MTL - Return of the Dead [Holo]-Chapter 173

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"Xie Danzhi, are you there?"

Xu Nancheng rarely appeared on the command channel. He was an old-fashioned person who didn't like to play games before the end of the world. Even after the end of the world, he still stubbornly believed that this was a living world, not a simple Therefore, in general, when the situation is not too tense, he calls all the commanders to his side to arrange the battle situation.

Of course, when the situation is tense, it is difficult for him to insist on this point, and when Xu Nancheng used the command channel twice, it seemed to be aimed at Mo Ran.

Xie Danzhi is a woman, not a member of Fenghuolan Forest, but she used to be the youngest archery athlete in the country, and the best player to win the Olympic gold medal, but she is modest in her own words, the level of their team is generally inferior Better than her, but she was lucky enough to stay.

Before Tiandu City was established, Xie Danzhi was already the leader of a small tribe. The members she led were all very good at long-range shooting. After joining Tiandu City, their combat effectiveness was even higher than that of all other tribes. The elite members are nothing, but they also got a training base, but compared to other combat teams, their treatment is very average.

This situation was not completely improved until the alliance with the elves.

Elves are a race that is extremely good at long-range combat. Their high-level elves are better at magic attacks, but ordinary elves who do not have the ability to manipulate magic elements are better at using bows and arrows. After seeing long-range attacks, especially large-scale long-range attacks After a great deal of lethality, the top management of Tiandu City raised the treatment of human archers.

And these archers finally had the same status as the Assassins, Gunners and other teams in Tiandu City, and had a letter of their own team - M, Xie Danzhi was the captain of this M team.

Probably because she trained in the national team since she was a child, Xie Danzhi is not very good at talking, and she doesn't like to join the higher-ups, so her M team actually does not exist among all the elite teams in Tiandu City For these high-level executives, it is often at the last moment that they are remembered, and they are thrown to the back of their minds immediately after they are used up.

"Yes." Without waiting for long, Xu Nancheng received Xie Danzhi's response.


"At the training ground, and, Lord City Master, we are the M team, not the M team." Xie Danzhi is a rather stubborn person. She stubbornly thinks that you are harsh on us, but it must not be the name. Wrong, although it is only a word difference, but the meaning and momentum are very different.

Xu Nancheng closed his eyes with a headache, and the only way he could think of to deal with people who were more axial was to follow their words: "Okay, Team M, please go to the high place in the northwest direction immediately, and prepare to attack."

Although Xie Danzhi is quite rational and doesn't like to join the high-level people, it doesn't mean that this person is very dull. On the contrary, Xie Danzhi is very keen on fighting, especially for taking every opportunity I have in the battle. is quite accurate.

This time the siege of Mo Ran in the research institute did not involve their M team, but it doesn't mean that Xie Danzhi didn't notice the movement here at all. All the barracks and teams are in Beicheng District, so she naturally paid attention When it came to the situation here, and before Xu Nancheng contacted her, he had already analyzed all the battle situation and gave instructions for all staff to prepare.

Now that Xu Nancheng has just issued an order to prepare for the battle, all the members of the M team have begun to quickly approach the heights of the northwest urban area where the White Skull will pass. Rapid climbing on the outer surface.

All the buildings in Tiandu City have convenient climbing structures on the outside, which were reserved when they were built. At that time, it was just to allow all players to train their physical fitness anytime, anywhere, but Train agility and balance, but no one would have thought that one day these building components would become the most critical things in battle.

Xu Nancheng used a telescope to observe the preparations of the M team, while observing the situation of Mo Ran and the white skull on the other side. The white skull had become huge, as big as it was when it attacked the northern city gate that day. He is now It was stuck under the ground like a carrot, and the pothole in the research institute just stuck his waist, making it impossible for him to continue to rise.

I only saw the white skeleton pressing the ground with his hands, trying to use his strength to push himself out of the ground, but he didn't expect that the ground of this research institute had already been dug into space.

It wasn't until this time that Xu Nancheng could clearly see the situation under the protection of the white skeleton.

Sure enough, he guessed right. Sure enough, Mo Ran was lying between the collarbone of the white skull and the bones on the back. I can see clearly the current situation of Mo Ran.

She looks very bad.

In Xu Nancheng's memory, he has never seen Mo Ran lying down, as long as she appears in front of humans, she is standing, even in the laboratory, she is standing, always so energetic, forever So unstoppable, always so high above, but now Mo Ran lay there looking very weak.

Her face was covered with traces of blood, and she couldn't see her original appearance. Even her long white hair was stained with blood, and she just leaned there. If it wasn't for her hand gesturing towards Latin from time to time, Xu Nancheng would have almost thought she was dead.

Xu Nancheng squinted his eyes, and didn't look at Mo Ran anymore, but turned to look at Xie Danzhi's preparations. After their M team had basically arrived at the designated position, he gave it to them in a leisurely manner. An order: "Team M, aim at the right collarbone seam of the white skull. The dead Mo Ran is at that position. She is going to escape now. Your mission is to shoot her down no matter what the cost!"

As the captain of Team M, Xie Danzhi of course also has binoculars. Although her eyesight is excellent, even without binoculars she can clearly see that there is indeed a figure in the position described by Xu Nancheng, but she still picked up the binoculars and looked again. I looked at it once, but when she saw Mo Ran, who was covered in blood and had hardly moved, she couldn't help but froze for a moment, and then asked hesitantly: "Is she still alive? In this situation Next, is she going to turn into a hedgehog when using the M team?"

"You just need to complete the task." Xu Nancheng closed his eyes, and unconsciously remembered the appearance Xie Danzhi described just now in his mind, and he took a deep breath

The bounden duty of a soldier is to obey. Xie Danzhi pursed her lips. In fact, she was very different from Xu Nancheng's plan to extract some "nutrient solution" from the body of the dead and inject it into the human body. Agree, no matter what she is now, she was also an athlete in the beginning, and some things that are deeply ingrained in the athlete's consciousness cannot be changed.

Xie Danzhi didn't believe that relying on drugs or some "nutrient solution" could change her body and gain powerful attributes. In her perception, wouldn't this be equivalent to taking prohibited drugs during a sports meeting? Although these medicines will improve your attack power or performance in a short period of time, they will definitely not be long-lasting, and as long as they are medicines, as long as your body is not strengthened through your own efforts, all such improvements with the aid of external forces will There is backlash.

It is precisely because of this kind of thinking that she absolutely disapproves of Xu Nancheng and the others capturing so many dead people for experiments, and ordered her M team that no one can inject this "business liquid", which is exactly her idea. This kind of axis makes them more unpopular and marginalized in this war.

Seeing Mo Ran covered in blood, although Xie Danzhi couldn't empathize with her, as a living creature, she couldn't help empathizing with this woman who was about her own age. She couldn't even imagine how she would be when she was in this situation. what a pain.

"Captain, we are now..." The vice-captain of team M is Xie Danzhi's school girl who has been together since the sports team. She is Xie Danzhi's absolute confidant, and she supports all her thoughts and actions 100%. Wang Mengyi, she glanced at the seriousness on Xie Danzhi's face and understood the entanglement in her heart: "Do you really want to shoot that Mo Ran?"

Xie Danzhi glanced at Wang Mengyi and asked, "What do you think?"

Wang Mengyi is a very delicate person, and this person thinks a lot and thinks far, and often provides Xie Danzhi with a lot of very unusual views to make up for the shortcomings of Xie Danzhi's axis: "I think We are now being roasted on fire."

Xie Danzhi didn't speak, but kept looking at Wang Mengyi, motioning her to continue.

Wang Mengyi frowned slightly, took the binoculars and looked in Mo Ran's direction: "Mo Ran should be seriously injured now, the city lord means to keep her in Tiandu City no matter what, right?"

"Yeah." Just

"However, if Mo Ran is left behind, I think we will be retaliated against."

"Revenge? Whose? The dead?"

"Yeah." Wang Mengyi breathed out: "Mo Ran has been captured by us for so long, do you think the dead have not moved at all? We are very clear about what Mo Ran means to them, and they will definitely think about it." Do everything you can to rescue her, you can even use the strength of the whole clan, if at this time, Mo Ran is really left behind, or dies at the hands of humans, Captain..."

When Wang Mengyi said this, she raised her head and looked at Xie Danzhi with concern in her eyes: "Do you think we still have a chance to withstand the attack of the dead?"

Xie Danzhi lowered her eyes and didn't know what she was thinking, but soon she said: "But have you ever thought about it, if Mo Ran was alive and left alive, would she let humans go? What the institute did to her Will she let go of those things so easily?"

"No race can withstand a long war. Humans are like this, and so are the dead. You are right. If Mo Ran goes back, there is a great possibility that he will take revenge on us. However, there is another Perhaps, because of her return, the dead will choose to recuperate, intending to come back slowly, after all, in this war, the dead also died a lot, and their strength was also seriously injured."

"Do you think this possibility is high?" Xie Danzhi looked at the white skeleton constantly moving in the distance in the research institute and let out a long breath.

"Half and half." Wang Mengyi shrugged her shoulders: "If the leader of the dead doesn't have a long head, if he doesn't want to kill the chicken to get the eggs, and doesn't want to fight to the end, he should choose this way, but the premise is that Mo Ran can't fall into our hands... "

"So, what do you mean..." Xie Danzhi frowned slightly: "Yang obeys Yin?"

"Oh, captain, it's too harsh for you to say that. You should say that we are fighting conservatively so that humans will not cause big trouble." Wang Mengyi laughed, showing two small canine teeth.

"However, if we do this, what good will it do for our M team? Leaving aside such vague words as the great love of mankind, I think it is too far away for our M team. I am the captain, and I just want to be responsible for each of my team members." Responsibility, if for doing so, we are subject to

Wang Mengyi pursed her lips. She put down the binoculars and looked at Xie Danzhi with an inexplicable gaze. It seemed that something was constantly pulling and struggling in her heart. Several seconds passed After that, she said: "Senior sister, don't you think our peaceful days are coming to an end?"

Wang Mengyi is a person who is very particular about the rules. Ever since she entered Tiandu City, ever since they were incorporated into the elite team, she has never called Senior Sister Xie Danzhi. For her, this title is a distant past. , but now when she is called that again, it represents a kind of trust and a continuation of past feelings. Xie Danzhi is still the big sister who allows her to rely on in the national team. Crying child.

Xie Danzhi just looked at Wang Mengyi quietly, but her pupils shrank suddenly.

Xu Nancheng has never been the kind of person who puts all his hopes on the same thing. Naturally, it is impossible to only give such an order to Xie Danzhi. In fact, there are a lot of human beings, so there are not only long-range troops One of Xie Danzhi's M teams, and many more, Xu Nancheng gave them the same order, and when Latin tried to break free from the ground, they were fully prepared.

"I think these humans don't seem very friendly to us." Latin propped his hands on the ground and pushed his body vigorously, but the first attempt was unsuccessful, and those who had just been scattered everywhere because of Latin's appearance The humans seem to have discovered something, they have regained their calm from the panic, and began to regroup, ready to fight again.

In that situation, it was not human cowardice to panic, it was the instinctive performance of all races when they encountered such a sudden situation, but after knowing what the situation was, human courage once again dominated their troops.

Mo Ran turned her head to look at the humans who had started to gather and line up again, squinting her eyes and thinking, humans have never been a race that can be easily conquered, and they can live on the earth for a long time because of their courage and their strength. never admit

Humans have never been cowards. In fact, humans have always been a great race.

Is it possible for the dead derived from humans to completely defeat such a race? impossible.

People need self-confidence, but they don't need blind self-confidence. Standing at the height of Mo Ran, she will have a more objective and clear understanding of the whole world, because she knows that any of her small thoughts and inconspicuous propositions are placed in the whole world. The family of the dead will turn into a turbulent sea, so what she needs more is caution, objectivity, and a clearer and more objective understanding of her opponent and herself.

Although this fact makes it difficult for Mo Ran to accept emotionally, she still has to admit that war will bring disaster to the dead. Even if they have Latin, Latin is not invincible. Sooner or later, humans will There are more powerful weapons against Latin, what will happen if that time comes?

Mo Ran turned her head and looked at the gray sky. She raised her hand, gently covered her eyes, and said slowly: "There is a saying among human beings, if it is not our race, its heart must be different." .”

"What?" Latin may not have understood, or he may not understand this kind of language that is exclusive to humans at all, so he seemed a little dazed for a while.

"To put it simply, you and I are not of the same race, and the thoughts in your heart must be different from mine, so..."

"So, I'm going to wipe out all those who are not of the same race as me, is that what you mean?" Latin followed Mo Ran's words naturally.

"Probably." Mo Ran smiled.

"It's really interesting." Latin followed up with a smile, but he seemed to have heard something interesting, and laughed very happily: "The person who said that must be very proud and arrogant."

"Why do you say that?"

"In this world, there are too many things that are not of the same race as humans. If he really kills all these things, then only they will be left in this world. So what's the point?" Latin Said: "God created this world to make this world rich and colorful, instead of leaving only a lonely race. If this must be the case, it would be better to put human beings in nothingness from the beginning. .”

Mo Ran didn't speak, she didn't want to tell Latin that this statement of human beings is a typical reality

"Aim!" When Mo Ran was chatting with Latin, she heard someone shouting instructions from a distance, and Mo Ran looked in the direction of the shouting instructions. To be honest, her eyesight has been severely damaged now. If it is damaged, she can't see clearly who is issuing orders, or even what kind of troops those orders are directed at. There is only a blur in her field of vision, as if waving a weapon, He was looking at her murderously.

"Let's go!" The voice was high-pitched and bright, and it reached everyone's ears very clearly, and it also reached Mo Ran's ears, and then she heard a "whoosh, whoosh, whoosh" scream in the air .

"Latin, are they shooting arrows?" Mo Ran narrowed his eyes, trying to see, but he could only see a blur.

Latin stretched out his left hand to form a protective cover again to cover Mo Ran, looked to the northwest, and soon saw a group of people kneeling on the ground about a hundred meters away from them. Behind him were huge crossbows, and the sound that pierced through the air came from these crossbows.

"It's okay, it's a crossbow." Latin's right hand was always supported on the ground, and he tried again, but his waist bones were stuck, and he still couldn't push himself.

It seems that it is impossible to quickly get him out of the pit by trying to figure out the speed, and now he can only do it slowly. Latin changed a method, he let his legs move around the bottom of the pit, Those building components that had already collapsed, because of the movement of his legs, swayed even more, and this swaying directly affected the ground.

The ground began to vibrate again, and it was not a slight vibration. This kind of vibration was very violent, and the transmission surface was very smooth, causing those humans who were originally surrounding the research institute to start falling down.

Latin moved his legs, and found that his legs finally got a little space under his own destruction, so he swung his legs more vigorously, trying to use this method to gain more space in this hollow, and Don't let yourself get stuck in this place passively like you are now.

Humans have never been fools, they may be very afraid of the huge Latin, but

The author has something to say: Continuous updates throughout the month 3/30

Saturday 3/30

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-04-0209:12:49~2021-04-0307:01:10~

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 40 bottles of Yunyu; 20 bottles of An Chenyu;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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