MTL - Return of the Dead [Holo]-Chapter 180 ·

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And now, this cup of tea reappeared in Mo Ran's hands. Through the warm purple sand, Mo Ran's fingertips could feel the hotness of the tea, from her cool fingertips all the way to the heart.

Mo Ran's heart kept pounding, as if to show how well it had recovered, enough to withstand more news that seemed to be like a storm.

However, all of these unrests were hidden under Mo Ran's overly calm appearance. At this moment, she was lowering her head and slowly sipping the cup of tea.

Ever since she left Ming Yuechen in her last life, Mo Ran has never drank tea again. First of all, she was busy running for her life and taking revenge on humans in her previous life, so she no longer had leisure time. In this life, she was busy changing her life. The fate of the dead, running around, does not seem to have such a leisurely thought, and secondly, drinking tea seems to have become a forbidden area for Mo Ran, and she is no longer in the mood to drink tea.

But now, when drinking tea again, the familiar taste suddenly traveled through time and space, igniting something in Mo Ran's heart that had long been extinguished like an electric current, and made some things in her life that should not have been extinguished. What existed came alive again.

No matter what kind of thoughts the person in front of her has, Mo Ran doesn't want to indulge herself too much in the past. For her, the last life will always be the last life. No matter how she thinks about it, no matter how much she hates her, it's all gone , and now, and the most important thing in the present.

When she firmly believed in such an idea in her heart, the turmoil that had already stirred up seemed to subside slowly, so when Mo Ran drank the cup of tea bit by bit, her mind just now was tumbling. All kinds of thoughts, all kinds of storms in her heart also disappeared without a trace.

When people are excited, it is difficult to make rational decisions, and it is also difficult to make common sense actions.

After confirming that she was completely calm, Mo Ran finally put down the teacup in her hand, then slowly raised her eyes, and once again looked directly at Ming Yuechen. In fact, before that, she had looked at the man in front of her countless times. , but, until now, she finally stared at him with a quiet, peaceful, and calm attitude, jumping out of all the things in the previous life, out of the things in this life, she purely with Mo Ran

And Ming Yuechen also raised his eyes, calmly and indifferently accepted the staring, he didn't dodge, and didn't do anything, just sat there like this, as if spreading out all his inner self, letting Mo Ran turn inside. Find, without reservation.

The air suddenly became quiet, and the afterglow of the setting sun became more and more intense, sticking to the bodies of the two people like a flame burning with blood. On the small red clay stove, the charcoal fire was burning thinly, pushing out the handfuls of water vapor, making a low and rolling sound, such a quiet and lonely sound, it seemed that it suddenly disappeared. The bright red light was dimmed, as if thousands of troops rushed here, but disappeared in an instant.

"Who are you?" In the dense water vapor, Mo Ran's eyes seemed to get wet, and she asked slowly.

No one can understand Ming Yuechen's feeling now, no one can understand Ming Yuechen's inner tear and struggle, even he himself can't believe that he can sit here, just sit here quietly, while Mo Ran is calm He looked at himself, and then said a word to himself.

Whatever you say is fine.

The moment Mo Ran opened his mouth, Ming Yuechen seemed to feel something connecting him together through space and time. His eyes had a moist feeling, as if his heart could also feel this kind of feeling. wet.

He smiled slightly: "Who am I? I am Ming Yuechen."

Mo Ran's eyes flickered slightly. She seemed to be analyzing and touching this ambiguous fact that only the two of them could understand. After a long time, she slowly let out a breath: "He Woolen cloth?"

If another person were sitting here, probably no one would be able to understand what Mo Ran is talking about now, but the one sitting here is Ming Yuechen. The sourness crept into his heart quietly, and he bit the tip of his tongue carefully, as if it took all his strength to ignore the sourness.

However, even so, he still has no way to answer Mo Ran's question directly, he doesn't know what Mo Ran is to another self

So, he asked back: "What about Mo Ran in this life?"

If it is said that Mo Ran had been guessing and probing about the question in her heart before, then when Ming Yuechen asked the rhetorical question as if answering it, what else did she not understand?

The person sitting in front of him was the Ming Yuechen who had made him love and hate him in the previous life, and finally stabbed him with his own hand.

She blinked and looked at him, she thought that she would not be able to control her surging hatred and excitement when she knew this, she even thought that she would pull out the long blade in her hand again at this time, like It was as if he had stabbed himself once in the previous life, as if he had stabbed him not long ago, and then stabbed him again.

However, these are all she thought. In fact, Mo Ran didn't do anything. She even had a vague feeling that even love and hatred had become distant and strange while sitting here. She was just thinking carefully about Ming Yuechen's rhetorical question.

Ming Yuechen came to this life from the previous life, where did Ming Yuechen go in this life? Ming Yuechen may not be able to answer. So when the self in the previous life came to this life, where did Mo Ran go in this life? Mo Ran felt that she could not answer this question either.

She just sat here, blinking her eyes, but there was an uncontrollable sourness in her eyes, she couldn't even control herself to think of the past, to be honest, because of her own reasons, she and Ming Yuechen were in this life together. They had very little contact with each other, and most of the time they were in the chasm, and at that time they were just practicing silently, not even saying a word.

Mo Ran suddenly remembered her complete seal, which finally became complete from a small missing piece...

"When did you come back?" After circling these emotions in her mind for a while, Mo Ran finally withdrew all the unnecessary emotions that affected her thinking, and she asked calmly.

"It was the moment you drew your sword at me." Ming Yuechen replied very calmly.

Although more than a year had passed, when Ming Yuechen answered, Mo Ran had already realized in an instant what time it was.

At that moment, when her long blade went out for the first time, Ming Yuechen was

In a duel between two people, any hesitation or pause will cause an earth-shaking change in the battle situation. Mo Ran will not make such a mistake, and Ming Yuechen will not and should not make such a mistake. What was Mo Ran thinking at that time? Feel? Probably because she was secretly happy, she felt that she had seized the opening that could hit Ming Yuechen, and she did exactly that, and stabbed Ming Yuechen with the sword without hesitation.

Ming Yuechen still dodged, and Mo Ran had even given up the motive this time, but just when she was about to pack up and plot slowly, she saw Ming Yuechen uncharacteristically reaching out and grabbing her hand, and then Feng Chuixue sent it directly into his chest.

This action is too abnormal, his attack is too fast, his attack is too ruthless, as if this attack is not aimed at himself but at an enemy, so he does not hesitate, even with the heart of death.

Mo Ran only remembered that she was completely messed up at the time, and she couldn't understand why Ming Yuechen did this. Even in the extremely long time in the laboratory, she was constantly thinking and analyzing this matter, and she couldn't think of it The answer is why Ming Yuechen would do that at that time.

Until today, until now, she finally found the answer.

The question in Mo Ran's heart did not find the answer, but it seemed to become more confused. In her perception, Ming Yuechen had always been calm and self-disciplined. He would carefully analyze everything that happened, absolutely Would not do such a reckless thing.

"Why?" Mo Ran was very surprised. She even felt that if she kept being so strange, she might suffer from insomnia. "Why did you come back at that time?"

"Isn't this the best time?" Ming Yuechen just looked at Mo Ran in front of him, and smiled slightly. His eyes were full of softness, without any sharpness or rationality, as if a piece of Untidy mess.

good? what's good? Why is it the best?

Mo Ran didn't understand, her brows moved slightly, but she still looked a little confused.

Ming Yuechen sighed secretly, he thought that if he had known about the years ahead in his previous life, he would have fallen in love with her earlier

"Mo Ran, you should be able to know the strength of Ming Yuechen." Ming Yuechen said so, his words will make anyone not understand, but Ming Yuechen knows that Mo Ran must understand: "Besides, Mo Ran, you should know that Ming Yuechen is firm. on the side of mankind."

For a moment, Mo Ran felt that the hole in his heart hadn't been repaired, and the cold wind was still blowing in.

"At that time, you have already fought for too long. If you continue, even if your strength is equal, your physical strength will not allow you to continue to consume. So, isn't the result obvious?"

"So..." Mo Ran only felt dry mouth, she touched the truth, but she didn't know if it was a fact she was willing to accept.

"Mo Ran, I was willing to be killed by you. No matter how many times, it's the same." Ming Yuechen finally let out a long breath, and some moisture overflowed his brows and eyes: "Is this what you want to know? "

Mo Ran almost ran away, she walked quickly in the vast night alone, the cold moonlight shrouded her body, she kept panting heavily, her lungs seemed to be on fire , constantly scorching her breath, making her feel as if she would burn the surrounding night with every breath she took.

Mo Ran couldn't even tell whether the flames were caused by her natural body reaction from running fast for a long time, or from Ming Yuechen's words that were enough to shock her heart.

Her mind seemed to be in a mess, and she could only hear a passage of words repeated in her ears, which made her unable to think about other things at all.

"When are you coming back?"

"The moment you draw the knife."

"Why did you come back at this time?"

"Isn't this the best time?"


"Mo Ran, I am willing to be killed by you. No matter how many times, it's the same."

"Mo Ran, I'm willing to be killed by you. No matter how many times, it's the same."

"Mo Ran, I'm willing to be killed by you. No matter how many times, it's the same."

In the end, Mo Ran stopped. She felt that she was caught in a whirlpool she couldn't extricate herself from.


Why is he, Ming Yuechen?

Why did Ming Yuechen appear? Why do you say that you have lost control of the situation? Why did he come to her life again as a savior?

Anger blazed in Mo Ran's chest. It was a kind of anger that could not be calmed down. She pulled out the long blade without hesitation and waved it under the moon. Her offensive was already extremely fierce. Even for the sake of Venting anger without any rules is enough to shake everything around.

Immediately flying sand and rocks, trees and rocks moved, the ferocious attack made the surrounding beasts trembling, they did not dare to approach at all, only dared to avoid it from a distance, and took a detour.

I don't know how long it took before the anger in Mo Ran's heart finally calmed down. She stood where she was, but felt her hands were sore and weak, as if she didn't even have the strength to lift them up. There is not even a complete piece of ground.

And at this time, Mo Ran's mind, which was dazzled by Ming Yuechen's appearance and all the problems brought about by Ming Yuechen's appearance, finally became rational and clear again.

She has never been so clearly aware of one thing as she is now. Ming Yuechen appeared. The Ming Yuechen who experienced pain and betrayal with her in the previous life appeared. She didn't know where the original Ming Yuechen went. Maybe Is dead, maybe coexist with him, but these are not important.

The important thing is that the appearance of Ming Yuechen is bound to change the current situation again. Among other things, the changes among human beings are just examples.

Mo Ran remembered what He Yu had told him, that there was a transfer of power among human beings, and the entire human race was divided into two factions. One was the conservative and radical faction headed by Xu Nancheng, who wanted to obtain the rights of the dead or all other races. Power, they want to restore the former glory of the earth, and want to regain the kingship of the entire planet.

The other faction is relatively moderate but pays attention to integration and development. They do not advocate plundering other race resources like the old school, but under the banner of common development, they seem to want to exchange for a period of recuperation and development. As for what will happen in the future, I don't know. It is said that this faction is headed by Anzu and Weekend, but behind them there seems to be an unusually powerful

Before seeing Ming Yuechen again, Mo Ran didn't take this matter to heart. After all, for her, the alternation of rights has never been the key point, and she doesn't care. She lived too tired in her previous life, and she wants to live more in this life. To be casual, she's fighting for her race, not for rights.

But after seeing Ming Yuechen, Mo Ran suddenly understood everything, perhaps the manipulator standing behind An Zu and Zhou Zhou was Ming Yuechen.

This kind of Mingyuechen made Mo Ran feel strange. No matter in the last life or this life, Mingyuechen has always been hovering outside of power. The higher-ups are not interested, he even just wants to be a soldier who can fight on the battlefield, even if he dies on the battlefield with the shrouded body of horse leather in the end, he will die well.

However, all the facts now tell me that this is not the case anymore, everything has changed, but what has changed, Mo Ran's heart is full of unsolvable mysteries.

Her breathing finally became calm, and she raised her eyes to look at the bright moon in the distance. I don't know what day it is today. Whether the moon will be round or not, it's like the end of a song that is forever missing a piece, which seems a bit hypocritical and regrettable.

Back then, she had gazed at the moon countless times, no matter in pain, in sweetness, in hope, or in despair, she gazed at this moon like this, and it was so silent She stared at herself, like a wise old man who never spoke, but told her all the answers.

In the end, Mo Ran calmed down completely. She stretched out her hand, combed her hair carefully, washed it and tied it into a ponytail. Then, she turned and walked towards the small farm where Ming Yuechen was.

Think about it carefully, what is the purpose of her coming to this small farm in the end? Is it to thank the benefactor? No, no, Mo Ran was just curious about who would have such supernatural powers to help him in that situation, yes, it was this kind of pure curiosity, it was ranked before gratitude and other emotions.

But now Mo Ran wants to know even more, is this person Ming Yuechen? Of course, she also knows that there is a high probability that this person is Ming Yuechen. If it is really Ming Yuechen, why?

Putting aside the grievances and grievances of the previous life and letting each other go, Mo Ran used the thoughts of this life to think. She wanted to know Ming Yuechen's purpose. It had nothing to do with entanglements or emotions. She just wanted to consider his Appearance will change the world.

Just like the reborn Mo Ran brought a new life to the dead, a life to stand among the strong, a life to have a fair dialogue with other races, so Ming Yuechen's What about rebirth?

What happened to Ming Yuechen after he died in the last life? she does not know. How long did Ming Yuechen live after she died? she does not know. How far did Ming Yuechen go during her absence? She doesn't even know.

Therefore, she couldn't deduce the purpose of Ming Yuechen's appearance here, and this is exactly what Mo Ran wanted to know the most. She wanted to know whether Ming Yuechen's rebirth would affect the dead, or how much impact it would have, so as to judge Don't kill him, or when you can.

When he realized that he was thinking about these things, and when he was analyzing these pros and cons, Mo Ran suddenly felt relieved. In fact, it doesn't matter what Ming Yuechen looks like, and doesn't he change too?

They were no longer the pair of opponents standing in the wilderness fighting. She came back to life under his knife and became the Mo Ran of today. What about Ming Yuechen? This is probably why Mo Ran tuned back to find him.

The night is getting darker, as cold as water.

Mo Ran walked all the way along the road when she came here. She was a person with a very bad sense of direction, and even getting lost became a common occurrence; when she ran out of that small farm, she was in an extremely difficult situation. In the state of anger, she didn't remember the road at all, but when she was walking back, she actually remembered all the roads clearly, and she could make a choice without hesitation every time she encountered a fork in the road.

Originally, Mo Ran thought that she would get lost, but when she saw the lights on in the small farm from a distance, she was surprised to find that she hadn't even walked the wrong way.

Continuing to walk forward, Mo Ran suddenly stopped.

In the night, the small farm with dimly lit yellow lights in the valley looked unusually warm, with

And Mo Ran saw a lamp, and stood at the door of the small farm. It was a very cute rabbit lamp. Outstanding, but it is really not easy for such a gadget to appear in such an apocalyptic world.

The most surprising thing was that such a lovely and exquisite lamp was carried in Ming Yuechen's hands.

In the dark of night, he held this lamp and waited for Yingfeng to stand outside the intersection outside the farm, like a lamppost that never tires.

From a distance, he saw himself, and even showed a very bright smile. Mo Ran looked at the lamp, and his memory about it rolled.

She took a deep breath, and at this moment she had to admit, whether this small farm or everything that appeared here, why are they so familiar? The reason was too simple, because these were all things she had expected deeply, and she had told Ming Yuechen like a joke.

Perhaps she had really expected all of this, but some things were not obtained when she was expecting them, and even if she got them later, it would not be the original expectation.

The author has something to say: Daily update 10/30

Saturday 10/30

Yesterday, a little cutie said that I thought it was a book of several million. Hey, it is impossible to have a few million. First, the story structure is not that big. Second, this book is like this, I feel embarrassed to write Is it millions? Third, Jinjiang's millions of books...doesn't fit the general environment.

In short, it is almost over, and it is estimated that there are one or two copies left.

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-04-09 09:53:44~2021-04-1008:05:22~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 40 bottles of one page book; 2130 bottles; 20 bottles of little crows and small yellow croakers who love to ring the bell; guu055 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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