MTL - Return of the Dead [Holo]-Chapter 203

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Until many, many years later, some people will use words like earth-shattering, which seem ordinary and grand, to describe the situation that day.

At that moment, it seemed that all life and death had turned into nothingness. Amid the billowing thunder and lightning, the white sky and the black sky were constantly intertwined. Two huge funnels supported the two thick white clouds. I really want to roll together like a snake.

Mo Ran claims that she has never been a fan of astronomy and meteorology, and has never cared about any climate change, but this does not mean that she is ignorant of all extreme climates. The climate has been shocked, but it is on TV, mobile phones, and news, and there is a sense of distance.

Until now, until she really faced this majestic climate, she couldn't help feeling awe of the nature in her heart.

There seemed to be a strong wind dancing in the majestic clouds that could not be described in words, and it seemed to be mixed with huge thunder and lightning, so they rushed towards them mercilessly.

The places they passed were all in a mess, and all were dead silent.

Mo Ran closed his eyes.

She thinks that in her life, she has experienced many deaths, and she has felt the despair and coldness when she is on the verge of death countless times, but there has never been a time like this time with such a great momentum, even she thought playfully, can die In such rage, it can be regarded as a vigorous death.

At the moment when the roaring fierceness was engulfing her, Mo Ran felt her body was hugged tightly. She raised her eyelids to look, and only saw the plain white, sharp-edged body. Chin, and the owner of the chin seemed to feel his gaze, he lowered his eyes and looked at himself quietly.

The corners of Ming Yuechen's mouth moved, as if he had said something, but at this moment, he couldn't hear anything. Mo Ran looked at his squirming lips and thought quietly, was he talking about "close your eyes" or something else? ?

Suddenly, the eyes lit up.

When the huge storm rushed in front of her eyes, Mo Ran suddenly felt a long-lost translucence seep down from the sky and hit her directly. Under the dazzling white light, Mo Ran lost all consciousness almost at the same time.

However, at this moment, all the sounds, all the wild waves, and even all life and death became nothing.

Mo Ran felt that she might have lost consciousness, or was about to lose consciousness, but at this moment, she clearly heard Ming Yuechen's voice coming from above her head, and he said, "Mo Ran, look, don't shut up!" Eyes."

look at?

What are you looking at?

Mo Ran was a little dazed, but at the same time, it was actually very difficult to open his eyes under this light.

For Ming Yuechen's words, Mo Ran habitually resisted, not only resisted, but like a child who had reached the rebellious stage, the first thing he could think of was to refute everyone's suggestions, but this time was an exception.

She even forgot all the entanglements between herself and Ming Yuechen, and subconsciously opened her eyes and looked towards the most dazzling light.

The white light seemed to strip her pupils from her eyelids, and a lot of physical tears welled up from the corners of her eyes, but at this moment, Mo Ran saw her shocking scene until now—

The world, no, maybe it should be called that the universe is fully unfolding in front of her eyes at this moment, maybe there are planets, or maybe there are many things that she has never seen before, and they are gradually spreading around her, and these things The rapid flow is like the years passing by in a hurry, and it is like those ups and downs that cannot be grasped.

And these things retreated and disappeared quickly, but the light in front of her eyes dimmed again, so dim that she felt that she was still.


Mo Ran suddenly realized that they seemed to be no longer on the high platform of the elf temple since some time ago, she turned her head and looked around in some doubts, and there was darkness everywhere, as if only she and Ming Yuechen were there. Where there is a faint light.

"Where is this?" Mo Ran asked.


Ming Yuechen replied softly.

But Mo Ran felt baffled.


"Yes." Ming Yuechen had already lowered his head. If it wasn't for his hair being blown by the wind to reveal his smooth forehead, Mo Ran would probably feel that they were really still now, and even Mo Ran was silent when he was speaking. Feeling his voice being blown away by these winds.


Ming Yuechen repeated the answer that made Mo Ran feel strange with an abnormally positive voice.

"Why fate?" Mo Ran asked now


Ming Yuechen didn't give Mo Ran an answer, or it should be said that this answer couldn't give her an answer, but at the next moment, Mo Ran had a feeling of weightlessness as if he was directly smashed to the ground. It has been completely moved, and it is extremely uncomfortable.

"It will be a little uncomfortable, but it will be fine soon." But Ming Yuechen was like a roundworm in Mo Ran's stomach, knowing what she was feeling now, and his gentleness as low as water wrapped her in a timely manner.

Before he finished speaking, his hands tightened suddenly, as if he was holding Mo Ran tightly in his arms, and then he turned around abruptly. Mo Ran didn't even understand what happened, but felt a strong impact It bumped towards her, and she felt extremely salty in her throat.

But, apart from that, there is nothing more.

No, it's not that there was nothing, but Ming Yuechen blocked all other impacts from his body, and only the most violent one even penetrated his body and hit Mo Ran.

The human body is not as resilient as the dead. When Mo Ran realized that he couldn't help the pain in his chest, he could clearly know what a painful price Ming Yuechen had paid for this.

Everything seemed to quiet down.

The arm that originally embraced her slid down her back as if it had lost all vitality...

There was a hard breath that seemed to be stuck in Mo Ran's chest. She raised her head suddenly, and the clear air around her rushed towards her lungs, choking her uncontrollably, coughing continuously. She coughed, and the salty liquid sprayed out from the corner of her mouth.

Mo Ran raised her hand to wipe the corner of her mouth, and looked around. It was dark, and there seemed to be a little bit of starlight, faintly in the distance, and she couldn't see very clearly. She squinted her eyes, subconsciously Patted the person in front of him with his hand: "Ming Yuechen, where is this..."

Before the words fell, Mo Ran suddenly realized that the firm embrace that surrounded her just now had slipped off at some point.

Faint fluorescent lights surrounded him, making his face terribly pale, his eyes tightly closed, like a dummy who had fallen asleep.

For a moment, Mo Ran forgot about other things. At this time, all her attention was completely placed on Ming Yuechen in front of her. She just stared at him quietly. There was a strange feeling, as if he felt very strange, but also seemed to feel that he was very familiar, but who he was, Mo Ran couldn't name him at all.

It was as if in a barren and empty field, grass suddenly grew out in a desolate, messy way. Her mind, her heart, and her memory were all filled with this messy weed.

Mo Ran paused for a long time before stretching out his hand and lightly touching Ming Yuechen's nose, wanting to feel his vitality, but there was nothing.

The person who was still talking to her just now, the person who was still hugging herself just now, the person she has hated since she was reborn seems to have finally disappeared at this moment.

Yes, dead?

Mo Ran didn't know.

She just felt a little overwhelmed for a moment.

Then a strange feeling crept into my heart, so Ming Yuechen would die too? Was he going to die too? Isn't he the old monster who stabbed himself to death in the last life and lived for a long time? Isn't he a shameless person who didn't live enough in the last life and was reborn in this life to continue to entangle with himself? How did he die?

Mo Ran seemed to have discovered something extremely shocking for a moment.

It turns out that Ming Yuechen will die...

"Ming Yuechen." Mo Ran, who touched his empty breath, raised her hand. She held her palm tightly, and then let go. She gently pushed Ming Yuechen's shoulder, and the other's body followed her. Pushed and swayed slightly.

However, with just such a slight swing, he lost his voice again.

"Are you dead?" Mo Ran blinked and asked in a low voice.

After waiting for a long time, Ming Yuechen did not respond. Mo Ran raised her hand and retracted it from her side. She quietly looked at Ming Yuechen who was lying on the ground. It seemed that there was still light lingering quietly on his body, but He is dead.

Mo Ran didn't know what to do, she turned her head and looked around in a daze, there was darkness everywhere, and there was a shining light in the distance, she probably was

The light in the distance seemed to have a huge charm, and kept beckoning. Mo Ran even felt that she couldn't resist this charm. She didn't feel like standing up and walking towards the light, but the moment she stood up, Her wrist was suddenly grabbed by something, Mo Ran seemed to be shocked, and hurriedly turned her head to look.

However, she couldn't see anything.

"Ah!" A kind of extreme horror suddenly rushed to her chest, so that Mo Ran had to shout out, and then her eyes lit up again, but this time no one told her not to close her eyes, but she As if remembering that voice, he never dared to close his eyes again, just staring straight at the light.

The light gradually dimmed again, and many indistinct shadows appeared around, what are they?


An extremely familiar voice exploded in her ears, and Mo Ran was really shocked. She couldn't help but let out another soft cry, but the next moment, she was pressed down on her shoulders with a heavy body temperature, and that little bit The warmth seemed to explode in her body and consciousness with a sense of security that could not be described in words, and the empty and empty feeling just now disappeared without a trace.

The picture in front of him also became clear all of a sudden.

The first thing imprinted in his eyes was an extremely familiar face, a face that had died just now, his eyes were firm, powerful and gentle, and he looked at him quietly like this.

"Mingyuechen?" Mo Ran felt very strange. Wasn't this person dead just now? Why does it appear in front of my eyes again now.

"Huh?" Ming Yuechen slightly raised his eyebrows, smiling as usual, he seemed completely unaware of Mo Ran's shock and disbelief, and just asked with a smile, "What's wrong?"

"You're not..." Mo Ran opened his mouth to say something, but soon realized something, so he closed his mouth embarrassingly, turned his head and looked around, hiding what he was about to say: " What is this place?"

Ming Yuechen didn't seem to notice her cover-up at all, but just put away his hands: "Here? This is the way to see God."



god? !

Mo Ran's chest seemed to be slammed for a while, and she finally withdrew all consciousness from those scattered emotions that could not be sorted out and recalled at all, and she looked around.

This is a land that seems to have no borders

Mo Ran couldn't tell whether it was real or a dream. After rolling around Huangshan Mountain, her eyes finally landed on the face of Ming Yuechen in front of her. She looked at that face very seriously. I want to see some flaws in that face, so as to distinguish the boundary between reality and illusion.

Ming Yuechen didn't back down, even under Mo Ran's focused gaze, a romantic smile appeared on his face, he looked at Mo Ran with raised eyebrows and asked, "Mo Ran, what are you looking at?"

Mo Ran didn't know what she was looking at, she just looked at the man in front of her, and after a while, she finally asked, "Where do we come from?"

"From the elves' temple." Ming Yuechen just smiled, and he answered Mo Ran's question.

"How did we get here?"

"We passed through the Eye of the Forbidden Curse."

"Then what?"

"Then, we'll be on the road to seeing God."

Mo Ran frowned, no, no, she remembered Ming Yuechen telling herself that that darkness was fate, where is fate?

"Is there nothing else in the middle?" Mo Ran still stared at Ming Yuechen in front of him closely, and asked without compromise.

Ming Yuechen froze for a moment, as if he was a little confused, but soon he showed a dazed expression, and said, "Have you seen fate?"

he knows.

Ming Yuechen knew about this, which meant that Ming Yuechen had actually experienced the same thing. For no reason, Mo Ran breathed a sigh of relief, but she remembered what she had just experienced in illusion and reality. Can't help but be a little curious about what happened to Ming Yuechen at that time?

Mo Ran is not a very curious person, so she didn't ask this question even if she was curious, and Ming Yuechen was also very discerning, so he didn't ask Mo Ran what he saw, but just looked at Mo Ran He smiled and said slowly: "Sometimes what I see in the channel of fate is what I most expect to happen."

The most... looking forward to?

There was nothing special about this sentence, but at this moment, it managed to make Mo Ran stunned. She lowered her head and looked at the long yellow sand at her feet, thinking in a daze, in fact, the most important thing in her heart Is the expected thing to let Ming Yuechen die?

It turned out that she didn't think

Those things that she thought she had let go of, passed away, didn't matter, and even let go of any expectations and emotions at all, in fact, she has never forgotten, is she still brooding?

In a trance, Mo Ran raised his head and looked at Ming Yuechen, who was also looking at him. He smiled softly, not knowing what was going on in her mind, and just asked: "What's wrong?"

Looking at this face, Mo Ran couldn't help reappearing the pale face in the darkness just now in Mo Ran's mind. For a moment, she couldn't even tell whether Ming Yuechen in front of her was dead or alive. She just felt For a moment, her heart felt empty.

Before Mo Ran could answer Ming Yuechen's question, he heard a horrified voice not far away: "Ha!"

That voice cannot be said to be the howling of a tiger, but it is absolutely terrifying. It successfully took away Ming Yuechen's attention, and also successfully brought out Mo Ran who was still immersed in her own thoughts. She turned her head Looking in the direction of the sound, only a shallow pile of sand was lifted up abruptly, filling the air with a yellow and dull fog.

The fighting instinct made Mo Ran and Ming Yuechen reveal their weapons and prepare to attack in an instant, but at the next moment, they saw a figure moving behind the yellow fog, lying on the ground like an animal , landed on all fours, let out a strong coughing sound, and said angrily while coughing: "What kind of place is this! I saw a god! Mingyuechen, I believe in your ghost! Human beings are like this, they like to lie and play tricks Xuanwu, your mind is very bad!"

This voice is very familiar, it is not Sang and who.

After confirming who the other party was, Mo Ran put away the weapon in his hand, but saw Ming Yuechen standing in front of Sang with a single stride, looking down at him with a narrow eye for vengeance: "Who do you think lied to you? "

Sang didn't expect that Ming Yuechen was by his side and would spit out a few casual words, but he didn't expect that he would be caught by the Lord just after he said a few bad words. He suddenly looked up and saw Ming Yuechen standing in front of him, I couldn't help being stunned for a moment, then stood up, and laughed while patting the sand on my body: "Oh, brother, you are alive, I was worried about you just now, and I am relieved to see that you are fine. .”

As he said that, he was already boasting, as if he had lost the memory of just now, he turned his head and looked elsewhere, and when he saw Mo Ran again, his eyes flicked

Just when Sang rubbed shoulders with Ming Yuechen, he found that his arm was grabbed by someone. He turned his head, squinted his eyes and looked at Ming Yuechen, with a little guilt and displeasure: "What are you doing!"

Ming Yuechen glanced at him, there seemed to be a murderous light in his eyes, he curled up his lips, and said a few words in a very small voice.

"What?" Sang felt as if he heard clearly, but also felt as if he didn't hear clearly.

However, Ming Yuechen had already let go of his arm and walked towards Mo Ran faster than him. He said, "Let's go if everything is safe, we can't stay here for long."

In a strange place, everyone must listen to experienced people, not to mention that after arriving at such a strange place through such a strange way, Ming Yuechen, who has naturally been here once, has the absolute right to speak, so Mo Ran has no Talking too much, just followed Ming Yuechen's side and prepared to leave this desert that seemed to have no boundaries at first.

Sang glanced at Ming Yuechen and followed, but he walked to Mo Ran's side, and while walking, he was still thinking about what Ming Yuechen said just now, what was it about?

Bulb? It does not seem.

Stay away from her? It seems not.

What the **** is it?

No, why would he think about this? Although there is no direct hatred between orcs and humans, because humans and elves are in an alliance, orcs are not good at dealing with humans. Shouldn't he think of something else? Isn't this human being threatening the orcs? Why would he think of this inexplicable aspect?

Walking in this kind of boundless yellow sand, Sang's mind was also thinking in a mess. He looked up at the two people beside him, and was about to say something, but suddenly felt a feeling of being out of place.

Obviously no one spoke, obviously everyone was walking forward in silence, but why is this feeling of not being able to get in at all? Could it be that the orcs are too sensitive?

Sang's footsteps paused slightly, and he wanted to stop and say something to break the awkward atmosphere of silence, but the two people around him passed him by, and these two people seemed completely unaware that he had stopped .

Sang's eyes fell on the ground involuntarily. On the yellow sand, the shadows of Mo Ran and Ming Yuechen were stretched very long, as if they were staggered together.


Sang belatedly thought.

I really feel like I'm superfluous now!

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-05-03 17:39:58~2021-05-05 09:15:03~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: An Chenyun 1;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: N20 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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