MTL - Return of the Dead [Holo]-Chapter 199

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Forbidden spell.

Guluen accurately confirmed the existence of this spell from the magic particles floating up from the sky after his body could not move.

What surprised him was why Gruen summoned this spell? She should know what summoning this forbidden spell will bring.

Gruen is the high priest of the elves, she should have the supreme right among the elves, there is no doubt about it, but the current situation is not the case, if Gruen is angry because she was excluded She wanted to take revenge on everyone, so she used the Forbidden Curse Technique. This reason seems a bit far-fetched to Gruen, but it may not be a motive.

Although the two of them are twin siblings, the environments in which they grew up were very different, the people they came into contact with, and even the things they experienced were also different. Different perspectives will be formed.

Gruen never thought of what would happen if he was in a trough, he would even take advantage of the opportunity of being in a trough to gather strength again, wait for the opportunity, and climb up to the peak again, Gruen is obviously not, her pride does not allow her to be affected The slightest humiliation, and those who insult her are bound to receive fierce and cruel revenge from her.

Probably, it was under such a state of mind that Gruen thought of using the Forbidden Curse Technique. She wanted to put all those who had been humiliated to death, even at the cost of her life.

Understanding Gruen's thoughts does not mean that Gruen is willing to admit this proud sister, nor does it mean that he is willing to give his life for this sister's crazy idea, let alone, I am afraid that Gruen's real thoughts are Get yourself killed too.

Gu Luen didn't want to die, and even more wanted to die for such an unreasonable idea, but how could he break free from the current situation?

I don't know if it's because of his special fear of himself, so Gruen found that the DBUFF of the Forbidden Curse Technique on him is two. If there is only one, he should be able to find a way to break free, but if there are two...

However, even so, Gruen did not give up, he was still trying to break free over and over again, trying to release himself from Gruun's madness.

At once

Even when Gu Luen didn't have time to continue to analyze whether it was Mo Ran, he was pushed from behind violently, and then he was pulled out of the imprisoned and silent state.

Turning his head and looking at the person who came, it was indeed Mo Ran, but before Gu Luen said anything, he heard Mo Ran say: "Can you deal with this thing?"

this thing? It's a curse technique.

Gu Luen didn't answer Mo Ran right away, he just raised his head and looked at Gu Luen who was standing on the high platform. At this time, Gu Luen's gaze was also looking at him just now, and he was a little confused just now. She was in a hurry, and the moment she saw Gruen, she burst out with a murderous aura that was almost ferocious.

In the next second, Mo Ran felt an extremely violent force rushing towards her, and before she could respond, this force pushed her away like a spring breeze blowing on her face, and she didn't even Unable to respond, in the blink of an eye, she was pushed ten meters away from Gruen.

And at this moment, Mo Ran saw a fireball the size of a washbasin falling from the sky, directly hitting the place where he was standing just now.

When he looked up at Gruen again, he only saw him make a gesture of leaving towards him, and then drew out his staff.

Since the appearance of Gruen, it is obvious that Gruen has focused all his attention on her. Because she stands tall, she has a natural initiative in the whole situation. The continuous attacks almost make it too late for Gruen to fight back. The three of Mo Ran, who were temporarily safe, took this opportunity to rush towards the high platform. Although they could not face this forbidden spell directly, if they could intervene in the timing of its summoning, it would be possible for Gruen to fight back. Time is already good.

In terms of his own strength, Gruen is better than Gruen, but he has been in the battle for too short a time now, and he has lost the opportunity. More importantly, his equipment is a bit inferior to Gruen's. The gap caused him to flee for his life almost in embarrassment in the initial battle.

And the three of Mo Ran were constantly hitting the high platform, trying to get close to Gu Luen,

Ordinary magic will be interrupted if it attacks the caster when it is released. Theoretically speaking, the spell of the forbidden spell is also like this, but in order to be interrupted in the middle of summoning itself, the spell of the forbidden spell will be interrupted after being summoned. At that second, a protective shield will be formed around the caster, and this protective shield cannot be easily broken.

At the beginning, Gruen wanted to use it multiple times, while continuing to summon the Forbidden Curse Technique, while dealing with Mo Ran and the others, but soon she discovered that this was something beyond her ability, even if she wanted it so much. do it, but she can't.

After trying to stop Mo Ran and the three of them while chasing Gu Luen for a while, Gu Luen finally gave up on this approach, especially because of a loophole in her, Sang rushed directly to the high platform, trying to move towards Gu Luen swung the battle ax in his hand, but after being directly ejected by the thick protective cover wrapped around Gu Luen, Gu Luen simply gave up dealing with Mo Ran and the three of them, and concentrated on dealing with them. Gu Luen is here.

If there is no accident, the abilities of Mo Ran, Ming Yuechen and Sang are actually unable to shake this protective shield. As long as Gu Luen can calmly solve Gu Luen, then it will be nothing to deal with Mo Ran and the other three. event.

Even if it will take some time, but as long as all of them are solved, no one will disturb the Forbidden Curse Technique.

Gu Luen will settle this account, and everyone will calculate it, so when Gu Luen watched Mo Ran, Ming Yuechen and Sang outside his protective cover desperately waving the weapons in their hands and trying to attack her, There was just a cold smile on the corner of her lips, and she didn't care about the three of them anymore. She still focused all her attention on Grun, and even accelerated the speed and intensity of her attacks.

Everything was proceeding according to Gu Luen's calculations, but she never thought that such a sure thing would have an accident.

And this accident was Mo Ran.

Focus all your attention on hunting down Grunun

At the beginning, the three of them just hacked at the protective cover, and found that it had no effect. Then the three of them started to use various skills, and found that they still couldn't do anything. Mo Ran was a little upset.

She stopped first, and used the long blade in her hand as a crutch to stick it on the ground. She continued to do some useless work, and it was the exhausting useless work that made Mo Ran a little tired. Panting slightly, she asked the other two people: "Can it be cut?"

The answer is no, of course it cannot be cut.

"This is the technique of forbidden curse." When Ming Yuechen went to rescue Sang just now, he didn't tell Sang clearly, but just mentioned the current situation is very critical and what to do. Now he suddenly heard Sang say that, Whether Mo Ran or Ming Yuechen looked at him in surprise.

Sang shrugged his shoulders and seemed very disapproving: "Anyway, we orcs and elves have been dealing with the elves for so many years. If you don't even know this, wouldn't I be a great chief for nothing?"

This is indeed the truth.

Sang also stopped, although he looked thin, but, after all, the orc, the giant ax in his hand looked really scary, he frowned while supporting the giant ax and said, "I know elves have this thing, However, no one has seen it, after all, it has been hundreds of years since the elves last summoned the forbidden spell."

As he said that, he twitched the corner of his mouth mockingly: "I never thought that I could see such advanced magic in my lifetime."

"Is there a way to stop it?" Although I don't know what kind of consequences the Forbidden Curse Technique can cause, but whether it is from Sang's description or from Ming Yuechen's secretiveness, Mo Ran can guess the result of this thing. serious.

Sang shook his head: "I don't know about this." But then he paused, looked at Gruen who was still running under the high platform to avoid Gruen's attack, and said thoughtfully: "The best way to deal with magic is to deal with it." A good way is magic attack... If he can survive this crazy high priest, maybe we can look forward to it. Otherwise..."

"Otherwise what?" Mo Ran raised her eyebrows.

Sang suddenly showed that habitual

Mo Ran sneered, she shook her head in rejection: "You have a good idea."

She glanced in the direction of Gruen, and what Sang said was right, the only person who can stop Gruen now is Gruen, if this kind of hunting continues, it may not be long, they It's really going to die here.

Mo Ran didn't want to die, at least she didn't want to die in this place for such an inexplicable reason.

Looking at Gruen inside the protective cover, Mo Ran narrowed her eyes, thinking to herself, physical attack doesn't work, and physical attack skills don't work either, so what about □□?

Speaking of which, in the current world, this kind of thing seems to be something like a cheat. It does exist, but it doesn't seem to be within the scope of the game.

It is precisely because of the existence of this kind of cheating that sometimes unexpected results can be achieved.

At this point, no matter what it is, it is time to try it out, so Mo Ran said to Sang and Ming Yuechen, "Stop, step back."

"What's wrong?" San asked.

And Ming Yuechen obviously understood Mo Ran better: "What do you want to do?"

Although both of them asked Mo Ran a question, their hands didn't stop because Mo Ran didn't answer. Instead, they both put down the attack on the protective cover in their hands in a tacit understanding and started to back away.

Everyone's speed was very fast, but after a blink of an eye, the three retreated to the edge of the high platform. At this moment, Mo Ran took out the bazooka under the shocked eyes of the two men, and didn't even respond to Gruen In the process, he directly sent a diamond to her!

Because the distance was too close, when the gun rushed towards the protective cover, the huge momentum also swept the three of them off the high platform in the flames. If it wasn't for the game level blessing here, and those special effects Whether it is the momentum brought by the explosion or falling from the high platform, it is enough for three people to drink a pot.

However, the three of them didn't suffer much damage now, but there were some scratches and burn marks on their bodies.

Mo Ran got up from the ground first. She raised her head and looked up, but she could only see the stairs and walls above the high platform. She asked the two of them, "Did you hit it?"

"It should be hit so close." Ming

This is…

"The technique of the forbidden spell must have been interrupted." Sang also stood up from the ground, staring at the current situation in the square and said almost hopelessly.

This idea is not only Sang's hope, but also Mo Ran and Ming Yuechen's hope.

It's just a pity that in this world, hope is always meant to be shattered. Before the hope of the three people was fully formed, they felt the strong magic power pouring over again. The size of the square Different tornadoes also appeared again, and purple light began to emerge among the strange text marks on the ground, and white smoke appeared again on everyone's bodies and was drawn out.

These magic powers, these tornadoes, these strange luminous characters, and those white smoke that are constantly being sucked in are all proclaiming to everyone that the forbidden spell has not been interrupted, not only has it not been interrupted, it has even been interrupted. It quickly regained its original vitality.

"Tsk!" Mo Ran felt a kind of displeasure in her heart. She flicked her tongue lightly in her mouth, and then said: "It seems that the bazooka is effective for her, but the effect is too little. Go up and try it out."

However, Ming Yuechen shook his head and stopped Mo Ran: "It's useless, this top-level magic cannot be interrupted by the rocket launcher, it may have affected her a little, but it's only affected."

Instead, Sang lowered his eyes and stared at Mo Ran with a special brilliance in his eyes. He didn't control his tone very much, and there was extreme excitement in his voice: "Is that thing you mentioned just called a rocket launcher? Was it invented by you dead? The power looks pretty good! Mo Ran, look, how about we make a deal?"

"Now is not the time to talk about this." Without waiting for Mo Ran to answer, Ming Yuechen spoke earlier than her. He frowned slightly, speaking very righteously, but he couldn't help but tremble in his heart. some acid.

"I didn't tell you," Sang rolled his eyes, expressing his displeasure at Ming Yuechen's meddling.

"Do you think it's time to talk about business?" Ming Yuechen was not polite to him: "If you want to die here, just sit down and don't drag us!"

"Stop arguing!" Just as the two men were arguing inappropriately, Mo Ran suddenly shouted, and successfully stopped the meaningless argument between the two men.

At this moment, the situation seems to have changed again.

Mo Ran, Sang, and Ming Yuechen are all physical attack professions, so their sensitivity to magic is relatively slow. They can't distinguish the subtle fluctuations of magic power through perception, but because of their high level, they can still roughly detect it. Recognize the increase and decrease of magic power.

Just when they were bickering, it seemed that the magic power in the entire square seemed to have grown geometrically, and it was even so strong that it could be seen with the naked eye.

Mo Ran has always thought that magic power is invisible and intangible, but until now he knows that magic power has colors, they are blue, or purple, or something between blue and purple that cannot be used. A color precisely defined by the language.

The strong magic power permeated the entire square, even covering all the places they could see with naked eyes with a thin layer of blue-purple light.

"No way! Is Gu Luen eating something against the sky? Or is it that he still kept his hands before that, and now he has come up with a killer? Is he really going to die here now!" Sang His tone sounded quite relaxed, but his face, which was always smiling, was extremely serious. It could be seen that he was still very nervous at the moment.

"It's impossible, Gu Luen won't be so powerful..." Ming Yuechen almost immediately denied Sang's statement. He really wanted to say that Gu Luen in the previous life was never so fierce until his death, let alone this life, But then he realized one more thing. Gruen in the previous life had fled early, so he didn't have many raw magic stones on him, not to mention that the tree of life of the elves was dead. Only then did Gruen have the ability to summon the spell of forbidden spells.

But Gruen in this life is different, she is still the high priest, and now this place is the square of the temple, it is her territory, she will definitely make arrangements, more importantly

That being the case, it is not impossible for her to hide her strength and put all her eggs in one basket.

Thinking of this, Ming Yuechen cut off what he hadn't finished speaking, and his face became a little ugly because of what he realized.

When Sang saw this, he knew that Ming Yuechen must have realized that something was wrong, and this kind of something wrong must be the same as what he thought. In a certain way, this human being was in the same way as he thought. He should have conceded defeat to himself.

Although it is not practical to think about these messy things at this time, Sang just can't help being happy. He is the kind of person who will find happy things in any difficult and adversity. He always feels that only when the mood is true Only when you are happy can you make the most accurate judgment.

"No, it's not the magic power of Gu Luen alone." Because of the sudden increase in magic power, the three of them didn't dare to run out rashly, and could only hide under the high platform, in the blind spot of Gu Luen's vision, Mo Ran frowned. Staring at these magic powers with a frown, she suddenly spoke after listening to Ming Yuechen and Sang's words after being silent for a few seconds.

This is a very different answer, and in a way a better one.

"It's not Gu Luen's magic power alone? Can you guess?" Sang looked at the angle Mo Ran was looking at now and followed her direction, but didn't find anything.

"I'm not guessing, I'm sure." Mo Ran said while raising her hand and pointing forward, "Can't you see it? There is a dividing point of two different magic powers in front."

Hearing this, Sang couldn't help but widen his eyes, and looked vigorously towards the direction Mo Ran was pointing at, but, what a pity, he saw nothing but a faint gray-blue mist see.

He couldn't help but looked at Mo Ran again, and saw that her serious face really didn't look like she was lying, so he scratched his head, with a regretful expression: "I didn't see it."

Of course Sang couldn’t see it. He is only at level seven now, which is already the highest level among the orcs.

And because Ming Yuechen has the soul of the previous life, he has not been idle in this year. He has been leveling up everywhere and has reached level eight. However, human senses are not as good as those of the dead, so Mo Yanzhi After coming out, he also stared seriously for a while before finally discovering where Mo Ran's so-called dividing point between the two magic powers is.

It was as if two powerful clouds of mist rose up, and they collided in mid-air, one side was lavender, the other was blue-purple, these two groups of weapons of different colors continued to spread and expand in the air, occupying different areas. all the space.

It can be seen that the blue-purple side is relatively small, while the lavender side is relatively large.

The lavender side is constantly expanding towards the blue-purple side, trying to suppress and devour the other side, but the blue-purple side is stubbornly resisting it, not only does it not let it continue to spread, even There is also a growing trend!

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-04-28 12:38:54~2021-04-29 16:35:38~

Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: 40 bottles of super delicious milk tea; 7 bottles of strawberry milk that Lin Lin likes to drink;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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