MTL - Return of the Dead [Holo]-Chapter 168

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In the previous life, Mo Ran also thought about turning the entire human research institute upside down. In the end, it was not because she was not capable enough, but because there were too few people. A researcher was arrested, but this did not prevent her from going through the institute.

Although many years have passed, even now, Mo Ran is still shocked when he first saw the archives warehouse in the human laboratory. In the warehouse of more than 1,000 square meters, there are densely packed with various trees. There are metal file racks, and in these file racks are all the documents of the experiments performed by the institute.

Of course, these documents are not all about the dead, but these documents contain all the research that humans have done after the end of the world. In addition to the dead, they also have research on orcs and elves, and many others Mo Ran was not the type to understand. At that time, when he saw Mo Ran, he felt shocked in his heart, but now, Mo Ran realized that these documents are some indispensable treasures.

Now in this world, or among the four races on this planet, on the surface, the dead are derived from humans, but this kind of derivation is very accidental, basically they are middle-aged or extremely young People have become the dead, and among these dead people, there are actually very few who do research. Instead, they are human beings. Because they have a history of thousands of years, after the initial war in the last days, they quickly reunited, and The rapid restart does all sorts of work to revive humanity.

Elves and orcs, their original planet is a planet full of magic, they naturally dismiss this kind of research, and they don't believe that so-called science can solve their problems, even in the last life, these two races In the end, they were all slapped in the face by this kind of thinking, but at that time, human technology was already outstanding among the four races, and it was very difficult for other races to catch up.

Don't talk about the last life, just talk about this life.

The dead chose the north side of the Zongheng Mountain Range at first, which is actually a choice without choice, because there is a natural moat here, which can protect the dead and give them time to develop. However, in terms of environment, the north of the Zongheng Mountain Range The place is too cold, which is not conducive to the development of science and technology, so

Judging from the current situation, the current distribution of races is actually the best. Everyone can restrain each other and cooperate with each other to develop. It is an extremely delicate balance, but once a race suddenly emerges and breaks this balance. The race around it will surely be its first meal.

And now it is human beings who are about to move around. If the deceased does not want to be the next dinner of this giant beast, then the best way is to take away these research results. After all, after Bai Yuanshan dies, there will be more Li Yuanshan, Wang Yuanshan , but taking away these research results is undoubtedly a drudgery for the development of human beings, making them breathless for at least ten or twenty years.

With all this time, Mo Ran thought, at least the dead would be able to give birth to children.

During this period of time in custody, although Mo Ran seemed to be dead and did not speak or answer, in fact, her extremely keen hearing had been listening to all the conversations, even the guards outside her room. She also listened to the guard's nonsense very carefully.

These conversations seem to be very boring, but pieced together a little bit, Mo Ran can piece together some extremely useful information, as if Lu Ning, who was originally very talented, was not valued in the research institute. Li Ying, who is regarded as the best, is Bai Yuanshan's most trusted disciple. For example, Li Ying may not have made much progress in research, but she holds the key to the database, and so on.

After collecting such information, Mo Ran was able to gradually review all the situation of the research institute. Although this research institute seems to be the most important place in Tiandu City, it is not calm here, but it looks calm Underneath the surface, the dark tide has long been raging.

It's like the conflict between Bai Yuanshan and Lu Ning, like the ambiguity between Li Ying and Hu Changtian, Bai Yuanshan's other assistant, and the relationship between them and the city lord above. In short, simply put, there are conflicts where there are people. , where there are people, there will be a good show that you can't finish watching.

The research in this life is bigger than the research institute in the previous life. Although Mo Ran has a good understanding of the map of the research institute through listening, it is only limited to the place where she is usually moved out to do experiments.

However, it doesn't matter if Mo Ran doesn't understand, as long as someone understands.

Holding the two bunches of keys in her hand, Mo Ran walked quickly in the long corridor humming a low song. As she walked, she could even hear noisy footsteps coming from the nearby corridor. Guards who heard sirens rounded her up.

No matter how many people can be written, they are nothing more than ants to the current Mo Ran. She doesn't pay attention to these guards, but she puts them all down with a gesture of her hand. She settles it leisurely. These characters started to contact Lu Ning.

When Lu Ning connected to Mo Ran's call, his voice was full of shock and caution. It could be heard that he was quite inconceivable that Mo Ran would contact him. Clearing his throat, he asked in a low voice, "Is it... Mo Ran?"

"it's me."

"I'm already heading towards the cell where the dead are held. What orders do you have?" Lu Ning's voice sounded extremely humble, completely different from the way he was standing next to Mo Ran and making the request.

Mo Ran didn't know exactly what happened to Lu Ning during the period when he was away from her, but she was very satisfied with this change in Lu Ning. She said, "Where is the reference room?"

"Reference room?" Lu Ning was slightly taken aback after hearing this information, and then he immediately realized what happened, and his original humble voice was full of disbelief: "Did you...kill Li Ying?"

Mo Ran twitched the corner of her mouth: "If I say she committed suicide, will you feel better?"

Lu Ning didn't know what he was thinking. After a few seconds of silence, he didn't bother with this issue any more. He quickly reported the location of the reference room to Mo Ran. He said it very clearly, but very fast, even if Mo Ran Ran couldn't see his face, but he could tell from this tone that the other party's mood was not very good.

After he finished talking on his own, he didn't even ask Mo Ran if he understood or if he could find it, but he found an excuse that he was busy and hung up Mo Ran's call.

Mo Ran raised his eyebrows, man, he really is the most complicated creature in the world.

He has become an NPC of the dead, and it is his own choice, but when he sees his former colleagues and friends die, he still complains, regardless of whether the result may be caused by himself.


Although Lu Ning spoke very fast during the narration, it was not difficult for Mo Ran. She walked around the research institute and quickly put together the map and Lu Ning's description.

The reference room is located on the lowest floor of the entire research institute. According to Lu Ning, the research institute is located in the northern district of Tiandu City. There are military facilities nearby, and civilians are absolutely not allowed to approach it. It is impossible to get in here. The ground building of this research institute has only three floors, which is nothing compared to other buildings in Tiandu City with dozens of floors, but this research institute has the deepest underground building in Tiandu City.

There are three floors on the ground and four floors underground, and the area of ​​these four floors is much larger than the three floors above the ground, and the functions of each floor are different.

The first underground floor exists as a production equipment line, where new products researched by various research institutes are mainly produced, such as medicines or special consumables that increase attributes.

The second floor is the research institute research center, which contains all the available experimental tools and experimental equipment that humans in Tiandu City have collected from all the cities that still exist after the end of the world, and all the consumables that can be produced on the first floor. Drugs and medicines are all experimented and finally perfected through this layer.

The third floor is where all kinds of experimental subjects are imprisoned, such as the dead. Before going down to this floor, Mo Ran thought that there were only dead people, but when she actually passed by here, she realized that not only humans, but also orcs, and even humans When she saw the long-eared elves curled up in the innermost part of the cell, Mo Ran suddenly realized that the research materials about orcs and elves she saw in the reference room in her last life were not imagined by humans, but It was they who actually did these experiments.

As for the last layer buried deep underground, it is also the layer with the most protection. Not only are there layers of guards arranged here, but there are also a lot of traps. This layer, this layer contains the most precious things of the entire human race, all the research materials of the research institute.

Whether it's research that succeeds or doesn't, it's all here.

Mo Ran gently flicked the long white blade in his hand, and wiped off the blood stained on it cleanly, then smiled at the last two guards: "Come on, let's be a

The two guards looked at the woman standing not far away from them in horror. She was wearing a bright red battle armor. There were many dark red patterns on the red battle armor. In fact, if you look carefully, , this is not a pattern, but the appearance of the splashed blood after it dries up.

She is unusually young and beautiful, her white skin is shining like fine porcelain, her long white hair and red eyes are like a dummy in a window, but she is such a beautiful dummy The female, within less than a minute of her first appearance, had already dealt with all the guards guarding outside the reference room.

You must know that the ranks of these guards are all between the fifth and sixth ranks. Not only are they high ranks, but they have also received the most rigorous training in the barracks in Tiandu City. They are definitely not comparable to ordinary soldiers. Any one of them would be able to fight two against the dead on the battlefield, but even if it was such a strong soldier, even if there were so many strong soldiers, they didn't last for a minute when they attacked together.

It was as if they were challenging a task that was impossible to complete, and it was like fragile eggs hitting huge rocks beyond their capabilities. All their attacks resulted in death.

All the changes happened so fast that the rest of the people couldn't recover and could only stand still and watch these tragedies happen.

"What deal are you going to do?" Just as the guard was still completely shocked by what had just happened, he suddenly heard a trembling voice, and he immediately turned his head to look for the sound, only to see that The companion who had been paralyzed by the fright just now was already struggling to crawl on the ground, looking at the woman and asking repeatedly.

Although his whole body was trembling, even though his voice was also trembling so that the original timbre could not be heard, none of this could stop his eagerness.

The guard glanced at his companion, then subconsciously turned his head to look at the woman standing not far away. The smile on her face suddenly became more cheerful, and the already extremely beautiful face became even more beautiful because of this smile. Vividly, she raised her eyebrows, and suddenly turned her eyes to look at herself when the guard didn't expect it at all.

Then, the guard heard the scariest words he had ever heard in his life: "Only one person is needed to make a deal, and it looks like someone has

As she spoke, she smiled and winked at the guard, as playful as a little girl, and the guard realized something at this moment, he quickly stretched out his hand and said eagerly to Mo Ran: "No, no, no , I can also make a deal with you! I know..."

Before he could finish speaking, the guard felt an indescribable coldness that penetrated his body all at once. He looked at the woman standing not far away in confusion, and felt strange that she seemed to be different from just now. Too much the same, what is the difference?

Oh, it turns out that the long white blade in her hand seems to have disappeared... Where did it go?

The coolness in the chest became more and more obvious, even to the point where it could no longer be ignored or resisted. The guard seemed to lower his head slowly, looking at his chest, and suddenly found that the long white blade in the woman's hand was inserted right into On his chest, the long white blade seemed to be inserted extremely deep, even piercing through his body, and directly nailed into the wall behind.

A cold feeling spread continuously from his chest, as if slowly freezing his vision and hearing. He even felt white noise appearing in his ears. Such white noise made him less and less able to hear it. He heard the sound, and under all the hearing loss, he seemed to hear the woman's joyful voice coming intermittently from a distance.

"The most important thing in life is to choose, and to be fast. In your next life, you must run first."

With a slight movement of Mo Ran's fingers, she saw that the long blade inserted into the guard flew back into her hand, as if remotely controlled. Mo Ran also felt that such a good thing happened after her level became higher, she was so happy.

What happened just now seemed to have had a huge impact on the other guard. Before Mo Ran could look at him, he expressed his desire eagerly: "Are you going to enter this database? I can take you through All the traps, I am familiar with everything here, I will definitely help you reach your destination in the shortest possible time!"

Mo Ran raised her eyebrows when she heard the words, and the corners of her mouth curled up, "Thank you."

Sure enough, someone who led the way saved a lot of trouble. It took almost no effort for Mo Ran to stand in front of the reference room. The guard looked at the lock of the reference room, shrugged his shoulders, turned his head and said to Mo Ran: " I can't open this database, this database needs Commissioner Li

Before the guard could finish speaking, he saw Mo Ran bring out a bunch of keys. Besides the keys, there were also a few white fingers. Looking at this scene, the guard who hadn't finished speaking only felt that his blood was bleeding. When it got cold, he immediately closed his mouth, not even daring to say a single word, for fear that if he talked too much, he would end up like the people outside in the next moment.

Mo Ran took out all ten of Li Ying's fingers, and put them on the fingerprint machine one by one to try. Cutting off Li Ying's fingers was all on a whim, and she never expected to meet them again.

Li Ying didn't have any special fingers to record fingerprints, just the index finger of her right hand, and Mo Ran guessed it right in one go.

Although the fingerprint lock is not enough compared to the security before the end of the world, it is still very advanced now. Moreover, when the database was established at that time, no one would have thought that one day this place would be blocked by people. The hacker came in, so the research institute's security lock for this database is actually only fingerprints.

Mo Ran will never forget that when she entered the data room in her last life, she was shocked by the mountains of data there. Therefore, before entering the data room this time, she had actually made various psychological preparations to let her Calm down, at least don't act like a bumpkin who has never seen the world, but, if so, when he opened the door of the reference room, when he saw the materials in the reference room, Mo Ran's heart was still shocked. Shocked and thumped.

As I said before, the research institute in this life is larger than the research institute in the previous life, so their reference room is also larger in scale, so that Mo Ran can feel it when standing at the door of this reference room. Facing myself is an indoor football field.

And stacked in this indoor football field are densely packed data racks. There are slide rails under each data rack, which can be used to open or close these data racks. Of course, these data racks are not completely full. But at least one-third of the section has been filled with various documents.

It took only one hour for Mo Ran to take the medicine, and it has been nearly 20 minutes now. She definitely doesn't have time to sort out these materials one by one, and it's not something that Mo Ran can do. Her personality Usually they are opened and closed, so Mo Ran walked directly towards these data racks, then raised a data rack and put it into the game

In Tomorrow, there is a strange rule about what can be put in the package. Regular items can be put in, but for unconventional items, as long as you can lift them up, you can put them in.

Things like data racks are obviously not regular items. However, as Mo Ran, who has doubled his strength, it is very easy to want them. Therefore, when there is no way to choose one by one and he is unwilling to destroy Mo Ran's approach is to put all these data racks into the game launcher. As long as he returns to King's Landing City, someone will naturally sort these things out.

The result of such a direct and brutal approach is also obvious. In less than three minutes, all the data shelves in this database that stored data were emptied.

Mo Ran is a careful person. Even in a very urgent situation, she will never allow herself to make any mistakes, especially if she will leave a kindling for human beings to start a prairie fire. So, in the end, she is All the data racks were taken away, and her game launcher was basically filled.

After all these things were swept away, the data room as big as a football field became empty, and a safe that had been hidden behind the data rack was exposed.

Mo Ran walked up to the safe that was one person tall, and subconsciously took out another small bunch of keys that she got from Li Ying and poked them into the safe. The key could be inserted, but there was no password to open it. not open.

This is a bit speechless, let's leave it, Mo Ran is afraid that there are good things, so don't leave it, she is not sure if she can lift it up...

Although he was reluctant in his heart, after becoming an NPC of the dead, Lu Ning had to obey Mo Ran's order and came to the bottom three floors. He thought it would take a lot of effort to convince the guards, but he didn't expect , the third floor is already a pool of blood, except for those locked in the cell, all the guards are completely dead.

And they all died in the same way, with a thin but deep **** on their necks, which could be seen as Mo Ran's handwriting.

Coming this way, Lu Ning has seen too many corpses. Every time he sees one more corpse, he feels a deep fear of Mo Ran. Until now, his awe has reached the extreme. He even dare not

Most of these cells are dead. When they saw that it was Lu Ning, everyone was very vigilant. But when Mo Ran passed by here, he told them that someone would come to rescue them later, but none of them thought of it. It will be a human being, so there was a stalemate from the beginning.

At this moment, they suddenly heard a huge noise that seemed to be coming from the ground. Not only that, the noise also brought a huge vibration, making it difficult for them to stand still...

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-03-28 07:39:39~2021-03-29 13:56:21~

Thanks to the little angels who threw the landmines: An Chenyun, Su Su Su Qi 1;

Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: there are 22 bottles of fish;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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