MTL - Return of the Dead [Holo]-Chapter 192

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Borazan felt that things were out of his control.

Just when he thought that he was completely in control of Gondo, it would take a little time at most, and sooner or later he would be able to take this place up, something happened. Humans came to support the high-level elves, not only humans but also dead.

Is this where things go wrong?

No, no, then he discovered that a troop had been summoned from all the remaining temples in the kingdom of elves. Although this troop was small in number, it was quite powerful in fighting power. But at this time, ordinary elves The main force of the army is already besieging the edge of Gondo City, and it is obviously impossible to transfer back to deal with this mysterious force.

Then Borazan watched helplessly as many cities that had been included in the territory of ordinary elves missed again.

As long as there are cities with temples, these counterattacks have appeared.

Fortunately, the anger of the ordinary elves towards the high priest made them destroy many temples dedicated to the high priest after the successful rebellion, and there were not many remaining temples, so Borazan did not lose too many cities .

But even so, this dealt a heavy blow to the morale of ordinary elves.

There is an old elf saying that luck is always alone, but misfortune is often sisters.

Borazan now deeply felt the true meaning of this proverb. From the moment he felt that things were out of his control, the goddess of fate seemed to have left his side, and everything since then has not been smooth.

After he left Gruen who had been captured, he didn't know what happened. All the members of the assassination team died in an instant, and Ye Xiao couldn't get in touch.

Just when Borazan thought Ye Xiao was dead, he found that the rebel army had suddenly become two groups, and the other was high-level elves headed by Ye Xiao and other veteran nobles.

When I heard the news, it was the time when Ye Xiao was fighting with humans and the dead on the edge of Gondo City. I have to say that Borazan was dumbfounded the moment the news was reported by the messenger.

Not only Borazan, but also all the counselors and generals in the room were dumbfounded.

What are they... doing?

Obviously they are not rebels? Who are they rebelling against? high-ranking nobles

Then who will tell them what the current situation is?

Not only did the same rebel army appear, but this rebel army was actually a high-ranking nobleman! A rebelled object has also become a rebel army. How can there be such incredible things in this world?

Borazan picked his ears, thinking that he had heard wrongly, he looked up at the generals and counselors in the room, and asked after a long time: "Who can explain to me what happened? Why do I feel that this The development of the matter is completely beyond the scope of my comprehension?"

No one can explain it, because all the counselors are now in a state of confusion like Borazan. Fortunately, this situation has not been blurred for too long, and even everything became clear on the second day melted.

Borazan was listlessly playing with the scimitar in his hand, while listening to the counselor's report, he felt from the bottom of his heart that he, the rebel army, was really not good at playing, and those who dared to think of playing could be counted as high-level elves. He really deserves to be an aristocrat for so many years, if he put such a bad idea on himself, he would definitely not be able to think of it...

Even Borazan himself didn't know that the internal struggle of the high-level elves was already so fierce? It was so intense that one party seized the opportunity and was about to kill the other party.

Sure enough, if you are not in that class, you just don't understand many things.

Borazan was even very helpless to find that since the appearance of this rebel army, even the target of their rebellion has changed.

Originally, as ordinary elves, what they wanted to rebel against was the current system of high-level elves, and it was their control over the fact that ordinary elves could not learn magic. control of the tree, and then give all ordinary elves the right to learn magic.

But now things have completely developed in another direction that is fundamentally uncontrollable.

The appearance of the rebel army of high-level elves completely reversed the whole situation. Firstly, they are mages themselves, and secondly, these high-level elves are nobles. The homes of nobles are bound to support many family troops, and these family troops may not be counted alone. There are many, but they are all brought together, which should not be underestimated. More importantly, there are not only mages in these family troops, but also mages.

Finally, and most importantly, the banners played by these high-level elves are really much better than ordinary elves. If we say that the banners played by ordinary elves only hope to get the fruit of the tree of life equally, then The banner played by the high-ranking elves is to let the high priest return to the clergy himself, and to make everyone equal.

This statement is obviously much taller.

Moreover, the high-ranking elves obviously knew better about the high priest's style of work. Although they belonged to half-way monks, the three swords were struck, and the stalemate of the battle suddenly changed drastically.

Does Borazan want to attack the High Priest? Not counting, after all, it seems to Borazan that there is no difference between the high priest and the high-level elves. The high-level elves may be very confusing to those low-level ordinary elves who have little knowledge. It didn't work, he even easily saw through the purpose of the high-level elves.

They just want to overthrow the high priest with their own hands, and then ascend to the throne of the ruler themselves. From then on, the theocracy and political power are separated, and what good is this for ordinary elves?

no good.

When the high-level elves take advantage of Borazan's east wind to achieve their goals, they will definitely turn their faces and deny people, and then it will be impossible to overthrow them again at that time, so no matter whether these high-level elves No matter how noisy the elves are, how they play with concepts, for Borazan, his original intention has not changed, he still wants to kill the high-level elves.

It's just that he's a bit hurt by this battle now. If he wants to fight the high-level elves and fight the high priest to the end, they're a little bit powerless. Therefore, after observing the battle situation for a few days, Borazan Without hesitation, he found Sang for help.

How did you say it?

Blessings are unparalleled until misfortunes never come singly.

What Borazan never imagined was that all the previous misfortunes up to now were petty troubles, and the real injury was staring at him here.

When he contacted Sang and decided to increase his bargaining chips and asked Sang to send troops to help him solve these matters, the orcs who had been very supportive of him went uncharacteristically and began to become reserved and tactful. To put it bluntly, they were no longer willing to help ordinary elves.

This is like heaven for Borazan

And when he knew what Sang wanted him to do from Sang's mouth, he felt even more incredible, especially when he knew that this matter was proposed by a high-level elf, he felt even more incredible.

Even after returning to his own territory for a long time, Borazan did not recover from this shock.

"Tell me, why did the high-level elves propose such a method?" Sang kept flicking the mace back and forth, looking very calm, but the quick movements of his hands revealed too much dissatisfaction. calm.

What Borazan said was what he heard from Sang.

The high-level elves plan to let the high priest stay in the position of the high priest forever, and the vacant government will be elected by the high-level elves and ordinary elves. The ruling time of each rotation is four years, and the leader of a political party Can be in power for two consecutive terms, after two terms must be rotated to another political party.

And there is an organization under the ruling leader called the House of Lords, each political party in the House of Lords will have the same seats, they will decide all the matters of the elves, of course, these agreed things will be handed over to the leader to decide whether to do it or not .

The leader and the House of Lords are of a mutual check nature.

Of course, this is not all. There are still many detailed clauses below. Sang explained it very clearly and at the same time. Time changes and cumulative results.

This method of governing is really too fresh. The elves have always been a combination of political power and theocracy. They never thought that one day they would be able to play like this.

This is equivalent to saying that the high priest of all things will be just a mascot in the future, and all the things of the elves will be controlled by them? Oh, no, it should be said that they and the high-level elves manage it together.

This notice sounds good, but for some reason Borazan still feels that there is something wrong.

Of course, Borazan asked the counselors not to get an explanation for this matter and whether it can be proposed from the counselors' mouths, because this matter is basically a certainty, and there is no possibility of any change, he asked just to know

The answer to Borazan's question may not be found in ordinary elves, just like Grunn is also in a state of extreme collapse now.

She sat at the head of the long table in the temple, staring at the three people sitting around her with wide eyes.

They are Ming Yuechen, Mo Ran and Sang respectively.

To be honest, Gruen was raised as the heir of the country and the future high priest since she was a child. Her vision and thinking are definitely not comparable to that of ordinary high-level elves, but even if she is so well-informed Gruen never thought that one day he would sit at the same table with the power holders of the other three races.

It never occurred to them that they sat together to discuss the direction of the elves in the future.

No, to be precise, it's about where she will go in the future.

Gu Luen felt that she had been greatly insulted, she sat there indifferently, her eyes started to look at the people around her little by little, and finally fell on Sang's face, and she couldn't help but coldly snorted: "Great chief, are you safe?"

The last time Gruen and Sang met was a battle between the two groups on the border. After a fierce fight, neither of them got any advantage from the other party. When I see Sang again, I must kill him.

However, man is not as good as God. At that time, Guluen would never think that she saw Sang again under such circumstances. Not only did she fail to take Sang's life, but Sang wanted to kill her. The dog's paw reached into the kingdom of the elves.

"It's easy to say, the high priest seems to be in good health?"

Gu Luen was too lazy to talk nonsense with Sang, she gave Sang a hard look, and continued to look at Mo Ran, this woman sat beside Sang, restrained her momentum, with a warm smile like a spring breeze on her face, her appearance She was very pretty. If she didn't know that this woman was the black hand behind the high-ranking elf rebels, Gruen would almost be immersed in her harmless smile.

Among the four races on this planet, Mo Ran and herself are female rulers, and as far as she knows, Mo Ran is not a real ruler. Although she is called a "god" among the dead, she is not Participated in the management, in that case, how did she manage to get the deceased to fully support her opinion? Even disregarding what Gruen repeatedly added

And she is not only the high priest of the elves but also the ruler, but she can't make these elves obey?

Gu Luen turned his gaze away from Mo Ran, and then saw Ming Yuechen sitting next to him.

If it was natural for the dead and the orcs to coerce him because they were on the opposite side of him, then Gu Luen couldn't understand what Ming Yuechen was doing at all.

Shouldn't elves and humans be allies?

Even if there is a lot of trouble among human beings now, it is still an internal conflict among human beings, and the friendly relationship with elves still exists. Why did this human ally suddenly turn against him while supporting him all the time?

The more she didn't understand, the more Gu Luen cared. Her two thin eyebrows were already furrowed because of the entanglement in her heart, and she looked at Ming Yuechen with a dignified expression: "I thought elves and humans Forever allies."

Ming Yuechen nodded, with a polite and friendly smile on his face, like a perfect mask stuck on it: "High Priest, what you said is right, humans and elves will always be allies."

"In this case, why do you still stand with them to persecute me!" During this time, the continuous blows rushed towards Gruen, which had already exhausted her physically and mentally, and she was tense all the time. At this moment, his emotions were finally unbearably disconnected, and Guluen's voice rose an octave in an instant.

"Forcing you?" Ming Yuechen spread his hands, and he even showed a very confused expression on his face, looking very innocent, "High Priest, where did you go? How could I force you? Humans and elves are always the best allies, and we have always supported the elves' free will."

I don't know where Ming Yuechen's words touched Gu Luen's nerves. Her facial expression instantly became more ferocious, and the muscles on her entire face were constantly shaking, which made her originally beautiful face look a little deformed: "Ming Yuechen, don't think that you are the strongest human being who can turn white into black and black into white. Aren't you persecuting me right now? You're cooperating with them in persecuting me and making me Imprisoned in this temple, you want to deprive me of my rights! Isn’t this what persecution is? How can you have the face to say such words as free will!

Ming Yuechen's expression became more and more innocent, and he even let out a long sigh: "I don't understand the meaning of the high priest, you are the high priest of the elves, if I understand correctly, the high priest is A servant who communicates with God? The temple is the house of God, shouldn't you stay in the temple as a servant serving God?"


Gu Luen stood up straight away. Because of her anger, she leaned slightly towards the table, and pointed at Ming Yuechen with her hand. The long bright red nails were very close to Ming Yuechen's face, as if the next moment He was about to grab Ming Yuechen's face.

And Ming Yuechen didn't even blink his eyes, he just raised his hand, blocked Gu Luen's finger pointing towards him like a thousand catties, and pushed it to the side, Gu Luen staggered twice, and his body was out of place. Arrived and stepped back a few steps, if she hadn't grabbed the edge of the table, she would have been sitting on the ground in embarrassment now.

It's just that her action made Ming Yuechen unhappy, the smile that had been sticking to his face like a mask all this time finally disappeared, Ming Yuechen took out a delicate white handkerchief from somewhere, Grabbing the place where he just came into contact with Gruen, his voice lowered a bit, but the thick threat in his voice didn't fade away, instead it became more aggressive because of the sinking of his voice .

"As I said just now, we humans have never changed our minds. We have repeatedly reiterated that humans and elves are a friendly alliance. Our relationship is extremely strong, so humans firmly support and support the freedom of elves. volitional."

Having said that, Ming Yuechen finally stopped wiping his fingers. He raised his eyes, as if two sharp edges were approaching Guluen: "However, I think the high priest seems to have made a mistake. All the elves Free will is not your free will."

"You..." The corners of Ming Yuechen's lips curled up in a mocking arc: "It doesn't represent an elf."

"Why can't I represent the elves!" Gu Luen glared at Ming Yuechen angrily, but Ming Yuechen stopped talking, he just smiled slightly and looked at Gu Luen with a meaningful expression.

Under this kind of gaze, Gu Luen felt a kind of empty panic, she couldn't even look at Ming Yuechen any longer, and looked back in a panic.

In an instant, Guluen panicked.

This panic disappeared and she was **** with hemp rope and hung upside down on the edge of the cliff. Her front, back, left, and right were empty, and the only thing that could support her seemed to be that thin hemp rope.

Turning back abruptly, Gruen looked at the several high-ranking priests standing at the edge of the conference room, her eyes were full of expectations, hoping that her priests, her fellow clansmen, would give her the last But to her regret, all the high priests lowered their heads, and he even felt that when he looked towards them, their lowered heads lowered even lower.

All of a sudden, Gu Luen felt that she understood everything, and an indescribable cold instantly wrapped herself up, that kind of cold was like a tiny snake, greedily crawling on her body, constantly absorbing Seeing the heat from her body, it penetrated into her skin, penetrated into her bones, and finally turned into ice and fused with her blood.

Gu Luen even felt that this kind of coldness made her unable to even breathe. She raised her hand and pointed at the person in the distance, and finally showed an almost bleak smile...


"High Priest." Suddenly, a high-ranking priest saluted in their direction.

Gu Luen thought that the world had turned around, and a cluster of small flames suddenly jumped out of her eyes that had been turned into ashes, but her lips trembled, and she couldn't even make a sound, but her expression and her The body leaning forward slightly in anticipation all expresses her inner feelings at this moment.

"The high priest is the role closest to God. Because of the high priest, we can know the will of God, and we can not do things that sin against God. In the past, the elves were too stupid to forget that the high priest is a god." The servant, just to serve the god, actually let the high priest do so many trivial things, it is too wrong, if not, the **** probably would not send disasters and let the tree of life wither..."

The high-ranking priest didn't even finish his sentence when he saw Gruen grabbing a heavy and exquisite decoration on the table and moving towards the high-ranking priest trembling all over.

"Do you think so? Do you all think so?" Gruen's irritated emotions finally broke down, and she yelled without grace, "You are the traitors, the real traitors!"

Gruen's crazy and angry screams echoed in the empty hall, like a ghost that has traveled through time and space, screaming...

The author has something to say: daily update 22/30

Saturday 22/30

Ah, I was told by the cutie that I was flooded... I covered my face, well, I will speed up after finishing writing today, and try to finish the book before the end of the May Day holiday.

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-04-2107:54:11~2021-04-2209:42:54~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 80 bottles of Meteor's Trip; started to lose weight by 5 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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