.

All cities, ruins, and the end of the world have all disappeared. Even Mo Ran, who was originally on the ground, has disappeared without a trace. The weather seems to be better. Some light came through, and she was standing on a hill, and not far from the hill, there was a huge construction site being started.

Here... seems to be, it should be Tiandu City.

And that huge construction site is Tiandu

But suddenly I heard someone's voice behind me: "City Lord, that place has already been built."

Mo Ran was so shocked that she turned her head back. It wasn't until this time that she realized that she was not standing alone on this mountain, but Xu Nancheng was standing less than half a meter away from her, and she hadn't noticed him at all just now. The presence.

However, this was not what surprised Mo Ran the most. What surprised her the most was that all along, whether it belonged to Mo Xian or Xu Nancheng, his face could not be seen clearly. However, At this moment, she finally saw this face clearly.

This is a profoundly described face, especially the pair of eyes, which seem to be sunken from a deep lake, sharp and aggressive. There are already quite a few shallow lines at the corners of his eyes, especially at the corners of the two eyebrows. In the middle, there are a few deep Sichuan lines. His lips are tightly pressed, and his whole face looks very calm, but there is a faint power that people can't see clearly.

Of course, what he looks like is not the point, the point is that Mo Ran knows this person.

Isn't this person the middle-aged man who sneaked into the casino in Tiandu City with Gu Luen and gambled with him in this life? And Feng Chuixue won from this man at that time.

At that time, Mo Ran had a vague feeling that this man's identity was unusual, but he never thought that this man was actually Xu Nancheng, the human city lord, let alone that this man was actually Mo Xian.

In her last life, she had never seen him with her own identity. Not only had she never seen him, she had rarely even heard his name. During the year she was hidden by Ming Yuechen, she had a few times I saw this man behind the secret room, but it was only from the back.

Who would have thought that this person was the city lord? Who would have thought that this man was the father she had been looking for in her previous life?

Looking at this face, Mo Ran thought she would be shocked, but after she passed the initial blank, she found that her emotions were so calm, as if she was sitting in the open field in late autumn, looking at the withered yellow grass on the ground

She thought about it carefully, and found that she was actually resentful.

Especially when she looked for and waited for Mo Xian so much, but in the end the result was that the other party had been waiting for her, knew of her search, knew of her waiting, but never showed up, or He said he never cared about her.

If you can't respond to some emotions, then don't give hope to the other party at the very beginning. Coldness may not be a kind of kindness, and half-way exit is the real executioner.

However, even if there is resentment in her heart, Mo Ran finds that her heart is as sad as long grass. She doesn't hate, or, what she is facing is some empty scenes, even if she has hatred in her heart, she can't vent it. Instead, he calmed down.

After Xu Nancheng looked at the construction site of Tiandu City for a while, he got on his horse and galloped down the mountain.

Mo Ran stared at his back, and the turmoil and emptiness in her heart that could not be described in words completely calmed down. She pulled herself out of this emotion as much as possible, and then jumped down from a high place, but In the blink of an eye, she was already standing in Tiandu City.

She looked up at the building, which was very familiar. Isn't this the treasure house of the city lord?

It was a coincidence that I came here in this life, and Xu Nancheng should feel very distressed after looting this place, otherwise, he would not have issued arrest warrants everywhere, no matter whether the final arrest warrant became Xu Nancheng must have vomited blood in anger when he saw the looted treasury.

Thinking of this, Mo Ran's heart became inexplicably happy.

She is probably not a kind person who makes her unhappy, so she must look at the other person's unhappy, so that she can breathe out.

The door of the treasure house is open, but now the entire Tiandu City is a large construction site, and it is normal for the door here to be open. Mo Ran looked around, but found no shadow of Xu Nancheng, so he walked towards the treasure house .

Sure enough, as she expected, not long after walking in the treasure house, she heard a voice that kept talking. Although it wasn't Xu Nancheng's voice, it wasn't too strange.

Although the other party didn't speak, Mo Ran could guess that this person must be Xu Nancheng.

"...This is the treasure house built according to your request..." The other party introduced little by little, detailing everything, and then Mo Ran heard a heavy moving voice, and the person said again: "This is the secret room."

Chamber of Secrets?

Mo Ran was slightly taken aback. She didn't find any secret room when she ransacked the city lord's treasury in this life. Could it be that this secret room only existed in the previous life? No, it should be said that her time was too tight at that time and she didn't have time to search carefully. Even if there was a secret room in this life, she didn't find it at all.

There are too many good things stored in the treasure house of the city lord, why does Xu Nancheng continue to build a secret room in such a secret place?

With such doubts, Mo Ran quickened his pace, and within a few steps, he had already rushed into the treasure house of the city lord. Xu Nancheng was no longer visible in the treasure house, but a low door was opened under an altar in the middle of the room. the door.

Mo Ran seriously recalled what was placed on this position in this life. There was indeed an altar with some religious statues on it, all of which were gold and jewelry, but at that time Mo Ran felt that these Things are not as useful as ammunition, and because of the tight schedule, she didn't search for this location carefully. It seems that it was for this reason that she passed by Xu Nancheng's secret room.

The door was open, and it could be seen that Xu Nancheng and the others had already gone down, and Mo Ran followed.

There is a narrow staircase leading to the secret room. After passing about 30 steps, the eyes suddenly become open. Although the final decoration has not been done, Mo Ran can tell at a glance that this is an old-fashioned second-hand shop. Although the layout of the room and living room is underground, there are all kinds of windows, and there are even outdoor patterns painted on the outside of the windows.

Standing in this room with two bedrooms and one living room, Mo Ran suddenly felt very familiar, it seemed to be exactly the same as the place where she lived when she was a child.

But when she looked up at the roof, when she lowered her head again, Mo Ran found that the two bedrooms and one living room, which were still bare just now, had changed their appearance again, and this changed appearance

If, when she saw the empty room just now, she just felt that it seemed to be exactly the same as the place where she lived when she was a child, but now she has confirmed that this is the place where she lived when she was a child.

For a moment, Mo Ran was a little dazed, a little inexplicable.

She wondered why reality was so confusing. Just now she thought that Mo Xian was a cold, cruel person who gave her hope and broke the executioner with her own hands, but when she turned her head, the truth showed her this side again, What is this doing? Did Mo Xian secretly think about her when he became Xu Nancheng?

This cognition made Mo Ran feel that it was impossible, but when her rationality told herself that it was impossible, her feelings were irreversibly provoked, and she felt that her already calm heart began to thump. Jumped up.

Is that what she thinks? Is that what she guessed?

Mo Ran stood in the living room, looking carefully at the furnishings here. That was the sofa, that was the bookcase, that was the TV cabinet, that was the writing desk, and from there was the kitchen. There must be something she likes to eat in the kitchen. meals...

For a moment, Mo Ran felt that he was addicted to it, and he couldn't tell whether it was reality or illusion. There were subtle footsteps in his ears. Mo Ran followed the prestige and saw the door of the room opened. A person walked in from the outside, none other than Xu Nancheng.

He was wearing a suit and leather shoes, and his hair was neatly combed. He walked straight through the living room, wiped off Mo Ran, and walked to the bedroom.

Mo Ran unconsciously followed.

The door of the bedroom is very small, although Mo Ran thought it was very big when she was a child, but now standing outside she can only see Xu Nancheng's back blocking it completely, preventing her from seeing what's going on inside.

Just when Mo Ran was wondering what Xu Nancheng was doing standing in the bedroom, she heard Xu Nancheng's voice sounding, the voice was as gentle and loving as if it was about to overflow, but the content of the words was as cold as cold It fell from Mo Ran's head like ice.

"Ranbao, Dad is here to see you."

of course? Still stained?

Mo Ran walked forward slowly, directly passed through Xu Nancheng and entered the bedroom.

This is not the master bedroom, but the side bedroom that originally belonged to me. All the decorations are the same as the room I lived in when I was a child.

Lying on the bed was a very young woman, about the same age as Mo Ran, she looked very pale, and even had some cyan, no matter what kind of gorgeous clothes she was wearing, or how delicate and elegant her hair was combed. No matter how gorgeous she is, she can't hide the dead air that emanates from her body.

this person…

It was the girl in the photo that Mo Ran saw on Xu Nancheng's office desk, that is to say, this person should be Xu Nancheng's other daughter.

This feeling is very strange.

Mo Ran was beaten to the ground by the truth after giving birth to expectations. She didn't know if she had this premonition in her subconscious, so when this result appeared, she felt that she was being beaten. There were no more negative emotions other than playing, and even, she began to think about what this seemingly inexplicable thing was all about.

This is the room she lived in when she was a child. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it. After all, all the decorations and furnishings in it are exactly the same as in her memory. The self here is right, but now there is another daughter here.

Xu Nancheng seemed to be a very shrewd person, he would definitely not make such a mistake, raising another daughter in such a room.

If Xu Nancheng really wanted to remember those years, why didn't he build another room, the room where he lived with his daughter?

When Mo Ran had been thinking and analyzing this matter rationally, she did not let go of observing all the things in the room. Suddenly she noticed some books on the desk in the corner of the room. There also appeared to be names written on the sides of the books.

Without even thinking about it, Mo Ran walked to the edge of the desk, bent down to carefully identify the name written on it.

Xu Ran.

Xu Ran?

Her gaze followed the books and landed on the photos on the desk. Some of these photos were very old, with various signs of wear and tear on them. It could be seen that these photos were not easy to obtain. She was in the corner Found a small, unremarkable photo.

On the photo is a white and tender child, and in the corner of the photo is written the date and—

Looking at the date above, Mo Ran's pupils suddenly constricted. This date is about a year older than her birthday.

In other words, this woman named Xu Ran should be his sister?

For a moment, Mo Ran felt that she seemed to have found some clue, but when she took this clue to find it, she seemed to be caught in more and more complicated disturbances.

Xu Nancheng, who was seriously talking to Xu Ran, seemed to have received some news. He straightened up and started to walk outside. His speed was very fast, and there was a faint happy smile on his face.

Mo Ran had met Xu Nancheng before. This man was serious about his words and smiles. Even when he smiled, he was hiding something on his mind. He had never been so relaxed.

Inexplicably, Mo Ran's heart skipped a beat, she had a feeling that she had touched some terrible secret.

She stood in the bedroom and watched Xu Nancheng walk out quickly. For a moment, she hesitated instinctively. Although she didn't know what Xu Nancheng was going to do, she just had a feeling that if she continued to follow When Xu Nancheng leaves, he will know a truth that overturns all his knowledge.

However, whether it is from her body or her emotions, she rejects this truth.

Such repulsion prevented her from following immediately, but quietly watched Xu Nancheng quickly walk out of the secret room, then she turned her head to look at Xu Ran who was lying on the bed, this strange woman, she even mustered up the courage to walk He got close to her, wanting to take a closer look at her face.

It's a pity that after entering the dungeon, all the initiative is not in Mo Ran's hands. Whether the dungeon advances or not, or which direction it goes in is not at all Mo Ran's choice, but how to cut into the dungeon.

So, before Mo Ran bent down to take a closer look at what Xu Ran looked like, her eyes became open and bright.

This is a hall, everything is brand new, even the walls smell of fresh lime, there is a group of people standing in the hall, their bodies are wearing armors of different shapes, but their faces are all the same. Mo Ran knew it.

This is the best elite team of human beings, standing in the front are Zhou Zhou, An Zu, Yu Er, Liao Shibo and Ming Yuechen.

Mo Ran's pupils are not

Compared with the face before the end of the world, Ming Yuechen at this time is still very young, but his expression is a little silent, and even his eyes are full of wind and frost.

He stood at the very corner of the team, which seemed to be the most corner position, but he seemed to have this brilliance on his body, even if he stood there silently, he was still the focus of the entire hall.

As the captain, Weekend was reporting something to Xu Nancheng, and Mo Ran's attention was attracted by the content of Weekend's report after staring briefly at Ming Yuechen.

I only heard him say: "There is a team of dead people who came into direct contact with us. The strength of this team is very good, especially the two dead people who are leading the way."

The dead squad that came into contact with the human elite squad?

Mo Ran seemed to remember what happened.

At this time, Xu Nancheng, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke, with an unconcealable joy in his voice: "What are the names of these two people?"

Mo Ran seemed to realize something, she slowly turned her head to look at Xu Nancheng...

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-05-09 17:55:30~2021-05-1116:59:30~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: An Chenyun 1;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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