MTL - Return of the Dead [Holo]-Chapter 188

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From the Elvish language, the names of Gruen and Gruun actually sound different, but the names of the two of them are the same in the common language of the four continents.

If you speak the common language, no one will know who Mo Ran is talking about.

From the very beginning, Ye Xiao and the mysterious person in front of him spoke Elvish language, and the other party didn't talk much, even when he wanted to talk about the whole story, his speech speed was very slow. The reason is because of the language habits of this mysterious person, but Ye Xiao suddenly realized that the mysterious person in front of him probably didn't speak slowly, but rather when he called Grunn's name in the common language. It's because he's not very used to Elvish language, so he can only speak slowly.

It was also at this time that the secret message Ye Xiao sent to Borazan had been connected. Obviously, things on Borazan's side were very angry, and his tone was not very good, but because the other party was Ye Xiao, it sounded like he His emotions are still restrained: "What's the matter? Ye Xiao, what's the matter? Didn't I just say that there is something to follow my instructions?"

The implication is that you stay put, don't contact me, I will contact you if something happens.

Ye Xiao couldn't help but smiled wryly, if it's really okay, do you think I'd like to contact you?

Thinking of this in her heart, she spoke more and more difficultly: "Bolazan, the situation on our side is not very good."

Borazan was already completely in a state of anxiety.

The sudden arrival of humans has already made their heads hard, but then came the news that the high-level elves did not open a large teleportation array, but opened two medium-sized teleportation arrays, although the news of the medium-sized teleportation arrays seems to be It's better than a large teleportation array, but he's not happy at all with the addition of the number. What's more, opening two teleportation arrays means sending two groups of people over. What is this all about?

Isn't a wave of humans happy? Do you want to send two waves of humans over?

While he and the counselors figured out what kind of person would come this time, he continued to arrange manpower to attack the forbidden area of ​​the tree of life.

In such a situation where there was no way to free up his hands to deal with other situations, the news from Ye Xiao's side made Borazan feel very uninterested. After all, compared with hitting the tree of life and besieging human beings A Grunn who has been controlled is really not a problem for Borazan, but when Ye Xiao said that their situation is not good, Borazan's scalp tightened subconsciously.

Quickly circling the possible situations in his mind, Borazan asked in a low voice: "Did you not transfer the high-level elves from the palace?"

"The transfer is gone, don't worry about this, I have done everything, and now all the people in the palace are my staff..." Ye Xiao was very afraid of Borazan, and even used honorifics when speaking, and The current situation made it impossible for Ye Xiao to speak loudly. She could only keep lowering her voice to lower her sense of presence, so as not to disturb the mysterious person who was paying attention to Gruen.

However, Borazan didn't realize that something was wrong on Ye Xiao's side at all. The anxious situation caused Borazan's acuity to drop continuously. What could go wrong?"

"Our people are all..." Ye Xiao heard that Borazan wanted to hang up the message, so he had to speed up his speech and wanted to report everything to the other party, but he didn't wait for her to speak , she felt a cold touch on the side of her neck, and couldn't help but choke all her words in her throat.

"Look, what did I find?" Mo Ran's low and playful voice sounded above Ye Xiao's head.

The voice obviously sounded so relaxed and lazy, but when it fell into Ye Xiao's ears, she instantly felt a tremor like a poisonous snake crawling over her body, and immediately, the hairs all over her body stood on end .

At this time, Ye Xiao also discovered that the pressure that had been pressing heavily on her had disappeared, and she could move around at will. This was originally a good thing, but for Ye Xiao, it only increased For the fear of the mysterious person in front of him, he can control the coercion at will. Who the **** is this... this person?

"Are you talking to Borazan?" Mo Ran lowered his head, looking at the smiling face of the other party, who seemed to be harmless to humans and animals, and even had a bit of curiosity for proof in his tone.

Slowly raised her head, and let her gaze move up a little bit, and a little bit more, Ye Xiao never knew that time was so long, but the time to raise her head seemed as long as a century, and finally, her gaze Faced with the mysterious man in front of him, Ye Xiao finally realized that his voice had completely lost its function under those bottomless eyes.

Borazan obviously heard Ye Xiao talking just now, and he didn't finish speaking, but he lost his voice in an instant. No matter how much his acuity was reduced due to anxiety, he finally realized something was wrong at this moment, and he sank down. Thinking about it, he kept calling Ye Xiao: "What are you talking about? Ye Xiao? What happened to your staff? Ye Xiao, are you still there?"

There was silence over there, and no one responded. It seemed as if the message had never been connected. The anxiety in Borazan's heart began to expand slowly, and he continued to call Ye Xiao: "Ye Xiao , you answer me, what happened to you!"

Borazan's constant calls to Ye Xiao made all the counselors around him feel that something was wrong. They all looked at Borazan nervously and paid close attention to the progress of the matter.

"It seems that he is calling you constantly..." Mo Ran's eyes moved slightly from Ye Xiao's terrified face, and landed on the purple game launcher on her little finger. The smile on her lips became more and more intense. bigger.

Ye Xiao had never felt that she was suffering like this. Borazan's calls kept coming to her ears, but she couldn't respond at all, and there was a mysterious man standing in front of her. She was like a **** of death. In general, quietly watching himself.

Is there anything else someone can do while making eye contact with death? No.

At least Ye Xiao couldn't, she stared wide-eyed at the mysterious man in front of her, and was completely unaware of the dense cold sweat oozing from her forehead, but at the next moment, she saw the other party's long blade waved lightly, Ye Xiao Xiao subconsciously closed her eyes, and quietly greeted the arrival of the **** of death, but to her surprise, the pain and darkness that she imagined did not come, but the continuous voice from Borazan disappeared all of a sudden .

Borazan still kept calling Ye Xiao, but at the next moment, the special white noise that belonged to when the secret language was activated disappeared without a trace. list, but found that Ye Xiao's list had turned gray.

An indescribable terror caught Borazan's heart in an instant. He swallowed subconsciously, raised his head and glanced at the counselors beside him. The counselors were looking at him eagerly seeking knowledge. After meeting his eyes, he asked again and again: "What happened?"

Borazan's voice was very soft: "Ye Xiao's connection is broken, she has turned gray."

"Is... dead?" Several counselors were stunned, and they exchanged glances with disbelief.

"If Ye Xiao died, did something happen to them?"

"Ye Xiao isn't the only one over there, ask the others..."

As he said that, some counselors immediately began to look for the list of the assassination team, but soon everyone was stunned, and those counselors who were still waiting for the results quickly asked the searchers: "How is it? Have you made contact?"

And the voice of the searcher was even softer than Borazan's just now, not only that, but a frightened light appeared on his face: "I can't get in touch... the list is all black. This... is dead, right?" .”

No one could answer this question, because when he was telling this fact, everyone had already started looking through the contact lists of these assassination teams, but obviously, the results of their searches were the same.

Suddenly a heavy breath enveloped all the people in the room, and Borazan's hands trembled slightly. Although he didn't want to admit it, he clearly felt that something had escaped his control.

Ye Xiao suddenly opened his eyes when the **** on his little finger disappeared, but what he saw was the picture of the game launcher on his finger in the opponent's hand. He seemed to be very interested in this ring, and he was holding it to examine it carefully. Then he seemed to be aware of Ye Xiao's gaze, and looked down at Ye Xiao who was sitting on the ground, as if thinking of something: "Ah, I actually forgot about this."

Before she finished speaking, Ye Xiao felt that the magic power disappeared from her body, no, it didn't disappear, but was isolated, as if the whole person was put into a glass cover, she could see her body Magic, but can't use it.

She followed Mo Ran's actions and looked towards her hands in horror, only to realize that the pair of red magic rings that had just trapped Gruen's hands had appeared on her wrists.

Mo Ran straightened up and patted the non-existent dust on his hands, narrowed his eyes in satisfaction, and even turned his head to look at Gu Luen, who was still kneeling on the ground with his bracelet still dropped, with a full tone of voice. Full of pride: "It seems that this thing is really useful for high-level elves."

Gu Luen knelt there with his head down. Many ordinary elves had wounded him internally and externally. Although this injury didn't look good to Mo Ran, it was still a weak point in the history of the attack. The high-level elf's body is really very serious. If it weren't for the fact that his hands were still imprisoned by the rings, he would have fallen to the ground directly by now.

All the weight of his body was hung on the two hanging rings at hand, so that Gruen's body formed a very strange arc, his head drooped weakly, and his long purple hair seemed to lose its original magnificence. The luster, mixed with the blood, looked a little dirty.

Mo Ran walked to his side and squatted down, stretched out her hand to lift the drooping head, saw a face covered by long hair, and gently pulled the long hair aside with her fingers, Mo Ran Ran finally saw Grun's face.

It was a face full of scars, and there were even extremely obvious bruises on his cheekbones.

The last time I looked at Gu Luen so closely was a few years ago, and I don't know if it was an illusion. Mo Ran always felt that Gu Luen's face had become more delicate and beautiful. The distance is far away, and with the makeup on, he can only feel that he is beautiful. It is only now that he has discovered that Grun's beauty is very neutral, with a kind of indistinguishable attraction.

It was probably for this reason that Gruen could boldly let him pretend to be himself, even without being afraid of being discovered.

Gruen felt his head was dizzy, and several heavy blows from ordinary elves had hit his head, making his brain buzzing, but even so when his hair was pushed aside , he still felt a different breath enveloping him all of a sudden.

The long and curly eyelashes are constantly shaking, and the pair of delicate eyebrows are also wrinkled. It can be seen that he seems to be struggling for something. Mo Ran is not in a hurry, but just gently wipes the blood stains on his face. Wipe them clean one by one.

A strange face appeared in front of him.

This is the face of an ordinary elf. Although Gruen has always had a bad memory for people who don't care, he confirmed that he doesn't know the owner of this face at all, and he doesn't even have the slightest impression.

Squinting his eyes, Gu Luen tried to make his vision clearer, to see if he could remember the owner of this face, but, unfortunately, no matter how he recalled, he really couldn't remember this face. At this moment, he was full of doubts: "Who... are you?"

When he said this, Gu Luen's eyes casually looked behind this person, and that scene surprised him to the extreme.

He saw a mess of people all over the place. They were all wearing black hoods. If he guessed correctly, these people should be the ordinary elves who escorted him here just now. Now they fell silently on the ground.

Gruen soon found the answer. He saw meandering blood flowing out from the bodies of these ordinary elves and gathering together. It was obvious that these ordinary elves were dead.

Gruen still felt very confused. Although he had been in a state of confusion due to a head injury just now, it did not mean that he knew nothing. Do you fight? But why didn't he even hear a sound? Could it be that he actually passed out just now?

Looking back, Gu Luen saw Ye Xiao. He was very familiar with this woman, Gu Luen. He has to live in the palace instead of Gu Luen from time to time, so he often sees her, but it is amazing that this night owl has never seen through him.

Probably because Ye Xiao never knew the secret between the two of them.

However, what Gruen didn't expect was that Ye Xiao would unite with Borazan. He had always thought that the high-level elves were closely united, but now it seems that he didn't know enough about the elves.

Ye Xiao is Gu Luen's former imperial lady, and also one of the most powerful figures in the palace of Gondo, and her strength should not be underestimated. She is one of Gu Luen's confidantes. It can be seen how much she trusts the royal lady after handing over the palace to Ye Xiao, but the real Gruen probably never imagined that this royal lady is one of the biggest traitors.

If it weren't for the fact that Gruen is Gruen's substitute, only a few high-ranking priests serving in the Tree of Life would know about it. If Ye Xiao also knew the secret, Gruen might not have a chance to escape and stay here now It's her.

It's just that Gu Luen didn't expect that such a powerful character was completely controlled now, and from the terrified expression on her face, it can be seen that the strength of the person who can control it should not be underestimated.

But who would it be?

Is it this ordinary elf in front of him?

Is there such a character among the elves? Is there such a powerful elf? No, it's unlikely, if there is such a character, it's impossible for him not to know about it.

So who is this person?

Wait, Gu Luen realized something in his heart as if he was blessed - who stipulated that as long as he has an elf face, he must be an elf?

The person in front of her was staring at her, and Gruen could even see her own reflection in her focused pupils. She was looking at this face that belonged to Gruen, but at this moment, Gruen suddenly had a strong feeling , the other party is not actually looking at this face, but... but looking at himself through this face? !

This cognition made Gruen extremely astonished.

There are very few people in this world who know of his existence, even among the elves, the people who know him can be counted clearly with one hand, and it is impossible for these people to appear here, let alone look at him like this he.

Gu Luen kept searching his barren memory, and there was a name that kept jumping under the sea of ​​his memories like a rising sun, as if it was about to break out of the water, but he couldn't believe it.

Is it her? Could it be her?

No, it won't.

Their separation was so hasty at that time, even in order to clear the relationship between him and her, he didn't say goodbye to her properly, she must be very disappointed in him.

Also, when she was fighting with humans, he was actually in Tiandu City. He saw all this with his own eyes, how she fought to the death, how she exhausted her energy, and even saw her How was it captured by humans, but he just watched it like this, no matter how much agitation and intolerance he felt in his heart, he stood firmly in the position of the elf without any movement.

Under such circumstances, would she appear here?

Gu Luen felt as if there was a fire hidden in his throat, burning his rational thinking into ashes, and his eyes were constantly shaking with a light that could not be expressed in words, it was expectation, and it was even more so. Shame is hope, but it is despair.

"Gu Luen, are you in pain?" Mo Ran narrowed her eyes in pity, her voice was as quiet as incense ash falling in front of the altar, there was no sound except for a faint aftertaste.

But just such a question, it seemed like a stone fell into Gu Luen's peaceful heart lake, stirring up small ripples, but these ripples did not return to calm as usual, Instead, it became bigger and bigger, more and more vibrating, and finally turned into a huge wave of noise.

Gruen opened his lips. His pair of lips that were already as soft and shiny as gemstones had the fierce bite marks of Borazan, and there were even dander that had turned up due to dryness. A low hoarse sound came from inside...

"Mo... dyed?"

Mo Ran just looked at Gu Luen quietly, as if she was looking at a complete stranger. Even under Gu Luen's deep desire and expectation, she didn't move at all, not even the slightest movement in her eyes. Compassion has not changed in the slightest.

While Mo Ran was staring at Gu Luen, the image of Ming Yuechen appeared in her mind. She thought of his unscrupulousness and wanton trampling on the current rules, she remembered Ming Yuechen looking at her provocatively, Ask her: "Who made the rule, I must live for the race, and I must raise my sword for the sake of mankind? Who made the rule? Is it you? Or...God?"

It is undeniable that when Mo Ran heard these words, her heart trembled unceasingly.

A thing that has been hidden in the depths of Mo Ran's heart seems to be about to move.

Mo Ran is a person who abides by the rules. As long as she can remember, she has been a law-abiding citizen. She was an obedient child when she was young, and an obedient adult when she grows up. Even if she becomes a dead person, she is still an obedient dead person. She was reborn, and she seemed to have been acting according to an established rule.

But who made this rule?

Mo Ran never thought about this issue, she always felt that she was fighting for her own destiny, and never doubted it, but one day someone told her that this kind of rule could be broken, she felt angry, felt It was unbelievable, but when this anger and inconceivability cooled down, she stopped walking straight forward, and rarely stopped to look back.

Yes, who made this rule?

Who stipulated that they must dedicate everything to their race? Who stipulated that only one's own race is the best, while other races must be buried under this best? Who stipulated that they would put each other to death for the best?

Who made this rule?



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Chapter 192

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Chapter 191

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